Net::SMS::GenieNL - Send SMS's via free SMS service of


use Net::SMS::GenieNL;
use Tie::Persistent;

my %state;

# Read hash from file (created if not exists).
tie %state, 'Tie::Persistent', 'GenieNL.pdb', 'rw';

my $users = [
             {'uid' => 'j.blow','pwd' => 'secret'},
             {'uid' => 'm.jackson','pwd' => 'moonwalk'}

my $o = new Net::SMS::GenieNL('USERS' => $users,
                              'STATE' => \%state,
                              'VERBOSE' => 2);

# Save hash back to file.
untie %state;


This package contains a class sending SMS's via the free SMS service of It supports multiple user accounts to help overcome the max 20 SMS's per day limit. It also can maintain a persistent state hash in which the state of the user accounts is saved so that login's aren't always necessary etc.


new ('USERS' => $users, 'STATE' => $state, 'PROXY' => $proxy, 'PROXY_AUTH' => [$usr,$pwd], 'VERBOSE' => $level, 'LOGFILE' => $filename);

Returns a new Net::SMS::GenieNL object.


USERS Reference to an array of hash references where each hash reference contains 2 key-value pairs where 'uid' points to the user id and 'pwd' points to the password.

STATE Optional. If specified, then it must be a hash reference. This hash reference will be used to maintain state during the lifetime of the Net::SMS::GenieNL object. It is advisable to used a tied hash so that the hash can be saved to and read from a file. See Tie::Persistent.

PROXY Optional. If specified, then it must be a HTTP proxy URL such as ''. Default is no proxy.

PROXY_AUTH Optional. If specified, then it must be a reference to an array with elements username, password for proxies that require authentication. Default is no proxy authentication.

VERBOSE Optional. If specified, it must contain an integer between 0 and 2 where 0 is no verbosity at all, 1 means print only warnings to STDERR, and 2 means print all messages to STDERR. Default value is 1.

LOGFILE Optional. If specified, it must contain the name of the file to log all HTTP requests and responses too. Default is no logging.



Sends a SMS text message. $recipients must contain one or more recipients specified in international format (ie +31611112222) without spaces and seperated by commas. $message is the text message to send.


Version 0.01 2001-12-12

Initial version. It seems to work fine. Of course if changes the SMS sending process it might not work no more.

Version 0.02 2002-01-03

Fixed expired cookies bug. Adapted to work with some new redirection changes in web service.

Version 0.03 2002-01-10

Fixed small login bug.

Version 0.04 2002-01-17

Added support for proxy authentication and HTTP logging. Uses HTTP::Cookies for cookie jar instead of custom mechanism.


Craig Manley <>


Copyright (C) 2001 Craig Manley. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under under the same terms as Perl itself. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.