Microarray::File::Data::Agilent - A Perl module for managing Agilent microarray files
use Microarray::File::Data::Agilent;
my $data_file = agilent_file->new("/file.csv");
Microarray::File::Data::Agilent is an object-oriented Perl module for managing microarray files created by Agilent Microarray Scanner software. It inherits from Microarray::File, and maps data fields in an Agilent data file to those used by Microarray::File::Data.
Header information
The following methods return the corresponding fields from the file header;
- channel1_name, channel2_name
Return 'r' and 'g' respectively.
- slide_barcode
Returns 'FeatureExtractor_Barcode'.
- gal_file
Returns 'FeatureExtractor_DesignFileName'.
- analysis_software
This should return something about the version of the software, but at the moment just returns 'Agilent'.
- scanner
Returns 'Scan_ScannerName'.
Spot data
Pass a spot index-1 to return the relevant value for the respective fields. For any method starting with 'ch1_' or 'channel1' (returning fields starting with 'r', i.e. the red channel) there is a corresponding method starting with 'ch2_' or 'channel2' (returning fields starting with 'g' i.e. the green channnel).
- spot_index, spot_row, spot_col, x_pos, y_pos
The 'FeatureNum', 'Row', 'Col', 'PositionX' and 'PositionY' fields.
- feature_id, synonym_id
The 'GeneName' and 'SystematicName' fields.
- ch1_spot_pixels, ch1_bg_pixels
The 'rNumPix' and 'rBGNumPix' fields.
- flag_id
Returns the 'IsManualFlag' field
- ch1_mean_f, ch1_median_f, ch1_sd_f, ch1_mean_b, ch1_median_b, ch1_sd_b
Return the 'rMeanSignal', 'rMedianSignal', 'rPixSDev', 'rBGMeanSignal', 'rBGMedianSignal' and 'rBGPixSDev' fields.
- channel1_quality, channel1_sat_pix
Return the 'rPValFeatEqBG' and 'rNumSatPix' fields.
- channel1_sat
Calculates the percentage saturation for a spot, from the channel1_sat_pix() and ch1_spot_pixels() values.
- channel1_signal
Returns the 'rProcessedSignal' field
- channel1_snr
Calculates the signal to noise ratio as median spot signal/S.D. of the background. There's probably a field from the data file that should be used here instead. Let the author know if it bothers you!
Microarray, Microarray::File, Microarray::File::Data
Christopher Jones, Translational Research Laboratories, Institute for Women's Health, University College London.
Copyright 2008 by Christopher Jones, University College London
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.