VTKImaging - A Perl interface to VTKImaging library
use Graphics::VTK;
use Graphics::VTK::Imaging;
Graphics::VTK::Imaging is an interface to the Imaging libaray of the C++ visualization toolkit VTK..
Original PerlVTK Package: Roberto De Leo <>
Additional Refinements: John Cerney <>
Inherits from ImageIterateFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
int GetDimensionality ();
vtkImageDecomposeFilter *New ();
void SetDimensionality (int dim);
void SetFilteredAxes (int axis0, int axis2, int axis3);
void SetFilteredAxes (int axis0, int axis2);
void SetFilteredAxes (int axis0);
vtkImageDecomposeFilter Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void PermuteExtent (int *extent, int &min0, int &max0, int &min1, int &max1, int &min2, int &max2);
Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1
void PermuteIncrements (int *increments, int &inc0, int &inc1, int &inc2);
Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
Inherits from ImageToImageFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
vtkImageFilter *New ();
Inherits from ImageToImageFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
vtkImageInPlaceFilter *New ();
Inherits from ImageToImageFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
void ComputeInputUpdateExtents (vtkDataObject *output);
const char *GetClassName();
int GetIteration ();
int GetNumberOfIterations ();
vtkImageIterateFilter *New ();
vtkImageIterateFilter Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
Inherits from ImageSource
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
virtual void AddInput (vtkImageData *input);
void BypassOff ();
void BypassOn ();
int GetBypass ();
const char *GetClassName();
vtkImageData *GetInput (int num);
vtkImageData *GetInput ();
int GetNumberOfThreads ();
vtkImageMultipleInputFilter *New ();
virtual void RemoveInput (vtkImageData *input);
void SetBypass (int );
virtual void SetInput (int num, vtkImageData *input);
void SetNumberOfThreads (int );
vtkImageMultipleInputFilter Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
virtual void ComputeInputUpdateExtent (int inExt[6], int outExt[6], int whichInput);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
virtual int SplitExtent (int splitExt[6], int startExt[6], int num, int total);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
virtual void ThreadedExecute (vtkImageData *inDatas, vtkImageData *outData, int extent[6], int threadId);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
Inherits from ImageToImageFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
int GetOutputNumberOfScalarComponents ();
vtkImagePadFilter *New ();
void SetOutputNumberOfScalarComponents (int );
void SetOutputWholeExtent (int minX, int maxX, int minY, int maxY, int minZ, int maxZ);
vtkImagePadFilter Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void ComputeInputUpdateExtent (int inExt[6], int outExt[6]);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
int OutputWholeExtent[6]int OutputNumberOfScalarComponentsvoid ExecuteInformation (vtkImageData *inData, vtkImageData *outData);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
void GetOutputWholeExtent (int extent[6]);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
int *GetOutputWholeExtent ();
Can't Handle 'int *' return type without a hint
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
void SetOutputWholeExtent (int extent[6]);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
Inherits from ImageToImageFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
int *GetKernelSize ();
(Returns a 3-element Perl list)
vtkImageSpatialFilter *New ();
vtkImageSpatialFilter Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void ComputeInputUpdateExtent (int extent[6], int wholeExtent[6]);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
void ComputeOutputWholeExtent (int extent[6], int handleBoundaries);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
int KernelSize[3]int KernelMiddle[3]int Strides[3]int HandleBoundariesvoid ExecuteInformation ();
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
int *GetKernelMiddle ();
Can't Handle 'int *' return type without a hint
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
Inherits from ImageSource
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
virtual void ExecuteImageInformation ();
const char *GetClassName();
vtkImageData *GetInput ();
long GetInputMemoryLimit ();
int GetNumberOfThreads ();
vtkImageToImageFilter *New ();
virtual void SetInput (vtkImageData *input);
void SetInputMemoryLimit (int );
void SetNumberOfThreads (int );
virtual void UpdateImageInformation ();
vtkImageToImageFilter Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void BypassOff ();
Method is marked 'Do Not Use' in its descriptions
void BypassOn ();
Method is marked 'Do Not Use' in its descriptions
virtual void ComputeInputUpdateExtent (int inExt[6], int outExt[6]);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
int GetBypass ();
Method is marked 'Do Not Use' in its descriptions
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
void SetBypass (int );
Method is marked 'Do Not Use' in its descriptions
virtual int SplitExtent (int splitExt[6], int startExt[6], int num, int total);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
virtual void ThreadedExecute (vtkImageData *inData, vtkImageData *outData, int extent[6], int threadId);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
Inherits from ImageMultipleInputFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
vtkImageData *GetInput1 ();
vtkImageData *GetInput2 ();
vtkImageTwoInputFilter *New ();
virtual void SetInput1 (vtkImageData *input);
virtual void SetInput2 (vtkImageData *input);
Inherits from ImageDecomposeFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
vtkImageFourierFilter *New ();
Inherits from Object
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
vtkObject *CreateInstance (char *vtkclassname);
const char *GetClassName();
vtkImagingFactory *New ();
Inherits from Actor2D
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
void AdjustLabelsOff ();
void AdjustLabelsOn ();
void AxisVisibilityOff ();
void AxisVisibilityOn ();
void BoldOff ();
void BoldOn ();
int GetAdjustLabels ();
int GetAxisVisibility ();
int GetBold ();
const char *GetClassName();
float GetFontFactor ();
int GetFontFamily ();
int GetItalic ();
float GetLabelFactor ();
char *GetLabelFormat ();
int GetLabelVisibility ();
int GetNumberOfLabels ();
float *GetPoint1 ();
(Returns a 2-element Perl list)
vtkCoordinate *GetPoint1Coordinate ();
float *GetPoint2 ();
(Returns a 2-element Perl list)
vtkCoordinate *GetPoint2Coordinate ();
float *GetRange ();
(Returns a 2-element Perl list)
int GetShadow ();
int GetTickLength ();
int GetTickOffset ();
int GetTickVisibility ();
char *GetTitle ();
int GetTitleVisibility ();
void ItalicOff ();
void ItalicOn ();
void LabelVisibilityOff ();
void LabelVisibilityOn ();
vtkAxisActor2D *New ();
void ReleaseGraphicsResources (vtkWindow *);
int RenderOpaqueGeometry (vtkViewport *viewport);
int RenderOverlay (vtkViewport *viewport);
int RenderTranslucentGeometry (vtkViewport *);
void SetAdjustLabels (int );
void SetAxisVisibility (int );
void SetBold (int );
void SetFontFactor (float );
void SetFontFamily (int );
void SetFontFamilyToArial ();
void SetFontFamilyToCourier ();
void SetFontFamilyToTimes ();
void SetItalic (int );
void SetLabelFactor (float );
void SetLabelFormat (char *);
void SetLabelVisibility (int );
void SetNumberOfLabels (int );
void SetPoint1 (float , float);
void SetPoint2 (float , float);
void SetRange (float , float );
void SetShadow (int );
void SetTickLength (int );
void SetTickOffset (int );
void SetTickVisibility (int );
void SetTitle (char *);
void SetTitleVisibility (int );
void ShadowOff ();
void ShadowOn ();
void ShallowCopy (vtkProp *prop);
void TickVisibilityOff ();
void TickVisibilityOn ();
void TitleVisibilityOff ();
void TitleVisibilityOn ();
vtkAxisActor2D Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
vtkCoordinate *Point1CoordinatevtkCoordinate *Point2Coordinatechar *Titlefloat Range[2]int NumberOfLabelschar *LabelFormatint NumberOfLabelsBuiltint AdjustLabelsfloat FontFactorfloat LabelFactorint TickLengthint TickOffsetint Boldint Italicint Shadowint FontFamilyint AxisVisibilityint TickVisibilityint LabelVisibilityint TitleVisibilityint LastPoint1[2]int LastPoint2[2]int LastSize[2]int LastTitleFontSizeint LastLabelFontSizevoid BuildAxis (vtkViewport *viewport);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
void ComputeRange (float inRange[2], float outRange[2], int inNumTicks, int &outNumTicks, float &interval);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
int SetFontSize (vtkViewport *viewport, vtkTextMapper *textMapper, int *size, float factor, int &stringWidth, int &stringHeight);
Don't know the size of pointer arg number 3
void SetOffsetPosition (float xTick[3], float theta, int stringHeight, int stringWidth, int offset, vtkActor2D *actor);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
void SetPoint1 (float a[2]);
Method is redundant. Same as SetPoint1( float, float)
void SetPoint2 (float a[2]);
Method is redundant. Same as SetPoint2( float, float)
void SetRange (float a[2]);
Method is redundant. Same as SetRange( float, float)
Inherits from ImageReader
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
int GetDepth ();
vtkBMPReader *New ();
vtkBMPReader Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
Inherits from ImageWriter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
vtkBMPWriter *New ();
vtkBMPWriter Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
virtual void WriteFile (ofstream *file, vtkImageData *data, int ext[6]);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
virtual void WriteFileHeader (ofstream *, vtkImageData *);
Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1
Inherits from PolyDataSource
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
void CrossOff ();
void CrossOn ();
void DashOff ();
void DashOn ();
void FilledOff ();
void FilledOn ();
float *GetCenter ();
(Returns a 3-element Perl list)
const char *GetClassName();
float *GetColor ();
(Returns a 3-element Perl list)
int GetCross ();
int GetDash ();
int GetFilled ();
int GetGlyphType ();
float GetRotationAngle ();
float GetScale ();
float GetScale2 ();
vtkGlyphSource2D *New ();
void RotationAngleOff ();
void RotationAngleOn ();
void SetCenter (float , float , float );
void SetColor (float , float , float );
void SetCross (int );
void SetDash (int );
void SetFilled (int );
void SetGlyphType (int );
void SetGlyphTypeToArrow ();
void SetGlyphTypeToCircle ();
void SetGlyphTypeToCross ();
void SetGlyphTypeToDash ();
void SetGlyphTypeToDiamond ();
void SetGlyphTypeToHookedArrow ();
void SetGlyphTypeToNone ();
void SetGlyphTypeToSquare ();
void SetGlyphTypeToThickArrow ();
void SetGlyphTypeToThickCross ();
void SetGlyphTypeToTriangle ();
void SetGlyphTypeToVertex ();
void SetRotationAngle (float );
void SetScale (float );
void SetScale2 (float );
vtkGlyphSource2D Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
unsigned char RGB[3]void CreateVertex (vtkPoints *pts, vtkCellArray *verts, vtkUnsignedCharArray *colors);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
void SetCenter (float a[3]);
Method is redundant. Same as SetCenter( float, float, float)
void SetColor (float a[3]);
Method is redundant. Same as SetColor( float, float, float)
float Center[3]float Scalefloat Scale2float Color[3]int Filledint Dashint Crossint GlyphTypefloat RotationAnglevoid TransformGlyph (vtkPoints *pts);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
Inherits from ImageToImageFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
float *GetComponentOrigin ();
(Returns a 3-element Perl list)
float *GetComponentSpacing ();
(Returns a 3-element Perl list)
vtkImageAccumulate *New ();
void SetComponentExtent (int minX, int maxX, int minY, int maxY, int minZ, int maxZ);
void SetComponentOrigin (float , float , float );
void SetComponentSpacing (float , float , float );
vtkImageAccumulate Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void ComputeInputUpdateExtent (int inExt[6], int outExt[6]);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
float ComponentSpacing[3]float ComponentOrigin[3]int ComponentExtent[6]void ExecuteInformation (vtkImageData *input, vtkImageData *output);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
