VTKGraphics - A Perl interface to VTKGraphics library


use Graphics::VTK; use Graphics::VTK::Graphics;


Graphics::VTK::Graphics is an interface to the Graphics libaray of the C++ visualization toolkit VTK..


Original PerlVTK Package: Roberto De Leo <>

Additional Refinements: John Cerney <>


  • Inherits from Object

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();

vtkCuller Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

virtual float Cull (vtkRenderer *ren, vtkProp *propList, int &listLength, int &initialized) = 0;
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 2


  • Inherits from Object

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
virtual int GetNumberOfEncodedDirections (void ) = 0;

vtkDirectionEncoder Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

virtual float *GetDecodedGradient (int value) = 0;
   Can't Handle 'float *' return type without a hint

virtual float *GetDecodedGradientTable (void ) = 0;
   Can't Handle 'float *' return type without a hint

virtual int GetEncodedDirection (float n[3]) = 0;
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.


  • Inherits from Object

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
virtual void ReleaseGraphicsResources (vtkWindow *);

vtkRayBounder Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

virtual float *GetRayBounds (vtkRenderer *ren) = 0;
   Can't Handle 'float *' return type without a hint


  • Inherits from AbstractMapper

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void AddClippingPlane (vtkPlane *plane);
virtual float *GetBounds () = 0;
   (Returns a 6-element Perl list)
float *GetCenter ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
const char *GetClassName();
vtkPlaneCollection *GetClippingPlanes ();
float GetLength ();
virtual int IsARayCastMapper ();
virtual int IsARenderIntoImageMapper ();
void RemoveAllClippingPlanes ();
void RemoveClippingPlane (vtkPlane *plane);
void SetClippingPlanes (vtkPlanes *planes);
void SetClippingPlanes (vtkPlaneCollection *);
virtual void Update () = 0;

vtkAbstractMapper3D Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

virtual void GetBounds (float bounds[6]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from Object

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void AddPickList (vtkProp *);
void DeletePickList (vtkProp *);
const char *GetClassName();
int GetPickFromList ();
vtkPropCollection *GetPickList ();
float  *GetPickPosition ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
vtkRenderer *GetRenderer ();
float  *GetSelectionPoint ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
void InitializePickList ();
virtual int Pick (float selectionX, float selectionY, float selectionZ, vtkRenderer *renderer) = 0;
void PickFromListOff ();
void PickFromListOn ();
void SetEndPickMethod (void (*func)(void *) , void *arg);
void SetPickFromList (int );
void SetPickMethod (void (*func)(void *) , void *arg);
void SetStartPickMethod (void (*func)(void *) , void *arg);

vtkAbstractPicker Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

int Pick (float selectionPt[3], vtkRenderer *ren);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetEndPickMethodArgDelete (void (*func)(void *) );
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void SetPickMethodArgDelete (void (*func)(void *) );
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void SetStartPickMethodArgDelete (void (*func)(void *) );
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.


  • Inherits from AbstractPicker

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

virtual vtkActor *GetActor ();
virtual vtkActor2D *GetActor2D ();
virtual vtkAssembly *GetAssembly ();
const char *GetClassName();
vtkAssemblyPath *GetPath ();
virtual vtkProp *GetProp ();
virtual vtkProp3D *GetProp3D ();
virtual vtkPropAssembly *GetPropAssembly ();
virtual vtkVolume *GetVolume ();
void SetPath (vtkAssemblyPath *);

vtkAbstractPropPicker Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from PolyDataToPolyDataFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
int GetNumberOfSubdivisions ();
void SetNumberOfSubdivisions (int );

vtkApproximatingSubdivisionFilter Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

int InterpolatePosition (vtkPoints *inputPts, vtkPoints *outputPts, vtkIdList *stencil, float *weights);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 4

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from DataSetSource

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

virtual void ComputeInputUpdateExtents (vtkDataObject *output);
const char *GetClassName();
vtkDataSet *GetInput ();
vtkDataSet *GetOutput (int idx);
vtkDataSet *GetOutput ();
vtkPolyData *GetPolyDataOutput ();
vtkRectilinearGrid *GetRectilinearGridOutput ();
vtkStructuredGrid *GetStructuredGridOutput ();
vtkStructuredPoints *GetStructuredPointsOutput ();
vtkUnstructuredGrid *GetUnstructuredGridOutput ();
void SetInput (vtkImageData *cache);
void SetInput (vtkDataSet *input);


  • Inherits from PolyDataSource

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkDataSet *GetInput ();
virtual void SetInput (vtkDataSet *input);


  • Inherits from StructuredGridSource

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkDataSet *GetInput ();
virtual void SetInput (vtkImageData *cache);
virtual void SetInput (vtkDataSet *input);


  • Inherits from StructuredPointsSource

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkDataSet *GetInput ();
virtual void SetInput (vtkImageData *cache);
virtual void SetInput (vtkDataSet *input);


  • Inherits from UnstructuredGridSource

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkDataSet *GetInput ();
virtual void SetInput (vtkImageData *cache);
virtual void SetInput (vtkDataSet *input);


  • Inherits from DataSetToDataSetFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void FieldDataOff ();
void FieldDataOn ();
const char *GetClassName();
int GetDiceMode ();
int GetFieldData ();
long unsigned GetMemoryLimit ();
int GetNumberOfActualPieces ();
int GetNumberOfPieces ();
int GetNumberOfPointsPerPiece ();
void SetDiceMode (int );
void SetDiceModeToMemoryLimitPerPiece ();
void SetDiceModeToNumberOfPointsPerPiece ();
void SetDiceModeToSpecifiedNumberOfPieces ();
void SetFieldData (int );
void SetMemoryLimit (unsigned long );
void SetNumberOfPieces (int );
void SetNumberOfPointsPerPiece (int );

vtkDicer Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from Object

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void BoundsClipOff ();
void BoundsClipOn ();
void ComputeGradientMagnitudesOff ();
void ComputeGradientMagnitudesOn ();
void CylinderClipOff ();
void CylinderClipOn ();
int  *GetBounds ();
   (Returns a 6-element Perl list)
int GetBoundsClip ();
const char *GetClassName();
int GetComputeGradientMagnitudes ();
int GetCylinderClip ();
vtkDirectionEncoder *GetDirectionEncoder ();
int GetEncodedNormalIndex (int x_index, int y_index, int z_index);
int GetEncodedNormalIndex (int xyz_index);
float GetGradientMagnitudeBias ();
float GetGradientMagnitudeScale ();
vtkImageData *GetInput ();
float  *GetInputAspect ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
float GetLastUpdateTimeInCPUSeconds ();
float GetLastUpdateTimeInSeconds ();
int GetNumberOfThreads ();
int GetUseCylinderClip ();
float GetZeroNormalThreshold ();
int GetZeroPad ();
void SetBounds (int  , int , int , int , int , int );
void SetBoundsClip (int );
void SetComputeGradientMagnitudes (int );
void SetCylinderClip (int );
void SetDirectionEncoder (vtkDirectionEncoder *direnc);
void SetGradientMagnitudeBias (float );
void SetGradientMagnitudeScale (float );
void SetInput (vtkImageData *);
void SetNumberOfThreads (int );
void SetZeroNormalThreshold (float v);
void SetZeroPad (int );
void Update (void );
void ZeroPadOff ();
void ZeroPadOn ();

vtkEncodedGradientEstimator Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

int *GetCircleLimits ();
   Can't Handle 'int *' return type without a hint

unsigned short *GetEncodedNormals (void );
   Can't Handle 'unsigned short *' return type without a hint

unsigned char *GetGradientMagnitudes (void );
   Can't Handle 'unsigned char *' return type without a hint

int  *GetInputSize ();
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent index);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetBounds (int  a[6]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetBounds( int, int, int, int, int, int)


  • Inherits from Object

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkRenderWindow *GetInput ();
unsigned long GetMTime ();
vtkRenderWindow *GetRenderWindow ();
void SetEndWrite (void (*func)(void *) , void *arg);
void SetInput (vtkRenderWindow *renWin);
void SetRenderWindow (vtkRenderWindow *);
void SetStartWrite (void (*func)(void *) , void *arg);
void Update ();
virtual void Write ();

vtkExporter Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetEndWriteArgDelete (void (*func)(void *) );
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void SetStartWriteArgDelete (void (*func)(void *) );
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.


  • Inherits from Object

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

vtkObject *CreateInstance (char *vtkclassname);
const char *GetClassName();
char *GetRenderLibrary ();
vtkGraphicsFactory *New ();


  • Inherits from Object

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void ComputeNormalsOff ();
void ComputeNormalsOn ();
const char *GetClassName();
int GetComputeNormals ();
FILE *GetFileFD ();
char *GetFileName ();
vtkRenderWindow *GetRenderWindow ();
vtkRenderer *GetRenderer ();
void Read ();
void SetComputeNormals (int );
void SetFileName (char *);
void SetRenderWindow (vtkRenderWindow *);
void Update ();

vtkImporter Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from PolyDataToPolyDataFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
int GetNumberOfSubdivisions ();
void SetNumberOfSubdivisions (int );

vtkInterpolatingSubdivisionFilter Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

int InterpolatePosition (vtkPoints *inputPts, vtkPoints *outputPts, vtkIdList *stencil, float *weights);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 4

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from AbstractMapper3D

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

virtual void CreateDefaultLookupTable ();
const char *GetClassName();
int GetColorMode ();
char *GetColorModeAsString ();
vtkScalars *GetColors ();
int GetGlobalImmediateModeRendering ();
int GetImmediateModeRendering ();
vtkDataSet *GetInputAsDataSet ();
vtkScalarsToColors *GetLookupTable ();
unsigned long GetMTime ();
float GetRenderTime ();
int GetResolveCoincidentTopology ();
double GetResolveCoincidentTopologyZShift ();
int GetScalarMode ();
char *GetScalarModeAsString ();
float  *GetScalarRange ();
   (Returns a 2-element Perl list)
int GetScalarVisibility ();
void GlobalImmediateModeRenderingOff ();
void GlobalImmediateModeRenderingOn ();
void ImmediateModeRenderingOff ();
void ImmediateModeRenderingOn ();
virtual void ReleaseGraphicsResources (vtkWindow *);
virtual void Render (vtkRenderer *ren, vtkActor *a) = 0;
void ScalarVisibilityOff ();
void ScalarVisibilityOn ();
void SetColorMode (int );
void SetColorModeToDefault ();
void SetColorModeToLuminance ();
void SetColorModeToMapScalars ();
void SetGlobalImmediateModeRendering (int val);
void SetImmediateModeRendering (int );
void SetLookupTable (vtkScalarsToColors *lut);
void SetRenderTime (float time);
void SetResolveCoincidentTopology (int val);
void SetResolveCoincidentTopologyToDefault ();
void SetResolveCoincidentTopologyToOff ();
void SetResolveCoincidentTopologyToPolygonOffset ();
void SetResolveCoincidentTopologyToShiftZBuffer ();
void SetResolveCoincidentTopologyZShift (double val);
void SetScalarMode (int );
void SetScalarModeToDefault ();
void SetScalarModeToUseCellData ();
void SetScalarModeToUsePointData ();
void SetScalarRange (float  , float );
void SetScalarVisibility (int );
void ShallowCopy (vtkMapper *m);
virtual void Update ();

vtkMapper Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

virtual float *GetBounds ();
   Can't Handle 'float *' return type without a hint

virtual void GetBounds (float bounds[6]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetScalarRange (float  a[2]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetScalarRange( float, float)


  • Inherits from PointSetSource

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkPointSet *GetInput ();
vtkPointSet *GetOutput (int idx);
vtkPointSet *GetOutput ();
vtkPolyData *GetPolyDataOutput ();
vtkStructuredGrid *GetStructuredGridOutput ();
vtkUnstructuredGrid *GetUnstructuredGridOutput ();
void SetInput (vtkPointSet *input);


  • Inherits from PolyDataSource

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkPolyData *GetInput ();
virtual void SetInput (vtkPolyData *input);


  • Inherits from Prop

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void AddOrientation (float , float , float );
void AddPosition (float deltaX, float deltaY, float deltaZ);
virtual float *GetBounds () = 0;
   (Returns a 6-element Perl list)
float *GetCenter ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
const char *GetClassName();
float GetLength ();
virtual void GetMatrix (vtkMatrix4x4 *m);
float *GetOrientation ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
float *GetOrientationWXYZ ();
   (Returns a 4-element Perl list)
float  *GetOrigin ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
float  *GetPosition ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
float  *GetScale ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
vtkMatrix4x4 *GetUserMatrix ();
vtkLinearTransform *GetUserTransform ();
float *GetXRange ();
   (Returns a 2-element Perl list)
float *GetYRange ();
   (Returns a 2-element Perl list)
float *GetZRange ();
   (Returns a 2-element Perl list)
void InitPathTraversal ();
void PokeMatrix (vtkMatrix4x4 *matrix);
void RotateWXYZ (float , float , float , float );
void RotateX (float );
void RotateY (float );
void RotateZ (float );
void SetOrientation (float , float , float );
void SetOrigin (float  , float , float );
void SetPosition (float  , float , float );
void SetScale (float  , float , float );
void SetScale (float s);
void SetUserMatrix (vtkMatrix4x4 *matrix);
void SetUserTransform (vtkLinearTransform *transform);
void ShallowCopy (vtkProp *prop);

vtkProp3D Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void AddOrientation (float a[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void AddPosition (float deltaPosition[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void GetBounds (float bounds[6]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

virtual vtkMatrix4x4 *GetMatrixPointer ();
   Method is marked 'Do Not Use' in its descriptions

virtual void GetMatrix (double m[16]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

vtkMatrix4x4 *GetMatrix ();
   Method is marked 'Do Not Use' in its descriptions

virtual void GetMatrix (vtkMatrix4x4 &m);
   Method is marked 'Do Not Use' in its descriptions

void GetOrientation (float o[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetOrientation (float a[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void SetOrigin (float  a[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetOrigin( float, float, float)

void SetPosition (float  a[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetPosition( float, float, float)

void SetScale (float  a[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetScale( float, float, float)


  • Inherits from PolyDataSource

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkRectilinearGrid *GetInput ();
void SetInput (vtkRectilinearGrid *input);


  • Inherits from Object

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void AddPoint (float t, float x);
void ClampValueOff ();
void ClampValueOn ();
void ClosedOff ();
void ClosedOn ();
virtual void Compute () = 0;
int GetClampValue ();
const char *GetClassName();
int GetClosed ();
int GetLeftConstraint ();
float GetLeftValue ();
unsigned long GetMTime ();
int GetRightConstraint ();
float GetRightValue ();
void RemoveAllPoints ();
void RemovePoint (float t);
void SetClampValue (int );
void SetClosed (int );
void SetLeftConstraint (int );
void SetLeftValue (float );
void SetRightConstraint (int );
void SetRightValue (float );

vtkSpline Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from PolyDataSource

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkStructuredGrid *GetInput ();
void SetInput (vtkStructuredGrid *input);


  • Inherits from StructuredGridSource

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkStructuredGrid *GetInput ();
void SetInput (vtkStructuredGrid *input);


  • Inherits from PolyDataSource

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkStructuredPoints *GetInput ();
void SetInput (vtkStructuredPoints *input);
void SetInput (vtkImageData *cache);


  • Inherits from StructuredPointsSource

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkStructuredPoints *GetInput ();
void SetInput (vtkStructuredPoints *input);
void SetInput (vtkImageData *cache);


  • Inherits from UnstructuredGridSource

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkStructuredPoints *GetInput ();
void SetInput (vtkStructuredPoints *input);
void SetInput (vtkImageData *cache);


  • Inherits from UnstructuredGridSource

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkUnstructuredGrid *GetInput ();
void SetInput (vtkUnstructuredGrid *input);


  • Inherits from AbstractMapper3D

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void CroppingOff ();
void CroppingOn ();
const char *GetClassName();
int GetCropping ();
int GetCroppingRegionFlags ();
float  *GetCroppingRegionPlanes ();
   (Returns a 6-element Perl list)
vtkImageData *GetInput ();
virtual vtkImageData *GetRGBTextureInput ();
void SetCropping (int );
void SetCroppingRegionFlags (int );
void SetCroppingRegionFlagsToCross ();
void SetCroppingRegionFlagsToFence ();
void SetCroppingRegionFlagsToInvertedCross ();
void SetCroppingRegionFlagsToInvertedFence ();
void SetCroppingRegionFlagsToSubVolume ();
void SetCroppingRegionPlanes (float  , float , float , float , float , float );
void SetInput (vtkImageData *);
void SetRGBTextureInput (vtkImageData *rgbTexture);
virtual void Update ();

vtkVolumeMapper Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

virtual float *GetBounds ();
   Can't Handle 'float *' return type without a hint

virtual void GetBounds (float bounds[6]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent index);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetCroppingRegionPlanes (float  a[6]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetCroppingRegionPlanes( float, float, float, float, float, float)


  • Inherits from Object

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
virtual float GetZeroOpacityThreshold (vtkVolume *vol) = 0;


  • Inherits from StructuredPointsSource

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
float  *GetDataOrigin ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
float  *GetDataSpacing ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
char *GetFilePattern ();
char *GetFilePrefix ();
virtual vtkStructuredPoints *GetImage (int ImageNumber) = 0;
int  *GetImageRange ();
   (Returns a 2-element Perl list)
void SetDataOrigin (float  , float , float );
void SetDataSpacing (float  , float , float );
void SetFilePattern (char *);
void SetFilePrefix (char *);
void SetImageRange (int  , int );

vtkVolumeReader Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetDataOrigin (float  a[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetDataOrigin( float, float, float)

void SetDataSpacing (float  a[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetDataSpacing( float, float, float)

void SetImageRange (int  a[2]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetImageRange( int, int)


  • Inherits from VolumeMapper

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkEncodedGradientEstimator *GetGradientEstimator ();
vtkEncodedGradientShader *GetGradientShader ();
void SetGradientEstimator (vtkEncodedGradientEstimator *gradest);
virtual void Update ();

vtkVolumeTextureMapper Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent index);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from ProcessObject

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
void Update ();
virtual void Write ();

vtkWriter Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from Importer

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtk3DSImporter *New ();

vtk3DSImporter Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

vtkPolyData *GeneratePolyData (Mesh *meshPtr);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from Prop3D

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

virtual void ApplyProperties ();
virtual void GetActors (vtkPropCollection *);
vtkProperty *GetBackfaceProperty ();
const char *GetClassName();
unsigned long GetMTime ();
vtkMapper *GetMapper ();
virtual vtkActor *GetNextPart ();
virtual int GetNumberOfParts ();
vtkProperty *GetProperty ();
virtual unsigned long GetRedrawMTime ();
vtkTexture *GetTexture ();
virtual void InitPartTraversal ();
vtkActor *New ();
void ReleaseGraphicsResources (vtkWindow *);
virtual void Render (vtkRenderer *, vtkMapper *);
virtual int RenderOpaqueGeometry (vtkViewport *viewport);
virtual int RenderTranslucentGeometry (vtkViewport *viewport);
void SetBackfaceProperty (vtkProperty *lut);
void SetMapper (vtkMapper *);
void SetProperty (vtkProperty *lut);
void SetTexture (vtkTexture *);
void ShallowCopy (vtkProp *prop);
virtual void Update ();

vtkActor Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void GetBounds (float bounds[6]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

float *GetBounds ();
   Can't Handle 'float *' return type without a hint

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetBackfaceProperty (vtkProperty &lut);
   Method is marked 'Do Not Use' in its descriptions

void SetProperty (vtkProperty &lut);
   Method is marked 'Do Not Use' in its descriptions


  • Inherits from PropCollection

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void AddItem (vtkActor *a);
void ApplyProperties (vtkProperty *p);
const char *GetClassName();
vtkActor *GetLastActor ();
vtkActor *GetLastItem ();
vtkActor *GetNextActor ();
vtkActor *GetNextItem ();
vtkActorCollection *New ();


  • Inherits from DataSetToUnstructuredGridFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void AddInput (vtkDataSet *in);
const char *GetClassName();
vtkDataSet *GetInput (int idx);
vtkDataSet *GetInput ();
vtkDataSetCollection *GetInputList ();
vtkAppendFilter *New ();
void RemoveInput (vtkDataSet &in);
void RemoveInput (vtkDataSet *in);

vtkAppendFilter Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void AddInput (vtkDataSet &in);
   Method is marked 'Do Not Use' in its descriptions

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from PolyDataToPolyDataFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void AddInput (vtkPolyData *);
const char *GetClassName();
vtkPolyData *GetInput (int idx);
vtkPolyData *GetInput ();
int GetParallelStreaming ();
int GetUserManagedInputs ();
vtkAppendPolyData *New ();
void ParallelStreamingOff ();
void ParallelStreamingOn ();
void RemoveInput (vtkPolyData *);
void SetInputByNumber (int num, vtkPolyData *input);
void SetNumberOfInputs (int num);
void SetParallelStreaming (int );
void SetUserManagedInputs (int );
void UserManagedInputsOff ();
void UserManagedInputsOn ();

vtkAppendPolyData Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

int *AppendCells (int *pDest, vtkCellArray *src, int offset);
   Can't Handle 'int *' return type without a hint

