Changes for version 1.12 - 2009-04-04

  • Guard against stack corruption (Salvador Ortiz Garcia)
  • 64-bit build issues (Salvador Ortiz Garcia)
  • Updated Makefile.PL to use new META_* instead of EXTRA_META for repo.
  • Update UTF8 stuff to work with SM 1.8 (James Duncan)
  • Added a native PerlSub type that encapsulates Perl subs.
  • Converts SM regexps to Perl regexps (James Duncan)
  • Added 'apply' method to bound Perl subs (James Duncan)
  • JavaScript::Context is now a PJS_Context * (T_PTROBJ) and not a hash
  • JavaScript::Error now has a stacktrace method that returns the JS stacktrace.


Perl extension for executing embedded JavaScript
Encapsulates a JavaScript object in order to keep track of memory
An object in which we can execute JavaScript
Encapsulates errors thrown from JavaScript
Reference to a JavaScript function
Encapsulate a Perl array in JavaScript space
Encapsulate a Perl hash in JavaScript space
Runs contexts
Pre-compiled JavaScript
test javascript code