fdupes-pivotal - (Perl) fdupes variant, where duplicates are searched from a central (pivotal) directory
$ fdupes-pivotal <some directory> <some other directory>
You need to define a first directory (the pivot) and a second one which will be traversed for
duplicates of files from the pivot directory.
You might know the handy file-deduplication tool fdupes. Well, fdupes looks for duplicates within a directory tree. Now this tool here, fdupes-pivotal, takes files located in a defined central (or as we call it: "pivotal") directory and looks for duplicates of these files in another directory tree by traversing down that other directory tree, comparing sizes, timestamps and MD5 hashes.
This is alpha stage software! Be careful when you use it. Look into the source to understand what it does and to make sure that it's safe for you to use. And feel free to send patches or improvements by forking the public repository.
One current limitation is that it assumes that all sizes and mtimes in the pivot dir are unique.
Clipland GmbH
Copyright 2013 Clipland GmbH. All rights reserved.
This library is free software, dual-licensed under GPLv3/AL2. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.