VTKPatented - A Perl interface to VTKPatented library
use Graphics::VTK;
use Graphics::VTK::Patented;
Graphics::VTK::Patented is an interface to the Patented libaray of the C++ visualization toolkit VTK..
Original PerlVTK Package: Roberto De Leo <>
Additional Refinements: John Cerney <>
Inherits from PolyDataToPolyDataFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
void BoundaryVertexDeletionOff ();
void BoundaryVertexDeletionOn ();
void GenerateErrorScalarsOff ();
void GenerateErrorScalarsOn ();
float GetAspectRatio ();
int GetBoundaryVertexDeletion ();
const char *GetClassName();
int GetDegree ();
float GetErrorIncrement ();
float GetFeatureAngleIncrement ();
int GetGenerateErrorScalars ();
float GetInitialError ();
float GetInitialFeatureAngle ();
float GetMaximumError ();
float GetMaximumFeatureAngle ();
int GetMaximumIterations ();
int GetMaximumNumberOfSquawks ();
int GetMaximumSubIterations ();
int GetPreserveEdges ();
int GetPreserveTopology ();
float GetTargetReduction ();
vtkDecimate *New ();
void PreserveEdgesOff ();
void PreserveEdgesOn ();
void PreserveTopologyOff ();
void PreserveTopologyOn ();
void SetAspectRatio (float );
void SetBoundaryVertexDeletion (int );
void SetDegree (int );
void SetErrorIncrement (float );
void SetFeatureAngleIncrement (float );
void SetGenerateErrorScalars (int );
void SetInitialError (float );
void SetInitialFeatureAngle (float );
void SetMaximumError (float );
void SetMaximumFeatureAngle (float );
void SetMaximumIterations (int );
void SetMaximumNumberOfSquawks (int );
void SetMaximumSubIterations (int );
void SetPreserveEdges (int );
void SetPreserveTopology (int );
void SetTargetReduction (float );
vtkDecimate Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
int BuildLoop (int ptId, unsigned short nTris, int *tris);
Don't know the size of pointer arg number 3
int CanSplitLoop (vtkLocalVertexPtr fedges[2], int numVerts, vtkLocalVertexPtr verts[], int &n1, vtkLocalVertexPtr l1[], int &n2, vtkLocalVertexPtr l2[], float &ar);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
float InitialFeatureAnglefloat FeatureAngleIncrementfloat MaximumFeatureAngleint PreserveEdgesint BoundaryVertexDeletionfloat InitialErrorfloat ErrorIncrementfloat MaximumErrorfloat TargetReductionint MaximumIterationsint MaximumSubIterationsfloat AspectRatioint Degreeint StatsVTK_NUMBER_STATISTICS []int GenerateErrorScalarsint MaximumNumberOfSquawksint PreserveTopologyvtkIdList *NeighborsvtkVertexArray *VvtkTriArray *Tvoid CreateOutput (int numPts, int numTris, int numEliminated, vtkPointData *pd, vtkPoints *inPts);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
void EvaluateLoop (int &vtype, int &numFEdges, vtkLocalVertexPtr fedges[]);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
void SplitLoop (vtkLocalVertexPtr fedges[2], int numVerts, vtkLocalVertexPtr *verts, int &n1, vtkLocalVertexPtr *l1, int &n2, vtkLocalVertexPtr *l2);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
void Triangulate (int numVerts, vtkLocalVertexPtr verts[]);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
Inherits from StructuredPointsToPolyDataFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
float GetDistance ();
int GetIncrement ();
float GetValue ();
vtkDividingCubes *New ();
void SetDistance (float );
void SetIncrement (int );
void SetValue (float );
vtkDividingCubes Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
void SubDivide (float origin[3], int dim[3], float h[3], float values[8]);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
Inherits from StructuredGridToPolyDataFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
void ComputeGradientsOff ();
void ComputeGradientsOn ();
void ComputeNormalsOff ();
void ComputeNormalsOn ();
void ComputeScalarsOff ();
void ComputeScalarsOn ();
void GenerateValues (int numContours, float rangeStart, float rangeEnd);
const char *GetClassName();
int GetComputeGradients ();
int GetComputeNormals ();
int GetComputeScalars ();
unsigned long GetMTime ();
int GetNumberOfContours ();
int GetNumberOfThreads ();
float GetValue (int i);
vtkGridSynchronizedTemplates3D *New ();
void SetComputeGradients (int );
void SetComputeNormals (int );
void SetComputeScalars (int );
void SetInputMemoryLimit (long limit);
void SetNumberOfContours (int number);
void SetNumberOfThreads (int );
void SetValue (int i, float value);
vtkGridSynchronizedTemplates3D Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void GenerateValues (int numContours, float range[2]);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
int *GetExecuteExtent ();
Can't Handle 'int *' return type without a hint
float *GetValues ();
Can't Handle 'float *' return type without a hint
void GetValues (float *contourValues);
Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1
int NumberOfThreadsvtkMultiThreader *Threaderint MinimumPieceSize[3]int ExecuteExtent[6]vtkPolyData *ThreadsVTK_MAX_THREADS []void InitializeOutput (int *ext, vtkPolyData *o);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
int SplitExtent (int piece, int numPieces, int *ext);
Don't know the size of pointer arg number 3
void ThreadedExecute (int *exExt, int threadId);
Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1
Inherits from PolyDataSource
