Bio::Tools::Run::TigrAssembler - Wrapper for local execution of TIGR Assembler v2


use Bio::Tools::Run::TigrAssembler;
# Run TIGR Assembler using an input FASTA file
my $factory = Bio::Tools::Run::TigrAssembler->new( -minimum_overlap_length => 35 );
my $asm_obj = $factory->run($fasta_file, $qual_file);
# An assembly object is returned by default
for my $contig ($assembly->all_contigs) {
  ... do something ...

# Read some sequences
use Bio::SeqIO;
my $sio = Bio::SeqIO->new(-file => $fasta_file, -format => 'fasta');
my @seqs;
while (my $seq = $sio->next_seq()) {
  push @seqs,$seq;

# Run TIGR Assembler with input sequence objects and return an assembly file
my $asm_file = 'results.tigr';

# Use LIGR Assembler instead
my $ligr = Bio::Tools::Run::TigrAssembler->new(
  -program_name => 'LIGR_Assembler',
  -trimmed_seq  => 1


Wrapper module for the local execution of the DNA assembly program TIGR
Assembler v2.0. TIGR Assembler is open source software under The Artistic
License and available at:

This module runs TIGR Assembler by feeding it a FASTA file or sequence objects
and returning an assembly file or assembly and IO objects. When the input is
Bioperl object, sequences less than 39 bp long are filtered out since they are
not supported by TIGR Assembler.

If provided in the following way, TIGR Assembler will use additional
information present in the sequence descriptions for assembly:
  >seq_name minimum_clone_length maximum_clone_length median_clone_length
   clear_end5 clear_end3
  >db|seq_name minimum_clone_length maximum_clone_length median_clone_length
   clear_end5 clear_end3
  >GHIBF57F 500 3000 1750 33 587

This module also supports LIGR Assembler, a variant of TIGR Assembler:


Mailing Lists

User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this and other Bioperl modules. Send your comments and suggestions preferably to one of the Bioperl mailing lists. Your participation is much appreciated.                  - General discussion  - About the mailing lists


Please direct usage questions or support issues to the mailing list:

rather than to the module maintainer directly. Many experienced and reponsive experts will be able look at the problem and quickly address it. Please include a thorough description of the problem with code and data examples if at all possible.

Reporting Bugs

Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track the bugs and their resolution. Bug reports can be submitted via the web:

AUTHOR - Florent E Angly

Email: florent-dot-angly-at-gmail-dot-com


The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _


Title   : new
Usage   : $factory->new( -minimum_percent  => 95,
                         -minimum_length   => 50,
                         -include_singlets => 1  );
Function: Create a TIGR Assembler factory
Returns : A Bio::Tools::Run::TigrAssembler object
Args    :

TIGR Assembler options available in this module:

minimum_percent / minimum_overlap_similarity: the minimum percent identity
  that two DNA fragments must achieve over their entire region of overlap in
  order to be considered as a possible assembly. Adjustments are made by the
  program to take into account that the ends of sequences are lower quality
  and doubled base calls are the most frequent sequencing error.
minimum_length / minimum_overlap_length: the minimum length two DNA fragments
  must overlap to be considered as a possible assembly (warning: this option
  is not strictly respected by TIGR Assembler...)
include_singlets: a flag which indicates that singletons (assemblies made up
  of a single DNA fragment) should be included in the lassie output_file - the
  default is to not include singletons.
max_err_32: the maximum number + 1 of alignment errors (mismatches or gaps)
  allowed within any contiguous 32 base pairs in the overlap region between
  two DNA fragments in the same assembly. This is meant to split apart splice
  variants which have short splice differences and would not be disqualified
  by the -p minimum_percent parameter.
consider_low_scores: a flag which causes even very LOW pairwise scores to be
  considered - caution using this flag may cause longer run time and a worse
maximum_end: the maximum length at the end of a DNA fragment that does not
  match another overlapping DNA fragment (sometimes referred to as overhang)
  that will not disqualify a DNA fragment from becoming part of an assembly.
ignore_tandem_32mers: a flag which causes tandem 32mers (a tandem 32mer is a
  32mer which occurs more than once in at least one sequence read) to be
  ignored (this is now the default behavior and this flag is for backward
use_tandem_32mers: a flag which causes tandem 32mers to be used for pairwise
  comparison opposite of the -t flag which is now the default).
safe_merging_stop: a flag which causes merging to stop when only sequences
  which appear to be repeats are left and these cannot be merged based on
  clone length constraints.
not_random: a flag which indicates that the DNA fragments in the input_file
  should not be treated as random genomic fragments for the purpose of
  determining repeat regions.
resort_after: specifies how many sequences should be merged before resorting
  the possible merges based on clone constraints.

LIGR Assembler has the same options as TIGR Assembler, and the following:

incl_bad_seq: keep all sequences including potential chimeras and splice variants
trimmed_seq: indicates that the sequences are trimmed. High quality scores will be
  given on the whole sequence length instead of just in the middle)


Title   : out_type
Usage   : $factory->out_type('Bio::Assembly::ScaffoldI')
Function: Get/set the desired type of output
Returns : The type of results to return
Args    : Desired type of results to return (optional):
                'Bio::Assembly::IO' object
                'Bio::Assembly::ScaffoldI' object (default)
                The name of a file to save the results in


Title   :   run
Usage   :   $factory->run($fasta_file);
Function:   Run TIGR Assembler
Returns :   - a Bio::Assembly::ScaffoldI object, a Bio::Assembly::IO
              object, a filename, or undef if all sequences were too small to
              be usable
Returns :   Assembly results (file, IO object or assembly object)
Args    :   - sequence input (FASTA file or sequence object arrayref)
            - optional quality score input (QUAL file or quality score object


Title   :   _run
Usage   :   $assembler->_run()
Function:   Make a system call and run Newbler
Returns :   An assembly file
Args    :   - FASTA file, SFF file and MID, or analysis dir and MID
            - optional QUAL file


Title   :   _remove_small_sequences
Usage   :   $assembler->_remove_small_sequences(\@seqs, \@quals)
Function:   Remove sequences below a threshold length
Returns :   a new sequence object array reference
            a new quality score object array reference
Args    :   sequence object array reference
            quality score object array reference (optional)