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Bio::Restriction::EnzymeI - Interface class for restriction endonuclease


# do not run this class directly


This module defines methods for a single restriction endonuclease. For an implementation, see Bio::Restriction::Enzyme.


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rather than to the module maintainer directly. Many experienced and reponsive experts will be able look at the problem and quickly address it. Please include a thorough description of the problem with code and data examples if at all possible.

Reporting Bugs

Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track the bugs and their resolution. Bug reports can be submitted via the web:


Heikki Lehvaslaiho, heikki-at-bioperl-dot-org


Rob Edwards,




Methods beginning with a leading underscore are considered private and are intended for internal use by this module. They are not considered part of the public interface and are described here for documentation purposes only.

Essential methods


Title    : name
Usage    : $re->name($newval)
Function : Gets/Sets the restriction enzyme name
Example  : $re->name('EcoRI')
Returns  : value of name
Args     : newvalue (optional)

This will also clean up the name. I have added this because some people get confused about restriction enzyme names. The name should be One upper case letter, and two lower case letters (because it is derived from the organism name, eg. EcoRI is from E. coli). After that it is all confused, but the numbers should be roman numbers not numbers, therefore we'll correct those. At least this will provide some standard, I hope.


Title     : site
Usage     : $re->site();
Function  : Gets/sets the recognition sequence for the enzyme.
Example   : $seq_string = $re->site();
Returns   : String containing recognition sequence indicating
          : cleavage site as in  'G^AATTC'.
Argument  : n/a
Throws    : n/a

Side effect: the sequence is always converted to upper case.

The cut site can also be set by using methods cut and complementary_cut.

This will pad out missing sequence with N's. For example the enzyme Acc36I cuts at ACCTGC(4/8). This will be returned as ACCTGCNNNN^

Note that the common notation ACCTGC(4/8) means that the forward strand cut is four nucleotides after the END of the recognition site. The forward cut() in the coordinates used here in Acc36I ACCTGC(4/8) is at 6+4 i.e. 10.

** This is the main setable method for the recognition site.


Title     : revcom_site
Usage     : $re->revcom_site();
Function  : Gets/sets the complementary recognition sequence for the enzyme.
Example   : $seq_string = $re->revcom_site();
Returns   : String containing recognition sequence indicating
          : cleavage site as in  'G^AATTC'.
Argument  : Sequence of the site
Throws    : n/a

This is the same as site, except it returns the revcom site. For palindromic enzymes these two are identical. For non-palindromic enzymes they are not!

See also site above.


Title     : cut
Usage     : $num = $re->cut(1);
Function  : Sets/gets an integer indicating the position of cleavage
            relative to the 5' end of the recognition sequence in the
            forward strand.

            For type II enzymes, sets the symmetrically positioned
            reverse strand cut site by calling complementary_cut().

Returns   : Integer, 0 if not set
Argument  : an integer for the forward strand cut site (optional)

Note that the common notation ACCTGC(4/8) means that the forward strand cut is four nucleotides after the END of the recognition site. The forward cut in the coordinates used here in Acc36I ACCTGC(4/8) is at 6+4 i.e. 10.

Note that REBASE uses notation where cuts within symmetic sites are marked by '^' within the forward sequence but if the site is asymmetric the parenthesis syntax is used where numbering ALWAYS starts from last nucleotide in the forward strand. That's why AciI has a site usually written as CCGC(-3/-1) actualy cuts in


In our notation, these locations are 1 and 3.

The cuts locations in the notation used are relative to the first (non-N) nucleotide of the reported forward strand of the recognition sequence. The following diagram numbers the phosphodiester bonds (marked by + ) which can be cut by the restriction enzymes:

                         1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8  ...
   N + N + N + N + N + G + A + C + T + G + G + N + N + N
... -5  -4  -3  -2  -1


Title     : complementary_cut
Usage     : $num = $re->complementary_cut('1');
Function  : Sets/Gets an integer indicating the position of cleavage
          : on the reverse strand of the restriction site.
Returns   : Integer
Argument  : An integer (optional)
Throws    : Exception if argument is non-numeric.

This method determines the cut on the reverse strand of the sequence. For most enzymes this will be within the sequence, and will be set automatically based on the forward strand cut, but it need not be.

Note that the returned location indicates the location AFTER the first non-N site nucleotide in the FORWARD strand.

Read only (usually) recognition site descriptive methods


Title     : type
Usage     : $re->type();
Function  : Get/set the restriction system type
Returns   : 
Argument  : optional type: ('I'|II|III)

Restriction enzymes have been catezorized into three types. Some REBASE formats give the type, but the following rules can be used to classify the known enzymes:

  1. Bipartite site (with 6-8 Ns in the middle and the cut site is > 50 nt away) => type I

  2. Site length < 3 => type I

  3. 5-6 asymmetric site and cuts >20 nt away => type III

  4. All other => type II

There are some enzymes in REBASE which have bipartite recognition site and cat far from the site but are still classified as type I. I've no idea if this is really so.