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
void AddLocatorPoint (int cellX, int cellY, int edge, int ptId);
void ComputeGradientsOff ();
void ComputeGradientsOn ();
void ComputeNormalsOff ();
void ComputeNormalsOn ();
void ComputeScalarsOff ();
void ComputeScalarsOn ();
void GenerateValues (int numContours, float rangeStart, float rangeEnd);
const char *GetClassName();
int GetComputeGradients ();
int GetComputeNormals ();
int GetComputeScalars ();
vtkImageData *GetInput ();
int GetInputMemoryLimit ();
int ComputeScalarsint ComputeNormalsint ComputeGradientsint NeedGradientsvtkCellArray *TrianglesvtkScalars *ScalarsvtkPoints *PointsvtkNormals *NormalsvtkVectors *Gradientsint GetLocatorPoint (int cellX, int cellY, int edge);
unsigned long GetMTime ();
int GetNumberOfContours ();
float GetValue (int i);
void IncrementLocatorZ ();
vtkImageMarchingCubes *New ();
void SetComputeGradients (int );
void SetComputeNormals (int );
void SetComputeScalars (int );
void SetInput (vtkImageData *input);
void SetInputMemoryLimit (int );
void SetNumberOfContours (int number);
void SetValue (int i, float value);
void Update ();
vtkImageMarchingCubes Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void GenerateValues (int numContours, float range[2]);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
float *GetValues ();
Can't Handle 'float *' return type without a hint
void GetValues (float *contourValues);
Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1
void March (vtkImageData *inData, int chunkMin, int chunkMax, int numContours, float *values);
Don't know the size of pointer arg number 5
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
Inherits from ContourFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
vtkKitwareContourFilter *New ();
Inherits from DataSetToPolyDataFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
void ComputeGradientsOff ();
void ComputeGradientsOn ();
void ComputeNormalsOff ();
void ComputeNormalsOn ();
void ComputeScalarsOff ();
void ComputeScalarsOn ();
void CreateDefaultLocator ();
void GenerateValues (int numContours, float rangeStart, float rangeEnd);
const char *GetClassName();
int GetComputeGradients ();
int GetComputeNormals ();
int GetComputeScalars ();
vtkPointLocator *GetLocator ();
unsigned long GetMTime ();
int GetNumberOfContours ();
int GetUseScalarTree ();
float GetValue (int i);
vtkMarchingContourFilter *New ();
void SetComputeGradients (int );
void SetComputeNormals (int );
void SetComputeScalars (int );
void SetLocator (vtkPointLocator *locator);
void SetLocator (vtkPointLocator &locator);
void SetNumberOfContours (int number);
void SetUseScalarTree (int );
void SetValue (int i, float value);
void UseScalarTreeOff ();
void UseScalarTreeOn ();
vtkMarchingContourFilter Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void GenerateValues (int numContours, float range[2]);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
float *GetValues ();
Can't Handle 'float *' return type without a hint
void GetValues (float *contourValues);
Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
Inherits from StructuredPointsToPolyDataFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
void ComputeGradientsOff ();
void ComputeGradientsOn ();
void ComputeNormalsOff ();
void ComputeNormalsOn ();
void ComputeScalarsOff ();
void ComputeScalarsOn ();
void CreateDefaultLocator ();
void GenerateValues (int numContours, float rangeStart, float rangeEnd);
const char *GetClassName();
int GetComputeGradients ();
int GetComputeNormals ();
int GetComputeScalars ();
vtkPointLocator *GetLocator ();
unsigned long GetMTime ();
int GetNumberOfContours ();
float GetValue (int i);
vtkMarchingCubes *New ();
void SetComputeGradients (int );
void SetComputeNormals (int );
void SetComputeScalars (int );
void SetLocator (vtkPointLocator *locator);
void SetLocator (vtkPointLocator &locator);
void SetNumberOfContours (int number);
void SetValue (int i, float value);
vtkMarchingCubes Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void GenerateValues (int numContours, float range[2]);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
float *GetValues ();
Can't Handle 'float *' return type without a hint
void GetValues (float *contourValues);
Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
Inherits from StructuredPointsToPolyDataFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
void CreateDefaultLocator ();
void GenerateValues (int numContours, float rangeStart, float rangeEnd);
const char *GetClassName();
int *GetImageRange ();
(Returns a 6-element Perl list)
vtkPointLocator *GetLocator ();
unsigned long GetMTime ();
int GetNumberOfContours ();
float GetValue (int i);
vtkMarchingSquares *New ();
void SetImageRange (int imin, int imax, int jmin, int jmax, int kmin, int kmax);
void SetLocator (vtkPointLocator *locator);
void SetLocator (vtkPointLocator &locator);
void SetNumberOfContours (int number);
void SetValue (int i, float value);
vtkMarchingSquares Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void GenerateValues (int numContours, float range[2]);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
float *GetValues ();
Can't Handle 'float *' return type without a hint
void GetValues (float *contourValues);
Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
