The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.

Changes for version 0.5

  • This update breaks compatibility with previous versions. Lots has been reworked; even more added.
  • Object model redone (NOT BACKWARDS COMPATIBLE)
  • Windows support (tests pass? ship it!)
  • Fix "Invalid characterID. (105)" for EVE accounts with a single character attached to them
  • Applied Larry Gilbert's patch to sort out my dubious whitespacing practices (oops, mea culpa)
  • Corporate wallet balances now accessible
  • Error reporting now actually reports errors
  • Numerous bug fixes
  • More logical in_training method
  • Better example scripts
  • Single/Multiple characters per-account now work
  • Corporation membership list
  • The documentation remains shonky. Please help.
  • I use the example scripts a lot. They will give you a much better idea of how this stuff works than the current documentation, I promise.
  • Planned for 1.0:
  • Killlog.xml.aspx
  • MarketOrders.xml.aspx
  • MemberTracking.xml.aspx
  • map/Jumps.xml.aspx
  • map/Kills.xml.aspx
  • /map/Sovereignty.xml.aspx


a wrapper intended to (eventually) provide a consistent interface to the MMORPG game, "Eve Online"
provide a cache for use by WebService::EveOnline


in lib/WebService/EveOnline/API/
in lib/WebService/EveOnline/API/
in lib/WebService/EveOnline/API/
in lib/WebService/EveOnline/API/
in lib/WebService/EveOnline/API/
in lib/WebService/EveOnline/