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Bio::SeqIO::agave - AGAVE sequence output stream.


It is probably best not to use this object directly, but rather go through the SeqIO handler system. Go:

$in  = Bio::SeqIO->new('-file'   => "$file_in",
                       '-format' => 'EMBL');

$out = Bio::SeqIO->new('-file'   => ">$file_out",
                       '-format' => 'AGAVE');

while (my $seq = $in->next_seq){


This object can transform Bio::Seq objects to agave xml file and vice-versa. I (Simon) coded up this module because I needed a parser to extract data from AGAVE xml to be utitlized by the GenQuire genome annotation system (See

***NOTE*** At the moment, not all of the tags are implemented. In general, I followed the output format for the XEMBL project


Mailing Lists

User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this and other Bioperl modules. Send your comments and suggestions preferably to one of the Bioperl mailing lists. Your participation is much appreciated.                  - General discussion  - About the mailing lists


Please direct usage questions or support issues to the mailing list:

rather than to the module maintainer directly. Many experienced and reponsive experts will be able look at the problem and quickly address it. Please include a thorough description of the problem with code and data examples if at all possible.

Reporting Bugs

Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track the bugs and their resolution. Bug reports can be submitted via the web:

AUTHOR - Simon K. Chan



The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _


Title    : _process
Usage    : $self->_process
Function : Parses the agave xml file.
Args     : None.
Returns  : Nothing.
Note     : Method(s) that call(s) this method : _initialize
           Method(s) that this method calls   : _process_sciobj
           FIRST/START sub.


Title    : _process_sciobj
Usage    : $self->_process_sciobj
Function : Parses the data between the <sciobj></sciobj> tags.
Args     : The string that holds the attributes for <sciobj>.
Returns  : Data structure holding the values parsed between
           the <sciobj></sciobj> tags.
Note     : Method(s) that call(s) this method : _process
           Method(s) that this method calls   :
           _helper_store_attribute_list , _process_contig


Title    : _process_contig
Usage    : $self->_process_contig
Function : Parses the data between the <contig></contig> tags.
Args     : 2 scalars:
           - reference to a scalar holding the line to be parsed.
           - scalar holding the attributes for the <contig> tag
             to be parsed.
Returns  : Data structure holding the values parsed between
           the <contig></contig> tags.
Note     : Method(s) that call(s) this method : _process_sciobj
           Method(s) that this method calls   :
           _helper_store_attribute_list, _one_tag , _process_fragment_order


Title    : _process_fragment_order
Usage    : $self->_process_fragment_order
Function : Parses the data between the <fragment_order></fragment_order> tags.
Args     : 2 scalars:
           - reference to a scalar holding the value of the line to be parsed.
           - reference to a data structure to store the <fragment_order> data.
Returns  : Nothing.
Note     : Method(s) that call(s) this method : _process_contig
           Method(s) that this method calls   :
           _helper_store_attribute_list , _process_fragment_orientation


Title    : _process_fragment_orientation
Usage    : $self->_process_fragment_orientation
Function : Parses the data between the <fragment_orientation> and
           </fragment_orientation> tags.
Args     : 2 scalars:
           - reference to a scalar holding the value of the line to be parsed.
           - reference to a data structure to store the <fragment_orientation> data.
Returns  : Nothing.
Note     : Method(s) that call(s) this method : _process_fragment_order

Method(s) that this method calls : _helper_store_attribute_list , _process_bio_sequence


Title    : _process_bio_sequence
Usage    : $self->_process_bio_sequence
Function : Parses the data between the <bio_sequence></bio_sequence> tags.
Args     : 2 scalars:
           - reference to a scalar holding the value of the line to be parsed.
           - scalar holding the value of the attributes for <bio_sequence>
Returns  : data structure holding the values between <bio_sequence></bio_sequence>
Note     : Method(s) that call(s) this method : _process_fragment_orientation