void GetComponentExtent (int extent[6]);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
int *GetComponentExtent ();
Can't Handle 'int *' return type without a hint
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
void SetComponentExtent (int extent[6]);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
void SetComponentOrigin (float a[3]);
Method is redundant. Same as SetComponentOrigin( float, float, float)
void SetComponentSpacing (float a[3]);
Method is redundant. Same as SetComponentSpacing( float, float, float)
Inherits from ImageSpatialFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
void CornersOff ();
void CornersOn ();
void EdgesOff ();
void EdgesOn ();
void FacesOff ();
void FacesOn ();
const char *GetClassName();
int GetCorners ();
float GetDiffusionFactor ();
float GetDiffusionThreshold ();
int GetEdges ();
int GetFaces ();
int GetGradientMagnitudeThreshold ();
int GetNumberOfIterations ();
void GradientMagnitudeThresholdOff ();
void GradientMagnitudeThresholdOn ();
vtkImageAnisotropicDiffusion2D *New ();
void SetCorners (int );
void SetDiffusionFactor (float );
void SetDiffusionThreshold (float );
void SetEdges (int );
void SetFaces (int );
void SetGradientMagnitudeThreshold (int );
void SetNumberOfIterations (int num);
vtkImageAnisotropicDiffusion2D Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void Iterate (vtkImageData *in, vtkImageData *out, float ar0, float ar1, int *coreExtent, int count);
Don't know the size of pointer arg number 5
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
int NumberOfIterationsfloat DiffusionThresholdfloat DiffusionFactorint Facesint Edgesint Cornersint GradientMagnitudeThresholdvoid ThreadedExecute (vtkImageData *inData, vtkImageData *outData, int extent[6], int id);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
Inherits from ImageSpatialFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
void CornersOff ();
void CornersOn ();
void EdgesOff ();
void EdgesOn ();
void FacesOff ();
void FacesOn ();
const char *GetClassName();
int GetCorners ();
float GetDiffusionFactor ();
float GetDiffusionThreshold ();
int GetEdges ();
int GetFaces ();
int GetGradientMagnitudeThreshold ();
int GetNumberOfIterations ();
void GradientMagnitudeThresholdOff ();
void GradientMagnitudeThresholdOn ();
vtkImageAnisotropicDiffusion3D *New ();
void SetCorners (int );
void SetDiffusionFactor (float );
void SetDiffusionThreshold (float );
void SetEdges (int );
void SetFaces (int );
void SetGradientMagnitudeThreshold (int );
void SetNumberOfIterations (int num);
vtkImageAnisotropicDiffusion3D Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void Iterate (vtkImageData *in, vtkImageData *out, float ar0, float ar1, float ar3, int *coreExtent, int count);
Don't know the size of pointer arg number 6
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
int NumberOfIterationsfloat DiffusionThresholdfloat DiffusionFactorint Facesint Edgesint Cornersint GradientMagnitudeThresholdvoid ThreadedExecute (vtkImageData *inData, vtkImageData *outData, int extent[6], int id);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
Inherits from ImageMultipleInputFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
int GetAppendAxis ();
const char *GetClassName();
int GetPreserveExtents ();
vtkImageAppend *New ();
void PreserveExtentsOff ();
void PreserveExtentsOn ();
void SetAppendAxis (int );
void SetPreserveExtents (int );
vtkImageAppend Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void ComputeInputUpdateExtent (int inExt[6], int outExt[6], int whichInput);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
void InitOutput (int outExt[6], vtkImageData *outData);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
void ThreadedExecute (vtkImageData *inDatas, vtkImageData *outData, int extent[6], int id);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
Inherits from ImageMultipleInputFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
vtkImageAppendComponents *New ();
virtual void SetInput2 (vtkImageData *input);
vtkImageAppendComponents Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
virtual void SetInput1 (vtkImageData *input);
Method is marked 'Do Not Use' in its descriptions
void ThreadedExecute (vtkImageData *inDatas, vtkImageData *outData, int extent[6], int id);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
Inherits from ImageMultipleInputFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
int GetBlendMode ();
char *GetBlendModeAsString (void );
const char *GetClassName();
float GetCompoundThreshold ();
double GetOpacity (int idx);
vtkImageBlend *New ();
void SetBlendMode (int );
void SetBlendModeToCompound ();
void SetBlendModeToNormal ();
void SetCompoundThreshold (float );
void SetOpacity (int idx, double opacity);
virtual void UpdateData (vtkDataObject *output);
vtkImageBlend Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void ComputeInputUpdateExtent (int inExt[6], int outExt[6], int whichInput);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
void ThreadedExecute (vtkImageData *inDatas, vtkImageData *outData, int extent[6], int id);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
Inherits from ImageToImageFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
float *GetCutOff ();
(Returns a 3-element Perl list)
int GetOrder ();
float GetXCutOff ();
float GetYCutOff ();
float GetZCutOff ();
vtkImageButterworthHighPass *New ();
void SetCutOff (float , float , float );
void SetCutOff (float v);
void SetOrder (int );
void SetXCutOff (float v);
void SetYCutOff (float v);
void SetZCutOff (float v);
vtkImageButterworthHighPass Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
void SetCutOff (float a[3]);
Method is redundant. Same as SetCutOff( float, float, float)
int Orderfloat CutOff[3]void ThreadedExecute (vtkImageData *inData, vtkImageData *outData, int outExt[6], int id);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
Inherits from ImageToImageFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
float *GetCutOff ();
(Returns a 3-element Perl list)
int GetOrder ();
float GetXCutOff ();
float GetYCutOff ();
float GetZCutOff ();
vtkImageButterworthLowPass *New ();
void SetCutOff (float , float , float );
void SetCutOff (float v);
void SetOrder (int );
void SetXCutOff (float v);
void SetYCutOff (float v);
void SetZCutOff (float v);
vtkImageButterworthLowPass Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
void SetCutOff (float a[3]);
Method is redundant. Same as SetCutOff( float, float, float)
int Orderfloat CutOff[3]void ThreadedExecute (vtkImageData *inData, vtkImageData *outData, int outExt[6], int id);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
Inherits from ImageToImageFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
int GetCacheSize ();
const char *GetClassName();
vtkImageCacheFilter *New ();
void SetCacheSize (int size);
void UpdateData (vtkDataObject *outData);
vtkImageCacheFilter Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
Inherits from StructuredPoints
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
void DrawCircle (int c0, int c1, float radius);
void DrawPoint (int p0, int p1);
void DrawSegment (int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1);
void DrawSegment3D (float x1, float y1, float z1, float x2, float y2, float z2);
void FillBox (int min0, int max0, int min1, int max1);
void FillPixel (int x, int y);
void FillTriangle (int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
void FillTube (int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, float radius);
const char *GetClassName();
int GetDefaultZ ();
float *GetDrawColor ();
(Returns a 4-element Perl list)
vtkImageData *GetImageData ();
vtkImageData *GetOutput ();
vtkImageCanvasSource2D *New ();
void SetDefaultZ (int );
void SetDrawColor (float , float , float , float );
void SetDrawColor (float a, float b, float c);
void SetDrawColor (float a, float b);
void SetDrawColor (float a);
void SetExtent (int x1, int x2, int y1, int y2, int z1, int z2);
void SetImageData (vtkImageData *image);
vtkImageCanvasSource2D Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
vtkImageData *ImageDatafloat DrawColor[4]int DefaultZint ClipSegment (int &a0, int &a1, int &b0, int &b1);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
void DrawSegment3D (float *p0, float *p1);
Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1
void GetDrawColor (int dim, float *color);
Don't know the size of pointer arg number 2
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
void SetDrawColor (int dim, float *color);
Don't know the size of pointer arg number 2
void SetDrawColor (float a[4]);
Method is redundant. Same as SetDrawColor_( float, float, float, float)
void SetExtent (int *extent);
Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1
Inherits from ImageToImageFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
void ClampOverflowOff ();
void ClampOverflowOn ();
int GetClampOverflow ();
const char *GetClassName();
int GetOutputScalarType ();
vtkImageCast *New ();
void SetClampOverflow (int );
void SetOutputScalarType (int );
void SetOutputScalarTypeToChar ();
void SetOutputScalarTypeToDouble ();
void SetOutputScalarTypeToFloat ();
void SetOutputScalarTypeToInt ();
void SetOutputScalarTypeToLong ();
void SetOutputScalarTypeToShort ();
void SetOutputScalarTypeToUnsignedChar ();
void SetOutputScalarTypeToUnsignedInt ();
void SetOutputScalarTypeToUnsignedLong ();
void SetOutputScalarTypeToUnsignedShort ();
vtkImageCast Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
void ThreadedExecute (vtkImageData *inData, vtkImageData *outData, int ext[6], int id);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
Inherits from ImageDecomposeFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
vtkImageCityBlockDistance *New ();
vtkImageCityBlockDistance Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void ComputeInputUpdateExtent (int inExt[6], int outExt[6]);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
Inherits from ImageToImageFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
void ClipDataOff ();
void ClipDataOn ();
const char *GetClassName();
int GetClipData ();
vtkImageClip *New ();
void ResetOutputWholeExtent ();
void SetClipData (int );
void SetOutputWholeExtent (int minX, int maxX, int minY, int maxY, int minZ, int maxZ);
void SetOutputWholeExtent (int piece, int numPieces);
vtkImageClip Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void CopyData (vtkImageData *inData, vtkImageData *outData, int *ext);
Don't know the size of pointer arg number 3
vtkTimeStamp CTimeint Initializedint OutputWholeExtent[6]int ClipDatavoid ExecuteInformation (vtkImageData *inData, vtkImageData *outData);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
void GetOutputWholeExtent (int extent[6]);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
int *GetOutputWholeExtent ();
Can't Handle 'int *' return type without a hint
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
void SetOutputWholeExtent (int extent[6]);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
int SplitExtentTmp (int piece, int numPieces, int *ext);
Don't know the size of pointer arg number 3
Inherits from Source
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
void AddInput (vtkImageData *);
const char *GetClassName();
vtkImageData *GetInput (int idx);
vtkStructuredPoints *GetOutput (int idx);
vtkStructuredPoints *GetOutput ();
vtkImageComposite *New ();
void RemoveInput (vtkImageData *);
void SetOutput (vtkStructuredPoints *output);
vtkImageComposite Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
Inherits from Object
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
char unsigned GetConnectedValue ();
char unsigned GetUnconnectedValue ();
vtkImageConnector *New ();
void RemoveAllSeeds ();
void SetConnectedValue (unsigned char );
void SetUnconnectedValue (unsigned char );
vtkImageConnector Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void MarkData (vtkImageData *data, int dimensionality, int ext[6]);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
Inherits from ImagePadFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
float GetConstant ();
vtkImageConstantPad *New ();
void SetConstant (float );
vtkImageConstantPad Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
float Constantvoid ThreadedExecute (vtkImageData *inData, vtkImageData *outData, int outExt[6], int id);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
Inherits from ImageSpatialFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
