Bio::PopGen::PopulationI - Interface for Populations
# Get Bio::PopGen::PopulationI object somehow, like
# from Bio::Population::Population
print "name is ", $population->name(), "\n";
print "source is ", $population->source(), "\n";
print "description is ", $population->description(), "\n";
print "For marker $markername:\n";
foreach my $genotype ( $population->get_Genotypes(-marker => $markername) ) {
print "Individual ", $genotype->individual_id, " genotype alleles are ",
join(',', $genotype->get_Alleles()), "\n";
# get a marker with allele frequencies calculated from the population
my $marker = $population->get_Marker($markername);
my %af = $marker->get_Allele_Frequencies;
foreach my $allele ( keys %af ) {
print "$allele $af{$allele}\n";
This interface describes the basics of a population. One can use this object to get the genotypes of specific individuals, only those individuals which have a certain marker, or create a marker with allele frequency information.
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AUTHOR - Jason Stajich
Matthew Hahn,
The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _
Title : name
Usage : my $name = $pop->name
Function: Get the population name
Returns : string representing population name
Args : [optional] string representing population name
Title : description
Usage : my $description = $pop->description
Function: Get the population description
Returns : string representing population description
Args : [optional] string representing population description
Title : source
Usage : my $source = $pop->source
Function: Get the population source
Returns : string representing population source
Args : [optional] string representing population source
Title : annotation
Usage : my $annotation_collection = $pop->annotation;
Function: Get/set a Bio::AnnotationCollectionI for this population
Returns : Bio::AnnotationCollectionI object
Args : [optional set] Bio::AnnotationCollectionI object
Title : get_Individuals
Usage : my @inds = $pop->get_Individuals();
Function: Return the individuals, alternatively restrict by a criteria
Returns : Array of L<Bio::PopGen::IndividualI> objects
Args : none if want all the individuals OR,
-unique_id => To get an individual with a specific id
-marker => To only get individuals which have a genotype specific
for a specific marker name
Title : get_Genotypes
Usage : my @genotypes = $pop->get_Genotypes(-marker => $name)
Function: Get the genotypes for all the individuals for a specific
marker name
Returns : Array of L<Bio::PopGen::GenotypeI> objects
Args : -marker => name of the marker
Title : get_Marker
Usage : my $marker = $population->get_Marker($name)
Function: Get a Bio::PopGen::Marker object based on this population
Returns : L<Bio::PopGen::MarkerI> object
Args : name of the marker
Title : get_marker_names
Usage : my @names = $pop->get_marker_names;
Function: Get the names of the markers
Returns : Array of strings
Args : none
Title : get_Markers
Usage : my @markers = $pop->get_Markers();
Function: Will retrieve a list of instantiated MarkerI objects
for a population. This is a convience method combining
get_marker_names with get_Marker
Returns : List of array of Bio::PopGen::MarkerI objects
Args : none
Title : get_number_individuals
Usage : my $count = $pop->get_number_individuals;
Function: Get the count of the number of individuals
Returns : integer >= 0
Args : [optional] marker name, will return a count of the number
of individuals which have this marker