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HTTP::Body::MultiPart::Extend - Extend HTTP::Body::MultiPart's handler to do something you want


    use HTTP::Body::MultiPart::Extend qw(extend no_extend patch_new);

    # Overwrite HTTP::Body::MultiPart::handler
    use HTTP::Body;
    use HTTP::Body::MultiPart::Extend qw(extend);
    extend( sub {
	my($self, $part) = @_;

	my $headers = $part->{headers}; # A hash ref to this part's header fields
	my $size = $part->{size}; # The current size this time
	my $done = $part->{done}; # If this part is done (the final call for this part)
	# Please don't modify these fields listed above.

	my $data = substr($part->{data}, 0, length($part->{data}), '');
	    # Each time, the comming data will be appended here.
	    # You can choose whether to take it out, or leave it here (and occupy memory steadily).
	$self->SUPER::handler(@_); # You can call the original one like this when need
    } );
    $body = HTTP::Body->new( $content_type, $content_length );
    # Then use HTTP::Body in a normal way.
    # See the document of HTTP::Body

    # You can overwrite different subs alternatively.
    use HTTP::Body;
    use HTTP::Body::MultiPart::Extend qw(extend no_extend);

    my $body_a = HTTP::Body->new(...);
    # Overwrite by sub A

    my $body_b = HTTP::Body->new(...);
    # Then overwrite by sub B

    my $body = HTTP::Body->new(...);
    # Switch back to the original one.

    # You can use $body_a, $body_b, and $body here.
    # They will work with handlers A, B, and the original one respectively

    # Beside extend and no_extend, you can use patch_new with a no-side-effect style
    use HTTP::Body::MultiPart::Extend qw(patch_new);
    my $body = patch_new( sub { ... }, ... other args for HTTP::Body->new ... );
    # It will call HTTP::Body->new(...) for you

    # Note that if the request is not multipart/form-data, it's no effect by this module


With this module, you can switch HTTP::Body::MultiPart::handler to your version. Then you can decide how to deal with the user uploads, such as tracking uploading progress, droping malform or too large files in time, etc.



The only argument of extend should be a CODE ref. All the following HTTP::Body->new will use the given sub as the HTTP::Body::MultiPart handler if the request is multipart/form-data, until the next extend or no_extend.


After this call, all the following HTTP::Body->new will switch back to use the original handler.


This function will call HTTP::Body->new, and additionally change the HTTP::Body::MultiPart handler to yours.

This function provides a no-side-effect way to extend.

The first argument should be a CODE ref, and the following arguments will be passed to HTTP::Body->new.


This module will not export anything by default. You could export them by yourself, or use the fully qualified name directory.


If you don't known how to design your own handler. Take a look on the original one. It might inspire you some.

The code below is HTTP::Body::MultiPart::handler, taken from package HTTP::Body version 1.07.

    sub handler {
	my ( $self, $part ) = @_;

	unless ( exists $part->{name} ) {

	    my $disposition = $part->{headers}->{'Content-Disposition'};
	    my ($name)      = $disposition =~ / name="?([^\";]+)"?/;
	    my ($filename)  = $disposition =~ / filename="?([^\"]*)"?/;
	    # Need to match empty filenames above, so this part is flagged as an upload type

	    $part->{name} = $name;

	    if ( defined $filename ) {
		$part->{filename} = $filename;

		if ( $filename ne "" ) {
		    my $fh = File::Temp->new( UNLINK => 0, DIR => $self->tmpdir );

		    $part->{fh}       = $fh;
		    $part->{tempname} = $fh->filename;

	if ( $part->{fh} && ( my $length = length( $part->{data} ) ) ) {
	    $part->{fh}->write( substr( $part->{data}, 0, $length, '' ), $length );

	if ( $part->{done} ) {

	    if ( exists $part->{filename} ) {
		if ( $part->{filename} ne "" ) {
		    $part->{fh}->close if defined $part->{fh};

		    delete @{$part}{qw[ data done fh ]};

		    $self->upload( $part->{name}, $part );
	    else {
		$self->param( $part->{name}, $part->{data} );


HTTP::Body, HTTP::Body::MultiPart


Cindy Wang (CindyLinz)


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-http-body-multipart-extend at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc HTTP::Body::MultiPart::Extend

You can also look for information at:


Copyright 2010 Cindy Wang (CindyLinz).

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.