Method(s) that this method calls : _helper_store_attribute_list , _one_tag , _question_mark_tag , _star_tag , _process_alt_ids , _process_xrefs , _process_sequence_map


Title    : _process_xrefs
Usage    : $self->_process_xrefs
Function : Parse the data between the <xrefs></xrefs> tags.
Args     : reference to a scalar holding the value of the line to be parsed.
Return   : Nothing.
Note     : Method(s) that call(s) this method: _process_bio_sequence
           Method(s) that this method calls: _one_tag , _process_xref


Title    : _process_xref
Usage    : $self->_process_xref
Function : Parses the data between the <xref></xref> tags.
Args     : 2 scalars:
           - reference to a scalar holding the value of the line to be parsed.
           - reference to a data structure to store the <xref> data.
Returns  : Nothing.
Note     : Method(s) that call(s) this method : _process_xrefs (note the 's' in 'xrefs')
           Method(s) that this method calls   : _helper_store_attribute_list , _star_tag


Title    : _process_sequence_map
Usage    : $self->_process_sequence_map
Function : Parses the data between the <sequence_map></sequence_map> tags.
Args     : Reference to scalar holding the line to be parsed.
Returns  : Data structure that holds the values that were parsed.
Note     : Method(s) that call(s) this method : _process_bio_sequence
           Method(s) that this method calls   : _helper_store_attribute_list ,
              _question_mark_tag , _process_annotations


Title    : _process_annotations
Usage    : $self->_process_annotations
Function : Parse the data between the <annotations></annotations> tags.
Args     : Reference to scalar holding the line to be parsed.
Returns  : Data structure that holds the values that were parsed.
Note     : Method(s) that call(s) this method : _process_sequence_map
           Method(s) that this method calls   : _process_seq_feature


Title    : _process_seq_feature
Usage    : $self->_process_seq_feature
Function : Parses the data between the <seq_feature></seq_feature> tag.
Args     : 2 scalars:
           - Reference to scalar holding the line to be parsed.
           - Scalar holding the attributes for <seq_feature>.
Returns  : Data structure holding the values parsed.
Note     : Method(s) that call(s) this method: _process_annotations

Method(s) that this method calls: _helper_store_attribute_list , _process_classification , _question_mark_tag , _one_tag , _process_evidence , _process_qualifier , _process_seq_feature , _process_related_annot


Title    : _process_qualifier
Usage    : $self->_process_qualifier
Function : Parse the data between the <qualifier></qualifier> tags.
Args     : 2 scalars:
           - reference to a scalar holding the value of the line to be parsed.
           - reference to a data structure to store the <qualifer> data.
Returns  : Nothing.
Note     : Method(s) that call(s) this method : _process_seq_feature
           Method(s) that this method calls   : _star_tag


Title   : _process_classification
Usage   : $self->_process_classification
Function: Parse the data between the <classification></classification> tags.
Args    :   2 scalars:
          - reference to a scalar holding the value of the line to be parsed.
          - reference to a data structure to store the <qualifer> data.
Returns : Nothing.
Note    : Method(s) that call(s) this method: _process_seq_feature

Method(s) that this method calls: _helper_store_attribute_list ,
_question_mark_tag , _star_tag, _process_evidence


Title    : _tag_processing_helper
Usage    : $self->_tag_processing_helper
Function : Stores the tag value within the data structure.
           Also calls _helper_store_attribute_list to store the 
           attributes and their values in the data structure.
Args     : 5 scalars:
           - Scalar holding the value of the attributes
           - Reference to a data structure to store the data for <$tag_name>
           - Scalar holding the tag name.
           - Scalar holding the value of the tag.
           - Scalar holding the value of either 'star', 'plus', 
             or 'question mark' which specifies what type of method
             called this method.
Returns  : Nothing.
Note     : Method(s) that call(s) this method:
           Method(s) that this method calls: _helper_store_attribute_list


