NAME go2obo_xml go2owl go2rdf_xml go2obo_text
SYNOPSIS -w obo_xml -e errlog.xml ontology/*.ontology -w obo_xml -e errlog.xml ontology/gene_ontology.obo
parses any GO/OBO style ontology file and writes out as a different format
writes parse errors in XML - defaults to STDERR (there should be no parse errors in well formed files)
determines which parser to use; if left unspecified, will make a guess based on file suffix. See below for formats
-w|writer FORMAT
format for output - see below for list
writable formats are
- go_ont
Files with suffix ".ontology"
These store the ontology DAGs
- go_def
Files with suffix ".defs"
- go_xref
External database references for GO terms
Files with suffix "2go" (eg ec2go, metacyc2go)
- go_assoc
Annotations of genes or gene products using GO
Files with prefix "gene-association."
- obo_text
Files with suffix ".obo"
This is a new file format replacement for the existing GO flat file formats. It handles ontologies, definitions and xrefs (but not associations)
- obo_xml
Files with suffix ".obo.xml" or ".obo-xml"
This is the XML version of the OBO flat file format above
- prolog
creates a prolog database file (for use with the OBO project)
- tbl
simple (lossy) tabular representation
- summary
can be used on both ontology files and association files
- pathlist
shows all paths to the root
- obj_yaml
a YAML representation of a GO::Model::Graph object
- text_html
A html-ified OBO output format
- godb_prestore
XML that maps directly to the GODB relational schema (can then be loaded using
- chadodb_prestore
XML that maps directly to the Chado relational schema (can then be loaded using