Title     : seq
Usage     : $re->seq();
Function  : Get the object representing
          : the recognition sequence
Returns   : A Bio::PrimarySeq object representing the
            enzyme recognition site
Argument  : n/a
Throws    : n/a


Title     : string
Usage     : $re->string();
Function  : Get a string representing the recognition sequence.
Returns   : String. Does NOT contain a  '^' representing the cut location
            as returned by the site() method.
Argument  : n/a
Throws    : n/a


Title     : revcom
Usage     : $re->revcom();
Function  : Get a string representing the reverse complement of
          : the recognition sequence.
Returns   : String
Argument  : n/a
Throws    : n/a


Title     : recognition_length
Usage     : $re->recognition_length();
Function  : Get the length of the RECOGNITION sequence.
            This is the total recognition sequence,
            inluding the ambiguous codes.
Returns   : An integer
Argument  : Nothing

See also: non_ambiguous_length


Title     : non_ambiguous_length
Usage     : $re->non_ambiguous_length();
Function  : Get the nonambiguous length of the RECOGNITION sequence.
            This is the total recognition sequence,
            excluding the ambiguous codes.
Returns   : An integer
Argument  : Nothing

See also: non_ambiguous_length


Title    : cutter
Usage    : $re->cutter
Function : Returns the "cutter" value of the recognition site.

           This is a value relative to site length and lack of
           ambiguity codes. Hence: 'RCATGY' is a five (5) cutter site
           and 'CCTNAGG' a six cutter

           This measure correlates to the frequency of the enzyme
           cuts much better than plain recognition site length.

Example  : $re->cutter
Returns  : integer or float number
Args     : none

Why is this better than just stripping the ambiguous codes? Think about it like this: You have a random sequence; all nucleotides are equally probable. You have a four nucleotide re site. The probability of that site finding a match is one out of 4^4 or 256, meaning that on average a four cutter finds a match every 256 nucleotides. For a six cutter, the average fragment length is 4^6 or 4096. In the case of ambiguity codes the chances are finding the match are better: an R (A|T) has 1/2 chance of finding a match in a random sequence. Therefore, for RGCGCY the probability is one out of (2*4*4*4*4*2) which exactly the same as for a five cutter! Cutter, although it can have non-integer values turns out to be a useful and simple measure.

From bug 2178: VHDB are ambiguity symbols that match three different nucleotides, so they contribute less to the effective recognition sequence length than e.g. Y which matches only two nucleotides. A symbol which matches n of the 4 nucleotides has an effective length of 1 - log(n) / log(4).


Title     : is_palindromic
Usage     : $re->is_palindromic();
Function  : Determines if the recognition sequence is palindromic
          : for the current restriction enzyme.
Returns   : Boolean
Argument  : n/a
Throws    : n/a

A palindromic site (EcoRI):



Title     : overhang
Usage     : $re->overhang();
Function  : Determines the overhang of the restriction enzyme
Returns   : "5'", "3'", "blunt" of undef
Argument  : n/a
Throws    : n/a

A blunt site in SmaI returns blunt

5' C C C^G G G 3'
3' G G G^C C C 5'

A 5' overhang in EcoRI returns 5'

5' G^A A T T C 3'
3' C T T A A^G 5'

A 3' overhang in KpnI returns 3'

5' G G T A C^C 3'
3' C^C A T G G 5'


Title     : overhang_seq
Usage     : $re->overhang_seq();
Function  : Determines the overhang sequence of the restriction enzyme
Returns   : a Bio::LocatableSeq
Argument  : n/a
Throws    : n/a

I do not think it is necessary to create a seq object of these. (Heikki)

Note: returns empty string for blunt sequences and undef for ones that we don't know. Compare these:

A blunt site in SmaI returns empty string

5' C C C^G G G 3'
3' G G G^C C C 5'

A 5' overhang in EcoRI returns AATT

5' G^A A T T C 3'
3' C T T A A^G 5'

A 3' overhang in KpnI returns GTAC

5' G G T A C^C 3'
3' C^C A T G G 5'

Note that you need to use method overhang to decide whether it is a 5' or 3' overhang!!!

Note: The overhang stuff does not work if the site is asymmetric! Rethink!


Title     : compatible_ends
Usage     : $re->compatible_ends($re2);
Function  : Determines if the two restriction enzyme cut sites
             have compatible ends.
Returns   : 0 if not, 1 if only one pair ends match, 2 if both ends.
Argument  : a Bio::Restriction::Enzyme
Throws    : unless the argument is a Bio::Resriction::Enzyme and
            if there are Ns in the ovarhangs

In case of type II enzymes which which cut symmetrically, this function can be considered to return a boolean value.