vtkImageContinuousDilate3D *New ();
void SetKernelSize (int size0, int size1, int size2);
vtkImageContinuousDilate3D Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
vtkImageEllipsoidSource *Ellipsevoid ThreadedExecute (vtkImageData *inData, vtkImageData *outData, int extent[6], int id);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
Inherits from ImageSpatialFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
vtkImageContinuousErode3D *New ();
void SetKernelSize (int size0, int size1, int size2);
vtkImageContinuousErode3D Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
vtkImageEllipsoidSource *Ellipsevoid ThreadedExecute (vtkImageData *inData, vtkImageData *outData, int extent[6], int id);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
Inherits from ImageTwoInputFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
int GetDimensionality ();
vtkImageCorrelation *New ();
void SetDimensionality (int );
vtkImageCorrelation Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
virtual void ComputeInputUpdateExtent (int inExt[6], int outExt[6], int whichInput);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
void ThreadedExecute (vtkImageData *inDatas, vtkImageData *outData, int extent[6], int id);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
Inherits from ImageInPlaceFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
float *GetCursorPosition ();
(Returns a 3-element Perl list)
int GetCursorRadius ();
float GetCursorValue ();
vtkImageCursor3D *New ();
void SetCursorPosition (float , float , float );
void SetCursorRadius (int );
void SetCursorValue (float );
vtkImageCursor3D Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
float CursorPosition[3]float CursorValueint CursorRadiusvoid Execute (vtkImageData *inData, vtkImageData *outData);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
void SetCursorPosition (float a[3]);
Method is redundant. Same as SetCursorPosition( float, float, float)
Inherits from ImageToImageFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
int GetIncrementalUpdate ();
long unsigned GetMemoryLimit ();
void IncrementalUpdateOff ();
void IncrementalUpdateOn ();
vtkImageDataStreamer *New ();
void SetIncrementalUpdate (int );
void SetMemoryLimit (unsigned long );
void SetSplitModeToBlock ();
void SetSplitModeToXSlab ();
void SetSplitModeToYSlab ();
void SetSplitModeToZSlab ();
void TriggerAsynchronousUpdate ();
void UpdateData (vtkDataObject *out);
void UpdateInformation ();
vtkImageDataStreamer Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
Inherits from ImageTwoInputFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
void AllowShiftOff ();
void AllowShiftOn ();
void AveragingOff ();
void AveragingOn ();
int GetAllowShift ();
int GetAveraging ();
const char *GetClassName();
float GetError (void );
vtkImageData *GetImage ();
int GetThreshold ();
float GetThresholdedError (void );
vtkImageDifference *New ();
void SetAllowShift (int );
void SetAveraging (int );
void SetImage (vtkImageData *image);
void SetInput (int num, vtkImageData *input);
void SetInput (vtkImageData *input);
void SetThreshold (int );
vtkImageDifference Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void ComputeInputUpdateExtent (int inExt[6], int outExt[6], int whichInput);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
float ErrorPerThreadVTK_MAX_THREADS []float ThresholdedErrorPerThreadVTK_MAX_THREADS []int AllowShiftint Thresholdint Averagingvoid ExecuteInformation (vtkImageData *inputs, vtkImageData *output);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
void GetError (float *e);
Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1
void GetThresholdedError (float *e);
Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
void ThreadedExecute (vtkImageData *inDatas, vtkImageData *outData, int extent[6], int id);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
Inherits from ImageSpatialFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
float GetDilateValue ();
float GetErodeValue ();
vtkImageDilateErode3D *New ();
void SetDilateValue (float );
void SetErodeValue (float );
void SetKernelSize (int size0, int size1, int size2);
vtkImageDilateErode3D Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
vtkImageEllipsoidSource *Ellipsefloat DilateValuefloat ErodeValuevoid ThreadedExecute (vtkImageData *inData, vtkImageData *outData, int extent[6], int id);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
Inherits from ImageToImageFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
vtkImageDivergence *New ();
vtkImageDivergence Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void ComputeInputUpdateExtent (int inExt[6], int outExt[6]);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
void ThreadedExecute (vtkImageData *inData, vtkImageData *outData, int ext[6], int id);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
Inherits from ImageTwoInputFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
vtkImageDotProduct *New ();
vtkImageDotProduct Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void ThreadedExecute (vtkImageData *inDatas, vtkImageData *outData, int extent[6], int id);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
Inherits from ImageSource
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
float *GetCenter ();
(Returns a 3-element Perl list)
const char *GetClassName();
float GetInValue ();
float GetOutValue ();
int GetOutputScalarType ();
float *GetRadius ();
(Returns a 3-element Perl list)
vtkImageEllipsoidSource *New ();
void SetCenter (float , float , float );
void SetInValue (float );
void SetOutValue (float );
void SetOutputScalarType (int );
void SetOutputScalarTypeToChar ();
void SetOutputScalarTypeToDouble ();
void SetOutputScalarTypeToFloat ();
void SetOutputScalarTypeToInt ();
void SetOutputScalarTypeToLong ();
void SetOutputScalarTypeToShort ();
void SetOutputScalarTypeToUnsignedChar ();
void SetOutputScalarTypeToUnsignedInt ();
void SetOutputScalarTypeToUnsignedLong ();
void SetOutputScalarTypeToUnsignedShort ();
void SetRadius (float , float , float );
void SetWholeExtent (int minX, int maxX, int minY, int maxY, int minZ, int maxZ);
vtkImageEllipsoidSource Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
int WholeExtent[6]float Center[3]float Radius[3]float InValuefloat OutValueint OutputScalarTypevoid ExecuteInformation ();
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
void GetWholeExtent (int extent[6]);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
int *GetWholeExtent ();
Can't Handle 'int *' return type without a hint
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
void SetCenter (float a[3]);
Method is redundant. Same as SetCenter( float, float, float)
void SetRadius (float a[3]);
Method is redundant. Same as SetRadius( float, float, float)
void SetWholeExtent (int extent[6]);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
Inherits from ImageToImageFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
float GetThetaMaximum ();
vtkImageEuclideanToPolar *New ();
void SetThetaMaximum (float );
vtkImageEuclideanToPolar Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
float ThetaMaximumvoid ThreadedExecute (vtkImageData *inData, vtkImageData *outData, int ext[6], int id);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
Inherits from ProcessObject
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
int *GetDataDimensions ();
(Returns a 3-element Perl list)
int *GetDataExtent ();
(Returns a 6-element Perl list)
int GetDataMemorySize ();
int GetDataNumberOfScalarComponents ();
float *GetDataOrigin ();
(Returns a 3-element Perl list)
int GetDataScalarType ();
float *GetDataSpacing ();
(Returns a 3-element Perl list)
int GetImageLowerLeft ();
vtkImageData *GetInput ();
void *GetPointerToData ();
void ImageLowerLeftOff ();
void ImageLowerLeftOn ();
vtkImageExport *New ();
void SetImageLowerLeft (int );
void SetInput (vtkImageData *input);
vtkImageExport Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
virtual void Export (void *);
Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1
void GetDataDimensions (int *ptr);
Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1
void GetDataExtent (int *ptr);
Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1
void GetDataOrigin (float *ptr);
Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1
void GetDataSpacing (float *ptr);
Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
Inherits from ImageToImageFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
int *GetComponents ();
(Returns a 3-element Perl list)
int GetNumberOfComponents ();
vtkImageExtractComponents *New ();
void SetComponents (int c1, int c2, int c3);
void SetComponents (int c1, int c2);
void SetComponents (int c1);
vtkImageExtractComponents Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
int NumberOfComponentsint Components[3]void ExecuteInformation (vtkImageData *inData, vtkImageData *outData);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
void ThreadedExecute (vtkImageData *inData, vtkImageData *outData, int ext[6], int id);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
Inherits from ImageFourierFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
vtkImageFFT *New ();
vtkImageFFT Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void ComputeInputUpdateExtent (int inExt[6], int outExt[6]);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
int SplitExtent (int splitExt[6], int startExt[6], int num, int total);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
void ThreadedExecute (vtkImageData *inData, vtkImageData *outData, int outExt[6], int threadId);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
Inherits from ImageToImageFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
int GetFilteredAxis ();
int GetPreserveImageExtent ();
vtkImageFlip *New ();
void PreserveImageExtentOff ();
void PreserveImageExtentOn ();
void SetFilteredAxes (int axis);
void SetFilteredAxis (int );
void SetPreserveImageExtent (int );
vtkImageFlip Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void ComputeInputUpdateExtent (int inExt[6], int outExt[6]);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
void ThreadedExecute (vtkImageData *inData, vtkImageData *outData, int outExt[6], int id);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
Inherits from ImageDecomposeFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
vtkImageFourierCenter *New ();
vtkImageFourierCenter Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void ComputeInputUpdateExtent (int inExt[6], int outExt[6]);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
void ThreadedExecute (vtkImageData *inData, vtkImageData *outData, int outExt[6], int threadId);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
Inherits from ImageToImageFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
int GetDimensionality ();
float *GetRadiusFactors ();
(Returns a 3-element Perl list)
float *GetStandardDeviations ();
(Returns a 3-element Perl list)
vtkImageGaussianSmooth *New ();
void SetDimensionality (int );
void SetRadiusFactor (float f);
void SetRadiusFactors (float , float , float );
void SetRadiusFactors (float f, float f2);
void SetStandardDeviation (float a, float b, float c);
void SetStandardDeviation (float a, float b);
void SetStandardDeviation (float std);
void SetStandardDeviations (float , float , float );
void SetStandardDeviations (float a, float b);
vtkImageGaussianSmooth Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void ComputeInputUpdateExtent (int inExt[6], int outExt[6]);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
int Dimensionalityfloat StandardDeviations[3]float RadiusFactors[3]void ComputeKernel (double *kernel, int min, int max, double std);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
void ExecuteAxis (int axis, vtkImageData *inData, int inExt[6], vtkImageData *outData, int outExt[6], int *pcycle, int target, int *pcount, int total);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
void SetRadiusFactors (float a[3]);
Method is redundant. Same as SetRadiusFactors( float, float, float)
void SetStandardDeviations (float a[3]);
Method is redundant. Same as SetStandardDeviations( float, float, float)
void ThreadedExecute (vtkImageData *inData, vtkImageData *outData, int outExt[6], int id);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
Inherits from ImageSource
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
float *GetCenter ();