void SetImageRange (int [6]);
Method is redundant. Same as SetImageRange( int, int, int, int, int, int)
Inherits from Object
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
char *GetFileName ();
char *GetLimitsFileName ();
vtkVolumeReader *GetReader ();
float GetValue ();
vtkSliceCubes *New ();
void SetFileName (char *);
void SetLimitsFileName (char *);
void SetReader (vtkVolumeReader *);
void SetValue (float );
void Update ();
void Write ();
vtkSliceCubes Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
Inherits from StructuredPointsToStructuredPointsFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
void AdjustBoundsOff ();
void AdjustBoundsOn ();
void CappingOff ();
void CappingOn ();
int GetAdjustBounds ();
float GetAdjustDistance ();
int GetCapping ();
const char *GetClassName();
float GetFillValue ();
unsigned long GetMTime ();
int GetMaximumNumberOfInterpolationSteps ();
float *GetModelBounds ();
(Returns a 6-element Perl list)
int GetNumberOfInterpolationSteps ();
int *GetSampleDimensions ();
(Returns a 3-element Perl list)
vtkTransformCollection *GetTransforms ();
vtkSweptSurface *New ();
void SetAdjustBounds (int );
void SetAdjustDistance (float );
void SetCapping (int );
void SetFillValue (float );
void SetMaximumNumberOfInterpolationSteps (int );
void SetModelBounds (float xmin, float xmax, float ymin, float ymax, float zmin, float zmax);
void SetNumberOfInterpolationSteps (int );
void SetSampleDimensions (int , int , int );
void SetTransforms (vtkTransformCollection *);
vtkSweptSurface Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void ComputeBounds (float origin[3], float ar[3], float bbox[24]);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
void ComputeFootprint (vtkMatrix4x4 *m, int inDim[3], float inOrigin[3], float inSpacing[3], int Indicies[6]);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
int ComputeNumberOfSteps (vtkTransform *t1, vtkTransform *t2, float bbox[24]);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
vtkMatrix4x4 *GetActorMatrixPointer (vtkTransform &t, float origin[3], float position[3], float orientation[3]);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
void GetRelativePosition (vtkTransform &t, float *origin, float *position);
Don't know the size of pointer arg number 2
virtual void InterpolateStates (float *pos1, float *pos2, float *euler1, float *euler2, float t, float *posOut, float *eulerOut);
Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
void SampleInput (vtkMatrix4x4 *m, int inDim[3], float inOrigin[3], float inAr[3], vtkScalars *in, vtkScalars *out);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
void SetModelBounds (float [6]);
Method is redundant. Same as SetModelBounds( float, float, float, float, float, float)
void SetSampleDimensions (int a[3]);
Method is redundant. Same as SetSampleDimensions( int, int, int)
Inherits from StructuredPointsToPolyDataFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
void GenerateValues (int numContours, float rangeStart, float rangeEnd);
const char *GetClassName();
unsigned long GetMTime ();
int GetNumberOfContours ();
float GetValue (int i);
vtkSynchronizedTemplates2D *New ();
void SetNumberOfContours (int number);
void SetValue (int i, float value);
vtkSynchronizedTemplates2D Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void GenerateValues (int numContours, float range[2]);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
float *GetValues ();
Can't Handle 'float *' return type without a hint
void GetValues (float *contourValues);
Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
Inherits from PolyDataSource
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
void ComputeGradientsOff ();
void ComputeGradientsOn ();
void ComputeNormalsOff ();
void ComputeNormalsOn ();
void ComputeScalarsOff ();
void ComputeScalarsOn ();
void GenerateValues (int numContours, float rangeStart, float rangeEnd);
const char *GetClassName();
int GetComputeGradients ();
int GetComputeNormals ();
int GetComputeScalars ();
vtkImageData *GetInput ();
unsigned long GetInputMemoryLimit ();
unsigned long GetMTime ();
int GetNumberOfContours ();
int GetNumberOfThreads ();
float GetValue (int i);
vtkSynchronizedTemplates3D *New ();
void SetComputeGradients (int );
void SetComputeNormals (int );
void SetComputeScalars (int );
void SetInput (vtkImageData *input);
void SetInputMemoryLimit (unsigned long limit);
void SetNumberOfContours (int number);
void SetNumberOfThreads (int );
void SetValue (int i, float value);
vtkSynchronizedTemplates3D Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void GenerateValues (int numContours, float range[2]);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
int *GetExecuteExtent ();
Can't Handle 'int *' return type without a hint
float *GetValues ();
Can't Handle 'float *' return type without a hint
void GetValues (float *contourValues);
Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1
int ExecuteExtent[6]int NumberOfThreadsvtkMultiThreader *ThreadervtkPolyData *ThreadsVTK_MAX_THREADS []void InitializeOutput (int *ext, vtkPolyData *o);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
void ThreadedExecute (vtkImageData *data, int *exExt, int threadId);
Don't know the size of pointer arg number 2