Title    : _one_tag
Usage    : $self->_one_tag
Function : A method to store data from tags that occurs just once.
Args     : 2 scalars:
           - reference to a scalar holding the value of the line to be parsed.
           - reference to a data structure to store the data for <$tag_name>
Returns  : Nothing.
Note     : Method(s) that call(s) this method : many
           Method(s) that this method calls   : _tag_processing_helper


Title    : _question_mark_tag
Usage    : $self->_question_mark_tag
Function : Parses values from tags that occurs zero or one time. ie: tag_name?
Args     : 3 scalars:
           - reference to a scalar holding the value of the line to be parsed.
           - reference to a data structure to store the data for <$tag_name>
           - scalar holding the name of the tag.
Returns  : Nothing.
Note     : Method(s) that call(s) this method : many.
           Method(s) that this method calls   : _tag_processing_helper


Title    : _star_tag
Usage    : $self->_star_tag
Function : Parses values from tags that occur zero or more times. ie: tag_name*
Args     : 3 scalars:
           - reference to a scalar holding the value of the line to be parsed.
           - reference to a data structure to store the data for <$tag_name>
           - scalar holding the name of the tag.
Returns  : Nothing.
Note     : Method(s) that call(s) this method : many.
           Method(s) that this method calls   : _tag_processing_helper


Title    : _plus_tag
Usage    : $self->_plus_tag
Function : Handles 'plus' tags (tags that occur one or more times).  tag_name+
Args     : 3 scalars:
           - reference to a scalar holding the value of the line to be parsed.
           - reference to a data structure to store the data for <$tag_name>
           - scalar holding the name of the tag.
Returns  : Nothing.
Note     : Method(s) that call(s) this method : many.
           Method(s) that this method calls   : _star_tag


Title    : _helper_store_attribute_list
Usage    : $self->_helper_store_attribute_list
Function : A helper method used to store the attributes from
           the tags into the data structure.
Args     : 2 scalars:
           - scalar holding the attribute values to be parsed.
           - reference to a data structure to store the data between the 2 tags.
Returns  : Nothing.
Note     : Method(s) that call(s) this method : Many.
           Method(s) that this method call(s) : None.


Title    : _store_seqs
Usage    : $self->_store_seqs
Function : This method is called once in the life time of the script.
           It stores the data parsed from the agave xml file into
           the Bio::Seq object.
Args     : None.
Returns  : Nothing.
Note     : Method(s) that call(s) this method : next_seq
           Method(s) that this method calls   : None.


Title    : next_seq
Usage    : $seq = $stream->next_seq()
Function : Returns the next sequence in the stream.
Args     : None.
Returns  : Bio::Seq object

Method is called from the script. Method(s) that this method calls: _store_seqs (only once throughout the life time of script execution).


Title   : next_primary_seq
Usage   : $seq = $stream->next_primary_seq()
Function: returns the next primary sequence (ie no seq_features) in the stream
Returns : Bio::PrimarySeq object
Args    : NONE


Title   : write_seq
Usage   : Not Yet Implemented! $stream->write_seq(@seq)
Function: writes the $seq object into the stream
Returns : 1 for success and 0 for error
Args    : Bio::Seq object


Title   : _write_each_record
Usage   : $agave->_write_each_record( $seqI )
Function: change data into agave format
Returns : NONE
Args    : Bio::SeqI object


Usage   : $agave->_write_each_record( $seqfeature, $write )
Function: change seeqfeature data into agave format
Returns : NONE
Args    : Bio::SeqFeature object and XML::writer object


Title   : _filehandle
Usage   : $obj->_filehandle($newval)
Example :
Returns : value of _filehandle
Args    : newvalue (optional)


Title    : throw
Usage    : $self->throw;
Function : Throw's error message.  Calls SeqIO's throw method.
Args     : Array of string(s), holding error message(s).
Returns  : Nothing.
Note     : Method(s) that call(s) this method: many.
           Method(s) that this method calls: Bio::SeqIO's throw method.