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from Prop3D

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void AddPart (vtkProp3D *);
void GetActors (vtkPropCollection *);
const char *GetClassName();
unsigned long GetMTime ();
vtkAssemblyPath *GetNextPath ();
int GetNumberOfPaths ();
vtkProp3DCollection *GetParts ();
void GetVolumes (vtkPropCollection *);
void InitPathTraversal ();
vtkAssembly *New ();
void ReleaseGraphicsResources (vtkWindow *);
void RemovePart (vtkProp3D *);
int RenderOpaqueGeometry (vtkViewport *ren);
int RenderTranslucentGeometry (vtkViewport *ren);
void ShallowCopy (vtkProp *prop);

vtkAssembly Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void GetBounds (float bounds[6]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

float *GetBounds ();
   Can't Handle 'float *' return type without a hint

vtkMapper *GetMapper ();
   Method is marked 'Do Not Use' in its descriptions

vtkProperty *GetProperty ();
   Method is marked 'Do Not Use' in its descriptions

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetMapper (vtkMapper *mapper);
   Method is marked 'Do Not Use' in its descriptions

void SetProperty (vtkProperty *property);
   Method is marked 'Do Not Use' in its descriptions


  • Inherits from DataSetToDataSetFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
int GetPassAttributeData ();
vtkAttributeDataToFieldDataFilter *New ();
void PassAttributeDataOff ();
void PassAttributeDataOn ();
void SetPassAttributeData (int );

vtkAttributeDataToFieldDataFilter Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from PolyDataSource

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
float  *GetOrigin ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
float GetScaleFactor ();
int GetSymmetric ();
vtkAxes *New ();
void SetOrigin (float  , float , float );
void SetScaleFactor (float );
void SetSymmetric (int );
void SymmetricOff ();
void SymmetricOn ();

vtkAxes Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetOrigin (float  a[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetOrigin( float, float, float)


  • Inherits from PolyDataSource

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
char *GetDisplacementFileName ();
char *GetGeometryFileName ();
int GetPartNumber ();
int GetReadDisplacement ();
int GetReadScalar ();
int GetReadTexture ();
char *GetScalarFileName ();
char *GetTextureFileName ();
vtkBYUReader *New ();
void ReadDisplacementOff ();
void ReadDisplacementOn ();
void ReadScalarOff ();
void ReadScalarOn ();
void ReadTextureOff ();
void ReadTextureOn ();
void SetDisplacementFileName (char *);
void SetGeometryFileName (char *);
void SetPartNumber (int );
void SetReadDisplacement (int );
void SetReadScalar (int );
void SetReadTexture (int );
void SetScalarFileName (char *);
void SetTextureFileName (char *);

vtkBYUReader Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

char *GeometryFileNamechar *DisplacementFileNamechar *ScalarFileNamechar *TextureFileNameint ReadDisplacementint ReadScalarint ReadTextureint PartNumbervoid ReadGeometryFile (FILE *fp, int &numPts);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1


  • Inherits from PolyDataWriter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
char *GetDisplacementFileName ();
char *GetGeometryFileName ();
char *GetScalarFileName ();
char *GetTextureFileName ();
int GetWriteDisplacement ();
int GetWriteScalar ();
int GetWriteTexture ();
vtkBYUWriter *New ();
void SetDisplacementFileName (char *);
void SetGeometryFileName (char *);
void SetScalarFileName (char *);
void SetTextureFileName (char *);
void SetWriteDisplacement (int );
void SetWriteScalar (int );
void SetWriteTexture (int );
void WriteDisplacementOff ();
void WriteDisplacementOn ();
void WriteScalarOff ();
void WriteScalarOn ();
void WriteTextureOff ();
void WriteTextureOn ();

vtkBYUWriter Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

char *GeometryFileNamechar *DisplacementFileNamechar *ScalarFileNamechar *TextureFileNameint WriteDisplacementint WriteScalarint WriteTexturevoid WriteGeometryFile (FILE *fp, int numPts);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1


  • Inherits from StructuredPointsSource

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
unsigned char  *GetInIn ();
   (Returns a 2-element Perl list)
unsigned char  *GetInOn ();
   (Returns a 2-element Perl list)
unsigned char  *GetInOut ();
   (Returns a 2-element Perl list)
unsigned char  *GetOnIn ();
   (Returns a 2-element Perl list)
unsigned char  *GetOnOn ();
   (Returns a 2-element Perl list)
unsigned char  *GetOnOut ();
   (Returns a 2-element Perl list)
unsigned char  *GetOutIn ();
   (Returns a 2-element Perl list)
unsigned char  *GetOutOn ();
   (Returns a 2-element Perl list)
unsigned char  *GetOutOut ();
   (Returns a 2-element Perl list)
int GetThickness ();
int GetXSize ();
int GetYSize ();
vtkBooleanTexture *New ();
void SetInIn (unsigned char  , unsigned char );
void SetInOn (unsigned char  , unsigned char );
void SetInOut (unsigned char  , unsigned char );
void SetOnIn (unsigned char  , unsigned char );
void SetOnOn (unsigned char  , unsigned char );
void SetOnOut (unsigned char  , unsigned char );
void SetOutIn (unsigned char  , unsigned char );
void SetOutOn (unsigned char  , unsigned char );
void SetOutOut (unsigned char  , unsigned char );
void SetThickness (int );
void SetXSize (int );
void SetYSize (int );

vtkBooleanTexture Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetInIn (unsigned char  a[2]);
   Arg types of 'unsigned char  *' not supported yet
void SetInOn (unsigned char  a[2]);
   Arg types of 'unsigned char  *' not supported yet
void SetInOut (unsigned char  a[2]);
   Arg types of 'unsigned char  *' not supported yet
void SetOnIn (unsigned char  a[2]);
   Arg types of 'unsigned char  *' not supported yet
void SetOnOn (unsigned char  a[2]);
   Arg types of 'unsigned char  *' not supported yet
void SetOnOut (unsigned char  a[2]);
   Arg types of 'unsigned char  *' not supported yet
void SetOutIn (unsigned char  a[2]);
   Arg types of 'unsigned char  *' not supported yet
void SetOutOn (unsigned char  a[2]);
   Arg types of 'unsigned char  *' not supported yet
void SetOutOut (unsigned char  a[2]);
   Arg types of 'unsigned char  *' not supported yet


  • Inherits from DataSetToDataSetFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
float GetMaximumSpeed ();
float GetMinimumSpeed ();
vtkBrownianPoints *New ();
void SetMaximumSpeed (float );
void SetMinimumSpeed (float );

vtkBrownianPoints Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from InterpolatingSubdivisionFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkButterflySubdivisionFilter *New ();

vtkButterflySubdivisionFilter Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void GenerateBoundaryStencil (int p1, int p2, vtkPolyData *polys, vtkIdList *stencilIds, float *weights);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 5

void GenerateButterflyStencil (int p1, int p2, vtkPolyData *polys, vtkIdList *stencilIds, float *weights);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 5

void GenerateLoopStencil (int p1, int p2, vtkPolyData *polys, vtkIdList *stencilIds, float *weights);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 5


  • Inherits from Object

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void Azimuth (double angle);
void ComputeViewPlaneNormal ();
void Dolly (double distance);
void Elevation (double angle);
vtkMatrix4x4 *GetCameraLightTransformMatrix ();
const char *GetClassName();
double  *GetClippingRange ();
   (Returns a 2-element Perl list)
vtkMatrix4x4 &GetCompositePerspectiveTransform (double aspect, double nearz, double farz);
vtkMatrix4x4 *GetCompositePerspectiveTransformMatrix (double aspect, double nearz, double farz);
double  *GetDirectionOfProjection ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
double GetDistance ();
double GetEyeAngle ();
double GetFocalDisk ();
double  *GetFocalPoint ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
double  *GetObliqueAngles ();
   (Returns a 2-element Perl list)
float *GetOrientation ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
float *GetOrientationWXYZ ();
   (Returns a 4-element Perl list)
int GetParallelProjection ();
double GetParallelScale ();
vtkMatrix4x4 *GetPerspectiveTransformMatrix (double aspect, double nearz, double farz);
double  *GetPosition ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
double GetRoll ();
double GetThickness ();
double GetViewAngle ();
double  *GetViewPlaneNormal ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
vtkMatrix4x4 *GetViewTransformMatrix ();
double  *GetViewUp ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
unsigned long GetViewingRaysMTime ();
double  *GetWindowCenter ();
   (Returns a 2-element Perl list)
vtkCamera *New ();
void OrthogonalizeViewUp ();
void ParallelProjectionOff ();
void ParallelProjectionOn ();
void Pitch (double angle);
virtual void Render (vtkRenderer *);
void Roll (double angle);
void SetClippingRange (double near, double far);
void SetDistance (double );
void SetEyeAngle (double );
void SetFocalDisk (double );
void SetFocalPoint (double x, double y, double z);
void SetObliqueAngles (double alpha, double beta);
void SetParallelProjection (int flag);
void SetParallelScale (double scale);
void SetPosition (double x, double y, double z);
void SetRoll (double angle);
void SetThickness (double );
void SetViewAngle (double angle);
void SetViewPlaneNormal (double x, double y, double z);
void SetViewUp (double vx, double vy, double vz);
void SetWindowCenter (double x, double y);
void ViewingRaysModified ();
void Yaw (double angle);
void Zoom (double factor);

vtkCamera Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void GetClippingRange (float a[2]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void GetDirectionOfProjection (float a[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void GetFocalPoint (float a[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void GetFrustumPlanes (float aspect, float planes[24]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

vtkMatrix4x4 &GetPerspectiveTransform (double aspect, double nearz, double farz);
   Method is marked 'Do Not Use' in its descriptions

void GetPosition (float a[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void GetViewPlaneNormal (float a[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

vtkMatrix4x4 &GetViewTransform ();
   Method is marked 'Do Not Use' in its descriptions

void GetViewUp (float a[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetClippingRange (double a[2]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void SetClippingRange (float a[2]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void SetFocalPoint (double a[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void SetFocalPoint (float a[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void SetPosition (double a[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void SetPosition (float a[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void SetViewPlaneNormal (double a[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void SetViewPlaneNormal (float a[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void SetViewUp (double a[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void SetViewUp (float a[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.


  • Inherits from Spline

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void Compute ();
float Evaluate (float t);
const char *GetClassName();
vtkCardinalSpline *New ();

vtkCardinalSpline Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void Fit1D (int n, float *x, float *y, float *w, float coefficients[4][], int leftConstraint, float leftValue, int rightConstraint, float rightValue);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void FitClosed1D (int n, float *x, float *y, float *w, float coefficients[4][]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from DataSetToDataSetFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkCastToConcrete *New ();


  • Inherits from DataSetToPolyDataFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
int GetVertexCells ();
vtkCellCenters *New ();
void SetVertexCells (int );
void VertexCellsOff ();
void VertexCellsOn ();

vtkCellCenters Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from DataSetToDataSetFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
int GetPassCellData ();
vtkCellDataToPointData *New ();
void PassCellDataOff ();
void PassCellDataOn ();
void SetPassCellData (int );

vtkCellDataToPointData Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from Locator

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void BuildLocator ();
void CacheCellBoundsOff ();
void CacheCellBoundsOn ();
void FreeSearchStructure ();
void GenerateRepresentation (int level, vtkPolyData *pd);
int GetCacheCellBounds ();
virtual vtkIdList *GetCells (int bucket);
const char *GetClassName();
virtual int GetNumberOfBuckets (void );
int GetNumberOfCellsPerBucket ();
vtkCellLocator *New ();
void SetCacheCellBounds (int );
void SetNumberOfCellsPerBucket (int );

vtkCellLocator Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

float Distance2ToBounds (float x[3], float bounds[6]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

float Distance2ToBucket (float x[3], int nei[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void FindClosestPoint (float x[3], float closestPoint[3], int &cellId, int &subId, float &dist2);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

int FindClosestPointWithinRadius (float x[3], float radius, float closestPoint[3], int &cellId, int &subId, float &dist2);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

int FindClosestPointWithinRadius (float x[3], float radius, float closestPoint[3], vtkGenericCell *cell, int &cellId, int &subId, float &dist2);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

int FindClosestPointWithinRadius (float x[3], float radius, float closestPoint[3], vtkGenericCell *cell, int &cellId, int &subId, float &dist2, int &inside);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void FindClosestPoint (float x[3], float closestPoint[3], vtkGenericCell *cell, int &cellId, int &subId, float &dist2);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void GetBucketNeighbors (int ijk[3], int ndivs, int level);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void GetChildren (int idx, int level, int children[8]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void GetOverlappingBuckets (float x[3], int ijk[3], float dist, int prevMinLevel[3], int prevMaxLevel[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

virtual int IntersectWithLine (float a0[3], float a1[3], float tol, float &t, float x[3], float pcoords[3], int &subId);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

virtual int IntersectWithLine (float a0[3], float a1[3], float tol, float &t, float x[3], float pcoords[3], int &subId, int &cellId);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

virtual int IntersectWithLine (float a0[3], float a1[3], float tol, float &t, float x[3], float pcoords[3], int &subId, int &cellId, vtkGenericCell *cell);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

int NumberOfCellsPerBucketint NumberOfOctantsfloat Bounds[6]int NumberOfParentsfloat H[3]int NumberOfDivisionsvtkIdList *Treevoid MarkParents (void *, int , int , int , int , int );
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from Picker

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

int GetCellId ();
const char *GetClassName();
float  *GetPCoords ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
int GetSubId ();
vtkCellPicker *New ();

vtkCellPicker Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

virtual int CellIdint SubIdfloat PCoords[3]float IntersectWithLine (float p1[3], float p2[3], float tol, vtkAssemblyPath *path, vtkProp3D *p, vtkAbstractMapper3D *m);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from PolyDataToPolyDataFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void ConvertLinesToPointsOff ();
void ConvertLinesToPointsOn ();
void ConvertPolysToLinesOff ();
void ConvertPolysToLinesOn ();
void ConvertStripsToPolysOff ();
void ConvertStripsToPolysOn ();
void CreateDefaultLocator (void );
float GetAbsoluteTolerance ();
char *GetClassName ();
int GetConvertLinesToPoints ();
int GetConvertPolysToLines ();
int GetConvertStripsToPolys ();
vtkPointLocator *GetLocator ();
unsigned long GetMTime ();
float GetTolerance ();
int GetToleranceIsAbsolute ();
vtkCleanPolyData *New ();
void ReleaseLocator (void );
void SetAbsoluteTolerance (float );
void SetConvertLinesToPoints (int );
void SetConvertPolysToLines (int );
void SetConvertStripsToPolys (int );
void SetLocator (vtkPointLocator *locator);
void SetTolerance (float );
void SetToleranceIsAbsolute (int );
void ToleranceIsAbsoluteOff ();
void ToleranceIsAbsoluteOn ();

vtkCleanPolyData Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

virtual void OperateOnBounds (float in[6], float out[6]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

virtual void OperateOnPoint (float in[3], float out[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from PolyDataToPolyDataFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void CreateDefaultLocator ();
void GenerateClipScalarsOff ();
void GenerateClipScalarsOn ();
void GenerateClippedOutputOff ();
void GenerateClippedOutputOn ();
const char *GetClassName();
vtkImplicitFunction *GetClipFunction ();
vtkPolyData *GetClippedOutput ();
int GetGenerateClipScalars ();
int GetGenerateClippedOutput ();
int GetInsideOut ();
vtkPointLocator *GetLocator ();
unsigned long GetMTime ();
float GetValue ();
void InsideOutOff ();
void InsideOutOn ();
vtkClipPolyData *New ();
void SetClipFunction (vtkImplicitFunction *);
void SetGenerateClipScalars (int );
void SetGenerateClippedOutput (int );
void SetInsideOut (int );
void SetLocator (vtkPointLocator *locator);
void SetLocator (vtkPointLocator &locator);
void SetValue (float );

vtkClipPolyData Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from StructuredPointsToUnstructuredGridFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void CreateDefaultLocator ();
void GenerateClipScalarsOff ();
void GenerateClipScalarsOn ();
void GenerateClippedOutputOff ();
void GenerateClippedOutputOn ();
const char *GetClassName();
vtkImplicitFunction *GetClipFunction ();
vtkUnstructuredGrid *GetClippedOutput ();
int GetGenerateClipScalars ();
int GetGenerateClippedOutput ();
int GetInsideOut ();
vtkPointLocator *GetLocator ();
unsigned long GetMTime ();
float GetMergeTolerance ();
float GetValue ();
void InsideOutOff ();
void InsideOutOn ();
vtkClipVolume *New ();
void SetClipFunction (vtkImplicitFunction *);
void SetGenerateClipScalars (int );
void SetGenerateClippedOutput (int );
void SetInsideOut (int );
void SetLocator (vtkPointLocator *locator);
void SetLocator (vtkPointLocator &locator);
void SetMergeTolerance (float );
void SetValue (float );

vtkClipVolume Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void ClipVoxel (float value, vtkScalars *cellScalars, int flip, float origin[3], float spacing[3], vtkIdList *cellIds, vtkPoints *cellPts, vtkPointData *inPD, vtkPointData *outPD, vtkCellData *inCD, int cellId, vtkCellData *outCD, vtkCellData *clippedCD);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from ScalarsToColors

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void AddBluePoint (float x, float b);
void AddBlueSegment (float x1, float b1, float x2, float b2);
void AddGreenPoint (float x, float g);
void AddGreenSegment (float x1, float g1, float x2, float g2);
void AddHSVPoint (float x, float h, float s, float v);
void AddHSVSegment (float x1, float h1, float s1, float v1, float x2, float h2, float s2, float v2);
void AddRGBPoint (float x, float r, float g, float b);
void AddRGBSegment (float x1, float r1, float g1, float b1, float x2, float r2, float g2, float b2);
void AddRedPoint (float x, float r);
void AddRedSegment (float x1, float r1, float x2, float r2);
void ClampingOff ();
void ClampingOn ();
void DeepCopy (vtkColorTransferFunction *f);
vtkPiecewiseFunction *GetBlueFunction ();
int GetBlueSize ();
float GetBlueValue (float x);
int GetClamping ();
const char *GetClassName();
float *GetColor (float x);
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
int GetColorSpace ();
vtkPiecewiseFunction *GetGreenFunction ();
int GetGreenSize ();
float GetGreenValue (float x);
float  *GetRange ();
   (Returns a 2-element Perl list)
vtkPiecewiseFunction *GetRedFunction ();
int GetRedSize ();
float GetRedValue (float x);
int GetSize ();
int GetTotalSize ();
float *GetValue (float x);
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
vtkColorTransferFunction *New ();
void RemoveAllPoints ();
void RemoveBluePoint (float x);
void RemoveGreenPoint (float x);
void RemovePoint (float x);
void RemoveRGBPoint (float x);
void RemoveRedPoint (float x);
void SetClamping (int );
void SetColorSpace (int );
void SetColorSpaceToHSV ();
void SetColorSpaceToRGB ();
virtual void SetRange (float , float );

vtkColorTransferFunction Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void BuildFunctionFromTable (float x1, float x2, int size, float *table);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 4

void GetColor (float x, float rgb[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

float *GetDataPointer ();
   Can't Handle 'float *' return type without a hint

void GetTable (float x1, float x2, int n, float *table);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 4

unsigned char *GetTable (float x1, float x2, int n);
   Can't Handle 'unsigned char *' return type without a hint

virtual void MapScalarsThroughTable2 (void *input, unsigned char *output, int inputDataType, int numberOfValues, int inputIncrement, int outputIncrement);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1

virtual unsigned char *MapValue (float v);
   Can't Handle 'unsigned char *' return type without a hint

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetRange (float rng[2]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.


  • Inherits from ImplicitFunction

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

float EvaluateFunction (float x, float y, float z);
float GetAngle ();
const char *GetClassName();
vtkCone *New ();
void SetAngle (float );

vtkCone Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

float EvaluateFunction (float x[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void EvaluateGradient (float x[3], float g[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from PolyDataSource

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void CappingOff ();
void CappingOn ();
float GetAngle ();
int GetCapping ();
const char *GetClassName();
float GetHeight ();
float GetRadius ();
int GetResolution ();
vtkConeSource *New ();
void SetAngle (float angle);
void SetCapping (int );
void SetHeight (float );
void SetRadius (float );
void SetResolution (int );

vtkConeSource Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from DataSetToUnstructuredGridFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void AddSeed (int id);
void AddSpecifiedRegion (int id);
void ColorRegionsOff ();
void ColorRegionsOn ();
void DeleteSeed (int id);
void DeleteSpecifiedRegion (int id);
const char *GetClassName();
float  *GetClosestPoint ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
int GetColorRegions ();
int GetExtractionMode ();
char *GetExtractionModeAsString ();
int GetMaxRecursionDepth ();
int GetNumberOfExtractedRegions ();
int GetScalarConnectivity ();
float  *GetScalarRange ();
   (Returns a 2-element Perl list)
void InitializeSeedList ();
void InitializeSpecifiedRegionList ();
vtkConnectivityFilter *New ();
void ScalarConnectivityOff ();
void ScalarConnectivityOn ();
void SetClosestPoint (float  , float , float );
void SetColorRegions (int );
void SetExtractionMode (int );
void SetExtractionModeToAllRegions ();
void SetExtractionModeToCellSeededRegions ();
void SetExtractionModeToClosestPointRegion ();
void SetExtractionModeToLargestRegion ();
void SetExtractionModeToPointSeededRegions ();
void SetExtractionModeToSpecifiedRegions ();
void SetScalarConnectivity (int );
void SetScalarRange (float  , float );

vtkConnectivityFilter Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetClosestPoint (float  a[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetClosestPoint( float, float, float)

void SetMaxRecursionDepth (int );
   Method is marked 'Do Not Use' in its descriptions

void SetScalarRange (float  a[2]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetScalarRange( float, float)

int ColorRegionsint ExtractionModevtkIdList *SeedsvtkIdList *SpecifiedRegionIdsvtkIntArray *RegionSizesfloat ClosestPoint[3]int ScalarConnectivityfloat ScalarRange[2]void TraverseAndMark ();
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.