(Returns a 3-element Perl list)
const char *GetClassName();
float GetMaximum ();
float GetStandardDeviation ();
vtkImageGaussianSource *New ();
void SetCenter (float , float , float );
void SetMaximum (float );
void SetStandardDeviation (float );
void SetWholeExtent (int xMinx, int xMax, int yMin, int yMax, int zMin, int zMax);
vtkImageGaussianSource Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
float StandardDeviationint WholeExtent[6]float Center[3]float Maximumvoid ExecuteInformation ();
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
void SetCenter (float a[3]);
Method is redundant. Same as SetCenter( float, float, float)
Inherits from ImageSource
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
int *GetDataExtent ();
(Returns a 6-element Perl list)
float *GetDataOrigin ();
(Returns a 3-element Perl list)
int GetDataScalarType ();
char *GetDataScalarTypeAsString ();
float *GetDataSpacing ();
(Returns a 3-element Perl list)
float GetFillValue ();
int *GetGridOrigin ();
(Returns a 3-element Perl list)
int *GetGridSpacing ();
(Returns a 3-element Perl list)
float GetLineValue ();
vtkImageGridSource *New ();
void SetDataExtent (int , int , int , int , int , int );
void SetDataOrigin (float , float , float );
void SetDataScalarType (int );
void SetDataScalarTypeToFloat ();
void SetDataScalarTypeToInt ();
void SetDataScalarTypeToShort ();
void SetDataScalarTypeToUnsignedChar ();
void SetDataScalarTypeToUnsignedShort ();
void SetDataSpacing (float , float , float );
void SetFillValue (float );
void SetGridOrigin (int , int , int );
void SetGridSpacing (int , int , int );
void SetLineValue (float );
vtkImageGridSource Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
int GridSpacing[3]int GridOrigin[3]float LineValuefloat FillValueint DataScalarTypeint DataExtent[6]float DataSpacing[3]float DataOrigin[3]void ExecuteInformation ();
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
void SetDataExtent (int a[6]);
Method is redundant. Same as SetDataExtent( int, int, int, int, int, int)
void SetDataOrigin (float a[3]);
Method is redundant. Same as SetDataOrigin( float, float, float)
void SetDataSpacing (float a[3]);
Method is redundant. Same as SetDataSpacing( float, float, float)
void SetGridOrigin (int a[3]);
Method is redundant. Same as SetGridOrigin( int, int, int)
void SetGridSpacing (int a[3]);
Method is redundant. Same as SetGridSpacing( int, int, int)
Inherits from ImageToImageFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
int GetDimensionality ();
int GetHandleBoundaries ();
void HandleBoundariesOff ();
void HandleBoundariesOn ();
vtkImageGradient *New ();
void SetDimensionality (int );
void SetHandleBoundaries (int );
vtkImageGradient Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void ComputeInputUpdateExtent (int inExt[6], int outExt[6]);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
void ThreadedExecute (vtkImageData *inData, vtkImageData *outData, int extent[6], int id);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
Inherits from ImageToImageFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
int GetDimensionality ();
int GetHandleBoundaries ();
void HandleBoundariesOff ();
void HandleBoundariesOn ();
vtkImageGradientMagnitude *New ();
void SetDimensionality (int );
void SetHandleBoundaries (int );
vtkImageGradientMagnitude Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void ComputeInputUpdateExtent (int inExt[6], int outExt[6]);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
void ThreadedExecute (vtkImageData *inData, vtkImageData *outData, int extent[6], int id);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
Inherits from ImageToImageFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
float GetMaximum ();
vtkImageHSVToRGB *New ();
void SetMaximum (float );
vtkImageHSVToRGB Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
float Maximumvoid ThreadedExecute (vtkImageData *inData, vtkImageData *outData, int ext[6], int id);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
Inherits from ImageSpatialFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
vtkImageHybridMedian2D *New ();
vtkImageHybridMedian2D Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
float ComputeMedian (float *array, int size);
Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1
void ThreadedExecute (vtkImageData *inData, vtkImageData *outData, int outExt[6], int id);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
Inherits from ImageToImageFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
float *GetCutOff ();
(Returns a 3-element Perl list)
float GetXCutOff ();
float GetYCutOff ();
float GetZCutOff ();
vtkImageIdealHighPass *New ();
void SetCutOff (float , float , float );
void SetCutOff (float v);
void SetXCutOff (float v);
void SetYCutOff (float v);
void SetZCutOff (float v);
vtkImageIdealHighPass Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
void SetCutOff (float a[3]);
Method is redundant. Same as SetCutOff( float, float, float)
float CutOff[3]void ThreadedExecute (vtkImageData *inData, vtkImageData *outData, int outExt[6], int id);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
Inherits from ImageToImageFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
float *GetCutOff ();
(Returns a 3-element Perl list)
float GetXCutOff ();
float GetYCutOff ();
float GetZCutOff ();
vtkImageIdealLowPass *New ();
void SetCutOff (float , float , float );
void SetCutOff (float v);
void SetXCutOff (float v);
void SetYCutOff (float v);
void SetZCutOff (float v);
vtkImageIdealLowPass Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
void SetCutOff (float a[3]);
Method is redundant. Same as SetCutOff( float, float, float)
float CutOff[3]void ThreadedExecute (vtkImageData *inData, vtkImageData *outData, int outExt[6], int id);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
Inherits from ImageSource
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
int *GetDataExtent ();
(Returns a 6-element Perl list)
float *GetDataOrigin ();
(Returns a 3-element Perl list)
int GetDataScalarType ();
char *GetDataScalarTypeAsString ();
float *GetDataSpacing ();
(Returns a 3-element Perl list)
void *GetImportVoidPointer ();
int GetNumberOfScalarComponents ();
vtkImageImport *New ();
void SetDataExtent (int , int , int , int , int , int );
void SetDataOrigin (float , float , float );
void SetDataScalarType (int );
void SetDataScalarTypeToDouble ();
void SetDataScalarTypeToFloat ();
void SetDataScalarTypeToInt ();
void SetDataScalarTypeToShort ();
void SetDataScalarTypeToUnsignedChar ();
void SetDataScalarTypeToUnsignedShort ();
void SetDataSpacing (float , float , float );
void SetNumberOfScalarComponents (int );
vtkImageImport Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void CopyImportVoidPointer (void *ptr, int size);
Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1
void *ImportVoidPointerint SaveUserArrayint NumberOfScalarComponentsint DataScalarTypeint DataExtent[6]float DataSpacing[3]float DataOrigin[3]void Execute (vtkImageData *data);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
void SetDataExtent (int a[6]);
Method is redundant. Same as SetDataExtent( int, int, int, int, int, int)
void SetDataOrigin (float a[3]);
Method is redundant. Same as SetDataOrigin( float, float, float)
void SetDataSpacing (float a[3]);
Method is redundant. Same as SetDataSpacing( float, float, float)
void SetImportVoidPointer (void *ptr);
Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1
void SetImportVoidPointer (void *ptr, int save);
Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1
Inherits from ImageToImageFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
int GetAreaThreshold ();
const char *GetClassName();
float GetIslandValue ();
float GetReplaceValue ();
int GetSquareNeighborhood ();
vtkImageIslandRemoval2D *New ();
void SetAreaThreshold (int );
void SetIslandValue (float );
void SetReplaceValue (float );
void SetSquareNeighborhood (int );
void SquareNeighborhoodOff ();
void SquareNeighborhoodOn ();
vtkImageIslandRemoval2D Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
Inherits from ImageToImageFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
int GetDimensionality ();
vtkImageLaplacian *New ();
void SetDimensionality (int );
vtkImageLaplacian Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
int Dimensionalityvoid ComputeInputUpdateExtent (int inExt[6], int outExt[6]);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
void ThreadedExecute (vtkImageData *inData, vtkImageData *outData, int ext[6], int id);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
Inherits from ImageToImageFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
float GetConstant ();
vtkImageLogarithmicScale *New ();
void SetConstant (float );
vtkImageLogarithmicScale Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
float Constantvoid ThreadedExecute (vtkImageData *inData, vtkImageData *outData, int outExt[6], int id);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
Inherits from ImageTwoInputFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
int GetOperation ();
float GetOutputTrueValue ();
vtkImageLogic *New ();
void SetOperation (int );
void SetOperationToAnd ();
void SetOperationToNand ();
void SetOperationToNor ();
void SetOperationToNot ();
void SetOperationToOr ();
void SetOperationToXor ();
void SetOutputTrueValue (float );
vtkImageLogic Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
int Operationfloat OutputTrueValuevoid ThreadedExecute (vtkImageData *inDatas, vtkImageData *outData, int extent[6], int id);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
Inherits from ImageToImageFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
vtkImageLuminance *New ();
vtkImageLuminance Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void ThreadedExecute (vtkImageData *inData, vtkImageData *outData, int ext[6], int id);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
Inherits from ImageToImageFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
int GetInterpolate ();
int *GetMagnificationFactors ();
(Returns a 3-element Perl list)
void InterpolateOff ();
void InterpolateOn ();
vtkImageMagnify *New ();
void SetInterpolate (int );
void SetMagnificationFactors (int , int , int );
vtkImageMagnify Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
int MagnificationFactors[3]int Interpolatevoid ComputeInputUpdateExtent (int inExt[6], int outExt[6]);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
void SetMagnificationFactors (int a[3]);
Method is redundant. Same as SetMagnificationFactors( int, int, int)
void ThreadedExecute (vtkImageData *inData, vtkImageData *outData, int extent[6], int id);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
Inherits from ImageToImageFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
vtkImageMagnitude *New ();
vtkImageMagnitude Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void ThreadedExecute (vtkImageData *inData, vtkImageData *outData, int extent[6], int id);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
Inherits from ImageSource
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
void CopyOriginAndSample (vtkImageMandelbrotSource *source);
const char *GetClassName();
short unsigned GetMaximumNumberOfIterations ();
double *GetOriginCX ();
(Returns a 4-element Perl list)
int *GetProjectionAxes ();
(Returns a 3-element Perl list)
double *GetSampleCX ();
(Returns a 4-element Perl list)
int *GetWholeExtent ();
(Returns a 6-element Perl list)
vtkImageMandelbrotSource *New ();
void Pan (double x, double y, double z);
void SetMaximumNumberOfIterations (unsigned short );
void SetOriginCX (double , double , double , double );
void SetProjectionAxes (int , int , int );
void SetSample (double v);
void SetSampleCX (double , double , double , double );
void SetWholeExtent (int minX, int maxX, int minY, int maxY, int minZ, int maxZ);
void Zoom (double factor);
vtkImageMandelbrotSource Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
float EvaluateSet (double p[4]);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
int ProjectionAxes[3]int WholeExtent[6]double OriginCX[4]double SampleCX[4]unsigned short MaximumNumberOfIterationsvoid Execute (vtkImageData *outData);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
void SetOriginCX (double a[4]);
Method is redundant. Same as SetOriginCX( double, double, double, double)
void SetProjectionAxes (int a[3]);
Method is redundant. Same as SetProjectionAxes( int, int, int)
