Tcl::pTk::ttkTixNoteBook - Tix NoteBook compatible wrapper for ttkNotebook


use Tcl::pTk;
use Tcl::pTk::ttkTixNoteBook;

# Create widget implemented by ttkNotebook that is compatible with the
# Tcl::pTk::NoteBook widget (i.e. the tix-implemented NoteBook widget)
$n = $top->ttkTixNoteBook(-ipadx => 6, -ipady => 6);

# Add Address tab and return the frame for the tab
my $address_p = $n->add("address", -label => "Address", -underline => 0);


Tcl::pTk::ttkTixNoteBook is a wrapper around the Tile widget ttkNotebood that is compatible with Tcl::pTk::Notebook. It is provided for a quick upgrade of existing code to use the newer Notebook widget with a upgraded look/feel.


The following lists the options from the original Tk::Notebook and how they are implemented with this widget. See the original Tk::Notebook docs for the detailed description of these options.


This option is not implemented. It can be set and queried, but is ignored.


This option is supported using the padding option of the ttkNotebook widget.


This option is supported using the padding option of the ttkNotebook widget.


This option is not implemented. It can be set and queried, but is ignored.


This option is not implemented. It can be set and queried, but is ignored.


This option is not implemented. It can be set and queried, but is ignored.


This option is not implemented. It can be set and queried, but is ignored.


This option is not implemented. It can be set and queried, but is ignored.


This option is not implemented. It can be set and queried, but is ignored.


This option is not implemented. It can be set and queried, but is ignored.


The following lists the methods from the original Tk::Notebook widget and how they are implemented with this widget. See the original Tk::Notebook docs for the detailed description of these methods.


Implemented with the ttkNotebook add method, with wrapper code to return the tab frame to be compatible with the tix notebook widget.

Options implemented for the add method are:


Not implemented. Ignored if supplied.


Not implemented. Ignored if supplied.


Implemented with the ttkNotebood -text option.


Not implemented. Ignored if supplied.


Not implemented. Ignored if supplied.


Not implemented. Ignored if supplied.


Implemented with the ttkNotebood -state option.


Implemented with the ttkNotebood -underline option.


Not implemented. Ignored if supplied.


Implemented with the ttkNotebook forget method.


Implemented with the ttkNotebook tab method.


Implemented with the ttkNotebook tab method.


Implemented with the ttkNotebook tab method with a internal name-to-widget lookup hash.


Implemented with the internal name-to-widget lookup hash.


Implemented with the ttkNotebook select method.


Implemented with the ttkNotebook select method.


Not implemented


Implemented with the ttkNotebook identify tab method.


Implemented with the ttkNotebook tab method with a internal name-to-widget lookup hash.


Implemented with the ttkNotebook select method.


Implemented with the ttkNotebook select method and returns the next tab in the order.


Implemented with the ttkNotebook select method and returns the previous tab in the order.


Implemented with the ttkNotebook select method.