  • Inherits from DataSetToPolyDataFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void ComputeGradientsOff ();
void ComputeGradientsOn ();
void ComputeNormalsOff ();
void ComputeNormalsOn ();
void ComputeScalarsOff ();
void ComputeScalarsOn ();
void CreateDefaultLocator ();
void GenerateValues (int numContours, float rangeStart, float rangeEnd);
const char *GetClassName();
int GetComputeGradients ();
int GetComputeNormals ();
int GetComputeScalars ();
vtkPointLocator *GetLocator ();
unsigned long GetMTime ();
int GetNumberOfContours ();
int GetUseScalarTree ();
float GetValue (int i);
vtkContourFilter *New ();
void SetComputeGradients (int );
void SetComputeNormals (int );
void SetComputeScalars (int );
void SetLocator (vtkPointLocator *locator);
void SetLocator (vtkPointLocator &locator);
void SetNumberOfContours (int number);
void SetUseScalarTree (int );
void SetValue (int i, float value);
void UseScalarTreeOff ();
void UseScalarTreeOn ();

vtkContourFilter Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void GenerateValues (int numContours, float range[2]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

float *GetValues ();
   Can't Handle 'float *' return type without a hint

void GetValues (float *contourValues);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from DataSetToPolyDataFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void ComputeGradientsOff ();
void ComputeGradientsOn ();
void ComputeNormalsOff ();
void ComputeNormalsOn ();
void ComputeScalarsOff ();
void ComputeScalarsOn ();
void CreateDefaultLocator ();
void GenerateValues (int numContours, float rangeStart, float rangeEnd);
const char *GetClassName();
int GetComputeGradients ();
int GetComputeNormals ();
int GetComputeScalars ();
vtkPointLocator *GetLocator ();
unsigned long GetMTime ();
int GetNumberOfContours ();
int GetUseScalarTree ();
float GetValue (int i);
vtkContourGrid *New ();
void SetComputeGradients (int );
void SetComputeNormals (int );
void SetComputeScalars (int );
void SetLocator (vtkPointLocator *locator);
void SetLocator (vtkPointLocator &locator);
void SetNumberOfContours (int number);
void SetUseScalarTree (int );
void SetValue (int i, float value);
void UseScalarTreeOff ();
void UseScalarTreeOn ();

vtkContourGrid Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void GenerateValues (int numContours, float range[2]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

float *GetValues ();
   Can't Handle 'float *' return type without a hint

void GetValues (float *contourValues);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from PolyDataSource

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

float  *GetCenter ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
const char *GetClassName();
float GetXLength ();
float GetYLength ();
float GetZLength ();
vtkCubeSource *New ();
void SetBounds (float xMin, float xMax, float yMin, float yMax, float zMin, float zMax);
void SetCenter (float  , float , float );
void SetXLength (float );
void SetYLength (float );
void SetZLength (float );

vtkCubeSource Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetBounds (float bounds[6]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void SetCenter (float  a[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetCenter( float, float, float)


  • Inherits from PolyDataSource

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void AllOff ();
void AllOn ();
void AxesOff ();
void AxesOn ();
int GetAxes ();
const char *GetClassName();
float  *GetFocalPoint ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
vtkPolyData *GetFocus ();
float  *GetModelBounds ();
   (Returns a 6-element Perl list)
int GetOutline ();
int GetWrap ();
int GetXShadows ();
int GetYShadows ();
int GetZShadows ();
vtkCursor3D *New ();
void OutlineOff ();
void OutlineOn ();
void SetAxes (int );
void SetFocalPoint (float  , float , float );
void SetModelBounds (float xmin, float xmax, float ymin, float ymax, float zmin, float zmax);
void SetOutline (int );
void SetWrap (int );
void SetXShadows (int );
void SetYShadows (int );
void SetZShadows (int );
void WrapOff ();
void WrapOn ();
void XShadowsOff ();
void XShadowsOn ();
void YShadowsOff ();
void YShadowsOn ();
void ZShadowsOff ();
void ZShadowsOn ();

vtkCursor3D Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetFocalPoint (float  a[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetFocalPoint( float, float, float)

void SetModelBounds (float *bounds);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1


  • Inherits from Collection

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void AddItem (vtkCuller *a);
const char *GetClassName();
vtkCuller *GetLastItem ();
vtkCuller *GetNextItem ();
vtkCullerCollection *New ();


  • Inherits from DataSetToPolyDataFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void CreateDefaultLocator ();
void GenerateCutScalarsOff ();
void GenerateCutScalarsOn ();
void GenerateValues (int numContours, float rangeStart, float rangeEnd);
const char *GetClassName();
vtkImplicitFunction *GetCutFunction ();
int GetGenerateCutScalars ();
vtkPointLocator *GetLocator ();
unsigned long GetMTime ();
int GetNumberOfContours ();
int GetSortBy ();
char *GetSortByAsString ();
float GetValue (int i);
vtkCutter *New ();
void SetCutFunction (vtkImplicitFunction *);
void SetGenerateCutScalars (int );
void SetLocator (vtkPointLocator *locator);
void SetLocator (vtkPointLocator &locator);
void SetNumberOfContours (int number);
void SetSortBy (int );
void SetSortByToSortByCell ();
void SetSortByToSortByValue ();
void SetValue (int i, float value);

vtkCutter Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void GenerateValues (int numContours, float range[2]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

float *GetValues ();
   Can't Handle 'float *' return type without a hint

void GetValues (float *contourValues);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from ImplicitFunction

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

float EvaluateFunction (float x, float y, float z);
float  *GetCenter ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
const char *GetClassName();
float GetRadius ();
vtkCylinder *New ();
void SetCenter (float  , float , float );
void SetRadius (float );

vtkCylinder Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

float EvaluateFunction (float x[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void EvaluateGradient (float x[3], float g[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetCenter (float  a[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetCenter( float, float, float)


  • Inherits from PolyDataSource

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void CappingOff ();
void CappingOn ();
int GetCapping ();
float  *GetCenter ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
const char *GetClassName();
float GetHeight ();
float GetRadius ();
int GetResolution ();
vtkCylinderSource *New ();
void SetCapping (int );
void SetCenter (float  , float , float );
void SetHeight (float );
void SetRadius (float );
void SetResolution (int );

vtkCylinderSource Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetCenter (float  a[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetCenter( float, float, float)


  • Inherits from StreamLine

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
float GetDashFactor ();
vtkDashedStreamLine *New ();
void SetDashFactor (float );

vtkDashedStreamLine Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from DataReader

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkDataObject *GetOutput (int idx);
vtkDataObject *GetOutput ();
vtkDataObjectReader *New ();
void SetOutput (vtkDataObject *);

vtkDataObjectReader Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from Source

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkDataObject *GetOutput (int idx);
vtkDataObject *GetOutput ();
vtkDataObjectSource *New ();
void SetOutput (vtkDataObject *);


  • Inherits from Source

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void DefaultNormalizeOff ();
void DefaultNormalizeOn ();
int GetCellConnectivityComponentArrayComponent ();
char *GetCellConnectivityComponentArrayName ();
int GetCellConnectivityComponentMaxRange ();
int GetCellConnectivityComponentMinRange ();
int GetCellTypeComponentArrayComponent ();
char *GetCellTypeComponentArrayName ();
int GetCellTypeComponentMaxRange ();
int GetCellTypeComponentMinRange ();
const char *GetClassName();
int GetDataSetType ();
int GetDefaultNormalize ();
int  *GetDimensions ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
vtkDataObject *GetInput ();
int GetLinesComponentArrayComponent ();
char *GetLinesComponentArrayName ();
int GetLinesComponentMaxRange ();
int GetLinesComponentMinRange ();
float  *GetOrigin ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
vtkDataSet *GetOutput (int idx);
vtkDataSet *GetOutput ();
int GetPointComponentArrayComponent (int comp);
char *GetPointComponentArrayName (int comp);
int GetPointComponentMaxRange (int comp);
int GetPointComponentMinRange (int comp);
int GetPointComponentNormailzeFlag (int comp);
vtkPolyData *GetPolyDataOutput ();
int GetPolysComponentArrayComponent ();
char *GetPolysComponentArrayName ();
int GetPolysComponentMaxRange ();
int GetPolysComponentMinRange ();
vtkRectilinearGrid *GetRectilinearGridOutput ();
float  *GetSpacing ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
int GetStripsComponentArrayComponent ();
char *GetStripsComponentArrayName ();
int GetStripsComponentMaxRange ();
int GetStripsComponentMinRange ();
vtkStructuredGrid *GetStructuredGridOutput ();
vtkStructuredPoints *GetStructuredPointsOutput ();
vtkUnstructuredGrid *GetUnstructuredGridOutput ();
int GetVertsComponentArrayComponent ();
char *GetVertsComponentArrayName ();
int GetVertsComponentMaxRange ();
int GetVertsComponentMinRange ();
vtkDataObjectToDataSetFilter *New ();
void SetCellConnectivityComponent (char *arrayName, int arrayComp, int min, int max);
void SetCellConnectivityComponent (char *arrayName, int arrayComp);
void SetCellTypeComponent (char *arrayName, int arrayComp, int min, int max);
void SetCellTypeComponent (char *arrayName, int arrayComp);
void SetDataSetType (int );
void SetDataSetTypeToPolyData ();
void SetDataSetTypeToRectilinearGrid ();
void SetDataSetTypeToStructuredGrid ();
void SetDataSetTypeToStructuredPoints ();
void SetDataSetTypeToUnstructuredGrid ();
void SetDefaultNormalize (int );
void SetDimensions (int  , int , int );
void SetDimensionsComponent (char *arrayName, int arrayComp, int min, int max);
void SetDimensionsComponent (char *arrayName, int arrayComp);
void SetInput (vtkDataObject *input);
void SetLinesComponent (char *arrayName, int arrayComp, int min, int max);
void SetLinesComponent (char *arrayName, int arrayComp);
void SetOrigin (float  , float , float );
void SetOriginComponent (char *arrayName, int arrayComp, int min, int max);
void SetOriginComponent (char *arrayName, int arrayComp);
void SetPointComponent (int comp, char *arrayName, int arrayComp, int min, int max, int normalize);
void SetPointComponent (int comp, char *arrayName, int arrayComp);
void SetPolysComponent (char *arrayName, int arrayComp, int min, int max);
void SetPolysComponent (char *arrayName, int arrayComp);
void SetSpacing (float  , float , float );
void SetSpacingComponent (char *arrayName, int arrayComp, int min, int max);
void SetSpacingComponent (char *arrayName, int arrayComp);
void SetStripsComponent (char *arrayName, int arrayComp, int min, int max);
void SetStripsComponent (char *arrayName, int arrayComp);
void SetVertsComponent (char *arrayName, int arrayComp, int min, int max);
void SetVertsComponent (char *arrayName, int arrayComp);

vtkDataObjectToDataSetFilter Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

vtkCellArray *ConstructCellArray (vtkDataArray *da, int comp, int compRange[2]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

int DefaultNormalizeint Dimensions[3]float Origin[3]float Spacing[3]char *DimensionsArrayint DimensionsArrayComponentint DimensionsComponentRange[2]char *OriginArrayint OriginArrayComponentint OriginComponentRange[2]char *SpacingArrayint SpacingArrayComponentint SpacingComponentRange[2]void ConstructDimensions ();
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

char Updatingint DataSetTypechar *PointArrays[3]int PointArrayComponents[3]int PointComponentRange[3][2]int PointNormalize[3]char *VertsArrayint VertsArrayComponentint VertsComponentRange[2]char *LinesArrayint LinesArrayComponentint LinesComponentRange[2]char *PolysArrayint PolysArrayComponentint PolysComponentRange[2]char *StripsArrayint StripsArrayComponentint StripsComponentRange[2]char *CellTypeArrayint CellTypeArrayComponentint CellTypeComponentRange[2]char *CellConnectivityArrayint CellConnectivityArrayComponentint CellConnectivityComponentRange[2]void SetArrayName (char &name, char *newName);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void SetDimensions (int  a[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetDimensions( int, int, int)

void SetOrigin (float  a[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetOrigin( float, float, float)

void SetSpacing (float  a[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetSpacing( float, float, float)


  • Inherits from Writer

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
char *GetFieldDataName ();
char *GetFileName ();
int GetFileType ();
char *GetHeader ();
vtkDataObject *GetInput ();
vtkDataObjectWriter *New ();
void SetFieldDataName (char *fieldname);
void SetFileName (char *filename);
void SetFileType (int type);
void SetFileTypeToASCII ();
void SetFileTypeToBinary ();
void SetHeader (char *header);
void SetInput (vtkDataObject &input);
void SetInput (vtkDataObject *input);

vtkDataObjectWriter Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from Source

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void CloseVTKFile ();
const char *GetClassName();
char *GetFieldDataName ();
char *GetFieldDataNameInFile (int i);
char *GetFileName ();
int GetFileType ();
char *GetGhostLevelsName ();
char *GetGhostLevelsNameInFile (int i);
char *GetHeader ();
char *GetInputString ();
int GetInputStringLength ();
char *GetLookupTableName ();
char *GetNormalsName ();
char *GetNormalsNameInFile (int i);
int GetNumberOfFieldDataInFile ();
int GetNumberOfGhostLevelsInFile ();
int GetNumberOfNormalsInFile ();
int GetNumberOfScalarsInFile ();
int GetNumberOfTCoordsInFile ();
int GetNumberOfTensorsInFile ();
int GetNumberOfVectorsInFile ();
int GetReadFromInputString ();
char *GetScalarsName ();
char *GetScalarsNameInFile (int i);
char *GetTCoordsName ();
char *GetTCoordsNameInFile (int i);
char *GetTensorsName ();
char *GetTensorsNameInFile (int i);
char *GetVectorsName ();
char *GetVectorsNameInFile (int i);
int IsFilePolyData ();
int IsFileRectilinearGrid ();
int IsFileStructuredGrid ();
int IsFileStructuredPoints ();
int IsFileUnstructuredGrid ();
int IsFileValid (char *dstype);
char *LowerCase (char *);
vtkDataReader *New ();
int OpenVTKFile ();
int Read (char *);
vtkDataArray *ReadArray (char *dataType, int numTuples, int numComp);
int ReadCellData (vtkDataSet *ds, int numCells);
int ReadCoordinates (vtkRectilinearGrid *rg, int axes, int numCoords);
vtkFieldData *ReadFieldData ();
void ReadFromInputStringOff ();
void ReadFromInputStringOn ();
int ReadHeader ();
int ReadPointData (vtkDataSet *ds, int numPts);
int ReadPoints (vtkPointSet *ps, int numPts);
void SetBinaryInputString (char *, int len);
void SetFieldDataName (char *);
void SetFileName (char *);
void SetGhostLevelsName (char *);
void SetInputString (char *in, int len);
void SetInputString (char *in);
void SetLookupTableName (char *);
void SetNormalsName (char *);
void SetReadFromInputString (int );
void SetScalarsName (char *);
void SetTCoordsName (char *);
void SetTensorsName (char *);
void SetVectorsName (char *);

vtkDataReader Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

istream *GetIStream ();
   Can't Handle istream return type yet

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

int ReadCells (int size, int *data);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 2

int ReadCells (int size, int *data, int skip1, int read2, int skip3);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 2

int ReadLine (char result[256]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

int ReadString (char result[256]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

int Read (unsigned char *);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1

int Read (short *);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1

int Read (unsigned short *);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1

int Read (int *);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1

int Read (unsigned int *);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1

int Read (long *);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1

int Read (unsigned long *);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1

int Read (float *);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1

int Read (double *);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1


  • Inherits from Mapper

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkDataSet *GetInput ();
unsigned long GetMTime ();
vtkPolyDataMapper *GetPolyDataMapper ();
vtkDataSetMapper *New ();
void ReleaseGraphicsResources (vtkWindow *);
void Render (vtkRenderer *ren, vtkActor *act);
void SetInput (vtkImageData *cache);
void SetInput (vtkDataSet *input);

vtkDataSetMapper Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from DataReader

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkDataSet *GetOutput (int idx);
vtkDataSet *GetOutput ();
vtkPolyData *GetPolyDataOutput ();
vtkRectilinearGrid *GetRectilinearGridOutput ();
vtkStructuredGrid *GetStructuredGridOutput ();
vtkStructuredPoints *GetStructuredPointsOutput ();
vtkUnstructuredGrid *GetUnstructuredGridOutput ();
vtkDataSetReader *New ();
void Update ();

vtkDataSetReader Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from Source

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkDataSet *GetOutput (int idx);
vtkDataSet *GetOutput ();
vtkDataSetSource *New ();
void SetOutput (vtkDataSet *);


  • Inherits from DataObjectSource

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void CellDataOff ();
void CellDataOn ();
void FieldDataOff ();
void FieldDataOn ();
void GeometryOff ();
void GeometryOn ();
int GetCellData ();
const char *GetClassName();
int GetFieldData ();
int GetGeometry ();
vtkDataSet *GetInput ();
int GetPointData ();
int GetTopology ();
vtkDataSetToDataObjectFilter *New ();
void PointDataOff ();
void PointDataOn ();
void SetCellData (int );
void SetFieldData (int );
void SetGeometry (int );
virtual void SetInput (vtkDataSet *input);
void SetPointData (int );
void SetTopology (int );
void TopologyOff ();
void TopologyOn ();

vtkDataSetToDataObjectFilter Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from DataSetToUnstructuredGridFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkDataSetTriangleFilter *New ();

vtkDataSetTriangleFilter Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from DataWriter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkDataSet *GetInput ();
vtkDataSetWriter *New ();
void SetInput (vtkImageData *cache);
void SetInput (vtkDataSet *input);

vtkDataSetWriter Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from Writer

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
char *GetFieldDataName ();
char *GetFileName ();
int GetFileType ();
char *GetGhostLevelsName ();
char *GetHeader ();
char *GetLookupTableName ();
char *GetNormalsName ();
char *GetOutputString ();
int GetOutputStringLength ();
char *GetScalarsName ();
char *GetTCoordsName ();
char *GetTensorsName ();
char *GetVectorsName ();
int GetWriteToOutputString ();
vtkDataWriter *New ();
char *RegisterAndGetOutputString ();
void SetFieldDataName (char *);
void SetFileName (char *);
void SetFileType (int );
void SetFileTypeToASCII ();
void SetFileTypeToBinary ();
void SetGhostLevelsName (char *);
void SetHeader (char *);
void SetLookupTableName (char *);
void SetNormalsName (char *);
void SetScalarsName (char *);
void SetTCoordsName (char *);
void SetTensorsName (char *);
void SetVectorsName (char *);
void SetWriteToOutputString (int );
void WriteToOutputStringOff ();
void WriteToOutputStringOn ();

vtkDataWriter Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void CloseVTKFile (ostream *fp);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

unsigned char *GetBinaryOutputString ();
   Can't Handle 'unsigned char *' return type without a hint

virtual ostream *OpenVTKFile ();
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

char *FileNamechar *Headerint FileTypechar *ScalarsNamechar *VectorsNamechar *TensorsNamechar *GhostLevelsNamechar *TCoordsNamechar *NormalsNamechar *LookupTableNamechar *FieldDataNameint WriteArray (ostream *fp, int dataType, vtkDataArray *data, char *format, int num, int numComp);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1

int WriteCellData (ostream *fp, vtkDataSet *ds);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

int WriteCells (ostream *fp, vtkCellArray *cells, char *label);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

int WriteCoordinates (ostream *fp, vtkScalars *coords, int axes);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

int WriteDataSetData (ostream *fp, vtkDataSet *ds);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

int WriteFieldData (ostream *fp, vtkFieldData *f);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

int WriteGhostLevelData (ostream *fp, vtkGhostLevels *g, int num);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1

int WriteHeader (ostream *fp);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

int WriteNormalData (ostream *fp, vtkNormals *n, int num);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1

int WritePointData (ostream *fp, vtkDataSet *ds);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

int WritePoints (ostream *fp, vtkPoints *p);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

int WriteScalarData (ostream *fp, vtkScalars *s, int num);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1

int WriteTCoordData (ostream *fp, vtkTCoords *tc, int num);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1

int WriteTensorData (ostream *fp, vtkTensors *t, int num);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1

int WriteVectorData (ostream *fp, vtkVectors *v, int num);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1


  • Inherits from PolyDataToPolyDataFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void AccumulateErrorOff ();
void AccumulateErrorOn ();
void BoundaryVertexDeletionOff ();
void BoundaryVertexDeletionOn ();
float GetAbsoluteError ();
int GetAccumulateError ();
int GetBoundaryVertexDeletion ();
const char *GetClassName();
int GetDegree ();
int GetErrorIsAbsolute ();
float GetFeatureAngle ();
float GetInflectionPointRatio ();
float GetMaximumError ();
int GetNumberOfInflectionPoints ();
int GetPreSplitMesh ();
int GetPreserveTopology ();
float GetSplitAngle ();
int GetSplitting ();
float GetTargetReduction ();
vtkDecimatePro *New ();
void PreSplitMeshOff ();
void PreSplitMeshOn ();
void PreserveTopologyOff ();
void PreserveTopologyOn ();
void SetAbsoluteError (float );
void SetAccumulateError (int );
void SetBoundaryVertexDeletion (int );
void SetDegree (int );
void SetErrorIsAbsolute (int );
void SetFeatureAngle (float );
void SetInflectionPointRatio (float );
void SetMaximumError (float );
void SetPreSplitMesh (int );
void SetPreserveTopology (int );
void SetSplitAngle (float );
void SetSplitting (int );
void SetTargetReduction (float );
void SplittingOff ();
void SplittingOn ();

vtkDecimatePro Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

int EvaluateVertex (int ptId, unsigned short numTris, int *tris, int fedges[2]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

int FindSplit (int type, int fedges[2], int &pt1, int &pt2, vtkIdList *CollapseTris);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void GetInflectionPoints (float *inflectionPoints);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1

float *GetInflectionPoints ();
   Can't Handle 'float *' return type without a hint

