Net::SMS::GenieNL - Send SMS's via free SMS service of
use Net::SMS::GenieNL;
use Tie::Persistent;
my %state;
# Read hash from file (created if not exists).
tie %state, 'Tie::Persistent', 'GenieNL.pdb', 'rw';
my $users = [
{'uid' => 'j.blow','pwd' => 'secret'},
{'uid' => 'm.jackson','pwd' => 'moonwalk'}
my $o = new Net::SMS::GenieNL('USERS' => $users,
'STATE' => \%state,
'VERBOSE' => 2);
# Save hash back to file.
untie %state;
This package contains a class sending SMS's via the free SMS service of It supports multiple user accounts to help overcome the max 20 SMS's per day limit. It also can maintain a persistent state hash in which the state of the user accounts is saved so that login's aren't always necessary etc.
- new ('USERS' => $users, 'STATE' => $state, 'PROXY' => $proxy, 'VERBOSE' => $level);
Returns a new Net::SMS::GenieNL object.
USERS Reference to an array of hash references where each hash reference contains 2 key-value pairs where 'uid' points to the user id and 'pwd' points to the password.
STATE Optional. If specified, then it must be a hash reference. This hash reference will be used to maintain state during the lifetime of the Net::SMS::GenieNL object. It is advisable to used a tied hash so that the hash can be saved to and read from a file. See Tie::Persistent.
PROXY Optional. If specified, then it must be a HTTP proxy URL such as ''. Default is no proxy.
VERBOSE Optional. If specified, it must contain an integer between 0 and 2 where 0 is no verbosity at all, 1 means print only warnings to STDERR, and 2 means print all messages to STDERR. Default value is 1.
- send_text($recipients,$message)
Sends a SMS text message. $recipients must contain one or more recipients specified in international format (ie +31611112222) without spaces and seperated by commas. $message is the text message to send.
- Version 0.01 2001-12-12
Initial version. It seems to work fine. Of course if changes the SMS sending process it might not work no more.
- Version 0.02 2002-01-03
Fixed expired cookies bug. Adapted to work with some new redirection changes in web service.
Craig Manley <>
Copyright (C) 2001 Craig Manley. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under under the same terms as Perl itself. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.