Title     : is_ambiguous
Usage     : $re->is_ambiguous();
Function  : Determines if the restriction enzyme contains ambiguous sequences
Returns   : Boolean
Argument  : n/a
Throws    : n/a

Additional methods from Rebase


Title    : is_prototype
Usage    : $re->is_prototype
Function : Get/Set method for finding out if this enzyme is a prototype
Example  : $re->is_prototype(1)
Returns  : Boolean
Args     : none

Prototype enzymes are the most commonly available and usually first enzymes discoverd that have the same recognition site. Using only prototype enzymes in restriciton analysis avoids redundacy and speeds things up.


Title    : prototype_name
Usage    : $re->prototype_name
Function : Get/Set method for the name of prototype for
           this enzyme's recognition site
Example  : $re->prototype_name(1)
Returns  : prototype enzyme name string or an empty string
Args     : optional prototype enzyme name string

If the enzyme itself is the protype, its own name is returned. Not to confuse the negative result with an unset value, use method is_prototype.

This method is called prototype_name rather than prototype, because it returns a string rather than on object.


Title     : isoschizomers
Usage     : $re->isoschizomers(@list);
Function  : Gets/Sets a list of known isoschizomers (enzymes that
            recognize the same site, but don't necessarily cut at
            the same position).
Arguments : A reference to an array that contains the isoschizomers
Returns   : A reference to an array of the known isoschizomers or 0
            if not defined.

Added for compatibility to REBASE


Title     : purge_isoschizomers
Usage     : $re->purge_isoschizomers();
Function  : Purges the set of isoschizomers for this enzyme
Arguments : 
Returns   : 1


Title     : methylation_sites
Usage     : $re->methylation_sites(\%sites);
Function  : Gets/Sets known methylation sites (positions on the sequence
            that get modified to promote or prevent cleavage).
Arguments : A reference to a hash that contains the methylation sites
Returns   : A reference to a hash of the methylation sites or
            an empty string if not defined.

There are three types of methylation sites:

  • (6) = N6-methyladenosine

  • (5) = 5-methylcytosine

  • (4) = N4-methylcytosine

These are stored as 6, 5, and 4 respectively. The hash has the sequence position as the key and the type of methylation as the value. A negative number in the sequence position indicates that the DNA is methylated on the complementary strand.

Note that in REBASE, the methylation positions are given Added for compatibility to REBASE.


Title     : purge_methylation_sites
Usage     : $re->purge_methylation_sites();
Function  : Purges the set of methylation_sites for this enzyme
Arguments : 
Returns   : 


Title     : microbe
Usage     : $re->microbe($microbe);
Function  : Gets/Sets microorganism where the restriction enzyme was found
Arguments : A scalar containing the microbes name
Returns   : A scalar containing the microbes name or 0 if not defined

Added for compatibility to REBASE


Title     : source
Usage     : $re->source('Rob Edwards');
Function  : Gets/Sets the person who provided the enzyme
Arguments : A scalar containing the persons name
Returns   : A scalar containing the persons name or 0 if not defined

Added for compatibility to REBASE


Title     : vendors
Usage     : $re->vendor(@list_of_companies);
Function  : Gets/Sets the a list of companies that you can get the enzyme from.
            Also sets the commercially_available boolean
Arguments : A reference to an array containing the names of companies
            that you can get the enzyme from
Returns   : A reference to an array containing the names of companies
            that you can get the enzyme from

Added for compatibility to REBASE


Title     : purge_vendors
Usage     : $re->purge_references();
Function  : Purges the set of references for this enzyme
Arguments : 
Returns   : 


Title     : vendor
Usage     : $re->vendor(@list_of_companies);
Function  : Gets/Sets the a list of companies that you can get the enzyme from.
            Also sets the commercially_available boolean
Arguments : A reference to an array containing the names of companies
            that you can get the enzyme from
Returns   : A reference to an array containing the names of companies
            that you can get the enzyme from

Added for compatibility to REBASE


Title     : references
Usage     : $re->references(string);
Function  : Gets/Sets the references for this enzyme
Arguments : an array of string reference(s) (optional)
Returns   : an array of references

Use purge_references to reset the list of references

This should be a Bio::Biblio or Bio::Annotation::Reference object, but its not (yet)


Title     : purge_references
Usage     : $re->purge_references();
Function  : Purges the set of references for this enzyme
Arguments : 
Returns   : 1


Title     : clone
Usage     : $re->clone
Function  : Deep copy of the object
Arguments : -
Returns   : new Bio::Restriction::EnzymeI object

This works as long as the object is a clean in-memory object using scalars, arrays and hashes. You have been warned.

If you have module Storable, it is used, otherwise local code is used. Todo: local code cuts circular references.