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SplitLoop (int fedges[2], int &n1, int *l1, int &n2, int *l2);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void SplitVertex (int ptId, int type, unsigned short numTris, int *tris, int insert);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 4


  • Inherits from PolyDataSource

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void BoundingTriangulationOff ();
void BoundingTriangulationOn ();
double GetAlpha ();
int GetBoundingTriangulation ();
const char *GetClassName();
vtkPointSet *GetInput ();
double GetOffset ();
vtkPolyData *GetSource ();
double GetTolerance ();
vtkDelaunay2D *New ();
void SetAlpha (double );
void SetBoundingTriangulation (int );
virtual void SetInput (vtkPointSet *input);
void SetOffset (double );
void SetSource (vtkPolyData *);
void SetTolerance (double );

vtkDelaunay2D Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void CheckEdge (int ptId, double x[3], int p1, int p2, int tri);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void FillPolygons (vtkCellArray *polys, int *triUse);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 2

int FindTriangle (double x[3], int ptIds[3], int tri, double tol, int nei[3], vtkIdList *neighbors);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void GetPoint (int id, double x[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

int InCircle (double x[3], double x1[3], double x2[3], double x3[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

double Alphadouble Toleranceint BoundingTriangulationdouble OffsetvtkPolyData *Meshdouble *Pointsvoid SetPoint (int id, double *x);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 2


  • Inherits from UnstructuredGridSource

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void BoundingTriangulationOff ();
void BoundingTriangulationOn ();
void CreateDefaultLocator ();
void EndPointInsertion ();
float GetAlpha ();
int GetBoundingTriangulation ();
const char *GetClassName();
vtkPointSet *GetInput ();
vtkPointLocator *GetLocator ();
unsigned long GetMTime ();
float GetOffset ();
float GetTolerance ();
vtkDelaunay3D *New ();
void SetAlpha (float );
void SetBoundingTriangulation (int );
virtual void SetInput (vtkPointSet *input);
void SetLocator (vtkPointLocator *locator);
void SetOffset (float );
void SetTolerance (float );

vtkDelaunay3D Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

int NumberOfDuplicatePointsint NumberOfDegeneraciesint *Referencesint FindEnclosingFaces (float x[3], vtkUnstructuredGrid *Mesh, vtkIdList *tetras, vtkIdList *faces, vtkPointLocator *Locator);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

float Alphafloat Toleranceint BoundingTriangulationfloat OffsetvtkPointLocator *LocatorvtkTetraArray *TetraArrayint FindTetra (vtkUnstructuredGrid *Mesh, double x[3], int tetId, int depth);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

int InSphere (double x[3], int tetraId);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

vtkUnstructuredGrid *InitPointInsertion (float center[3], float length, int numPts, vtkPoints &pts);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

vtkUnstructuredGrid *InitPointInsertion (int numPtsToInsert, int numTetra, vtkPoints *boundingTetraPts, float bounds[6], vtkPoints &pts);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

vtkUnstructuredGrid *InitPointInsertion (int numPtsToInsert, int numTetra, vtkPoints &boundingTetraPts, float bounds[6], vtkPoints &pts);
   Method is marked 'Do Not Use' in its descriptions

void InsertPoint (vtkUnstructuredGrid *Mesh, vtkPoints *points, int id, float x[3], vtkIdList *holeTetras);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void InsertPoint (vtkUnstructuredGrid *Mesh, vtkPoints *points, int id, float x[3], vtkIdList &holeTetras);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetLocator (vtkPointLocator &locator);
   Method is marked 'Do Not Use' in its descriptions


  • Inherits from PolyDataSource

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

int GetCircumferentialResolution ();
const char *GetClassName();
float GetInnerRadius ();
float GetOuterRadius ();
int GetRadialResolution ();
vtkDiskSource *New ();
void SetCircumferentialResolution (int );
void SetInnerRadius (float );
void SetOuterRadius (float );
void SetRadialResolution (int );

vtkDiskSource Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from DataSetToPolyDataFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
float GetValue ();
vtkEdgePoints *New ();
void SetValue (float );

vtkEdgePoints Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from DataSetToDataSetFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
float  *GetHighPoint ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
float  *GetLowPoint ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
float  *GetScalarRange ();
   (Returns a 2-element Perl list)
vtkElevationFilter *New ();
void SetHighPoint (float  , float , float );
void SetLowPoint (float  , float , float );
void SetScalarRange (float  , float );

vtkElevationFilter Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetHighPoint (float  a[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetHighPoint( float, float, float)

void SetLowPoint (float  a[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetLowPoint( float, float, float)

void SetScalarRange (float  a[2]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetScalarRange( float, float)


  • Inherits from Object

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
float GetZeroNormalDiffuseIntensity ();
float GetZeroNormalSpecularIntensity ();
vtkEncodedGradientShader *New ();
void SetZeroNormalDiffuseIntensity (float );
void SetZeroNormalSpecularIntensity (float );
void UpdateShadingTable (vtkRenderer *ren, vtkVolume *vol, vtkEncodedGradientEstimator *gradest);

vtkEncodedGradientShader Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void BuildShadingTable (int index, float lightDirection[3], float lightColor[3], float lightIntensity, float viewDirection[3], float material[4], int twoSided, vtkEncodedGradientEstimator *gradest, int updateFlag);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

float *GetBlueDiffuseShadingTable (vtkVolume *vol);
   Can't Handle 'float *' return type without a hint

float *GetBlueSpecularShadingTable (vtkVolume *vol);
   Can't Handle 'float *' return type without a hint

float *GetGreenDiffuseShadingTable (vtkVolume *vol);
   Can't Handle 'float *' return type without a hint

float *GetGreenSpecularShadingTable (vtkVolume *vol);
   Can't Handle 'float *' return type without a hint

float *GetRedDiffuseShadingTable (vtkVolume *vol);
   Can't Handle 'float *' return type without a hint

float *GetRedSpecularShadingTable (vtkVolume *vol);
   Can't Handle 'float *' return type without a hint

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent index);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from DataSetToPolyDataFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void CreateDefaultLocator ();
const char *GetClassName();
vtkPointLocator *GetLocator ();
unsigned long GetMTime ();
vtkExtractEdges *New ();
void SetLocator (vtkPointLocator *locator);
void SetLocator (vtkPointLocator &locator);

vtkExtractEdges Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from DataSetToUnstructuredGridFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void ExtractInsideOff ();
void ExtractInsideOn ();
const char *GetClassName();
int GetExtractInside ();
vtkImplicitFunction *GetImplicitFunction ();
unsigned long GetMTime ();
vtkExtractGeometry *New ();
void SetExtractInside (int );
void SetImplicitFunction (vtkImplicitFunction *);

vtkExtractGeometry Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from PolyDataToPolyDataFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void ExtractInsideOff ();
void ExtractInsideOn ();
const char *GetClassName();
int GetExtractInside ();
vtkImplicitFunction *GetImplicitFunction ();
unsigned long GetMTime ();
vtkExtractPolyDataGeometry *New ();
void SetExtractInside (int );
void SetImplicitFunction (vtkImplicitFunction *);

vtkExtractPolyDataGeometry Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from PolyDataToPolyDataFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void CreateGhostCellsOff ();
void CreateGhostCellsOn ();
const char *GetClassName();
int GetCreateGhostCells ();
vtkExtractPolyDataPiece *New ();
void SetCreateGhostCells (int );

vtkExtractPolyDataPiece Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from StructuredGridToStructuredGridFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
int GetIncludeBoundary ();
int  *GetSampleRate ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
int  *GetVOI ();
   (Returns a 6-element Perl list)
void IncludeBoundaryOff ();
void IncludeBoundaryOn ();
vtkExtractGrid *New ();
void SetIncludeBoundary (int );
void SetSampleRate (int  , int , int );
void SetVOI (int  , int , int , int , int , int );

vtkExtractGrid Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetSampleRate (int  a[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetSampleRate( int, int, int)

void SetVOI (int  a[6]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetVOI( int, int, int, int, int, int)


  • Inherits from DataSetToDataSetFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void ExtractNormalsOff ();
void ExtractNormalsOn ();
void ExtractScalarsOff ();
void ExtractScalarsOn ();
void ExtractTCoordsOff ();
void ExtractTCoordsOn ();
void ExtractVectorsOff ();
void ExtractVectorsOn ();
const char *GetClassName();
int GetExtractNormals ();
int GetExtractScalars ();
int GetExtractTCoords ();
int GetExtractVectors ();
int  *GetNormalComponents ();
   (Returns a 6-element Perl list)
int GetNormalizeNormals ();
int GetNumberOfTCoords ();
int GetPassTensorsToOutput ();
int  *GetScalarComponents ();
   (Returns a 2-element Perl list)
int GetScalarMode ();
int  *GetTCoordComponents ();
   (Returns a 6-element Perl list)
int  *GetVectorComponents ();
   (Returns a 6-element Perl list)
vtkExtractTensorComponents *New ();
void NormalizeNormalsOff ();
void NormalizeNormalsOn ();
void PassTensorsToOutputOff ();
void PassTensorsToOutputOn ();
void ScalarIsComponent ();
void ScalarIsDeterminant ();
void ScalarIsEffectiveStress ();
void SetExtractNormals (int );
void SetExtractScalars (int );
void SetExtractTCoords (int );
void SetExtractVectors (int );
void SetNormalComponents (int  , int , int , int , int , int );
void SetNormalizeNormals (int );
void SetNumberOfTCoords (int );
void SetPassTensorsToOutput (int );
void SetScalarComponents (int  , int );
void SetScalarMode (int );
void SetTCoordComponents (int  , int , int , int , int , int );
void SetVectorComponents (int  , int , int , int , int , int );

vtkExtractTensorComponents Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetNormalComponents (int  a[6]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetNormalComponents( int, int, int, int, int, int)

void SetScalarComponents (int  a[2]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetScalarComponents( int, int)

void SetTCoordComponents (int  a[6]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetTCoordComponents( int, int, int, int, int, int)

void SetVectorComponents (int  a[6]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetVectorComponents( int, int, int, int, int, int)


  • Inherits from UnstructuredGridToUnstructuredGridFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void CellClippingOff ();
void CellClippingOn ();
void ExtentClippingOff ();
void ExtentClippingOn ();
int GetCellClipping ();
int GetCellMaximum ();
int GetCellMinimum ();
const char *GetClassName();
int GetExtentClipping ();
int GetPointClipping ();
int GetPointMaximum ();
int GetPointMinimum ();
vtkExtractUnstructuredGrid *New ();
void PointClippingOff ();
void PointClippingOn ();
void SetCellClipping (int );
void SetCellMaximum (int );
void SetCellMinimum (int );
void SetExtent (float xMin, float xMax, float yMin, float yMax, float zMin, float zMax);
void SetExtentClipping (int );
void SetPointClipping (int );
void SetPointMaximum (int );
void SetPointMinimum (int );

vtkExtractUnstructuredGrid Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

float *GetExtent ();
   Can't Handle 'float *' return type without a hint

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetExtent (float *extent);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1


  • Inherits from StructuredPointsToStructuredPointsFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
int  *GetSampleRate ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
int  *GetVOI ();
   (Returns a 6-element Perl list)
vtkExtractVOI *New ();
void SetSampleRate (int  , int , int );
void SetVOI (int  , int , int , int , int , int );

vtkExtractVOI Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetSampleRate (int  a[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetSampleRate( int, int, int)

void SetVOI (int  a[6]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetVOI( int, int, int, int, int, int)


  • Inherits from Source

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkDataSet *GetInput ();
vtkDataSet *GetOutput (int i);
vtkDataSet *GetVxComponent ();
vtkDataSet *GetVyComponent ();
vtkDataSet *GetVzComponent ();
vtkExtractVectorComponents *New ();
void SetInput (vtkDataSet &input);
virtual void SetInput (vtkDataSet *input);


  • Inherits from PolyDataToPolyDataFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void BoundaryEdgesOff ();
void BoundaryEdgesOn ();
void ColoringOff ();
void ColoringOn ();
void CreateDefaultLocator ();
void FeatureEdgesOff ();
void FeatureEdgesOn ();
int GetBoundaryEdges ();
const char *GetClassName();
int GetColoring ();
float GetFeatureAngle ();
int GetFeatureEdges ();
vtkPointLocator *GetLocator ();
unsigned long GetMTime ();
int GetManifoldEdges ();
int GetNonManifoldEdges ();
void ManifoldEdgesOff ();
void ManifoldEdgesOn ();
vtkFeatureEdges *New ();
void NonManifoldEdgesOff ();
void NonManifoldEdgesOn ();
void SetBoundaryEdges (int );
void SetColoring (int );
void SetFeatureAngle (float );
void SetFeatureEdges (int );
void SetLocator (vtkPointLocator *locator);
void SetManifoldEdges (int );
void SetNonManifoldEdges (int );

vtkFeatureEdges Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from DataSetToDataSetFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

int ConstructArray (vtkDataArray *da, int comp, vtkDataArray *frray, int fieldComp, int min, int max, int normalize);
void DefaultNormalizeOff ();
void DefaultNormalizeOn ();
const char *GetClassName();
int GetDefaultNormalize ();
vtkDataArray *GetFieldArray (vtkFieldData *fd, char *name, int comp);
int GetGhostLevelComponentArrayComponent ();
char *GetGhostLevelComponentArrayName ();
int GetGhostLevelComponentMaxRange ();
int GetGhostLevelComponentMinRange ();
int GetGhostLevelComponentNormalizeFlag ();
int GetInputField ();
int GetNormalComponentArrayComponent (int comp);
char *GetNormalComponentArrayName (int comp);
int GetNormalComponentMaxRange (int comp);
int GetNormalComponentMinRange (int comp);
int GetNormalComponentNormalizeFlag (int comp);
int GetOutputAttributeData ();
int GetScalarComponentArrayComponent (int comp);
char *GetScalarComponentArrayName (int comp);
int GetScalarComponentMaxRange (int comp);
int GetScalarComponentMinRange (int comp);
int GetScalarComponentNormalizeFlag (int comp);
int GetTCoordComponentArrayComponent (int comp);
char *GetTCoordComponentArrayName (int comp);
int GetTCoordComponentMaxRange (int comp);
int GetTCoordComponentMinRange (int comp);
int GetTCoordComponentNormalizeFlag (int comp);
int GetTensorComponentArrayComponent (int comp);
char *GetTensorComponentArrayName (int comp);
int GetTensorComponentMaxRange (int comp);
int GetTensorComponentMinRange (int comp);
int GetTensorComponentNormalizeFlag (int comp);
int GetVectorComponentArrayComponent (int comp);
char *GetVectorComponentArrayName (int comp);
int GetVectorComponentMaxRange (int comp);
int GetVectorComponentMinRange (int comp);
int GetVectorComponentNormalizeFlag (int comp);
vtkFieldDataToAttributeDataFilter *New ();
void SetDefaultNormalize (int );
void SetGhostLevelComponent (char *arrayName, int arrayComp, int min, int max, int normalize);
void SetGhostLevelComponent (char *arrayName, int arrayComp);
void SetInputField (int );
void SetInputFieldToCellDataField ();
void SetInputFieldToDataObjectField ();
void SetInputFieldToPointDataField ();
void SetNormalComponent (int comp, char *arrayName, int arrayComp, int min, int max, int normalize);
void SetNormalComponent (int comp, char *arrayName, int arrayComp);
void SetOutputAttributeData (int );
void SetOutputAttributeDataToCellData ();
void SetOutputAttributeDataToPointData ();
void SetScalarComponent (int comp, char *arrayName, int arrayComp, int min, int max, int normalize);
void SetScalarComponent (int comp, char *arrayName, int arrayComp);
void SetTCoordComponent (int comp, char *arrayName, int arrayComp, int min, int max, int normalize);
void SetTCoordComponent (int comp, char *arrayName, int arrayComp);
void SetTensorComponent (int comp, char *arrayName, int arrayComp, int min, int max, int normalize);
void SetTensorComponent (int comp, char *arrayName, int arrayComp);
void SetVectorComponent (int comp, char *arrayName, int arrayComp, int min, int max, int normalize);
void SetVectorComponent (int comp, char *arrayName, int arrayComp);

vtkFieldDataToAttributeDataFilter Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void ConstructGhostLevels (int num, vtkFieldData *fd, vtkDataSetAttributes *attr, int componentRange[2], char *array, int arrayComponent, int normalize);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void ConstructNormals (int num, vtkFieldData *fd, vtkDataSetAttributes *attr, int componentRange[3][2], char *arrays[3], int arrayComponents[3], int normalize[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

int InputFieldint OutputAttributeDataint NumberOfScalarComponentschar *ScalarArrays[4]int ScalarArrayComponents[4]int ScalarComponentRange[4][2]int ScalarNormalize[4]char *VectorArrays[3]int VectorArrayComponents[3]int VectorComponentRange[3][2]int VectorNormalize[3]char *GhostLevelArrayint GhostLevelArrayComponentint GhostLevelComponentRange[2]int GhostLevelNormalizechar *NormalArrays[3]int NormalArrayComponents[3]int NormalComponentRange[3][2]int NormalNormalize[3]char *TensorArrays[9]int TensorArrayComponents[9]int TensorComponentRange[9][2]int TensorNormalize[9]int NumberOfTCoordComponentschar *TCoordArrays[3]int TCoordArrayComponents[3]int TCoordComponentRange[3][2]int TCoordNormalize[3]int DefaultNormalizevoid ConstructScalars (int num, vtkFieldData *fd, vtkDataSetAttributes *attr, int componentRange[4][2], char *arrays[4], int arrayComponents[4], int normalize[4], int numComp);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void ConstructTCoords (int num, vtkFieldData *fd, vtkDataSetAttributes *attr, int componentRange[3][2], char *arrays[3], int arrayComponents[3], int normalize[3], int numComp);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void ConstructTensors (int num, vtkFieldData *fd, vtkDataSetAttributes *attr, int componentRange[9][2], char *arrays[9], int arrayComponents[9], int normalize[9]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void ConstructVectors (int num, vtkFieldData *fd, vtkDataSetAttributes *attr, int componentRange[3][2], char *arrays[3], int arrayComponents[3], int normalize[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

int GetComponentsType (int numComp, vtkDataArray *arrays);
   Can't Parse Arg ' vtkDataArray ** arrays'
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetArrayName (vtkObject *self, char &name, char *newName);
   Can't Parse Arg ' char * &name'
int UpdateComponentRange (vtkDataArray *da, int compRange[2]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.


  • Inherits from EncodedGradientEstimator

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
int GetSampleSpacingInVoxels ();
vtkFiniteDifferenceGradientEstimator *New ();
void SetSampleSpacingInVoxels (int );

vtkFiniteDifferenceGradientEstimator Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent index);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from Actor

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

vtkCamera *GetCamera ();
const char *GetClassName();
virtual void GetMatrix (vtkMatrix4x4 *m);
void GetMatrix (vtkMatrix4x4 &m);
virtual vtkMatrix4x4 *GetMatrix ();
vtkFollower *New ();
virtual void Render (vtkRenderer *ren);
virtual int RenderOpaqueGeometry (vtkViewport *viewport);
virtual int RenderTranslucentGeometry (vtkViewport *viewport);
void SetCamera (vtkCamera *);
void ShallowCopy (vtkProp *prop);

vtkFollower Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

virtual void GetMatrix (double m[16]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from Culler

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
float GetMaximumCoverage ();
float GetMinimumCoverage ();
int GetSortingStyle ();
char *GetSortingStyleAsString (void );
vtkFrustumCoverageCuller *New ();
void SetMaximumCoverage (float );
void SetMinimumCoverage (float );
void SetSortingStyle (int );
void SetSortingStyleToBackToFront ();
void SetSortingStyleToFrontToBack ();
void SetSortingStyleToNone ();

vtkFrustumCoverageCuller Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from DataSetToStructuredPointsFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void CappingOff ();
void CappingOn ();
void ComputeModelBounds ();
int GetAccumulationMode ();
char *GetAccumulationModeAsString ();
float GetCapValue ();
int GetCapping ();
const char *GetClassName();
float GetEccentricity ();
float GetExponentFactor ();
float  *GetModelBounds ();
   (Returns a 6-element Perl list)
int GetNormalWarping ();
float GetRadius ();
int  *GetSampleDimensions ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
int GetScalarWarping ();
float GetScaleFactor ();
vtkGaussianSplatter *New ();
void NormalWarpingOff ();
void NormalWarpingOn ();
void ScalarWarpingOff ();
void ScalarWarpingOn ();
void SetAccumulationMode (int );
void SetAccumulationModeToMax ();
void SetAccumulationModeToMin ();
void SetAccumulationModeToSum ();
void SetCapValue (float );
void SetCapping (int );
void SetEccentricity (float );
void SetExponentFactor (float );
void SetModelBounds (float  , float , float , float , float , float );
void SetNormalWarping (int );
void SetRadius (float );
void SetSampleDimensions (int i, int j, int k);
void SetScalarWarping (int );
void SetScaleFactor (float );

vtkGaussianSplatter Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

float EccentricGaussian (float x[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

float Gaussian (float x[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetModelBounds (float  a[6]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetModelBounds( float, float, float, float, float, float)

void SetSampleDimensions (int dim[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

int SampleDimensions[3]float Radiusfloat ExponentFactorfloat ModelBounds[6]int NormalWarpingfloat Eccentricityint ScalarWarpingfloat ScaleFactorint Cappingfloat CapValueint AccumulationModevoid SplitIJK (int i, int idir, int j, int jdir, int k, int kdir);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.


