stag-handle - streams a stag file through a handler into a writer
stag-handle -w itext -c myfile.xml > processed.itext
stag-handle -w itext -p My::Parser -m My::Handler myfile.xml > processed.itext
will take a Stag compatible format (xml, sxpr or itext), turn the data into an event stream passing it through
- -help|h
shows this document
- -module|m PERLMODULE
A module that is used to transform the input events the module should inherit from Data::Stag::BaseHandler
- -unit|u NODE_NAME
(you should always use this option if you specify -m)
this is the unit that gets passed to the handler/transformer. this will get set automatically if you use the the -c, -s or -t options
multiple units can be set
-u foo -u bar -u boz
- -writer|w WRITER
writer for final transformed tree; can be xml, sxpr or itext
- -module|m MODULE
perl modules for handling events
- -codefile|c FILE
a file containing a perlhashref containing event handlers - see below
- -sub|s PERL
a perl hashref containing handlers
- -trap|t ELEMENT=SUB
unix> cat
person => sub {
my ($self, $person) = @_;
$person->set_fullname($person->get_firstname . ' ' .
address => sub {
my ($self, $address) = @_;
# remove addresses altogether from processed file
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 138:
=over should be: '=over' or '=over positive_number'