Changes for version 1.10 - 2008-08-11
- Warn user that JS_THREADSAFE is not what's recommended.
- Added a native PerlHash type that encapsulates a Perl hash reference in JavaScript.
- Added a native PerlArray type that encapsulates a Perl array reference in JavaScript.
- Changed the linked list that stores bound classes to a pair of HVs storing JavaScript::PerlClass objects instead which are basically just PJS_Class* instances.
- Changed the linked list that stores bound functions to an HV storing JavaScript::PerlFunction objects instead which are basically just PJS_Function* instances.
- Fixed a couple of problems that cause contexts no to be destroyed when supposed to
- Added resources section to META.yml with pointer to repository
- Improved the test suite a bit by naming tests
Perl extension for executing embedded JavaScript
Encapsulates a JavaScript object in order to keep track of memory
An object in which we can execute JavaScript
Encapsulates errors thrown from JavaScript
Reference to a JavaScript function
Encapsulate a Perl array in JavaScript space
Encapsulate a Perl hash in JavaScript space
Runs contexts
Pre-compiled JavaScript
test javascript code