  • Inherits from DataSetToPolyDataFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void CellClippingOff ();
void CellClippingOn ();
void CreateDefaultLocator ();
void ExtentClippingOff ();
void ExtentClippingOn ();
int GetCellClipping ();
int GetCellMaximum ();
int GetCellMinimum ();
const char *GetClassName();
float *GetExtent ();
   (Returns a 6-element Perl list)
int GetExtentClipping ();
vtkPointLocator *GetLocator ();
unsigned long GetMTime ();
int GetMerging ();
int GetPointClipping ();
int GetPointMaximum ();
int GetPointMinimum ();
void MergingOff ();
void MergingOn ();
vtkGeometryFilter *New ();
void PointClippingOff ();
void PointClippingOn ();
void SetCellClipping (int );
void SetCellMaximum (int );
void SetCellMinimum (int );
void SetExtent (float xMin, float xMax, float yMin, float yMax, float zMin, float zMax);
void SetExtentClipping (int );
void SetLocator (vtkPointLocator *locator);
void SetLocator (vtkPointLocator &locator);
void SetMerging (int );
void SetPointClipping (int );
void SetPointMaximum (int );
void SetPointMinimum (int );

vtkGeometryFilter Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetExtent (float *extent);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1


  • Inherits from Glyph3D

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkGlyph2D *New ();

vtkGlyph2D Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from DataSetToPolyDataFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void ClampingOff ();
void ClampingOn ();
int GetClamping ();
const char *GetClassName();
int GetColorMode ();
char *GetColorModeAsString ();
int GetIndexMode ();
char *GetIndexModeAsString ();
int GetNumberOfSources ();
int GetOrient ();
float  *GetRange ();
   (Returns a 2-element Perl list)
float GetScaleFactor ();
int GetScaleMode ();
char *GetScaleModeAsString ();
int GetScaling ();
vtkPolyData *GetSource (int id);
int GetVectorMode ();
char *GetVectorModeAsString ();
vtkGlyph3D *New ();
void OrientOff ();
void OrientOn ();
void ScalingOff ();
void ScalingOn ();
void SetClamping (int );
void SetColorMode (int );
void SetColorModeToColorByScalar ();
void SetColorModeToColorByScale ();
void SetColorModeToColorByVector ();
void SetIndexMode (int );
void SetIndexModeToOff ();
void SetIndexModeToScalar ();
void SetIndexModeToVector ();
void SetNumberOfSources (int num);
void SetOrient (int );
void SetRange (float  , float );
void SetScaleFactor (float );
void SetScaleMode (int );
void SetScaleModeToDataScalingOff ();
void SetScaleModeToScaleByScalar ();
void SetScaleModeToScaleByVector ();
void SetScaleModeToScaleByVectorComponents ();
void SetScaling (int );
void SetSource (int id, vtkPolyData *pd);
void SetSource (vtkPolyData *pd);
void SetVectorMode (int );
void SetVectorModeToUseNormal ();
void SetVectorModeToUseVector ();
void SetVectorModeToVectorRotationOff ();

vtkGlyph3D Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetRange (float  a[2]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetRange( float, float)


  • Inherits from DataSetToDataSetFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkGhostLevelToScalarFilter *New ();


  • Inherits from DataSetToPolyDataFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
float GetScaleFactor ();
int GetVectorMode ();
char *GetVectorModeAsString ();
vtkHedgeHog *New ();
void SetScaleFactor (float );
void SetVectorMode (int );
void SetVectorModeToUseNormal ();
void SetVectorModeToUseVector ();

vtkHedgeHog Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from PolyDataToPolyDataFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void AddCubeEdgePlanes ();
void AddCubeFacePlanes ();
void AddCubeVertexPlanes ();
int AddPlane (float A, float B, float C, float D);
int AddPlane (float A, float B, float C);
void AddRecursiveSpherePlanes (int level);
void GenerateHull (vtkPolyData *pd, float xmin, float xmax, float ymin, float ymax, float zmin, float zmax);
const char *GetClassName();
int GetNumberOfPlanes ();
vtkHull *New ();
void RemoveAllPlanes (void );
void SetPlane (int i, float A, float B, float C, float D);
void SetPlane (int i, float A, float B, float C);
void SetPlanes (vtkPlanes *planes);

vtkHull Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

int AddPlane (float plane[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

int AddPlane (float plane[3], float D);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void ClipPolygonsFromPlanes (vtkPoints *points, vtkCellArray *polys, float *bounds);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 3

void CreateInitialPolygon (double *, int , float *);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1

void GenerateHull (vtkPolyData *pd, float *bounds);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 2

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetPlane (int i, float plane[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void SetPlane (int i, float plane[3], float D);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.


  • Inherits from DataSetToPolyDataFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
int GetIntegrationDirection ();
float GetIntegrationStepLength ();
int GetLogScaling ();
float GetMaximumPropagationDistance ();
int GetNumberOfSides ();
float GetRadius ();
float GetStepLength ();
float GetTerminalEigenvalue ();
void IntegrateMajorEigenvector ();
void IntegrateMediumEigenvector ();
void IntegrateMinorEigenvector ();
void LogScalingOff ();
void LogScalingOn ();
vtkHyperStreamline *New ();
void SetIntegrationDirection (int );
void SetIntegrationDirectionToBackward ();
void SetIntegrationDirectionToForward ();
void SetIntegrationDirectionToIntegrateBothDirections ();
void SetIntegrationStepLength (float );
void SetLogScaling (int );
void SetMaximumPropagationDistance (float );
void SetNumberOfSides (int );
void SetRadius (float );
void SetStartLocation (int cellId, int subId, float r, float s, float t);
void SetStartPosition (float x, float y, float z);
void SetStepLength (float );
void SetTerminalEigenvalue (float );

vtkHyperStreamline Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

int GetStartLocation (int &subId, float pcoords[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

float *GetStartPosition ();
   Can't Handle 'float *' return type without a hint

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetStartLocation (int cellId, int subId, float pcoords[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void SetStartPosition (float x[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.


  • Inherits from DataSetToDataSetFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void CellIdsOff ();
void CellIdsOn ();
void FieldDataOff ();
void FieldDataOn ();
int GetCellIds ();
const char *GetClassName();
int GetFieldData ();
int GetPointIds ();
vtkIdFilter *New ();
void PointIdsOff ();
void PointIdsOn ();
void SetCellIds (int );
void SetFieldData (int );
void SetPointIds (int );

vtkIdFilter Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from Prop

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkImageData *GetInput ();
int GetInterpolate ();
int GetSliceNumber ();
void InterpolateOff ();
void InterpolateOn ();
vtkImageActor *New ();
void SetDisplayExtent (int minX, int maxX, int minY, int maxY, int minZ, int maxZ);
void SetInput (vtkImageData *);
void SetInterpolate (int );

vtkImageActor Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

float *GetBounds ();
   Can't Handle 'float *' return type without a hint

void GetBounds (float bounds[6]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void GetDisplayExtent (int extent[6]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

int *GetDisplayExtent ();
   Can't Handle 'int *' return type without a hint

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetDisplayExtent (int extent[6]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.


  • Inherits from ImplicitFunction

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void AddFunction (vtkImplicitFunction *in);
float EvaluateFunction (float x, float y, float z);
const char *GetClassName();
vtkImplicitFunctionCollection *GetFunction ();
unsigned long GetMTime ();
int GetOperationType ();
char *GetOperationTypeAsString ();
vtkImplicitBoolean *New ();
void RemoveFunction (vtkImplicitFunction *in);
void RemoveFunction (vtkImplicitFunction &in);
void SetOperationType (int );
void SetOperationTypeToDifference ();
void SetOperationTypeToIntersection ();
void SetOperationTypeToUnion ();
void SetOperationTypeToUnionOfMagnitudes ();

vtkImplicitBoolean Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void AddFunction (vtkImplicitFunction &in);
   Method is marked 'Do Not Use' in its descriptions

float EvaluateFunction (float x[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void EvaluateGradient (float x[3], float g[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from ImplicitFunction

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

float EvaluateFunction (float x, float y, float z);
const char *GetClassName();
vtkDataSet *GetDataSet ();
unsigned long GetMTime ();
float  *GetOutGradient ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
float GetOutValue ();
vtkImplicitDataSet *New ();
void SetDataSet (vtkDataSet *);
void SetOutGradient (float  , float , float );
void SetOutValue (float );

vtkImplicitDataSet Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

float EvaluateFunction (float x[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void EvaluateGradient (float x[3], float n[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetOutGradient (float  a[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetOutGradient( float, float, float)


  • Inherits from DataSetToStructuredPointsFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void AdjustBoundsOff ();
void AdjustBoundsOn ();
void Append (vtkDataSet *input);
void CappingOff ();
void CappingOn ();
float ComputeModelBounds (vtkDataSet *inputNULL);
void EndAppend ();
int GetAdjustBounds ();
float GetAdjustDistance ();
float GetCapValue ();
int GetCapping ();
const char *GetClassName();
int GetLocatorMaxLevel ();
float GetMaximumDistance ();
float  *GetModelBounds ();
   (Returns a 6-element Perl list)
int GetNumberOfThreads ();
int GetProcessMode ();
char *GetProcessModeAsString (void );
int  *GetSampleDimensions ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
vtkImplicitModeller *New ();
void SetAdjustBounds (int );
void SetAdjustDistance (float );
void SetCapValue (float );
void SetCapping (int );
void SetLocatorMaxLevel (int );
void SetMaximumDistance (float );
void SetModelBounds (float  , float , float , float , float , float );
void SetNumberOfThreads (int );
void SetProcessMode (int );
void SetProcessModeToPerCell ();
void SetProcessModeToPerVoxel ();
void SetSampleDimensions (int i, int j, int k);
void StartAppend ();
virtual void UpdateData (vtkDataObject *output);

vtkImplicitModeller Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetModelBounds (float  a[6]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetModelBounds( float, float, float, float, float, float)

void SetSampleDimensions (int dim[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.


  • Inherits from ImplicitFunction

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void AutomaticNormalGenerationOff ();
void AutomaticNormalGenerationOn ();
float EvaluateFunction (float x, float y, float z);
int GetAutomaticNormalGeneration ();
const char *GetClassName();
vtkPoints *GetLoop ();
unsigned long GetMTime ();
float  *GetNormal ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
vtkImplicitSelectionLoop *New ();
void SetAutomaticNormalGeneration (int );
void SetLoop (vtkPoints *);
void SetNormal (float  , float , float );

vtkImplicitSelectionLoop Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

float EvaluateFunction (float x[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void EvaluateGradient (float x[3], float n[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

vtkPoints *Loopfloat Normal[3]int AutomaticNormalGenerationvoid Initialize ();
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetNormal (float  a[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetNormal( float, float, float)


  • Inherits from DataSetToDataSetFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void FlipTextureOff ();
void FlipTextureOn ();
const char *GetClassName();
int GetFlipTexture ();
vtkImplicitFunction *GetRFunction ();
vtkImplicitFunction *GetSFunction ();
vtkImplicitFunction *GetTFunction ();
vtkImplicitTextureCoords *New ();
void SetFlipTexture (int );
void SetRFunction (vtkImplicitFunction *);
void SetSFunction (vtkImplicitFunction *);
void SetTFunction (vtkImplicitFunction *);

vtkImplicitTextureCoords Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from ImplicitFunction

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

float EvaluateFunction (float x, float y, float z);
const char *GetClassName();
unsigned long GetMTime ();
float  *GetOutGradient ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
float GetOutValue ();
vtkStructuredPoints *GetVolume ();
vtkImplicitVolume *New ();
void SetOutGradient (float  , float , float );
void SetOutValue (float );
void SetVolume (vtkStructuredPoints *);
void SetVolume (vtkImageData *cache);

vtkImplicitVolume Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

float EvaluateFunction (float x[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void EvaluateGradient (float x[3], float n[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetOutGradient (float  a[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetOutGradient( float, float, float)


  • Inherits from ImplicitFunction

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

float EvaluateFunction (float x, float y, float z);
const char *GetClassName();
vtkImplicitFunction *GetImplicitFunction ();
unsigned long GetMTime ();
float  *GetWindowRange ();
   (Returns a 2-element Perl list)
float  *GetWindowValues ();
   (Returns a 2-element Perl list)
vtkImplicitWindowFunction *New ();
void SetImplicitFunction (vtkImplicitFunction *);
void SetWindowRange (float  , float );
void SetWindowValues (float  , float );

vtkImplicitWindowFunction Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

float EvaluateFunction (float x[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void EvaluateGradient (float x[3], float n[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetWindowRange (float  a[2]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetWindowRange( float, float)

void SetWindowValues (float  a[2]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetWindowValues( float, float)


  • Inherits from Object

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void FindPokedCamera (int , int );
void FindPokedRenderer (int , int );
const char *GetClassName();
vtkRenderWindowInteractor *GetInteractor ();
float  *GetPickColor ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
virtual void HighlightActor2D (vtkActor2D *actor2D);
virtual void HighlightProp (vtkProp *prop);
virtual void HighlightProp3D (vtkProp3D *prop3D);
vtkInteractorStyle *New ();
virtual void OnChar (int ctrl, int shift, char keycode, int repeatcount);
virtual void OnConfigure (int width, int height);
virtual void OnEnter (int ctrl, int shift, int x, int y);
virtual void OnKeyDown (int ctrl, int shift, char keycode, int repeatcount);
virtual void OnKeyPress (int ctrl, int shift, char keycode, char *keysym, int repeatcount);
virtual void OnKeyRelease (int ctrl, int shift, char keycode, char *keysym, int repeatcount);
virtual void OnKeyUp (int ctrl, int shift, char keycode, int repeatcount);
virtual void OnLeave (int ctrl, int shift, int x, int y);
virtual void OnLeftButtonDown (int ctrl, int shift, int X, int Y);
virtual void OnLeftButtonUp (int ctrl, int shift, int X, int Y);
virtual void OnMiddleButtonDown (int ctrl, int shift, int X, int Y);
virtual void OnMiddleButtonUp (int ctrl, int shift, int X, int Y);
virtual void OnMouseMove (int ctrl, int shift, int X, int Y);
virtual void OnRightButtonDown (int ctrl, int shift, int X, int Y);
virtual void OnRightButtonUp (int ctrl, int shift, int X, int Y);
virtual void OnTimer ();
virtual void SetInteractor (vtkRenderWindowInteractor *interactor);
void SetLeftButtonPressMethod (void (*func)(void *) , void *arg);
void SetLeftButtonReleaseMethod (void (*func)(void *) , void *arg);
void SetMiddleButtonPressMethod (void (*func)(void *) , void *arg);
void SetMiddleButtonReleaseMethod (void (*func)(void *) , void *arg);
void SetPickColor (float  , float , float );
void SetRightButtonPressMethod (void (*func)(void *) , void *arg);
void SetRightButtonReleaseMethod (void (*func)(void *) , void *arg);

vtkInteractorStyle Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

virtual void ComputeDisplayToWorld (double x, double y, double z, double *worldPt);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 4

virtual void ComputeDisplayToWorld (double x, double y, double z, float *worldPt);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 4

virtual void ComputeWorldToDisplay (double x, double y, double z, double *displayPt);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 4

virtual void ComputeWorldToDisplay (double x, double y, double z, float *displayPt);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 4

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetLeftButtonPressMethodArgDelete (void (*func)(void *) );
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void SetLeftButtonReleaseMethodArgDelete (void (*func)(void *) );
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void SetMiddleButtonPressMethodArgDelete (void (*func)(void *) );
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void SetMiddleButtonReleaseMethodArgDelete (void (*func)(void *) );
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void SetPickColor (float  a[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetPickColor( float, float, float)

void SetRightButtonPressMethodArgDelete (void (*func)(void *) );
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void SetRightButtonReleaseMethodArgDelete (void (*func)(void *) );
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.


  • Inherits from InteractorStyle

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void DisableMotionOff ();
void DisableMotionOn ();
void FixUpVectorOff ();
void FixUpVectorOn ();
double GetAngleAccelerationFactor ();
double GetAngleStepSize ();
const char *GetClassName();
int GetDisableMotion ();
int GetFixUpVector ();
double  *GetFixedUpVector ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
double GetMotionAccelerationFactor ();
double GetMotionStepSize ();
vtkInteractorStyleFlight *New ();
virtual void OnChar (int ctrl, int shift, char keycode, int repeatcount);
virtual void OnKeyDown (int ctrl, int shift, char keycode, int repeatcount);
virtual void OnKeyUp (int ctrl, int shift, char keycode, int repeatcount);
virtual void OnLeftButtonDown (int ctrl, int shift, int X, int Y);
virtual void OnLeftButtonUp (int ctrl, int shift, int X, int Y);
virtual void OnMiddleButtonDown (int ctrl, int shift, int X, int Y);
virtual void OnMiddleButtonUp (int ctrl, int shift, int X, int Y);
virtual void OnMouseMove (int ctrl, int shift, int X, int Y);
virtual void OnRightButtonDown (int ctrl, int shift, int X, int Y);
virtual void OnRightButtonUp (int ctrl, int shift, int X, int Y);
virtual void OnTimer (void );
void PerformAzimuthalScan (int numsteps);
void SetAngleAccelerationFactor (double );
void SetAngleStepSize (double );
void SetDisableMotion (int );
void SetFixUpVector (int );
void SetFixedUpVector (double  [3]);
void SetMotionAccelerationFactor (double );
void SetMotionStepSize (double );

vtkInteractorStyleFlight Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void ComputeLRVector (double vector[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void JumpTo (double campos[3], double focpos[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void MotionAlongVector (double vector[3], double amount);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from InteractorStyle

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkInteractorStyleJoystickActor *New ();
void OnLeftButtonDown (int ctrl, int shift, int x, int y);
void OnLeftButtonUp (int ctrl, int shift, int x, int y);
void OnMiddleButtonDown (int ctrl, int shift, int x, int y);
void OnMiddleButtonUp (int ctrl, int shift, int x, int y);
void OnMouseMove (int ctrl, int shift, int x, int y);
void OnRightButtonDown (int ctrl, int shift, int x, int y);
void OnRightButtonUp (int ctrl, int shift, int x, int y);
void OnTimer (void );

vtkInteractorStyleJoystickActor Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void Prop3DTransform (vtkProp3D *prop3D, double *boxCenter, int numRotation, double *rotate, double *scale);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 2

void Prop3DTransform (vtkProp3D *prop3D, float *boxCenter, int NumRotation, double *rotate, double *scale);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 2


  • Inherits from InteractorStyle

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkInteractorStyleJoystickCamera *New ();
void OnLeftButtonDown (int ctrl, int shift, int x, int y);
void OnLeftButtonUp (int ctrl, int shift, int x, int y);
void OnMiddleButtonDown (int ctrl, int shift, int x, int y);
void OnMiddleButtonUp (int ctrl, int shift, int x, int y);
void OnMouseMove (int ctrl, int shift, int x, int y);
void OnRightButtonDown (int ctrl, int shift, int x, int y);
void OnRightButtonUp (int ctrl, int shift, int x, int y);
void OnTimer (void );

vtkInteractorStyleJoystickCamera Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from InteractorStyle

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkInteractorStyleSwitch *New ();
void OnChar (int ctrl, int shift, char keycode, int repeatcount);
void OnLeftButtonDown (int ctrl, int shift, int x, int y);
void OnLeftButtonUp (int ctrl, int shift, int x, int y);
void OnMiddleButtonDown (int ctrl, int shift, int x, int y);
void OnMiddleButtonUp (int ctrl, int shift, int x, int y);
void OnMouseMove (int ctrl, int shift, int x, int y);
void OnRightButtonDown (int ctrl, int shift, int x, int y);
void OnRightButtonUp (int ctrl, int shift, int x, int y);
void OnTimer ();
void SetActorModeToActor ();
void SetActorModeToCamera ();
void SetInteractor (vtkRenderWindowInteractor *iren);
void SetTrackballModeToJoystick ();
void SetTrackballModeToTrackball ();


  • Inherits from InteractorStyle

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

int GetActorMode ();
const char *GetClassName();
int GetTrackballMode ();
vtkInteractorStyleTrackball *New ();
virtual void OnChar (int ctrl, int shift, char keycode, int repeatcount);
virtual void OnLeftButtonDown (int ctrl, int shift, int X, int Y);
virtual void OnLeftButtonUp (int ctrl, int shift, int X, int Y);
virtual void OnMiddleButtonDown (int ctrl, int shift, int X, int Y);
virtual void OnMiddleButtonUp (int ctrl, int shift, int X, int Y);
virtual void OnRightButtonDown (int ctrl, int shift, int X, int Y);
virtual void OnRightButtonUp (int ctrl, int shift, int X, int Y);
virtual void OnTimer (void );
virtual void SetActorModeToActor ();
virtual void SetActorModeToCamera ();
virtual void SetTrackballModeToJoystick ();
virtual void SetTrackballModeToTrackball ();

vtkInteractorStyleTrackball Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void Prop3DTransform (vtkProp3D *prop3D, double *boxCenter, int numRotation, double *rotate, double *scale);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 2

void Prop3DTransform (vtkProp3D *prop3D, float *boxCenter, int NumRotation, double *rotate, double *scale);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 2

virtual vtkAbstractPropPicker *InteractionPickerint PropPickedvtkProp3D *InteractionPropint ActorModeint TrackballModeint ControlModefloat MotionFactorint Preprocessfloat RadianToDegreefloat NewPickPoint[4]float OldPickPoint[4]float MotionVector[3]float OldXfloat OldYdouble ViewLook[3]double ViewPoint[3]double ViewFocus[3]double ViewUp[3]double ViewRight[3]float Origin[3]float Position[3]float ObjCenter[3]float DispObjCenter[3]float Radiusvoid TrackballRotateCamera (int x, int y);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.