void SetSampleCX (double a[4]);
Method is redundant. Same as SetSampleCX( double, double, double, double)
void SetWholeExtent (int extent[6]);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
Inherits from Mapper2D
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
float GetColorLevel ();
float GetColorScale ();
float GetColorShift ();
float GetColorWindow ();
int *GetCustomDisplayExtents ();
(Returns a 4-element Perl list)
vtkImageData *GetInput ();
unsigned long GetMTime ();
int GetRenderToRectangle ();
int GetUseCustomExtents ();
int GetWholeZMax ();
int GetWholeZMin ();
int GetZSlice ();
vtkImageMapper *New ();
virtual void RenderData (vtkViewport *, vtkImageData *, vtkActor2D *) = 0;
void RenderStart (vtkViewport *viewport, vtkActor2D *actor);
void RenderToRectangleOff ();
void RenderToRectangleOn ();
void SetColorLevel (float );
void SetColorWindow (float );
void SetCustomDisplayExtents (int [4]);
void SetInput (vtkImageData *);
void SetUseCustomExtents (int );
void SetZSlice (int );
void UseCustomExtentsOff ();
void UseCustomExtentsOn ();
vtkImageMapper Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
void Setint DisplayExtent[6]RenderToRectangle (int );
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
Inherits from ImageToImageFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
vtkScalarsToColors *GetLookupTable ();
unsigned long GetMTime ();
int GetOutputFormat ();
vtkImageMapToColors *New ();
void SetLookupTable (vtkScalarsToColors *);
void SetOutputFormat (int );
void SetOutputFormatToLuminance ();
void SetOutputFormatToLuminanceAlpha ();
void SetOutputFormatToRGB ();
void SetOutputFormatToRGBA ();
void UpdateData (vtkDataObject *output);
vtkImageMapToColors Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
void ThreadedExecute (vtkImageData *inData, vtkImageData *outData, int extent[6], int id);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
Inherits from ImageMapToColors
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
vtkImageMapToRGBA *New ();
Inherits from ImageMapToColors
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
float GetLevel ();
float GetWindow ();
vtkImageMapToWindowLevelColors *New ();
void SetLevel (float );
void SetWindow (float );
void UpdateData (vtkDataObject *output);
vtkImageMapToWindowLevelColors Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
void ThreadedExecute (vtkImageData *inData, vtkImageData *outData, int extent[6], int id);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
Inherits from ImageTwoInputFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
int GetMaskedOutputValueLength ();
int GetNotMask ();
vtkImageMask *New ();
void NotMaskOff ();
void NotMaskOn ();
void SetImageInput (vtkImageData *in);
void SetMaskInput (vtkImageData *in);
void SetMaskedOutputValue (float v1, float v2, float v3);
void SetMaskedOutputValue (float v1, float v2);
void SetMaskedOutputValue (float v);
void SetNotMask (int );
vtkImageMask Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
float *GetMaskedOutputValue ();
Can't Handle 'float *' return type without a hint
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
void SetMaskedOutputValue (int num, float *v);
Don't know the size of pointer arg number 2
void ThreadedExecute (vtkImageData *inDatas, vtkImageData *outData, int extent[6], int id);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
Inherits from ImageToImageFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
unsigned int *GetMasks ();
(Returns a 4-element Perl list)
int GetOperation ();
vtkImageMaskBits *New ();
void SetMask (unsigned int mask);
void SetMasks (unsigned int , unsigned int , unsigned int , unsigned int );
void SetMasks (unsigned int mask1, unsigned int mask2, unsigned int mask3);
void SetMasks (unsigned int mask1, unsigned int mask2);
void SetOperation (int );
void SetOperationToAnd ();
void SetOperationToNand ();
void SetOperationToNor ();
void SetOperationToOr ();
void SetOperationToXor ();
vtkImageMaskBits Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void PrintSelf (ostream &, vtkIndent );
I/O Streams not Supported yet
void SetMasks (unsigned int a[4]);
Arg types of 'unsigned int *' not supported yet
void ThreadedExecute (vtkImageData *inData, vtkImageData *outData, int ext[6], int id);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
Inherits from ImageTwoInputFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
double GetConstantC ();
double GetConstantK ();
int GetOperation ();
vtkImageMathematics *New ();
void SetConstantC (double );
void SetConstantK (double );
void SetOperation (int );
void SetOperationToATAN ();
void SetOperationToATAN2 ();
void SetOperationToAbsoluteValue ();
void SetOperationToAdd ();
void SetOperationToAddConstant ();
void SetOperationToComplexMultiply ();
void SetOperationToConjugate ();
void SetOperationToCos ();
void SetOperationToDivide ();
void SetOperationToExp ();
void SetOperationToInvert ();
void SetOperationToLog ();
void SetOperationToMax ();
void SetOperationToMin ();
void SetOperationToMultiply ();
void SetOperationToMultiplyByK ();
void SetOperationToReplaceCByK ();
void SetOperationToSin ();
void SetOperationToSquare ();
void SetOperationToSquareRoot ();
void SetOperationToSubtract ();
vtkImageMathematics Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
void ThreadedExecute (vtkImageData *inDatas, vtkImageData *outData, int extent[6], int id);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
Inherits from ImageSpatialFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
int GetNumberOfElements ();
vtkImageMedian3D *New ();
void SetKernelSize (int size0, int size1, int size2);
vtkImageMedian3D Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
int NumberOfElementsvoid ThreadedExecute (vtkImageData *inData, vtkImageData *outData, int extent[6], int id);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
Inherits from ImagePadFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
vtkImageMirrorPad *New ();
vtkImageMirrorPad Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void ComputeInputUpdateExtent (int inExt[6], int outExt[6]);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
void ThreadedExecute (vtkImageData *inData, vtkImageData *outRegion, int ext[6], int id);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
Inherits from ImageSource
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
float GetMaximum ();
float GetMinimum ();
vtkImageNoiseSource *New ();
void SetMaximum (float );
void SetMinimum (float );
void SetWholeExtent (int xMinx, int xMax, int yMin, int yMax, int zMin, int zMax);
vtkImageNoiseSource Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
float Minimumfloat Maximumint WholeExtent[6]void ExecuteInformation ();
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
Inherits from ImageTwoInputFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
int GetDimensionality ();
int GetHandleBoundaries ();
void HandleBoundariesOff ();
void HandleBoundariesOn ();
vtkImageNonMaximumSuppression *New ();
void SetDimensionality (int );
void SetHandleBoundaries (int );
void SetMagnitudeInput (vtkImageData *input);
void SetVectorInput (vtkImageData *input);
vtkImageNonMaximumSuppression Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
virtual void ComputeInputUpdateExtent (int inExt[6], int outExt[6], int whichInput);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
void ThreadedExecute (vtkImageData *inDatas, vtkImageData *outData, int extent[6], int id);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
Inherits from ImageToImageFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
vtkImageNormalize *New ();
vtkImageNormalize Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void ThreadedExecute (vtkImageData *inData, vtkImageData *outData, int extent[6], int id);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
Inherits from ImageToImageFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
void DebugOff ();
void DebugOn ();
const char *GetClassName();
float GetCloseValue ();
vtkImageDilateErode3D *GetFilter0 ();
vtkImageDilateErode3D *GetFilter1 ();
unsigned long GetMTime ();
float GetOpenValue ();
vtkImageData *GetOutput (int idx);
vtkImageData *GetOutput ();
void Modified ();
vtkImageOpenClose3D *New ();
void SetCloseValue (float value);
void SetInput (vtkImageData *Input);
void SetKernelSize (int size0, int size1, int size2);
void SetOpenValue (float value);
vtkImageOpenClose3D Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
Inherits from ImageToImageFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
int *GetFilteredAxes ();
(Returns a 3-element Perl list)
vtkImagePermute *New ();
void SetFilteredAxes (int , int , int );
vtkImagePermute Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void ComputeInputUpdateExtent (int inExt[6], int outExt[6]);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
int FilteredAxes[3]void ExecuteInformation (vtkImageData *inData, vtkImageData *outData);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
void SetFilteredAxes (int a[3]);
Method is redundant. Same as SetFilteredAxes( int, int, int)
void ThreadedExecute (vtkImageData *inData, vtkImageData *outData, int ext[6], int id);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
Inherits from ImageToImageFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
float GetBuildTreeExecuteTime ();
const char *GetClassName();
float GetInitializeExecuteTime ();
float GetLookupIndexExecuteTime ();
vtkLookupTable *GetLookupTable ();
int GetNumberOfColors ();
vtkImageQuantizeRGBToIndex *New ();
void SetNumberOfColors (int );
vtkImageQuantizeRGBToIndex Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void ComputeInputUpdateExtent (int inExt[6], int outExt[6]);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
Inherits from Viewport
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
virtual void Erase ();
const char *GetClassName();
vtkImageWindow *GetImageWindow ();
virtual float GetPickedZ ();
vtkWindow *GetVTKWindow ();
vtkImager *New ();
virtual vtkAssemblyPath *PickProp (float selectionX, float selectionY);
virtual int RenderOpaqueGeometry ();
virtual int RenderOverlay ();
virtual int RenderTranslucentGeometry ();
Inherits from Collection
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
void AddItem (vtkImager *a);
const char *GetClassName();
vtkImager *GetLastItem ();
vtkImager *GetNextItem ();
vtkImagerCollection *New ();
Inherits from ImageSource
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
void ComputeInternalFileName (int slice);
void FileLowerLeftOff ();
void FileLowerLeftOn ();
const char *GetClassName();
int GetDataByteOrder ();
char *GetDataByteOrderAsString ();
int *GetDataExtent ();
(Returns a 6-element Perl list)
short unsigned GetDataMask ();
float *GetDataOrigin ();
(Returns a 3-element Perl list)
int GetDataScalarType ();
float *GetDataSpacing ();
(Returns a 3-element Perl list)
int *GetDataVOI ();
(Returns a 6-element Perl list)
int GetFileDimensionality ();
int GetFileLowerLeft ();
char *GetFileName ();
char *GetFilePattern ();
char *GetFilePrefix ();
int GetHeaderSize (int slice);
int GetHeaderSize ();
char *GetInternalFileName ();
int GetNumberOfScalarComponents ();
int GetSwapBytes ();
vtkTransform *GetTransform ();
vtkImageReader *New ();
void OpenFile ();
void SetDataByteOrder (int );
void SetDataByteOrderToBigEndian ();
void SetDataByteOrderToLittleEndian ();
void SetDataExtent (int , int , int , int , int , int );
void SetDataMask (int val);
void SetDataOrigin (float , float , float );
void SetDataScalarType (int type);
void SetDataScalarTypeToDouble ();
void SetDataScalarTypeToFloat ();
void SetDataScalarTypeToInt ();
void SetDataScalarTypeToShort ();
void SetDataScalarTypeToUnsignedChar ();
void SetDataScalarTypeToUnsignedShort ();
void SetDataSpacing (float , float , float );
void SetDataVOI (int , int , int , int , int , int );
void SetFileDimensionality (int );
void SetFileLowerLeft (int );
void SetFileName (char *);
void SetFilePattern (char *);
void SetFilePrefix (char *);
void SetHeaderSize (int size);
void SetNumberOfScalarComponents (int );
void SetSwapBytes (int );
void SetTransform (vtkTransform *);
void SwapBytesOff ();
void SwapBytesOn ();
vtkImageReader Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void ComputeInverseTransformedExtent (int inExtent[6], int outExtent[6]);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
void ComputeInverseTransformedIncrements (int inIncr[3], int outIncr[3]);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
