# Bio::Tools::EUtilities::EUtilParameters implements Bio::ParameterBaseI
my @params = (-eutil => 'efetch',
db => 'nucleotide',
id => \@ids,
email => '',
retmode => 'xml');
my $p = Bio::Tools::EUtilities::EUtilParameters->new(@params);
if ($p->parameters_changed) {
# ...
} # state information
$p->set_parameters(@extra_params); # set new NCBI parameters, leaves others preset
$p->reset_parameters(@new_params); # reset NCBI parameters to original state
$p->to_string(); # get a URI-encoded string representation of the URL address
$p->to_request(); # get an HTTP::Request object (to pass on to LWP::UserAgent)
Bio::Tools::EUtilities::EUtilParameters is-a Bio::ParameterBaseI implementation that allows simple manipulation of NCBI eutil parameters for CGI-based queries. SOAP-based methods may be added in the future.
For simplicity parameters do not require dashes when passed and do not need URI encoding (spaces are converted to '+', symbols encoded, etc). Also, the following extra parameters can be passed to the new() constructor or via set_parameters() or reset_parameters():
eutil - the eutil to be used. The default is 'efetch' if not set.
correspondence - Flag for how IDs are treated. Default is undef (none).
history - a Bio::Tools::EUtilities::HistoryI object. Default is undef (none).
At this point minimal checking is done for potential errors in parameter passing, though these should be easily added in the future when necessary.
Bio::Tools::EUtilities::EUtilParameters - Manipulation of NCBI eutil-based parameters for remote database requests.
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Reporting Bugs
Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track the bugs and their resolution. Bug reports can be submitted via the web.
Email cjfields at bioperl dot org
The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _
Bio::ParameterBaseI implemented methods
Title : set_parameters
Usage : $pobj->set_parameters(@params);
Function: sets the NCBI parameters listed in the hash or array
Returns : None
Args : [optional] hash or array of parameter/values.
Note : This sets any parameter passed but leaves previously set data alone.
In addition to regular eutil-specific parameters, you can set the
-eutil - the eUtil to be used (default 'efetch')
-history - pass a HistoryI-implementing object, which
sets the WebEnv, query_key, and possibly db and linkname
(the latter two only for LinkSets)
-correspondence - Boolean flag, set to TRUE or FALSE; indicates how
IDs are to be added together for elink request where
ID correspondence might be needed
(default 0)
Title : reset_parameters
Usage : resets values
Function: resets parameters to either undef or value in passed hash
Returns : none
Args : [optional] hash of parameter-value pairs
Note : This sets any parameter passed, but resets all others (deletes them).
In addition to regular eutil-specific parameters, you can set the
-eutil - the eUtil to be used (default 'efetch')
-history - pass a HistoryI-implementing object, which
sets the WebEnv, query_key, and possibly db and linkname
(the latter two only for LinkSets)
-correspondence - Boolean flag, set to TRUE or FALSE; indicates how
IDs are to be added together for elink request where
ID correspondence might be needed
(default 0)
Title : carryover
Usage : $obj->carryover(qw(email tool db))
Function : Carries over the designated parameters when using reset_parameters()
Returns : a list of carried-over parameters
Args : An array reference of parameters to carry over, followed optionally
by the mode ('add' or 'delete', indicating whether to append to or
remove the specified values passed in). To clear all values, pass in
an empty array reference (the mode in this case doesn't matter).
In addition to the normal eUtil-specific parameters, the following
additional parameters are allowed:
-eutil - the eUtil to be used (default 'efetch')
-history - pass a HistoryI-implementing object, which
sets the WebEnv, query_key, and possibly db and linkname
(the latter two only for LinkSets)
-correspondence - Boolean flag, set to TRUE or FALSE; indicates how
IDs are to be added together for elink request where
ID correspondence might be needed
(default 0)
Default : None (no carried over parameters)
Status : NYI (dev in progress, carry on, nothing to see here)
Title : request_mode
Usage : $obj->request_mode
Function : get/set the mode for the user agent to use for generating a request
Returns : either a preset mode (checked against the eutil) or a best-possible
option based upon the currently-set parameters
Args :
Status :
Title : parameters_changed
Usage : if ($pobj->parameters_changed) {...}
Function: Returns TRUE if parameters have changed
Returns : Boolean (0 or 1)
Args : [optional] Boolean
Title : available_parameters
Usage : @params = $pobj->available_parameters()
Function: Returns a list of the available parameters
Returns : Array of available parameters (no values)
Args : [optional] A string with the eutil name (for returning eutil-specific
Title : get_parameters
Usage : @params = $pobj->get_parameters;
%params = $pobj->get_parameters;
Function: Returns list of key/value pairs, parameter => value
Returns : Flattened list of key-value pairs. All key-value pairs returned,
though subsets can be returned based on the '-type' parameter. Data
originally set as an array ref are returned based on whether the
'-join_id' flag is set (default is the same array ref).
Args : -type : the eutil name (Default: returns all). Use of '-list'
supercedes this
-list : array ref of specific parameters
-join_ids : Boolean; join IDs based on correspondence (Default: no join)
Implementation-specific to_* methods
Title : to_string
Usage : $string = $pobj->to_string;
Function: Returns string (URL only in this case)
Returns : String (URL only for now)
Args : [optional] 'all'; build URI::http using all parameters
Default : Builds based on allowed parameters (presence of history data
or eutil type in %MODE).
Note : Changes state of object. Absolute string
Title : to_request
Usage : $uri = $pobj->to_request;
Function: Returns HTTP::Request object
Returns : HTTP::Request
Args : [optional] 'all'; builds request using all parameters
Default : Builds based on allowed parameters (presence of history data
or eutil type in %MODE).
Note : Changes state of object (to boolean FALSE). Used for CGI-based GET/POST
TODO : esearch, esummary, elink now accept POST for batch submission
(something NCBI apparently allowed but didn't advertise). Should we
switch most of these to utilize POST instead, or make it dep on the
number of submitted IDs?
Implementation specific-methods
Title : eutil
Usage : $p->eutil('efetch')
Function: gets/sets the eutil for this set of parameters
Returns : string (eutil)
Args : [optional] string (eutil)
Throws : '$eutil not supported' if eutil not present
Note : This does not reset retmode to the default if called directly.
Title : history
Usage : $p->history($history);
Function: gets/sets the history object to be used for these parameters
Returns : Bio::Tools::EUtilities::HistoryI (if set)
Args : [optional] Bio::Tools::EUtilities::HistoryI
Throws : Passed something other than a Bio::Tools::EUtilities::HistoryI
Note : This overrides WebEnv() and query_key() settings when set. This
caches the last history object passed and returns like a Get/Set
Title : correspondence
Usage : $p->correspondence(1);
Function: Sets flag for posting IDs for one-to-one correspondence
Returns : Boolean
Args : [optional] boolean value
Title : id_file
Usage : $p->id_file('<foo');
Function: convenience method; passes in file containing a list of IDs for
searches (one per line), sets id() to list
Returns : none
Args : either string indicating file to use, a file handle, or an IO::Handle
Note : use of this overrides concurrent use of the '-id' parameter when both
are passed. The filename is not retained, merely parsed for IDs.
Title : url_base_address
Usage : $address = $p->url_base_address();
Function: Get URL base address
Returns : String
Args : None in this implementation; the URL is fixed
Title : set_default_retmode
Usage : $p->set_default_retmode();
Function: sets retmode to default value specified by the eutil() and the value
in %NCBI_DATABASE (for efetch only) if called
Returns : none
Args : none
cjfields <>
This software is copyright (c) 2011 by Chris Fields.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.