  • Inherits from Exporter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
char *GetFileName ();
vtkIVExporter *New ();
void SetFileName (char *);

vtkIVExporter Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void WriteALight (vtkLight *aLight, FILE *fp);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 2

void WriteAnActor (vtkActor *anActor, FILE *fp);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 2

void WritePointData (vtkPoints *points, vtkNormals *normals, vtkTCoords *tcoords, vtkScalars *colors, FILE *fp);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 5


  • Inherits from InteractorStyle

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkInteractorStyleTrackballActor *New ();
void OnLeftButtonDown (int ctrl, int shift, int x, int y);
void OnLeftButtonUp (int ctrl, int shift, int x, int y);
void OnMiddleButtonDown (int ctrl, int shift, int x, int y);
void OnMiddleButtonUp (int ctrl, int shift, int x, int y);
void OnMouseMove (int ctrl, int shift, int x, int y);
void OnRightButtonDown (int ctrl, int shift, int x, int y);
void OnRightButtonUp (int ctrl, int shift, int x, int y);

vtkInteractorStyleTrackballActor Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void Prop3DTransform (vtkProp3D *prop3D, double *boxCenter, int numRotation, double *rotate, double *scale);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 2

void Prop3DTransform (vtkProp3D *prop3D, float *boxCenter, int NumRotation, double *rotate, double *scale);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 2


  • Inherits from InteractorStyle

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkInteractorStyleTrackballCamera *New ();
void OnLeftButtonDown (int ctrl, int shift, int x, int y);
void OnLeftButtonUp (int ctrl, int shift, int x, int y);
void OnMiddleButtonDown (int ctrl, int shift, int x, int y);
void OnMiddleButtonUp (int ctrl, int shift, int x, int y);
void OnMouseMove (int ctrl, int shift, int x, int y);
void OnRightButtonDown (int ctrl, int shift, int x, int y);
void OnRightButtonUp (int ctrl, int shift, int x, int y);

vtkInteractorStyleTrackballCamera Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from InteractorStyleSwitch

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

int GetButton ();
int GetChar ();
const char *GetClassName();
int GetCtrlKey ();
char *GetKeySym ();
int  *GetOldPos ();
   (Returns a 2-element Perl list)
int GetShiftKey ();
vtkInteractorStyleUser *New ();
void SetButtonPressMethod (void (*func)(void *) , void *arg);
void SetButtonReleaseMethod (void (*func)(void *) , void *arg);
void SetCharMethod (void (*func)(void *) , void *arg);
void SetConfigureMethod (void (*func)(void *) , void *arg);
void SetEnterMethod (void (*func)(void *) , void *arg);
void SetKeyPressMethod (void (*func)(void *) , void *arg);
void SetKeyReleaseMethod (void (*func)(void *) , void *arg);
void SetLeaveMethod (void (*func)(void *) , void *arg);
void SetMouseMoveMethod (void (*func)(void *) , void *arg);
void SetTimerMethod (void (*func)(void *) , void *arg);

vtkInteractorStyleUser Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void EndUserInteraction ();
   Method is marked 'Do Not Use' in its descriptions

int  *GetLastPos ();
   Method is marked 'Do Not Use' in its descriptions

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetButtonPressMethodArgDelete (void (*func)(void *) );
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void SetButtonReleaseMethodArgDelete (void (*func)(void *) );
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void SetCharMethodArgDelete (void (*func)(void *) );
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void SetConfigureMethodArgDelete (void (*func)(void *) );
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void SetEnterMethodArgDelete (void (*func)(void *) );
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void SetKeyPressMethodArgDelete (void (*func)(void *) );
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void SetKeyReleaseMethodArgDelete (void (*func)(void *) );
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void SetLeaveMethodArgDelete (void (*func)(void *) );
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void SetMouseMoveMethodArgDelete (void (*func)(void *) );
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void SetTimerMethodArgDelete (void (*func)(void *) );
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void SetUserInteractionMethod (void (*func)(void *) , void *arg);
   Method is marked 'Do Not Use' in its descriptions

void SetUserInteractionMethodArgDelete (void (*func)(void *) );
   Method is marked 'Do Not Use' in its descriptions

void StartUserInteraction ();
   Method is marked 'Do Not Use' in its descriptions

int OldPos[2]int Charchar *KeySymint Buttonunsigned long MouseMoveTagunsigned long KeyPressTagunsigned long KeyReleaseTagunsigned long CharTagunsigned long EnterTagunsigned long LeaveTagunsigned long ConfigureTagunsigned long TimerTagunsigned long UserTagvoid vtkSetOldCallback (unsigned long &tag, unsigned long event, void (*func)(void *) , void *arg);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.


  • Inherits from DataSetToDataSetFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void AddInput (vtkDataSet *in);
const char *GetClassName();
vtkDataSetCollection *GetInputList ();
float GetT ();
vtkInterpolateDataSetAttributes *New ();
void SetT (float );

vtkInterpolateDataSetAttributes Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from Spline

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void Compute ();
float Evaluate (float t);
const char *GetClassName();
float GetDefaultBias ();
float GetDefaultContinuity ();
float GetDefaultTension ();
vtkKochanekSpline *New ();
void SetDefaultBias (float );
void SetDefaultContinuity (float );
void SetDefaultTension (float );

vtkKochanekSpline Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void Fit1D (int n, float *x, float *y, float tension, float bias, float continuity, float coefficients[4][], int leftConstraint, float leftValue, int rightConstraint, float rightValue);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from Actor

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void AddLODMapper (vtkMapper *mapper);
const char *GetClassName();
vtkMapperCollection *GetLODMappers ();
int GetNumberOfCloudPoints ();
void Modified ();
vtkLODActor *New ();
void ReleaseGraphicsResources (vtkWindow *);
virtual void Render (vtkRenderer *, vtkMapper *);
int RenderOpaqueGeometry (vtkViewport *viewport);
void SetNumberOfCloudPoints (int );
void ShallowCopy (vtkProp *prop);

vtkLODActor Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from Prop3D

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

int AddLOD (vtkMapper *m, vtkProperty *p, vtkTexture *t, float time);
int AddLOD (vtkVolumeMapper *m, vtkVolumeProperty *p, float time);
int AddLOD (vtkMapper *m, vtkTexture *t, float time);
int AddLOD (vtkMapper *m, vtkProperty *p, float time);
int AddLOD (vtkVolumeMapper *m, float time);
int AddLOD (vtkMapper *m, float time);
void AutomaticLODSelectionOff ();
void AutomaticLODSelectionOn ();
void AutomaticPickLODSelectionOff ();
void AutomaticPickLODSelectionOn ();
void DisableLOD (int id);
void EnableLOD (int id);
virtual void GetActors (vtkPropCollection *);
int GetAutomaticLODSelection ();
int GetAutomaticPickLODSelection ();
float *GetBounds ();
   (Returns a 6-element Perl list)
const char *GetClassName();
float GetLODEstimatedRenderTime (int id);
float GetLODIndexEstimatedRenderTime (int index);
float GetLODIndexLevel (int index);
float GetLODLevel (int id);
int GetLastRenderedLODID ();
int GetSelectedLODID ();
int GetSelectedPickLODID ();
vtkLODProp3DEntry vtkLODProp3D *New ();
void RemoveLOD (int id);
int RequiresRayCasting ();
int RequiresRenderingIntoImage ();
void SetAutomaticLODSelection (int );
void SetAutomaticPickLODSelection (int );
void SetLODLevel (int id, float level);
void SetLODMapper (int id, vtkVolumeMapper *m);
void SetLODMapper (int id, vtkMapper *m);
void SetLODProperty (int id, vtkVolumeProperty *p);
void SetLODProperty (int id, vtkProperty *p);
void SetLODTexture (int id, vtkTexture *t);
void SetPickMethod (void (*func)(void *) , void *arg);
void SetSelectedLODID (int );
void SetSelectedPickLODID (int id);
void ShallowCopy (vtkProp *prop);

vtkLODProp3D Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void GetBounds (float bounds[6]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void GetLODMapper (int id, vtkMapper *m);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 2

void GetLODMapper (int id, vtkVolumeMapper *m);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 2

void GetLODProperty (int id, vtkProperty *p);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 2

void GetLODProperty (int id, vtkVolumeProperty *p);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 2

void GetLODTexture (int id, vtkTexture *t);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 2

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetPickMethodArgDelete (void (*func)(void *) );
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.


  • Inherits from Object

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void DeepCopy (vtkLight *light);
float  *GetAttenuationValues ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
const char *GetClassName();
float  *GetColor ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
float GetConeAngle ();
float GetExponent ();
float  *GetFocalPoint ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
float GetIntensity ();
int GetLightType ();
float  *GetPosition ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
int GetPositional ();
int GetSwitch ();
vtkMatrix4x4 *GetTransformMatrix ();
void GetTransformedFocalPoint (float &a0, float &a1, float &a2);
float *GetTransformedFocalPoint ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
void GetTransformedPosition (float &a0, float &a1, float &a2);
float *GetTransformedPosition ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
int LightTypeIsCameraLight ();
int LightTypeIsHeadlight ();
int LightTypeIsSceneLight ();
vtkLight *New ();
void PositionalOff ();
void PositionalOn ();
virtual void Render (vtkRenderer *, int );
void SetAttenuationValues (float  , float , float );
void SetColor (float  , float , float );
void SetConeAngle (float );
void SetDirectionAngle (float elevation, float azimuth);
void SetExponent (float );
void SetFocalPoint (float  , float , float );
void SetIntensity (float );
void SetLightType (int );
void SetLightTypeToCameraLight ();
void SetLightTypeToHeadlight ();
void SetLightTypeToSceneLight ();
void SetPosition (float  , float , float );
void SetPositional (int );
void SetSwitch (int );
void SetTransformMatrix (vtkMatrix4x4 *);
void SwitchOff ();
void SwitchOn ();

vtkLight Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void GetTransformedFocalPoint (float a[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void GetTransformedPosition (float a[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void ReadSelf (istream &is);
   Arg types of 'istream' not supported yet
void SetAttenuationValues (float  a[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetAttenuationValues( float, float, float)

void SetColor (float  a[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetColor( float, float, float)

void SetDirectionAngle (float ang[2]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void SetFocalPoint (float  a[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetFocalPoint( float, float, float)

void SetFocalPoint (double *a);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1

void SetPosition (float  a[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetPosition( float, float, float)

void SetPosition (double *a);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1

void WriteSelf (ostream &os);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from Collection

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void AddItem (vtkLight *a);
const char *GetClassName();
vtkLight *GetNextItem ();
vtkLightCollection *New ();


  • Inherits from PolyDataSource

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
float  *GetPoint1 ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
float  *GetPoint2 ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
int GetResolution ();
vtkLineSource *New ();
void SetPoint1 (float  , float , float );
void SetPoint2 (float  , float , float );
void SetResolution (int );

vtkLineSource Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetPoint1 (float  a[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetPoint1( float, float, float)

void SetPoint2 (float  a[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetPoint2( float, float, float)


  • Inherits from PolyDataToPolyDataFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void CappingOff ();
void CappingOn ();
int GetCapping ();
const char *GetClassName();
float  *GetExtrusionPoint ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
int GetExtrusionType ();
int GetLowerCap ();
float GetScaleFactor ();
int GetUpperCap ();
float  *GetVector ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
void LowerCapOff ();
void LowerCapOn ();
vtkLinearExtrusionFilter *New ();
void SetCapping (int );
void SetExtrusionPoint (float  , float , float );
void SetExtrusionType (int );
void SetExtrusionTypeToNormalExtrusion ();
void SetExtrusionTypeToPointExtrusion ();
void SetExtrusionTypeToVectorExtrusion ();
void SetLowerCap (int );
void SetScaleFactor (float );
void SetUpperCap (int );
void SetVector (float  , float , float );
void UpperCapOff ();
void UpperCapOn ();

vtkLinearExtrusionFilter Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetExtrusionPoint (float  a[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetExtrusionPoint( float, float, float)

void SetVector (float  a[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetVector( float, float, float)


  • Inherits from InterpolatingSubdivisionFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkLinearSubdivisionFilter *New ();


  • Inherits from StructuredPointsToPolyDataFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
float GetGradientThreshold ();
float GetLinkThreshold ();
float GetPhiThreshold ();
vtkLinkEdgels *New ();
void SetGradientThreshold (float );
void SetLinkThreshold (float );
void SetPhiThreshold (float );

vtkLinkEdgels Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void LinkEdgels (int xdim, int ydim, float *image, vtkVectors *inVectors, vtkCellArray *newLines, vtkPoints *newPts, vtkScalars *outScalars, vtkVectors *outVectors, int z);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 3

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from ApproximatingSubdivisionFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkLoopSubdivisionFilter *New ();

vtkLoopSubdivisionFilter Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void GenerateEvenStencil (int p1, vtkPolyData *polys, vtkIdList *stencilIds, float *weights);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 4

void GenerateOddStencil (int p1, int p2, vtkPolyData *polys, vtkIdList *stencilIds, float *weights);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 5


  • Inherits from PolyDataSource

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void CreateDefaultLocator ();
void FlipNormalsOff ();
void FlipNormalsOn ();
const char *GetClassName();
char *GetFileName ();
int GetFlipNormals ();
char *GetLimitsFileName ();
vtkPointLocator *GetLocator ();
unsigned long GetMTime ();
int GetNormals ();
vtkMCubesReader *New ();
void NormalsOff ();
void NormalsOn ();
void SetFileName (char *);
void SetFlipNormals (int );
void SetLimitsFileName (char *);
void SetLocator (vtkPointLocator *locator);
void SetLocator (vtkPointLocator &locator);
void SetNormals (int );

vtkMCubesReader Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from PolyDataWriter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
char *GetLimitsFileName ();
vtkMCubesWriter *New ();
void SetLimitsFileName (char *);

vtkMCubesWriter Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from Collection

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void AddItem (vtkMapper *a);
const char *GetClassName();
vtkMapper *GetLastItem ();
vtkMapper *GetNextItem ();
vtkMapperCollection *New ();


  • Inherits from DataSetToPolyDataFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void GenerateVerticesOff ();
void GenerateVerticesOn ();
const char *GetClassName();
int GetGenerateVertices ();
int GetMaximumNumberOfPoints ();
int GetOffset ();
int GetOnRatio ();
int GetRandomMode ();
vtkMaskPoints *New ();
void RandomModeOff ();
void RandomModeOn ();
void SetGenerateVertices (int );
void SetMaximumNumberOfPoints (int );
void SetOffset (int );
void SetOnRatio (int );
void SetRandomMode (int );

vtkMaskPoints Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from PolyDataToPolyDataFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
int GetOffset ();
int GetOnRatio ();
vtkMaskPolyData *New ();
void SetOffset (int );
void SetOnRatio (int );

vtkMaskPolyData Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from DataSetToDataSetFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkDataSet *GetFieldData ();
vtkDataSet *GetGeometry ();
vtkDataSet *GetNormals ();
vtkDataSet *GetScalars ();
vtkDataSet *GetTCoords ();
vtkDataSet *GetTensors ();
vtkDataSet *GetVectors ();
vtkMergeFilter *New ();
void SetFieldData (vtkDataSet *);
void SetGeometry (vtkDataSet *input);
void SetNormals (vtkDataSet *);
void SetScalars (vtkImageData *cache);
void SetScalars (vtkDataSet *);
void SetTCoords (vtkDataSet *);
void SetTensors (vtkDataSet *);
void SetVectors (vtkDataSet *);

vtkMergeFilter Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from DataSetToDataSetFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkDataObject *GetDataObject ();
int GetOutputField ();
vtkMergeDataObjectFilter *New ();
void SetDataObject (vtkDataObject *object);
void SetOutputField (int );
void SetOutputFieldToCellDataField ();
void SetOutputFieldToDataObjectField ();
void SetOutputFieldToPointDataField ();

vtkMergeDataObjectFilter Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from PointLocator

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
int IsInsertedPoint (float x, float y, float z);
vtkMergePoints *New ();

vtkMergePoints Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

int InsertUniquePoint (float x[3], int &ptId);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

int IsInsertedPoint (float x[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.


  • Inherits from Dicer

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkOBBDicer *New ();

vtkOBBDicer Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from CellLocator

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void BuildLocator ();
void FreeSearchStructure ();
void GenerateRepresentation (int level, vtkPolyData *pd);
const char *GetClassName();
vtkOBBTree *New ();

vtkOBBTree Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void ComputeOBB (vtkPoints *pts, float corner[3], float max[3], float mid[3], float min[3], float size[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void ComputeOBB (vtkDataSet *input, float corner[3], float max[3], float mid[3], float min[3], float size[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

int IntersectWithLine (float a0[3], float a1[3], float tol, float &t, float x[3], float pcoords[3], int &subId);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

int IntersectWithLine (float a0[3], float a1[3], float tol, float &t, float x[3], float pcoords[3], int &subId, int &cellId);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

int IntersectWithLine (float a0[3], float a1[3], float tol, float &t, float x[3], float pcoords[3], int &subId, int &cellId, vtkGenericCell *cell);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.


  • Inherits from Exporter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
char *GetFilePrefix ();
vtkOBJExporter *New ();
void SetFilePrefix (char *);

vtkOBJExporter Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void WriteAnActor (vtkActor *anActor, FILE *fpObj, FILE *fpMat, int &id);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 2


  • Inherits from DataSetToPolyDataFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkOutlineFilter *New ();


  • Inherits from PolyDataSource

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

float  *GetBounds ();
   (Returns a 6-element Perl list)
const char *GetClassName();
vtkOutlineSource *New ();
void SetBounds (float  , float , float , float , float , float );

vtkOutlineSource Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetBounds (float  a[6]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetBounds( float, float, float, float, float, float)


  • Inherits from StructuredGridSource

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

float GetAlpha ();
const char *GetClassName();
int GetFileFormat ();
float GetFsmach ();
char *GetFunctionFileName ();
float GetGamma ();
int GetGridNumber ();
int GetNumberOfGrids ();
char *GetQFileName ();
float GetR ();
float GetRe ();
int GetScalarFunctionNumber ();
float GetTime ();
float GetUvinf ();
char *GetVectorFunctionFileName ();
int GetVectorFunctionNumber ();
float GetVvinf ();
float GetWvinf ();
char *GetXYZFileName ();
vtkPLOT3DReader *New ();
void SetFileFormat (int );
void SetFunctionFileName (char *);
void SetGamma (float );
void SetGridNumber (int );
void SetQFileName (char *);
void SetR (float );
void SetScalarFunctionNumber (int );
void SetUvinf (float );
void SetVectorFunctionFileName (char *);
void SetVectorFunctionNumber (int );
void SetVvinf (float );
void SetWvinf (float );
void SetXYZFileName (char *);

vtkPLOT3DReader Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

int GetFileType (FILE *fp);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

int ReadBinaryFunctionFile (FILE *fp, vtkStructuredGrid *output);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1

float *TempStorageint NumberOfPointsint NumberOfGridsfloat Fsmachfloat Alphafloat Refloat Timefloat Rfloat Gammafloat Uvinffloat Vvinffloat Wvinfint ReadBinaryGrid (FILE *fp, vtkStructuredGrid *output);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1

int ReadBinaryGridDimensions (FILE *fp, vtkStructuredGrid *output);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1

int ReadBinarySolution (FILE *fp, vtkStructuredGrid *output);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1

int ReadBinaryVectorFunctionFile (FILE *fp, vtkStructuredGrid *output);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1


  • Inherits from AbstractPropPicker

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

vtkActorCollection *GetActors ();
const char *GetClassName();
vtkDataSet *GetDataSet ();
vtkAbstractMapper3D *GetMapper ();
float  *GetMapperPosition ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
vtkPoints *GetPickedPositions ();
vtkProp3DCollection *GetProp3Ds ();
float GetTolerance ();
vtkPicker *New ();
virtual int Pick (float selectionX, float selectionY, float selectionZ, vtkRenderer *renderer);
void SetTolerance (float );

vtkPicker Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

virtual float IntersectWithLine (float p1[3], float p2[3], float tol, vtkAssemblyPath *path, vtkProp3D *p, vtkAbstractMapper3D *m);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void MarkPicked (vtkAssemblyPath *path, vtkProp3D *p, vtkAbstractMapper3D *m, float tMin, float mapperPos[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

int Pick (float selectionPt[3], vtkRenderer *ren);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from DataObject

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void AddPoint (float x, float val);
void AddSegment (float x1, float val1, float x2, float val2);
void ClampingOff ();
void ClampingOn ();
void DeepCopy (vtkDataObject *f);
int GetClamping ();
const char *GetClassName();
int GetDataObjectType ();
float GetFirstNonZeroValue ();
unsigned long GetMTime ();
int GetSize ();
char *GetType ();
float GetValue (float x);
void Initialize ();
vtkPiecewiseFunction *New ();
void RemoveAllPoints ();
void RemovePoint (float x);
void SetClamping (int );
void ShallowCopy (vtkDataObject *f);

vtkPiecewiseFunction Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void BuildFunctionFromTable (float x1, float x2, int size, float *table, int stride);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 4

float *GetDataPointer ();
   Can't Handle 'float *' return type without a hint

float *GetRange ();
   Can't Handle 'float *' return type without a hint

void GetTable (float x1, float x2, int size, float *table, int stride);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 4

int ArraySizeint Clampingfloat *Functionint FunctionSizefloat FunctionRange[2]void IncreaseArraySize ();
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from PolyDataSource

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

float  *GetCenter ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
const char *GetClassName();
float  *GetNormal ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
float  *GetOrigin ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
float  *GetPoint1 ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
float  *GetPoint2 ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
void GetResolution (int &xR, int &yR);
int GetXResolution ();
int GetYResolution ();
vtkPlaneSource *New ();
void Push (float distance);
void SetCenter (float x, float y, float z);
void SetNormal (float nx, float ny, float nz);
void SetOrigin (float  , float , float );
void SetPoint1 (float x, float y, float z);
void SetPoint2 (float x, float y, float z);
void SetResolution (int xR, int yR);
void SetXResolution (int );
void SetYResolution (int );

vtkPlaneSource Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetCenter (float center[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void SetNormal (float n[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void SetOrigin (float  a[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetOrigin( float, float, float)

void SetPoint1 (float pnt[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void SetPoint2 (float pnt[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

int XResolutionint YResolutionfloat Origin[3]float Point1[3]float Point2[3]float Normal[3]float Center[3]int UpdatePlane (float v1[3], float v2[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.