void ComputeTransformedExtent (int inExtent[6], int outExtent[6]);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
void ComputeTransformedIncrements (int inIncr[3], int outIncr[3]);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
void ComputeTransformedOrigin (float origin[3]);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
char *InternalFileNamechar *FileNamechar *FilePrefixchar *FilePatternint NumberOfScalarComponentsint FileLowerLeftifstream *Fileunsigned long DataIncrements[4]int DataExtent[6]unsigned short DataMaskint SwapBytesint FileDimensionalityint HeaderSizeint DataScalarTypeint ManualHeaderSizeint InitializedvtkTransform *Transformvoid ComputeTransformedSpacing (float Spacing[3]);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
int DataDimensions[3]float DataSpacing[3]float DataOrigin[3]int DataVOI[6]void ExecuteInformation ();
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
void OpenAndSeekFile (int extent[6], int slice);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
void SetDataExtent (int a[6]);
Method is redundant. Same as SetDataExtent( int, int, int, int, int, int)
void SetDataOrigin (float a[3]);
Method is redundant. Same as SetDataOrigin( float, float, float)
void SetDataSpacing (float a[3]);
Method is redundant. Same as SetDataSpacing( float, float, float)
void SetDataVOI (int a[6]);
Method is redundant. Same as SetDataVOI( int, int, int, int, int, int)
Inherits from ImageToImageFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
float GetAxisMagnificationFactor (int axis);
const char *GetClassName();
int GetDimensionality ();
int GetInterpolate ();
void InterpolateOff ();
void InterpolateOn ();
vtkImageResample *New ();
void SetAxisMagnificationFactor (int axis, float factor);
void SetAxisOutputSpacing (int axis, float spacing);
void SetDimensionality (int );
void SetInterpolate (int );
vtkImageResample Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
float MagnificationFactors[3]float OutputSpacing[3]int Interpolateint Dimensionalityvoid ComputeInputUpdateExtent (int inExt[6], int outExt[6]);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
void ThreadedExecute (vtkImageData *inData, vtkImageData *outData, int extent[6], int id);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
Inherits from ImageFourierFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
vtkImageRFFT *New ();
vtkImageRFFT Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void ComputeInputUpdateExtent (int inExt[6], int outExt[6]);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
int SplitExtent (int splitExt[6], int startExt[6], int num, int total);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
void ThreadedExecute (vtkImageData *inData, vtkImageData *outData, int outExt[6], int threadId);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
Inherits from ImageToImageFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
float GetMaximum ();
vtkImageRGBToHSV *New ();
void SetMaximum (float );
vtkImageRGBToHSV Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
float Maximumvoid ThreadedExecute (vtkImageData *inData, vtkImageData *outData, int ext[6], int id);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
Inherits from ImageSpatialFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
vtkImageRange3D *New ();
void SetKernelSize (int size0, int size1, int size2);
vtkImageRange3D Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
void ThreadedExecute (vtkImageData *inData, vtkImageData *outData, int extent[6], int id);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
Inherits from ImageToImageFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
void AddSeed (int i0, int i1, int i2);
void AddSeed (int i0, int i1);
const char *GetClassName();
vtkImageConnector *GetConnector ();
int GetDimensionality ();
int GetInputConnectValue ();
int GetOutputConnectedValue ();
int GetOutputUnconnectedValue ();
vtkImageSeedConnectivity *New ();
void RemoveAllSeeds ();
void SetDimensionality (int );
void SetInputConnectValue (int );
void SetOutputConnectedValue (int );
void SetOutputUnconnectedValue (int );
vtkImageSeedConnectivity Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void AddSeed (int num, int *index);
Don't know the size of pointer arg number 2
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
Inherits from ImageToImageFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
void ClampOverflowOff ();
void ClampOverflowOn ();
int GetClampOverflow ();
const char *GetClassName();
int GetOutputScalarType ();
float GetScale ();
float GetShift ();
vtkImageShiftScale *New ();
void SetClampOverflow (int );
void SetOutputScalarType (int );
void SetOutputScalarTypeToChar ();
void SetOutputScalarTypeToDouble ();
void SetOutputScalarTypeToFloat ();
void SetOutputScalarTypeToInt ();
void SetOutputScalarTypeToLong ();
void SetOutputScalarTypeToShort ();
void SetOutputScalarTypeToUnsignedChar ();
void SetOutputScalarTypeToUnsignedInt ();
void SetOutputScalarTypeToUnsignedLong ();
void SetOutputScalarTypeToUnsignedShort ();
void SetScale (float );
void SetShift (float );
vtkImageShiftScale Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
void ThreadedExecute (vtkImageData *inData, vtkImageData *outData, int extent[6], int id);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
Inherits from ImageToImageFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
void AveragingOff ();
void AveragingOn ();
int GetAveraging ();
const char *GetClassName();
int GetMaximum ();
int GetMean ();
int GetMedian ();
int GetMinimum ();
int *GetShift ();
(Returns a 3-element Perl list)
int *GetShrinkFactors ();
(Returns a 3-element Perl list)
void MaximumOff ();
void MaximumOn ();
void MeanOff ();
void MeanOn ();
void MedianOff ();
void MedianOn ();
void MinimumOff ();
void MinimumOn ();
vtkImageShrink3D *New ();
void SetAveraging (int );
void SetMaximum (int );
void SetMean (int );
void SetMedian (int );
void SetMinimum (int );
void SetShift (int , int , int );
void SetShrinkFactors (int , int , int );
vtkImageShrink3D Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void ComputeInputUpdateExtent (int inExt[6], int outExt[6]);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
int ShrinkFactors[3]int Shift[3]int Meanint Minimumint Maximumint Medianvoid ExecuteInformation (vtkImageData *inData, vtkImageData *outData);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
void SetShift (int a[3]);
Method is redundant. Same as SetShift( int, int, int)
void SetShrinkFactors (int a[3]);
Method is redundant. Same as SetShrinkFactors( int, int, int)
void ThreadedExecute (vtkImageData *inData, vtkImageData *outData, int ext[6], int id);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
Inherits from ImageSource
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
float GetAmplitude ();
const char *GetClassName();
float *GetDirection ();
(Returns a 3-element Perl list)
float GetPeriod ();
float GetPhase ();
vtkImageSinusoidSource *New ();
void SetAmplitude (float );
void SetDirection (float , float , float );
void SetPeriod (float );
void SetPhase (float );
void SetWholeExtent (int xMinx, int xMax, int yMin, int yMax, int zMin, int zMax);
vtkImageSinusoidSource Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
int WholeExtent[6]float Direction[3]float Periodfloat Phasefloat Amplitudevoid ExecuteInformation ();
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
void SetDirection (float *);
Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1
Inherits from ImageIterateFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
int GetPrune ();
vtkImageSkeleton2D *New ();
void PruneOff ();
void PruneOn ();
void SetNumberOfIterations (int num);
void SetPrune (int );
vtkImageSkeleton2D Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
int Prunevoid ComputeInputUpdateExtent (int inExt[6], int outExt[6]);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
void ThreadedExecute (vtkImageData *inData, vtkImageData *outData, int outExt[6], int id);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
Inherits from ImageSpatialFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
vtkImageSobel2D *New ();
vtkImageSobel2D Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
void ThreadedExecute (vtkImageData *inData, vtkImageData *outData, int outExt[6], int id);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
Inherits from ImageSpatialFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
vtkImageSobel3D *New ();
vtkImageSobel3D Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
void ThreadedExecute (vtkImageData *inData, vtkImageData *outData, int outExt[6], int id);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
Inherits from ImageToImageFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
float GetInValue ();
float GetLowerThreshold ();
float GetOutValue ();
int GetOutputScalarType ();
int GetReplaceIn ();
int GetReplaceOut ();
float GetUpperThreshold ();
vtkImageThreshold *New ();
void ReplaceInOff ();
void ReplaceInOn ();
void ReplaceOutOff ();
void ReplaceOutOn ();
void SetInValue (float val);
void SetOutValue (float val);
void SetOutputScalarType (int );
void SetOutputScalarTypeToChar ();
void SetOutputScalarTypeToDouble ();
void SetOutputScalarTypeToFloat ();
void SetOutputScalarTypeToInt ();
void SetOutputScalarTypeToLong ();
void SetOutputScalarTypeToShort ();
void SetOutputScalarTypeToUnsignedChar ();
void SetOutputScalarTypeToUnsignedInt ();
void SetOutputScalarTypeToUnsignedLong ();
void SetOutputScalarTypeToUnsignedShort ();
void SetReplaceIn (int );
void SetReplaceOut (int );
void ThresholdBetween (float lower, float upper);
void ThresholdByLower (float thresh);
void ThresholdByUpper (float thresh);
vtkImageThreshold Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
void ThreadedExecute (vtkImageData *inData, vtkImageData *outData, int extent[6], int id);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
Inherits from ImageToImageFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
int *GetTranslation ();
(Returns a 3-element Perl list)
vtkImageTranslateExtent *New ();
void SetTranslation (int , int , int );
void UpdateData (vtkDataObject *data);
vtkImageTranslateExtent Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
int Translation[3]void ComputeInputUpdateExtent (int extent[6], int wholeExtent[6]);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
void SetTranslation (int a[3]);
Method is redundant. Same as SetTranslation( int, int, int)
Inherits from ImageSpatialFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
vtkImageVariance3D *New ();
void SetKernelSize (int size0, int size1, int size2);
vtkImageVariance3D Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
void ThreadedExecute (vtkImageData *inData, vtkImageData *outData, int extent[6], int id);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
Inherits from Object
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
vtkActor2D *GetActor2D ();
const char *GetClassName();
float GetColorLevel ();
float GetColorWindow ();
int GetGrayScaleHint ();
vtkImageMapper *GetImageMapper ();
vtkImageWindow *GetImageWindow ();
vtkImager *GetImager ();
vtkImageData *GetInput ();
int GetWholeZMax ();
int GetWholeZMin ();
char *GetWindowName ();
int GetZSlice ();
void GrayScaleHintOff ();
void GrayScaleHintOn ();
vtkImageViewer *New ();
virtual void Render (void );
void SetColorLevel (float s);
void SetColorWindow (float s);
void SetGrayScaleHint (int a);
void SetInput (vtkImageData *in);
void SetPosition (int a, int b);
void SetSize (int a, int b);
void SetZSlice (int s);
vtkImageViewer Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
int *GetPosition ();
Can't Handle 'int *' return type without a hint
int *GetSize ();
Can't Handle 'int *' return type without a hint
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
void SetDisplayId (void *a);
Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1
void SetParentId (void *a);
Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1
virtual void SetPosition (int a[2]);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
virtual void SetSize (int a[2]);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
void SetWindowId (void *a);
Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1
Inherits from Window
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
void AddImager (vtkImager *im);
virtual void ClosePPMImageFile ();
virtual void EraseWindow ();
