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Circle::Chain - The Circle::Chain SDks.


Version 0.01


    use Circle::Chain qw(:user :wallet :block);
    # 1. first register or login
    my $response = send_register_verify_code(
            email => ''
    if ( $response->{status} != 200 ) {
        croak 'cannot send register verify code:' . $response->{status};

    # receive you verify code in email or your mobile phone.
    $response = register(
            email          => '',
            passwordInput1 => '<password>',
            passwordInput2 => '<password>',
            verifyCode     => '<verify_code>'
    if ( $response->{status} != 200 ) {
        croak 'cannot register status' . $response->{status};
    $response = send_verify_code(
            email => ''
    if ( $response->{status} != 200 ) {
        croak 'cannot send login verify code:' . $response->{status};

    # receive you verify code in email or your mobile phone.
    $response = login(
            email      => '',
            verifyCode => '<verify_code>',
            password   => '<password>'
    if ( $response->{status} != 200 ) {
        croak 'cannot login status' . $response->{status};

    # 2. new user will create wallet.
    $response = create_wallet();
    my $address;
    if ( $response->{status} == 200 ) {
        $address = $response->{data};
    $response = balance_of_address($address);
    # $response->{status} == 200, get the balance: $response->{data}
    $response = assets_of_address($address);
    # $response->{status} == 200, get the assets: $response->{data}
    # if you created wallets
    $response = list_wallet();
    # $response->{status} == 200, get the address list: $response->{data}

    # 3. anonymous user will invoke get_block_hashlist api.
    my $response = get_block_hashlist(0);
    if ( $response->{status} != 200 ) {
        croak 'cannot get block hash list:' . $response->{status};


If you want to use user module:

    use Circle::Chain ':user';

for user module, the exported subroutines:

1. send_register_verify_code
2. register
3. send_verify_code
4. login
5. logout
6. send_pay_verify_code
7. set_pay_password
8. have_pay_password
9. send_reset_password_verify_code
10. reset_password
11. add_contacts
12. list_contacts
13. save_or_update_user_info
14. get_user_info

If you want to use block module:

    use Circle::Chain ':block';

for block module, the exported subroutines:

1. get_block_hashlist
2. get_block
3. get_block_header_list
4. get_block_data
5. get_blocktails_hashlist
6. get_blocktails_po
7. get_tx_by_txid
8. search_tx_by_txid
9. search_tx_by_address
10. search_utxos

If you want to use wallet module:

    use Circle::Chain ':wallet';

for wallet module, the exported subroutines:

1. create_wallet
2. list_wallet
3. balance_of_address
4. balance_of_wallet
5. assets_of_address
6. assets_of_wallet
7. public_key_hash_from_address
8. send_to
9. pay
10. search_tx_by_type
11. search_tx_by_time
12. let_me_try
13. public_address_of_uid
14. public_balance_of_address
15. public_assets_of_address
16. public_search_transaction


please refer to Circle::User, Circle::Wallet, Circle::Block modules.


charles li, <lidh04 at>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-circle-chain at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc Circle::Chain

You can also look for information at:


This software is Copyright (c) 2024 by charles li.

This is free software, licensed under:

  The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)