  • Inherits from ImplicitFunction

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

float EvaluateFunction (float x, float y, float z);
const char *GetClassName();
vtkNormals *GetNormals ();
int GetNumberOfPlanes ();
vtkPlane *GetPlane (int i);
vtkPoints *GetPoints ();
vtkPlanes *New ();
void SetFrustumPlanes (float aspect, vtkCamera *camera);
void SetNormals (vtkNormals *);
void SetPoints (vtkPoints *);

vtkPlanes Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

float EvaluateFunction (float x[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void EvaluateGradient (float x[3], float n[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from DataSetToDataSetFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
int GetPassPointData ();
vtkPointDataToCellData *New ();
void PassPointDataOff ();
void PassPointDataOn ();
void SetPassPointData (int );

vtkPointDataToCellData Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from StructuredPointsSource

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void ComputeEffectiveStressOff ();
void ComputeEffectiveStressOn ();
const char *GetClassName();
int GetComputeEffectiveStress ();
float GetLoadValue ();
float  *GetModelBounds ();
   (Returns a 6-element Perl list)
float GetPoissonsRatio ();
int  *GetSampleDimensions ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
vtkPointLoad *New ();
void SetComputeEffectiveStress (int );
void SetLoadValue (float );
void SetModelBounds (float  , float , float , float , float , float );
void SetPoissonsRatio (float );
void SetSampleDimensions (int i, int j, int k);

vtkPointLoad Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetModelBounds (float  a[6]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetModelBounds( float, float, float, float, float, float)

void SetSampleDimensions (int dim[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.


  • Inherits from Picker

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
int GetPointId ();
vtkPointPicker *New ();

vtkPointPicker Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

int PointIdfloat IntersectWithLine (float p1[3], float p2[3], float tol, vtkAssemblyPath *path, vtkProp3D *p, vtkAbstractMapper3D *m);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from Source

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkPointSet *GetOutput (int idx);
vtkPointSet *GetOutput ();
vtkPointSetSource *New ();
void SetOutput (vtkPointSet *output);


  • Inherits from PolyDataSource

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

float  *GetCenter ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
const char *GetClassName();
int GetDistribution ();
int GetNumberOfPoints ();
float GetRadius ();
vtkPointSource *New ();
void SetCenter (float  , float , float );
void SetDistribution (int );
void SetDistributionToShell ();
void SetDistributionToUniform ();
void SetNumberOfPoints (int );
void SetRadius (float );

vtkPointSource Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetCenter (float  a[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetCenter( float, float, float)


  • Inherits from Collection

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void AddItem (vtkPolyData *pd);
const char *GetClassName();
vtkPolyData *GetNextItem ();
vtkPolyDataCollection *New ();


  • Inherits from PolyDataToPolyDataFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void AddSeed (int id);
void AddSpecifiedRegion (int id);
void ColorRegionsOff ();
void ColorRegionsOn ();
void DeleteSeed (int id);
void DeleteSpecifiedRegion (int id);
const char *GetClassName();
float  *GetClosestPoint ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
int GetColorRegions ();
int GetExtractionMode ();
char *GetExtractionModeAsString ();
int GetMaxRecursionDepth ();
int GetNumberOfExtractedRegions ();
int GetScalarConnectivity ();
float  *GetScalarRange ();
   (Returns a 2-element Perl list)
void InitializeSeedList ();
void InitializeSpecifiedRegionList ();
vtkPolyDataConnectivityFilter *New ();
void ScalarConnectivityOff ();
void ScalarConnectivityOn ();
void SetClosestPoint (float  , float , float );
void SetColorRegions (int );
void SetExtractionMode (int );
void SetExtractionModeToAllRegions ();
void SetExtractionModeToCellSeededRegions ();
void SetExtractionModeToClosestPointRegion ();
void SetExtractionModeToLargestRegion ();
void SetExtractionModeToPointSeededRegions ();
void SetExtractionModeToSpecifiedRegions ();
void SetScalarConnectivity (int );
void SetScalarRange (float  [2]);

vtkPolyDataConnectivityFilter Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetClosestPoint (float  a[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetClosestPoint( float, float, float)

void SetMaxRecursionDepth (int );
   Method is marked 'Do Not Use' in its descriptions

int ColorRegionsint ExtractionModevtkIdList *SeedsvtkIdList *SpecifiedRegionIdsvtkIntArray *RegionSizesfloat ClosestPoint[3]int ScalarConnectivityfloat ScalarRange[2]void TraverseAndMark ();
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.


  • Inherits from Mapper

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
int GetGhostLevel ();
vtkPolyData *GetInput ();
int GetNumberOfPieces ();
int GetPiece ();
vtkPolyDataMapper *New ();
virtual void Render (vtkRenderer *, vtkActor *);
void SetGhostLevel (int );
void SetInput (vtkPolyData *in);
void SetNumberOfPieces (int );
void SetPiece (int );
void Update ();

vtkPolyDataMapper Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from PolyDataToPolyDataFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void ComputeCellNormalsOff ();
void ComputeCellNormalsOn ();
void ComputePointNormalsOff ();
void ComputePointNormalsOn ();
void ConsistencyOff ();
void ConsistencyOn ();
void FlipNormalsOff ();
void FlipNormalsOn ();
const char *GetClassName();
int GetComputeCellNormals ();
int GetComputePointNormals ();
int GetConsistency ();
float GetFeatureAngle ();
int GetFlipNormals ();
int GetMaxRecursionDepth ();
int GetNonManifoldTraversal ();
int GetSplitting ();
vtkPolyDataNormals *New ();
void NonManifoldTraversalOff ();
void NonManifoldTraversalOn ();
void SetComputeCellNormals (int );
void SetComputePointNormals (int );
void SetConsistency (int );
void SetFeatureAngle (float );
void SetFlipNormals (int );
void SetMaxRecursionDepth (int );
void SetNonManifoldTraversal (int );
void SetSplitting (int );
void SplittingOff ();
void SplittingOn ();

vtkPolyDataNormals Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void MarkAndReplace (int cellId, int n, int replacement, vtkNormals *PolyNormals, vtkIdList *edgeNeighbors, int *Visited, vtkIdList *Map, vtkPolyData *OldMesh, vtkPolyData *NewMesh, float CosAngle);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 6

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

float FeatureAngleint Splittingint Consistencyint FlipNormalsint MaxRecursionDepthint NonManifoldTraversalint ComputePointNormalsint ComputeCellNormalsint Markint NumFlipsint TraverseAndOrder (int cellId, vtkIdList *edgeNeighbors, int *Visited, vtkPolyData *OldMesh, vtkPolyData *NewMesh);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 3


  • Inherits from DataReader

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkPolyData *GetOutput (int idx);
vtkPolyData *GetOutput ();
vtkPolyDataReader *New ();
void SetOutput (vtkPolyData *output);

vtkPolyDataReader Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from PolyDataToPolyDataFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void ColorByPieceOff ();
void ColorByPieceOn ();
const char *GetClassName();
int GetColorByPiece ();
int GetNumberOfStreamDivisions ();
vtkPolyDataStreamer *New ();
void SetColorByPiece (int );
void SetNumberOfStreamDivisions (int num);

vtkPolyDataStreamer Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from DataWriter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkPolyData *GetInput ();
vtkPolyDataWriter *New ();
void SetInput (vtkPolyData *input);

vtkPolyDataWriter Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from DataSetToDataSetFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkDataSet *GetSource ();
int GetSpatialMatch ();
vtkProbeFilter *New ();
virtual void SetSource (vtkStructuredPoints *sp);
void SetSource (vtkImageData *cache);
void SetSource (vtkDataSet *source);
void SetSpatialMatch (int );
void SpatialMatchOff ();
void SpatialMatchOn ();

vtkProbeFilter Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from DataSetToDataSetFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void AddInput (vtkDataSet *in);
const char *GetClassName();
vtkDataSetCollection *GetInputList ();
vtkProgrammableAttributeDataFilter *New ();
void RemoveInput (vtkDataSet &in);
void RemoveInput (vtkDataSet *in);
void SetExecuteMethod (void (*func)(void *) , void *arg);

vtkProgrammableAttributeDataFilter Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void AddInput (vtkDataSet &in);
   Method is marked 'Do Not Use' in its descriptions

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetExecuteMethodArgDelete (void (*func)(void *) );
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.


  • Inherits from Source

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkDataObject *GetOutput (int idx);
vtkDataObject *GetOutput ();
vtkProgrammableDataObjectSource *New ();
void SetExecuteMethod (void (*func)(void *) , void *arg);

vtkProgrammableDataObjectSource Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetExecuteMethodArgDelete (void (*func)(void *) );
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.


  • Inherits from DataSetToDataSetFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkPolyData *GetPolyDataInput ();
vtkRectilinearGrid *GetRectilinearGridInput ();
vtkStructuredGrid *GetStructuredGridInput ();
vtkStructuredPoints *GetStructuredPointsInput ();
vtkUnstructuredGrid *GetUnstructuredGridInput ();
vtkProgrammableFilter *New ();
void SetExecuteMethod (void (*func)(void *) , void *arg);

vtkProgrammableFilter Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void SetExecuteMethodArgDelete (void (*func)(void *) );
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.


  • Inherits from DataSetToPolyDataFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
int GetColorMode ();
char *GetColorModeAsString ();
float  *GetPoint ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
vtkPointData *GetPointData ();
int GetPointId ();
vtkPolyData *GetSource ();
vtkProgrammableGlyphFilter *New ();
void SetColorMode (int );
void SetColorModeToColorByInput ();
void SetColorModeToColorBySource ();
void SetGlyphMethod (void (*func)(void *) , void *arg);
void SetSource (vtkPolyData *source);

vtkProgrammableGlyphFilter Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetGlyphMethodArgDelete (void (*func)(void *) );
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.


  • Inherits from Source

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkPolyData *GetPolyDataOutput ();
vtkRectilinearGrid *GetRectilinearGridOutput ();
vtkStructuredGrid *GetStructuredGridOutput ();
vtkStructuredPoints *GetStructuredPointsOutput ();
vtkUnstructuredGrid *GetUnstructuredGridOutput ();
vtkProgrammableSource *New ();
void SetExecuteMethod (void (*func)(void *) , void *arg);
void UpdateData (vtkDataObject *output);
void UpdateInformation ();

vtkProgrammableSource Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void SetExecuteMethodArgDelete (void (*func)(void *) );
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.


  • Inherits from RayBounder

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
unsigned long GetMTime ();
vtkPolyData *GetPolyData ();
vtkProjectedPolyDataRayBounder *New ();
void SetMatrixSource (vtkVolume *volume);
void SetMatrixSource (vtkActor *actor);
void SetPolyData (vtkPolyData *);

vtkProjectedPolyDataRayBounder Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

virtual float *Draw (vtkRenderer *ren, vtkMatrix4x4 *matrix);
   Can't Handle 'float *' return type without a hint

float *GetRayBounds (vtkRenderer *ren);
   Can't Handle 'float *' return type without a hint

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from Object

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void BackfaceCullingOff ();
void BackfaceCullingOn ();
virtual void BackfaceRender (vtkActor *, vtkRenderer *);
void DeepCopy (vtkProperty *p);
void EdgeVisibilityOff ();
void EdgeVisibilityOn ();
void FrontfaceCullingOff ();
void FrontfaceCullingOn ();
float GetAmbient ();
float  *GetAmbientColor ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
int GetBackfaceCulling ();
const char *GetClassName();
float *GetColor ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
float GetDiffuse ();
float  *GetDiffuseColor ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
float  *GetEdgeColor ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
int GetEdgeVisibility ();
int GetFrontfaceCulling ();
int GetInterpolation ();
char *GetInterpolationAsString ();
float GetLineWidth ();
float GetOpacity ();
float GetPointSize ();
int GetRepresentation ();
char *GetRepresentationAsString ();
float GetSpecular ();
float  *GetSpecularColor ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
float GetSpecularPower ();
vtkProperty *New ();
virtual void Render (vtkActor *, vtkRenderer *);
void SetAmbient (float );
void SetAmbientColor (float  , float , float );
void SetBackfaceCulling (int );
void SetColor (float r, float g, float b);
void SetDiffuse (float );
void SetDiffuseColor (float  , float , float );
void SetEdgeColor (float  , float , float );
void SetEdgeVisibility (int );
void SetFrontfaceCulling (int );
void SetInterpolation (int );
void SetInterpolationToFlat ();
void SetInterpolationToGouraud ();
void SetInterpolationToPhong ();
void SetLineWidth (float );
void SetOpacity (float );
void SetPointSize (float );
void SetRepresentation (int );
void SetRepresentationToPoints ();
void SetRepresentationToSurface ();
void SetRepresentationToWireframe ();
void SetSpecular (float );
void SetSpecularColor (float  , float , float );
void SetSpecularPower (float );

vtkProperty Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void GetColor (float rgb[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetAmbientColor (float  a[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetAmbientColor( float, float, float)

void SetColor (float a[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void SetDiffuseColor (float  a[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetDiffuseColor( float, float, float)

void SetEdgeColor (float  a[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetEdgeColor( float, float, float)

void SetSpecularColor (float  a[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetSpecularColor( float, float, float)


  • Inherits from AbstractPropPicker

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkPropPicker *New ();
int Pick (float selectionX, float selectionY, float selectionZ, vtkRenderer *renderer);
int PickProp (float selectionX, float selectionY, vtkRenderer *renderer, vtkPropCollection *pickfrom);
int PickProp (float selectionX, float selectionY, vtkRenderer *renderer);

vtkPropPicker Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

int Pick (float selectionPt[3], vtkRenderer *renderer);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from PropCollection

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void AddItem (vtkProp3D *p);
char *GetClassName ();
vtkProp3D *GetLastProp3D ();
vtkProp3D *GetNextProp3D ();
vtkProp3DCollection *New ();


  • Inherits from PolyDataToPolyDataFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void Append (vtkPolyData *piece);
void EndAppend ();
const char *GetClassName();
float  *GetDivisionOrigin ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
float  *GetDivisionSpacing ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
vtkFeatureEdges *GetFeatureEdges ();
int GetNumberOfXDivisions ();
int GetNumberOfYDivisions ();
int GetNumberOfZDivisions ();
int GetUseFeatureEdges ();
int GetUseInputPoints ();
vtkQuadricClustering *New ();
void SetDivisionOrigin (float x, float y, float z);
void SetDivisionSpacing (float x, float y, float z);
void SetNumberOfXDivisions (int num);
void SetNumberOfYDivisions (int num);
void SetNumberOfZDivisions (int num);
void SetUseFeatureEdges (int );
void SetUseInputPoints (int );
void StartAppend (float x0, float x1, float y0, float y1, float z0, float z1);
void UseFeatureEdgesOff ();
void UseFeatureEdgesOn ();
void UseInputPointsOff ();
void UseInputPointsOn ();

vtkQuadricClustering Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void AddEdge (int *binIds, float *pt0, float *pt1, int geometeryFlag);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1

void AddQuadric (int binId, float quadric[9]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void AddTriangle (int *binIds, float *pt0, float *pt1, float *pt2, int geometeryFlag);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1

void AddVertex (int binId, float *pt, int geometeryFlag);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 2

void ComputeRepresentativePoint (float quadric[9], int binId, float point[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

int *GetNumberOfDivisions ();
   Can't Handle 'int *' return type without a hint

void GetNumberOfDivisions (int div[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

int HashPoint (float point[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void InitializeQuadric (float quadric[9]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetDivisionOrigin (float o[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void SetDivisionSpacing (float s[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void SetNumberOfDivisions (int div[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void StartAppend (float *bounds);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1


  • Inherits from PolyDataToPolyDataFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
int GetMaximumCollapsedEdges ();
float GetMaximumCost ();
vtkPolyData *GetTestOutput ();
vtkQuadricDecimation *New ();
void SetMaximumCollapsedEdges (int );
void SetMaximumCost (float );

vtkQuadricDecimation Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

float ComputeCost (int edgeId, float x[3], vtkPointData *pd);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from CleanPolyData

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

char *GetClassName ();
float GetQFactor ();
vtkQuantizePolyDataPoints *New ();
void SetQFactor (float );

vtkQuantizePolyDataPoints Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

virtual void OperateOnBounds (float in[6], float out[6]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

virtual void OperateOnPoint (float in[3], float out[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from Object

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void AutomaticScaleAdjustmentOff (void );
void AutomaticScaleAdjustmentOn (void );
void BilinearImageZoomOff ();
void BilinearImageZoomOn ();
int GetAutomaticScaleAdjustment ();
float GetAutomaticScaleLowerLimit ();
int GetBilinearImageZoom ();
const char *GetClassName();
float GetImageScale (int level);
int GetImageScaleCount (void );
int GetNumberOfSamplesTaken ();
int GetNumberOfThreads ();
int GetSelectedImageScaleIndex ();
float GetTotalRenderTime ();
float GetViewRaysStepSize (int level);
vtkRayCaster *New ();
void SetAutomaticScaleLowerLimit (float );
void SetBilinearImageZoom (int );
void SetImageScale (int level, float scale);
void SetNumberOfThreads (int );
void SetSelectedImageScaleIndex (int );
void SetViewRaysStepSize (int level, float scale);

vtkRayCaster Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void BilinearZoom (float *smallImage, float *largeImage, int smallDims[2], int largeDims[2]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

float *GetParallelIncrements (void );
   Can't Handle 'float *' return type without a hint

float *GetParallelStartPosition (void );
   Can't Handle 'float *' return type without a hint

float *GetPerspectiveViewRays ();
   Can't Handle 'float *' return type without a hint

void GetViewRaysSize (int size[2]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void NearestNeighborZoom (float *smallImage, float *largeImage, int smallDims[2], int largeDims[2]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

VTK_THREAD_RETURN_TYPE RayCast_RenderImage (void *arg);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1


  • Inherits from RectilinearGridToPolyDataFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
int  *GetExtent ();
   (Returns a 6-element Perl list)
vtkRectilinearGridGeometryFilter *New ();
void SetExtent (int iMin, int iMax, int jMin, int jMax, int kMin, int kMax);

vtkRectilinearGridGeometryFilter Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetExtent (int *extent);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1


  • Inherits from DataReader

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkRectilinearGrid *GetOutput (int idx);
vtkRectilinearGrid *GetOutput ();
vtkRectilinearGridReader *New ();
void SetOutput (vtkRectilinearGrid *output);

vtkRectilinearGridReader Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from Source

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkRectilinearGrid *GetOutput (int idx);
vtkRectilinearGrid *GetOutput ();
vtkRectilinearGridSource *New ();
void SetOutput (vtkRectilinearGrid *output);


  • Inherits from DataWriter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkRectilinearGrid *GetInput ();
vtkRectilinearGridWriter *New ();
void SetInput (vtkRectilinearGrid *input);

vtkRectilinearGridWriter Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from StructuredPointsToPolyDataFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
float GetDistance ();
int GetIncrement ();
float GetValue ();
vtkRecursiveDividingCubes *New ();
void SetDistance (float );
void SetIncrement (int );
void SetValue (float );

vtkRecursiveDividingCubes Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SubDivide (float origin[3], float h[3], float values[8]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.