virtual void Frame () = 0;
const char *GetClassName();
char *GetFileName ();
virtual void *GetGenericContext () = 0;
virtual void *GetGenericDisplayId () = 0;
virtual void *GetGenericDrawable ();
virtual void *GetGenericParentId () = 0;
virtual void *GetGenericWindowId () = 0;
int GetGrayScaleHint ();
vtkImagerCollection *GetImagers ();
void GrayScaleHintOff ();
void GrayScaleHintOn ();
virtual void MakeCurrent ();
vtkImageWindow *New ();
virtual int OpenPPMImageFile ();
void RemoveImager (vtkImager *im);
virtual void Render ();
virtual void SaveImageAsPPM ();
void SetFileName (char *);
void SetGrayScaleHint (int );
virtual void SetPosition (int x, int y) = 0;
virtual void SetSize (int , int ) = 0;
virtual void SetWindowInfo (char *);
virtual void SwapBuffers () = 0;
virtual void WritePPMImageFile ();
vtkImageWindow Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
virtual int *GetPosition () = 0;
Can't Handle 'int *' return type without a hint
virtual void GetPosition (int *x, int *y);
Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1
virtual int *GetSize () = 0;
Can't Handle 'int *' return type without a hint
virtual void GetSize (int *x, int *y);
Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
virtual void SetDisplayId (void *) = 0;
Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1
virtual void SetParentId (void *) = 0;
Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1
virtual void SetPosition (int a[2]);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
virtual void SetSize (int a[2]);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
virtual void SetWindowId (void *) = 0;
Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1
Inherits from ImagePadFilter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
vtkImageWrapPad *New ();
vtkImageWrapPad Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void ComputeInputUpdateExtent (int inExt[6], int outExt[6]);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
void ThreadedExecute (vtkImageData *inData, vtkImageData *outRegion, int ext[6], int id);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
Inherits from ProcessObject
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
int GetFileDimensionality ();
char *GetFileName ();
char *GetFilePattern ();
char *GetFilePrefix ();
vtkImageData *GetInput ();
long unsigned GetMemoryLimit ();
vtkImageWriter *New ();
void SetFileDimensionality (int );
void SetFileName (char *);
void SetFilePattern (char *filePattern);
void SetFilePrefix (char *filePrefix);
virtual void SetInput (vtkImageData *input);
void SetMemoryLimit (unsigned long );
virtual void Write ();
vtkImageWriter Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
int FileDimensionalitychar *FilePrefixchar *FilePatternchar *FileNameint FileNumberint FileLowerLeftchar *InternalFileNameunsigned long MemoryLimitvoid RecursiveWrite (int dim, vtkImageData *region, ofstream *file);
Don't know the size of pointer arg number 3
void RecursiveWrite (int dim, vtkImageData *cache, vtkImageData *data, ofstream *file);
Don't know the size of pointer arg number 4
virtual void WriteFile (ofstream *file, vtkImageData *data, int extent[6]);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
virtual void WriteFileHeader (ofstream *, vtkImageData *);
Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1
virtual void WriteFileTrailer (ofstream *, vtkImageData *);
Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1
Inherits from Mapper2D
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
void BoldOff ();
void BoldOn ();
int GetBold ();
const char *GetClassName();
int GetFieldDataArray ();
int GetFontFamily ();
int GetFontSize ();
vtkDataSet *GetInput ();
int GetItalic ();
char *GetLabelFormat ();
int GetLabelMode ();
int GetLabeledComponent ();
int GetShadow ();
void ItalicOff ();
void ItalicOn ();
vtkLabeledDataMapper *New ();
virtual void ReleaseGraphicsResources (vtkWindow *);
void RenderOpaqueGeometry (vtkViewport *viewport, vtkActor2D *actor);
void RenderOverlay (vtkViewport *viewport, vtkActor2D *actor);
void SetBold (int );
void SetFieldDataArray (int );
void SetFontFamily (int );
void SetFontFamilyToArial ();
void SetFontFamilyToCourier ();
void SetFontFamilyToTimes ();
void SetFontSize (int );
void SetInput (vtkDataSet *);
void SetItalic (int );
void SetLabelFormat (char *);
void SetLabelMode (int );
void SetLabelModeToLabelFieldData ();
void SetLabelModeToLabelIds ();
void SetLabelModeToLabelNormals ();
void SetLabelModeToLabelScalars ();
void SetLabelModeToLabelTCoords ();
void SetLabelModeToLabelTensors ();
void SetLabelModeToLabelVectors ();
void SetLabeledComponent (int );
void SetShadow (int );
void ShadowOff ();
void ShadowOn ();
vtkLabeledDataMapper Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
Inherits from Actor2D
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
void BoldOff ();
void BoldOn ();
int GetBold ();
const char *GetClassName();
int GetFontFamily ();
int GetIndependentVariables ();
vtkDataObject *GetInput ();
int GetItalic ();
char *GetLabelFormat ();
int GetNumberOfLabels ();
int GetShadow ();
char *GetTitle ();
void ItalicOff ();
void ItalicOn ();
vtkParallelCoordinatesActor *New ();
void ReleaseGraphicsResources (vtkWindow *);
int RenderOpaqueGeometry (vtkViewport *);
int RenderOverlay (vtkViewport *);
int RenderTranslucentGeometry (vtkViewport *);
void SetBold (int );
void SetFontFamily (int );
void SetFontFamilyToArial ();
void SetFontFamilyToCourier ();
void SetFontFamilyToTimes ();
void SetIndependentVariables (int );
void SetIndependentVariablesToColumns ();
void SetIndependentVariablesToRows ();
void SetInput (vtkDataObject *);
void SetItalic (int );
void SetLabelFormat (char *);
void SetNumberOfLabels (int );
void SetShadow (int );
void SetTitle (char *);
void ShadowOff ();
void ShadowOn ();
vtkParallelCoordinatesActor Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
int PlaceAxes (vtkViewport *viewport, int *size);
Don't know the size of pointer arg number 2
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
Inherits from ImageReader
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
vtkPNMReader *New ();
Inherits from ImageWriter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
vtkPNMWriter *New ();
vtkPNMWriter Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
virtual void WriteFile (ofstream *file, vtkImageData *data, int extent[6]);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
virtual void WriteFileHeader (ofstream *, vtkImageData *);
Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1
Inherits from Mapper2D
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
virtual void CreateDefaultLookupTable ();
const char *GetClassName();
int GetColorMode ();
char *GetColorModeAsString ();
vtkScalars *GetColors ();
vtkPolyData *GetInput ();
vtkScalarsToColors *GetLookupTable ();
virtual unsigned long GetMTime ();
float *GetScalarRange ();
(Returns a 2-element Perl list)
int GetScalarVisibility ();
vtkCoordinate *GetTransformCoordinate ();
vtkPolyDataMapper2D *New ();
void ScalarVisibilityOff ();
void ScalarVisibilityOn ();
void SetColorMode (int );
void SetColorModeToDefault ();
void SetColorModeToLuminance ();
void SetColorModeToMapScalars ();
void SetInput (vtkPolyData *);
void SetLookupTable (vtkScalarsToColors *lut);
void SetScalarRange (float , float );
void SetScalarVisibility (int );
void SetTransformCoordinate (vtkCoordinate *);
void ShallowCopy (vtkPolyDataMapper2D *m);
vtkPolyDataMapper2D Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
void SetScalarRange (float a[2]);
Method is redundant. Same as SetScalarRange( float, float)
Inherits from ImageWriter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
vtkPostScriptWriter *New ();
vtkPostScriptWriter Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
virtual void WriteFile (ofstream *file, vtkImageData *data, int extent[6]);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
virtual void WriteFileHeader (ofstream *, vtkImageData *);
Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1
virtual void WriteFileTrailer (ofstream *, vtkImageData *);
Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1
Inherits from Actor2D
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
void BoldOff ();
void BoldOn ();
int GetBold ();
const char *GetClassName();
int GetFontFamily ();
int GetItalic ();
char *GetLabelFormat ();
vtkScalarsToColors *GetLookupTable ();
int GetMaximumNumberOfColors ();
int GetNumberOfLabels ();
int GetOrientation ();
int GetShadow ();
char *GetTitle ();
void ItalicOff ();
void ItalicOn ();
vtkScalarBarActor *New ();
virtual void ReleaseGraphicsResources (vtkWindow *);
int RenderOpaqueGeometry (vtkViewport *viewport);
int RenderOverlay (vtkViewport *viewport);
int RenderTranslucentGeometry (vtkViewport *);
void SetBold (int );
void SetFontFamily (int );
void SetFontFamilyToArial ();
void SetFontFamilyToCourier ();
void SetFontFamilyToTimes ();
void SetItalic (int );
void SetLabelFormat (char *);
void SetLookupTable (vtkScalarsToColors *);
void SetMaximumNumberOfColors (int );
void SetNumberOfLabels (int );
void SetOrientation (int );
void SetOrientationToHorizontal ();
void SetOrientationToVertical ();
void SetShadow (int );
void SetTitle (char *);
void ShadowOff ();
void ShadowOn ();
void ShallowCopy (vtkProp *prop);
vtkScalarBarActor Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void AllocateAndSizeLabels (int *labelSize, int *size, vtkViewport *viewport, float *range);
Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
vtkScalarsToColors *LookupTableint MaximumNumberOfColorsint NumberOfLabelsint NumberOfLabelsBuiltint Orientationchar *Titleint Boldint Italicint Shadowint FontFamilychar *LabelFormatvtkTextMapper *TitleMappervtkActor2D *TitleActorvtkTextMapper *TextMappersvtkActor2D *TextActorsvtkPolyData *ScalarBarvtkPolyDataMapper2D *ScalarBarMappervtkActor2D *ScalarBarActorvtkTimeStamp BuildTimeint LastSize[2]int LastOrigin[2]void SizeTitle (int *titleSize, int *size, vtkViewport *viewport);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
Inherits from Actor2D
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
float GetMaximumLineHeight ();
int *GetMinimumSize ();
(Returns a 2-element Perl list)
vtkScaledTextActor *New ();
void SetMapper (vtkTextMapper *mapper);
void SetMaximumLineHeight (float );
void SetMinimumSize (int , int );
void ShallowCopy (vtkProp *prop);
vtkScaledTextActor Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
int MinimumSize[2]float MaximumLineHeightvtkActor2D *TextActorvtkTimeStamp BuildTimeint LastSize[2]int LastOrigin[2]void SetMapper (vtkMapper2D *mapper);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
void SetMinimumSize (int a[2]);
Method is redundant. Same as SetMinimumSize( int, int)
Inherits from Mapper2D
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
void BoldOff ();
void BoldOn ();
int GetBold ();
const char *GetClassName();
int GetFontFamily ();
int GetFontSize ();
int GetHeight (vtkViewport *);
char *GetInput ();
int GetItalic ();
int GetJustification ();
float GetLineOffset ();
float GetLineSpacing ();
int GetNumberOfLines (char *input);
int GetNumberOfLines ();
int GetShadow ();
int GetVerticalJustification ();
int GetWidth (vtkViewport *);
void ItalicOff ();
void ItalicOn ();
vtkTextMapper *New ();
void SetBold (int val);
void SetFontFamily (int val);
void SetFontFamilyToArial ();
void SetFontFamilyToCourier ();
void SetFontFamilyToTimes ();
virtual void SetFontSize (int size);
void SetInput (char *inputString);
void SetItalic (int val);
void SetJustification (int );
void SetJustificationToCentered ();
void SetJustificationToLeft ();
void SetJustificationToRight ();
void SetLineOffset (float );
void SetLineSpacing (float );
void SetShadow (int val);
void SetVerticalJustification (int );
void SetVerticalJustificationToBottom ();
void SetVerticalJustificationToCentered ();
void SetVerticalJustificationToTop ();
void ShadowOff ();
void ShadowOn ();
void ShallowCopy (vtkTextMapper *tm);
vtkTextMapper Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void GetMultiLineSize (vtkViewport *viewport, int size[2]);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
virtual void GetSize (vtkViewport *, int size[2]);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
Inherits from ImageReader
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
vtkTIFFReader *New ();
Inherits from ImageWriter
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
vtkTIFFWriter *New ();
