VS::Chart::Color - Solid colors



new ( RED, GREEN, BLUE [, ALPHA ]); =item new ( HEX )

Creates a new instance with the color specified by either specifiying each component. Components should normally be defined as a decimal fraction from 0 to 1. Components may also be specified as a value from 0 to 255 but if any compoenent is specified as such all components will considered to be specified in the same way.

For simplicitiy it is also possible to specify a hexadecimal string with leading # as HTML. This must be either 6 or 8 characters long. If it's 8 characters the last two are considered to be alpha.

An alpha value of 1 (255 or #ff) is non-translucent.

color ( NAME )

Returns the color with the predefined NAME.

Predefined colors are (in hexadecimal form without alpha):

# Colors
white          #ffffff
black          #000000
red            #ff0000
green          #00ff00
blue           #0000ff

# Specific items on the chart
grid           #cccccc
axis           #333333
major_tick     #333333
minor_tick     #eeeeee
text           #000000
border         #000000

# Colors for 16 series which may be repated
dataset_0      #2e578c
dataset_1      #5d9648
dataset_2      #e7a13d
dataset_3      #bc2d30
dataset_4      #6f3d79
dataset_5      #7d807f
dataset_6      #41699b
dataset_7      #6ea45a
dataset_8      #eaad55
dataset_9      #c54346
dataset_10     #814f8b
dataset_11     #8e9190
dataset_12     #577caa
dataset_13     #80b26e
dataset_14     #eeb96d
dataset_15     #ce5b5d

Returns a color either by spec (SEE new above), an existing instance COLOR or the default if SPEC or COLOR couldn't be handled correctly or are 1.


set ( CONTEXT )

Sets the color to be the corrent drawing color for CONTEXT.