Changes for version 0.03 - 2009-10-11
- removed the Agreement namespace (we'll note agreement with roles)
- added Lingua::HPSG::Feature namespace for feature definitions
- added some classes to Lingua::HPSG::FeatureStructure::Expression which were new on p84
Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar
from feat-struct diagram on p.84
from feat-struct diagram on p.84
from feat-struct diagram on p.84
from feat-struct diagram on p.84
feat-struc type from p.61
feat-struc type from p.61
from feat-struct diagram on p.84
feat-struc type from p.61
from feat-struct diagram on p.84
feat-struc type from p.61
feat-struc type from p.61
feat-struc type from p.61
feat-struc type from p.61
feat-struc type from p.61
feat-struc type from p.61
feat-struc type from p.61
feat-struc type from p.61