vtkTIFFWriter Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
virtual void WriteFile (ofstream *file, vtkImageData *data, int ext[6]);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
virtual void WriteFileHeader (ofstream *, vtkImageData *);
Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1
Inherits from Imager
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
void Erase ();
const char *GetClassName();
vtkMesaImager *New ();
int RenderOpaqueGeometry ();
Inherits from ImageMapper
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
vtkMesaImageMapper *New ();
void RenderData (vtkViewport *viewport, vtkImageData *data, vtkActor2D *actor);
void RenderOpaqueGeometry (vtkViewport *viewport, vtkActor2D *actor);
Inherits from XImageWindow
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
virtual void EraseWindow ();
void Frame ();
const char *GetClassName();
virtual int GetDesiredDepth ();
virtual void *GetGenericContext ();
virtual void *GetGenericDisplayId ();
virtual void *GetGenericDrawable ();
virtual void *GetGenericParentId ();
virtual void *GetGenericWindowId ();
void MakeCurrent ();
virtual void MakeDefaultWindow ();
vtkMesaImageWindow *New ();
void Render ();
virtual void SetOffScreenRendering (int i);
void SwapBuffers ();
vtkMesaImageWindow Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
virtual Colormap GetDesiredColormap ();
Can't Handle ColorMap return type yet
virtual Visual *GetDesiredVisual ();
Can't Handle Visual return type yet
XVisualInfo *GetDesiredVisualInfo ();
Can't Handle 'XVisualInfo *' return type yet
virtual unsigned char *GetPixelData (int x, int y, int x2, int y2, int front);
Can't Handle 'unsigned char *' return type without a hint
virtual float *GetRGBAPixelData (int x, int y, int x2, int y2, int front);
Can't Handle 'float *' return type without a hint
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
virtual void SetPixelData (int x, int y, int x2, int y2, unsigned char *, int front);
Don't know the size of pointer arg number 5
virtual void SetRGBAPixelData (int x, int y, int x2, int y2, float *, int front, int blend);
Don't know the size of pointer arg number 5
Inherits from XTextMapper
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
vtkXMesaTextMapper *New ();
virtual void ReleaseGraphicsResources (vtkWindow *);
void RenderOpaqueGeometry (vtkViewport *viewport, vtkActor2D *actor);
void RenderOverlay (vtkViewport *viewport, vtkActor2D *actor);
vtkXMesaTextMapper Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
int GetListBaseForFont (vtkTextMapper *tm, vtkViewport *vp, Font );
Arg types of 'Font' not supported
Inherits from PolyDataMapper2D
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
vtkMesaPolyDataMapper2D *New ();
void RenderOpaqueGeometry (vtkViewport *viewport, vtkActor2D *actor);
Inherits from Imager
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
void Erase ();
const char *GetClassName();
vtkOpenGLImager *New ();
int RenderOpaqueGeometry ();
Inherits from ImageMapper
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
vtkOpenGLImageMapper *New ();
void RenderData (vtkViewport *viewport, vtkImageData *data, vtkActor2D *actor);
void RenderOpaqueGeometry (vtkViewport *viewport, vtkActor2D *actor);
Inherits from PolyDataMapper2D
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
vtkOpenGLPolyDataMapper2D *New ();
void RenderOpaqueGeometry (vtkViewport *viewport, vtkActor2D *actor);
Inherits from ImageMapper
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
int GetNumberOfColors ();
int GetXWindowDepth (vtkWindow *window);
int GetXWindowVisualClass (vtkWindow *window);
vtkXImageMapper *New ();
void RenderData (vtkViewport *viewport, vtkImageData *data, vtkActor2D *actor);
void RenderOverlay (vtkViewport *viewport, vtkActor2D *actor);
vtkXImageMapper Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void GetXColors (int colors[]);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
void GetXWindowColorMasks (vtkWindow *window, unsigned long *rmask, unsigned long *gmask, unsigned long *bmask);
Don't know the size of pointer arg number 2
void GetXWindowVisualId (vtkWindow *window, Visual *visualID);
Don't know the size of pointer arg number 2
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
Inherits from ImageWindow
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
void EraseWindow ();
void Frame ();
const char *GetClassName();
virtual int GetDesiredDepth ();
void *GetGenericContext ();
void *GetGenericDisplayId ();
void *GetGenericDrawable ();
void *GetGenericParentId ();
void *GetGenericWindowId ();
int GetNumberOfColors ();
int GetVisualClass ();
int GetVisualDepth ();
vtkXImageWindow *New ();
void SetBackgroundColor (float r, float g, float b);
void SetParentId (Window );
void SetPosition (int , int );
void SetSize (int x, int y);
void SetWindowId (Window );
void SetWindowName (char *name);
void SwapBuffers ();
vtkXImageWindow Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void GetDefaultVisualInfo (XVisualInfo *info);
Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1
virtual Colormap GetDesiredColormap ();
Can't Handle ColorMap return type yet
virtual Visual *GetDesiredVisual ();
Can't Handle Visual return type yet
Display *GetDisplayId ();
Can't Handle Display return type yet
GC GetGC ();
Can't Handle GC return type yet
Window GetParentId ();
Can't Handle Window return type yet
unsigned char *GetPixelData (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int );
Can't Handle 'unsigned char *' return type without a hint
int *GetPosition ();
Can't Handle 'int *' return type without a hint
void GetPosition (int *x, int *y);
Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1
void GetShiftsScalesAndMasks (int &rshift, int &gshift, int &bshift, int &rscale, int &gscale, int &bscale, unsigned long &rmask, unsigned long &gmask, unsigned long &bmask);
Arg types of 'unsigned long &' not supported yet
int *GetSize ();
Can't Handle 'int *' return type without a hint
void GetSize (int *x, int *y);
Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1
Visual *GetVisualId ();
Can't Handle Visual return type yet
Window GetWindowId ();
Can't Handle Window return type yet
Colormap MakeColorMap (Visual *visual);
Can't Handle ColorMap return type yet
Window ParentIdWindow WindowIdDisplay *DisplayIdVisual *VisualIdint VisualDepthint VisualClassColormap ColorMapGC Gcint OffsetXColor Colors[256]int NumberOfColorsPixmap Drawableint OwnDisplayint PixmapWidthint PixmapHeightvoid MakeDefaultWindow ();
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
void SetDisplayId (Display *);
Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1
void SetDisplayId (void *);
Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1
void SetParentId (void *);
Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1
void SetPosition (int a[2]);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
void SetSize (int a[2]);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
void SetWindowId (void *);
Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1
Inherits from PolyDataMapper2D
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
vtkXPolyDataMapper2D *New ();
void RenderOverlay (vtkViewport *viewport, vtkActor2D *actor);
Inherits from TextMapper
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
vtkXTextMapper *New ();
void RenderOverlay (vtkViewport *viewport, vtkActor2D *actor);
void SetFontSize (int size);
vtkXTextMapper Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void DetermineSize (vtkViewport *viewport, int size[2]);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
void GetSize (vtkViewport *viewport, int size[2]);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
Inherits from ImageMapper
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
vtkLookupTable *GetLookupTable ();
unsigned long GetMTime ();
vtkWin32ImageMapper *New ();
void RenderData (vtkViewport *viewport, vtkImageData *data, vtkActor2D *actor);
void RenderOverlay (vtkViewport *viewport, vtkActor2D *actor);
void SetLookupTable (vtkLookupTable *);
vtkWin32ImageMapper Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
HBITMAP CreateBitmapObject (HBITMAP oldBitmap, BITMAPINFO &dataHeader, HDC windowDC, unsigned char &DataOut, vtkImageData *data, int width, int height);
Arg types of 'unsigned char &' not supported yet
void GenerateBitmapData (vtkImageData *data, void *inptr, unsigned char *DataOut, int dim, int DisplayExtent[6], float cwindow, float clevel, float cshift, float cscale, vtkLookupTable *lut);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
Inherits from Win32TextMapper
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
int GetListBaseForFont (vtkTextMapper *tm, vtkViewport *vp);
vtkWin32OpenGLTextMapper *New ();
virtual void ReleaseGraphicsResources (vtkWindow *);
void RenderGeometry (vtkViewport *viewport, vtkActor2D *actor);
void RenderOpaqueGeometry (vtkViewport *viewport, vtkActor2D *actor);
void RenderOverlay (vtkViewport *viewport, vtkActor2D *actor);
void RenderTranslucentGeometry (vtkViewport *viewport, vtkActor2D *actor);
Inherits from ImageWindow
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
void Clean ();
void Frame ();
const char *GetClassName();
vtkWin32OpenGLImageWindow *GetOutput ();
void MakeCurrent ();
virtual void MakeDefaultWindow ();
vtkWin32OpenGLImageWindow *New ();
virtual void OpenGLInit ();
void Render ();
void ResumeScreenRendering ();
virtual void SetPosition (int , int );
virtual void SetSize (int , int );
virtual void SetWindowName (char *);
void SetupMemoryRendering (int x, int y, HDC prn);
virtual void SetupPalette (HDC hDC);
virtual void SetupPixelFormat (HDC hDC, DWORD dwFlags, int debug, int bpp, int zbpp);
void SwapBuffers ();
vtkWin32OpenGLImageWindow Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
HDC GetMemoryDC ();
Can't Handle HDC return type yet
unsigned char *GetMemoryData ();
Can't Handle 'unsigned char *' return type without a hint
virtual unsigned char *GetPixelData (int x, int y, int x2, int y2, int front);
Can't Handle 'unsigned char *' return type without a hint
virtual int *GetPosition ();
Can't Handle 'int *' return type without a hint
virtual float *GetRGBAPixelData (int x, int y, int x2, int y2, int front);
Can't Handle 'float *' return type without a hint
virtual int *GetSize ();
Can't Handle 'int *' return type without a hint
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
virtual void ReleaseRGBAPixelData (float *data);
Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1
virtual void SetPixelData (int x, int y, int x2, int y2, unsigned char *, int front);
Don't know the size of pointer arg number 5
virtual void SetRGBAPixelData (int x, int y, int x2, int y2, float *, int front, int blend);
Don't know the size of pointer arg number 5
Inherits from ImageWindow
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
void EraseWindow ();
void Frame ();
const char *GetClassName();
vtkWin32ImageWindow *GetOutput ();
void MakeDefaultWindow ();
vtkWin32ImageWindow *New ();
void ResumeScreenRendering ();
void SetBackgroundColor (float r, float g, float b);
void SetPosition (int , int );
void SetSize (int , int );
void SetupMemoryRendering (int x, int y, HDC prn);
void SwapBuffers ();
vtkWin32ImageWindow Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
unsigned char *GetDIBPtr ();
Can't Handle 'unsigned char *' return type without a hint
HDC GetMemoryDC ();
Can't Handle HDC return type yet
unsigned char *GetMemoryData ();
Can't Handle 'unsigned char *' return type without a hint
unsigned char *GetPixelData (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int );
Can't Handle 'unsigned char *' return type without a hint
int *GetPosition ();
Can't Handle 'int *' return type without a hint
int *GetSize ();
Can't Handle 'int *' return type without a hint
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
I/O Streams not Supported yet
Inherits from TextMapper
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
vtkWin32TextMapper *New ();
void RenderOverlay (vtkViewport *viewport, vtkActor2D *actor);
vtkWin32TextMapper Unsupported Funcs:
Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.
void GetSize (vtkViewport *viewport, int size[2]);
No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.
Inherits from PolyDataMapper2D
Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at
const char *GetClassName();
vtkWin32PolyDataMapper2D *New ();
virtual void RenderOverlay (vtkViewport *viewport, vtkActor2D *actor);