Microarray::Analysis::CGH - A Perl module for analysing CGH microarray data


use Microarray::Analysis::CGH;

my $oData_File = data_file->new($data_file);
my $oCGH = genome_cgh->new($oData_File);


Microarray::Analysis::CGH is an object-oriented Perl module for analysing CGH microarray data from a scan data file, for sorting the reporters in a single chromosome or whole genome context, and to apply smoothing.



Set this parameter to 1 in order to invert the log ratios returned by the data_file object.

Genomic clone locations


By setting the has_embedded_locns parameter to 1, the module expects the reporter name to be in the 'ID' field of the data file (i.e. the synonym_id() of the data_file object) and the clone location to be present in the 'Name' field of the data file (i.e. the feature_id() of the data_file object). The clone location should be of the notation 'chr1:12345..67890'. When using has_embedded_locns a clone position file is not required. Disabled by default.


Set a Microarray::File::Clone_Locns file object, from which clone locations will be determined.

Data smoothing


    Set this parameter to 1 to perform data smoothing. The Log2 ratios in a window of $window bp are averaged. The window moves in steps of $step bp. Disabled by default.

    smooth_window, smooth_step

    Set the desired window and step sizes for smoothing using these two parameters. A default window size of 500,000bp and step size of 150,000bp provide a moderate level of smoothing, removing outliers while preserving short regions of copy number change. Setting either of these parameters will invoke the smoothing process without setting do_smoothing.


Microarray, Microarray::Analysis, Microarray::File, Microarray::File::Data_File, Microarray::File::Clone_Locn_File


Christopher Jones, Translational Research Laboratories, Institute for Women's Health, University College London.


Copyright 2007 by Christopher Jones, University College London

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 579:

You can't have =items (as at line 585) unless the first thing after the =over is an =item