Return::Deep - deeply returns through multiple layers at once, and special wantarray functions


use Return::Deep;

sub a {
  # never goes here

sub b {
  my $wantarray = deep_wantarray(2);
      # got a true value, because of `@ret = a();`
  deep_ret(2, 'Hi', 42);

my @ret = a();
# got ('Hi', 42) here

my @outer_ret = ret_bound {
  my @regex_ret = ret_bound {
    my @inner_ret = ret_bound {
      my $wantarray = sym_wantarray('inner');
          # got a true value, because of
          #       `@inner_ret = ret_bound {...} 'inner';`
      if( .2 < rand ) {
          sym_ret('inner', 43); # @inner_ret got 43
      elsif( .5 < rand ) {
          sym_ret('Error::SomeError', 45); # @regex_ret got 45
      else {
          sym_ret('any', 43); # @outer_ret got 44
    } 'inner'; # catch 'inner'
  } qr/^Error::/; # catch all symbols which begin with 'Error::' by regex
}; # catch all symbols without a catch symbol


Deeply returns through multiple layers at once.


deep_ret($depth, @return_value)

If $depth = 1, it performs like a normal return.

If $depth <= 0, it performs like a normal list.

If $depth > 1, it returns through many layers, including subs and eval blocks.

sym_ret($symbol, @return_value)

Return through many layers, until the $symbol is catched by a matched ret_bound.

ret_bound {CODE_BLOCK} $catch_symbol
ret_bound {CODE_BLOCK}

Catch matched sym_rets. Without the $catch_symbol, it will catch all the sym_ret.

$catch_symbol could be a string or a regular expression (qr/something/). If $catch_symbol is a string, it will catch sym_ret with an exactly match. If $catch_symbol is a regular expression, it will catch sym_ret with a regular expression test.

($catch_symbol with regular expresion is not supported before Perl 5.10)

$wantarray = deep_wantarray($depth)

Like builtin function wantarray, but at specified $depth.

$wantarray = sym_wantarray($symbol)

Like builtin function wantarray, but at certain ret_bound which catch the <$symbol>.

Tested on Perl version 5.30.2, 5.28.2, 5.26.3, 5.24.4, 5.22.4, 5.20.3, 5.18.4, 5.16.3, 5.14.4, 5.12.5, 5.10.1, 5.8.9.


This mod's github It's welcome to discuss with me when you encounter bugs, or if you think that some patterns are also useful but the mod didn't provide them yet.


Cindy Wang (CindyLinz), <>


Copyright (C) 2020 by Cindy Wang (CindyLinz)

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.30.1 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.