  • Inherits from DirectionEncoder

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
int GetNumberOfEncodedDirections (void );
int GetRecursionDepth ();
vtkRecursiveSphereDirectionEncoder *New ();
void SetRecursionDepth (int );

vtkRecursiveSphereDirectionEncoder Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

float *GetDecodedGradient (int value);
   Can't Handle 'float *' return type without a hint

float *GetDecodedGradientTable (void );
   Can't Handle 'float *' return type without a hint

int GetEncodedDirection (float n[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent index);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from PolyDataToPolyDataFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
int GetGhostLevel ();
vtkRemoveGhostCells *New ();
void SetGhostLevel (int );

vtkRemoveGhostCells Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from Window

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void AddRenderer (vtkRenderer *);
void BordersOff ();
void BordersOn ();
virtual int CheckAbortStatus ();
virtual void ClosePPMImageFile ();
virtual void CopyResultFrame ();
virtual void Frame ();
void FullScreenOff ();
void FullScreenOn ();
int GetAAFrames ();
int GetAbortRender ();
int GetBorders ();
const char *GetClassName();
virtual int GetDepthBufferSize ();
float GetDesiredUpdateRate ();
virtual int GetEventPending ();
int GetFDFrames ();
char *GetFileName ();
int GetFullScreen ();
virtual void *GetGenericContext ();
virtual void *GetGenericDisplayId ();
virtual void *GetGenericDrawable ();
virtual void *GetGenericParentId ();
virtual void *GetGenericWindowId ();
int GetInAbortCheck ();
vtkRenderWindowInteractor *GetInteractor ();
int GetLineSmoothing ();
int GetNeverRendered ();
int GetNumLayers ();
int GetPointSmoothing ();
int GetPolygonSmoothing ();
char *GetRenderLibrary ();
vtkRendererCollection *GetRenderers ();
int GetStereoCapableWindow ();
int GetStereoRender ();
int GetStereoType ();
char *GetStereoTypeAsString ();
int GetSubFrames ();
int GetSwapBuffers ();
virtual void HideCursor ();
void LineSmoothingOff ();
void LineSmoothingOn ();
virtual void MakeCurrent ();
virtual vtkRenderWindowInteractor *MakeRenderWindowInteractor ();
vtkRenderWindow *New ();
virtual int OpenPPMImageFile ();
void PointSmoothingOff ();
void PointSmoothingOn ();
void PolygonSmoothingOff ();
void PolygonSmoothingOn ();
void RemoveRenderer (vtkRenderer *);
virtual void Render ();
virtual void SaveImageAsPPM ();
void SetAAFrames (int );
void SetAbortCheckMethod (void (*func)(void *) , void *arg);
void SetAbortRender (int );
void SetBorders (int );
void SetDesiredUpdateRate (float );
void SetFDFrames (int );
void SetFileName (char *);
virtual void SetFullScreen (int );
void SetInAbortCheck (int );
void SetInteractor (vtkRenderWindowInteractor *);
void SetLineSmoothing (int );
void SetNumLayers (int );
void SetPointSmoothing (int );
void SetPolygonSmoothing (int );
virtual void SetStereoCapableWindow (int capable);
void SetStereoRender (int stereo);
void SetStereoType (int );
void SetStereoTypeToCrystalEyes ();
void SetStereoTypeToDresden ();
void SetStereoTypeToInterlaced ();
void SetStereoTypeToLeft ();
void SetStereoTypeToRedBlue ();
void SetStereoTypeToRight ();
void SetSubFrames (int );
void SetSwapBuffers (int );
virtual void SetWindowInfo (char *);
virtual void ShowCursor ();
virtual void Start ();
void StereoCapableWindowOff ();
void StereoCapableWindowOn ();
virtual void StereoMidpoint ();
virtual void StereoRenderComplete ();
void StereoRenderOff ();
void StereoRenderOn ();
virtual void StereoUpdate ();
void SwapBuffersOff ();
void SwapBuffersOn ();
void UnRegister (vtkObject *o);
virtual void WindowRemap ();
virtual void WritePPMImageFile ();

vtkRenderWindow Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

virtual unsigned char *GetRGBACharPixelData (int , int , int , int , int );
   Can't Handle 'unsigned char *' return type without a hint

virtual float *GetRGBAPixelData (int , int , int , int , int );
   Can't Handle 'float *' return type without a hint

virtual float *GetZbufferData (int , int , int , int );
   Can't Handle 'float *' return type without a hint

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetAbortCheckMethodArgDelete (void (*func)(void *) );
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

virtual void SetDisplayId (void *);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1

virtual void SetParentId (void *);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1

virtual void SetPixelData (int , int , int , int , unsigned char *, int );
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 5

virtual void SetRGBACharPixelData (int , int , int , int , unsigned char *, int , int blend);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 5

virtual void SetRGBAPixelData (int , int , int , int , float *, int , int blend);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 5

virtual void SetWindowId (void *);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1

virtual void SetZbufferData (int , int , int , int , float *);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 5


  • Inherits from Collection

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void AddItem (vtkRenderWindow *a);
const char *GetClassName();
vtkRenderWindow *GetNextItem ();
vtkRenderWindowCollection *New ();


  • Inherits from Object

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

virtual vtkAbstractPropPicker *CreateDefaultPicker ();
virtual int CreateTimer (int );
virtual int DestroyTimer ();
virtual void Disable ();
virtual void Enable ();
virtual void EndPickCallback ();
virtual void ExitCallback ();
const char *GetClassName();
float GetDesiredUpdateRate ();
int GetEnabled ();
int  *GetEventPosition ();
   (Returns a 2-element Perl list)
int GetInitialized ();
vtkInteractorStyle *GetInteractorStyle ();
int GetLightFollowCamera ();
vtkAbstractPicker *GetPicker ();
vtkRenderWindow *GetRenderWindow ();
int  *GetSize ();
   (Returns a 2-element Perl list)
float GetStillUpdateRate ();
void HideCursor ();
virtual void Initialize ();
void LightFollowCameraOff ();
void LightFollowCameraOn ();
vtkRenderWindowInteractor *New ();
void Render ();
void SetDesiredUpdateRate (float );
void SetEndPickMethod (void (*func)(void *) , void *arg);
void SetEventPosition (int  , int );
void SetExitMethod (void (*func)(void *) , void *arg);
virtual void SetInteractorStyle (vtkInteractorStyle *);
void SetLightFollowCamera (int );
void SetPicker (vtkAbstractPicker *);
void SetRenderWindow (vtkRenderWindow *aren);
void SetSize (int  , int );
void SetStartPickMethod (void (*func)(void *) , void *arg);
void SetStillUpdateRate (float );
void SetUserMethod (void (*func)(void *) , void *arg);
void ShowCursor ();
virtual void Start ();
virtual void StartPickCallback ();
virtual void TerminateApp (void );
void UnRegister (vtkObject *o);
virtual void UpdateSize (int x, int y);
virtual void UserCallback ();

vtkRenderWindowInteractor Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

virtual void GetMousePosition (int *x, int *y);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetEndPickMethodArgDelete (void (*func)(void *) );
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void SetEventPosition (int  a[2]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetEventPosition( int, int)

void SetExitMethodArgDelete (void (*func)(void *) );
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void SetSize (int  a[2]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetSize( int, int)

void SetStartPickMethodArgDelete (void (*func)(void *) );
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void SetUserMethodArgDelete (void (*func)(void *) );
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.


  • Inherits from Viewport

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void AddActor (vtkProp *p);
void AddCuller (vtkCuller *);
void AddLight (vtkLight *);
void AddVolume (vtkProp *p);
void BackingStoreOff ();
void BackingStoreOn ();
virtual void Clear ();
void CreateLight (void );
virtual void DeviceRender () = 0;
vtkCamera *GetActiveCamera ();
vtkActorCollection *GetActors ();
virtual float GetAllocatedRenderTime ();
float  *GetAmbient ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
int GetBackingStore ();
const char *GetClassName();
vtkCullerCollection *GetCullers ();
int GetInteractive ();
float GetLastRenderTimeInSeconds ();
int GetLayer ();
int GetLightFollowCamera ();
vtkLightCollection *GetLights ();
unsigned long GetMTime ();
int GetNumberOfPropsRenderedAsGeometry ();
vtkRayCaster *GetRayCaster ();
vtkRenderWindow *GetRenderWindow ();
virtual float GetTimeFactor ();
int GetTwoSidedLighting ();
virtual vtkWindow *GetVTKWindow ();
vtkVolumeCollection *GetVolumes ();
float GetZ (int x, int y);
void InteractiveOff ();
void InteractiveOn ();
void LightFollowCameraOff ();
void LightFollowCameraOn ();
vtkRenderer *New ();
vtkAssemblyPath *PickProp (float selectionX, float selectionY);
void RemoveActor (vtkProp *p);
void RemoveCuller (vtkCuller *);
void RemoveLight (vtkLight *);
void RemoveVolume (vtkProp *p);
virtual void Render ();
void RenderOverlay ();
void ResetCamera (float xmin, float xmax, float ymin, float ymax, float zmin, float zmax);
void ResetCamera ();
void ResetCameraClippingRange (float xmin, float xmax, float ymin, float ymax, float zmin, float zmax);
void ResetCameraClippingRange ();
void SetActiveCamera (vtkCamera *);
void SetAllocatedRenderTime (float );
void SetAmbient (float  , float , float );
void SetBackingStore (int );
void SetInteractive (int );
void SetLayer (int );
void SetLightFollowCamera (int );
void SetRenderWindow (vtkRenderWindow *);
void SetTwoSidedLighting (int );
int Transparent ();
void TwoSidedLightingOff ();
void TwoSidedLightingOn ();
void UnRegister (vtkObject *o);
virtual void ViewToWorld (float &wx, float &wy, float &wz);
void ViewToWorld ();
int VisibleActorCount ();
int VisibleVolumeCount ();
virtual void WorldToView (float &wx, float &wy, float &wz);
void WorldToView ();

vtkRenderer Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

vtkRayCaster *RayCastervtkCamera *ActiveCameravtkLight *CreatedLightvtkLightCollection *LightsvtkCullerCollection *CullersvtkActorCollection *ActorsvtkVolumeCollection *Volumesfloat Ambient[3]vtkRenderWindow *RenderWindowfloat AllocatedRenderTimefloat TimeFactorint TwoSidedLightingint BackingStoreunsigned char *BackingImagevtkTimeStamp RenderTimefloat LastRenderTimeInSecondsint LightFollowCameravoid AllocateTime ();
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void ComputeVisiblePropBounds (float bounds[6]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void ResetCameraClippingRange (float bounds[6]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void ResetCamera (float bounds[6]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void SetAmbient (float  a[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetAmbient( float, float, float)


  • Inherits from Collection

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void AddItem (vtkRenderer *a);
const char *GetClassName();
vtkRenderer *GetNextItem ();
vtkRendererCollection *New ();
void Render ();
void RenderOverlay ();


  • Inherits from StructuredPointsSource

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void DepthValuesOff ();
void DepthValuesOn ();
const char *GetClassName();
int GetDepthValues ();
vtkRenderer *GetInput ();
unsigned long GetMTime ();
int GetRenderFlag ();
int GetWholeWindow ();
vtkRendererSource *New ();
void RenderFlagOff ();
void RenderFlagOn ();
void SetDepthValues (int );
void SetInput (vtkRenderer *);
void SetRenderFlag (int );
void SetWholeWindow (int );
void WholeWindowOff ();
void WholeWindowOn ();

vtkRendererSource Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from PolyDataToPolyDataFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
int GetReverseCells ();
int GetReverseNormals ();
vtkReverseSense *New ();
void ReverseCellsOff ();
void ReverseCellsOn ();
void ReverseNormalsOff ();
void ReverseNormalsOn ();
void SetReverseCells (int );
void SetReverseNormals (int );

vtkReverseSense Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from PolyDataToPolyDataFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

float GetAngle ();
const char *GetClassName();
float  *GetDefaultNormal ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
int GetUseDefaultNormal ();
int GetVaryWidth ();
float GetWidth ();
float GetWidthFactor ();
vtkRibbonFilter *New ();
void SetAngle (float );
void SetDefaultNormal (float  , float , float );
void SetUseDefaultNormal (int );
void SetVaryWidth (int );
void SetWidth (float );
void SetWidthFactor (float );
void UseDefaultNormalOff ();
void UseDefaultNormalOn ();
void VaryWidthOff ();
void VaryWidthOn ();

vtkRibbonFilter Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetDefaultNormal (float  a[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetDefaultNormal( float, float, float)


  • Inherits from PolyDataToPolyDataFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void CappingOff ();
void CappingOn ();
float GetAngle ();
int GetCapping ();
const char *GetClassName();
float GetDeltaRadius ();
int GetResolution ();
float GetTranslation ();
vtkRotationalExtrusionFilter *New ();
void SetAngle (float );
void SetCapping (int );
void SetDeltaRadius (float );
void SetResolution (int );
void SetTranslation (float );

vtkRotationalExtrusionFilter Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from PolyDataToPolyDataFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void CloseSurfaceOff ();
void CloseSurfaceOn ();
const char *GetClassName();
int GetCloseSurface ();
float GetDistanceFactor ();
int GetOffset ();
int GetOnRatio ();
int GetPassLines ();
int  *GetResolution ();
   (Returns a 2-element Perl list)
int GetRuledMode ();
char *GetRuledModeAsString ();
vtkRuledSurfaceFilter *New ();
void PassLinesOff ();
void PassLinesOn ();
void SetCloseSurface (int );
void SetDistanceFactor (float );
void SetOffset (int );
void SetOnRatio (int );
void SetPassLines (int );
void SetResolution (int  , int );
void SetRuledMode (int );
void SetRuledModeToPointWalk ();
void SetRuledModeToResample ();

vtkRuledSurfaceFilter Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PointWalk (vtkPolyData *output, vtkPoints *inPts, int npts, int *pts, int npts2, int *pts2);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 4

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

float DistanceFactorint OnRatioint Offsetint CloseSurfaceint RuledModeint Resolution[2]int PassLinesvtkIdList *Idsfloat Weights[4]void Resample (vtkPolyData *output, vtkPoints *inPts, vtkPoints *newPts, int npts, int *pts, int npts2, int *pts2);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void SetResolution (int  a[2]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetResolution( int, int)


  • Inherits from StructuredPointsSource

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
int GetError ();
char *GetFileName ();
vtkSLCReader *New ();
void SetFileName (char *);

vtkSLCReader Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

unsigned char *Decode8BitData (unsigned char *in_ptr, int size);
   Can't Handle 'unsigned char *' return type without a hint

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from PolyDataSource

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void CreateDefaultLocator ();
const char *GetClassName();
char *GetFileName ();
vtkPointLocator *GetLocator ();
unsigned long GetMTime ();
int GetMerging ();
void MergingOff ();
void MergingOn ();
vtkSTLReader *New ();
void SetFileName (char *);
void SetLocator (vtkPointLocator *locator);
void SetLocator (vtkPointLocator &locator);
void SetMerging (int );

vtkSTLReader Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

int GetSTLFileType (FILE *fp);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

int ReadASCIISTL (FILE *fp, vtkPoints *, vtkCellArray *);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1

int ReadBinarySTL (FILE *fp, vtkPoints *, vtkCellArray *);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1


  • Inherits from PolyDataWriter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkSTLWriter *New ();


  • Inherits from StructuredPointsSource

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void CappingOff ();
void CappingOn ();
void ComputeNormalsOff ();
void ComputeNormalsOn ();
float GetCapValue ();
int GetCapping ();
const char *GetClassName();
int GetComputeNormals ();
vtkImplicitFunction *GetImplicitFunction ();
unsigned long GetMTime ();
float  *GetModelBounds ();
   (Returns a 6-element Perl list)
int  *GetSampleDimensions ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
vtkSampleFunction *New ();
void SetCapValue (float );
void SetCapping (int );
void SetComputeNormals (int );
void SetImplicitFunction (vtkImplicitFunction *);
void SetModelBounds (float  , float , float , float , float , float );
void SetSampleDimensions (int i, int j, int k);
void SetScalars (vtkScalars *);

vtkSampleFunction Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetModelBounds (float  a[6]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetModelBounds( float, float, float, float, float, float)

void SetSampleDimensions (int dim[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.


  • Inherits from Object

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void BuildTree ();
int GetBranchingFactor ();
const char *GetClassName();
vtkDataSet *GetDataSet ();
int GetLevel ();
int GetMaxLevel ();
void InitTraversal (float scalarValue);
void Initialize ();
vtkScalarTree *New ();
void SetBranchingFactor (int );
void SetDataSet (vtkDataSet *);
void SetMaxLevel (int );

vtkScalarTree Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

vtkCell *GetNextCell (int &cellId, vtkIdList &ptIds, vtkScalars *cellScalars);
   Arg types of 'vtkIdList* &' not supported yet
vtkCell *GetNextCell (int &cellId, vtkIdList &ptIds, vtkScalars &cellScalars);
   Method is marked 'Do Not Use' in its descriptions

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from PolyDataToPolyDataFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void GenerateSelectionScalarsOff ();
void GenerateSelectionScalarsOn ();
void GenerateUnselectedOutputOff ();
void GenerateUnselectedOutputOn ();
const char *GetClassName();
int GetGenerateSelectionScalars ();
int GetGenerateUnselectedOutput ();
int GetInsideOut ();
vtkPoints *GetLoop ();
unsigned long GetMTime ();
vtkPolyData *GetSelectionEdges ();
int GetSelectionMode ();
char *GetSelectionModeAsString ();
vtkPolyData *GetUnselectedOutput ();
virtual int InRegisterLoop (vtkObject *);
void InsideOutOff ();
void InsideOutOn ();
vtkSelectPolyData *New ();
void SetGenerateSelectionScalars (int );
void SetGenerateUnselectedOutput (int );
void SetInsideOut (int );
void SetLoop (vtkPoints *);
void SetSelectionMode (int );
void SetSelectionModeToClosestPointRegion ();
void SetSelectionModeToLargestRegion ();
void SetSelectionModeToSmallestRegion ();
void UnRegister (vtkObject *o);

vtkSelectPolyData Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

int GenerateSelectionScalarsint InsideOutvtkPoints *Loopint SelectionModefloat ClosestPoint[3]int GenerateUnselectedOutputvtkPolyData *UnselectedOutputvtkPolyData *SelectionEdgesvtkPolyData *Meshvoid GetPointNeighbors (int ptId, vtkIdList *nei);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from DataSetToPolyDataFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
unsigned long GetMTime ();
vtkRenderer *GetRenderer ();
int GetSelectInvisible ();
int  *GetSelection ();
   (Returns a 4-element Perl list)
int GetSelectionWindow ();
float GetTolerance ();
vtkSelectVisiblePoints *New ();
void SelectInvisibleOff ();
void SelectInvisibleOn ();
void SelectionWindowOff ();
void SelectionWindowOn ();
void SetRenderer (vtkRenderer *ren);
void SetSelectInvisible (int );
void SetSelection (int  , int , int , int );
void SetSelectionWindow (int );
void SetTolerance (float );

vtkSelectVisiblePoints Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetSelection (int  a[4]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetSelection( int, int, int, int)


  • Inherits from DataSetToStructuredPointsFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
float GetMaximumDistance ();
float  *GetModelBounds ();
   (Returns a 6-element Perl list)
float GetNullValue ();
int  *GetSampleDimensions ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
vtkShepardMethod *New ();
void SetMaximumDistance (float );
void SetModelBounds (float  , float , float , float , float , float );
void SetNullValue (float );
void SetSampleDimensions (int i, int j, int k);

vtkShepardMethod Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

float ComputeModelBounds (float origin[3], float ar[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetModelBounds (float  a[6]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetModelBounds( float, float, float, float, float, float)

void SetSampleDimensions (int dim[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.


  • Inherits from DataSetToUnstructuredGridFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
float GetShrinkFactor ();
vtkShrinkFilter *New ();
void SetShrinkFactor (float );

vtkShrinkFilter Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from PolyDataToPolyDataFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
float GetShrinkFactor ();
vtkShrinkPolyData *New ();
void SetShrinkFactor (float );

vtkShrinkPolyData Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from DataSetToDataSetFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
float  *GetVector ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
vtkSimpleElevationFilter *New ();
void SetVector (float  , float , float );

vtkSimpleElevationFilter Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetVector (float  a[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetVector( float, float, float)


  • Inherits from PolyDataToPolyDataFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void BoundarySmoothingOff ();
void BoundarySmoothingOn ();
void FeatureEdgeSmoothingOff ();
void FeatureEdgeSmoothingOn ();
void GenerateErrorScalarsOff ();
void GenerateErrorScalarsOn ();
void GenerateErrorVectorsOff ();
void GenerateErrorVectorsOn ();
int GetBoundarySmoothing ();
const char *GetClassName();
float GetConvergence ();
float GetEdgeAngle ();
float GetFeatureAngle ();
int GetFeatureEdgeSmoothing ();
int GetGenerateErrorScalars ();
int GetGenerateErrorVectors ();
int GetNumberOfIterations ();
float GetRelaxationFactor ();
vtkPolyData *GetSource ();
vtkSmoothPolyDataFilter *New ();
void SetBoundarySmoothing (int );
void SetConvergence (float );
void SetEdgeAngle (float );
void SetFeatureAngle (float );
void SetFeatureEdgeSmoothing (int );
void SetGenerateErrorScalars (int );
void SetGenerateErrorVectors (int );
void SetNumberOfIterations (int );
void SetRelaxationFactor (float );
void SetSource (vtkPolyData *source);

vtkSmoothPolyDataFilter Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from PolyDataSource

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkDataSet *GetInput ();
int GetLevel ();
vtkPolyData *GetOutput (int level);
vtkPolyData *GetOutput ();
vtkLocator *GetSpatialRepresentation ();
vtkSpatialRepresentationFilter *New ();
void ResetOutput ();
virtual void SetInput (vtkImageData *cache);
virtual void SetInput (vtkDataSet *input);
void SetSpatialRepresentation (vtkLocator *);

vtkSpatialRepresentationFilter Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from ImplicitFunction

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

float EvaluateFunction (float x, float y, float z);
float  *GetCenter ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
const char *GetClassName();
float GetRadius ();
vtkSphere *New ();
void SetCenter (float  , float , float );
void SetRadius (float );

vtkSphere Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

float EvaluateFunction (float x[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void EvaluateGradient (float x[3], float n[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetCenter (float  a[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetCenter( float, float, float)


  • Inherits from PolyDataSource

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

float  *GetCenter ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
const char *GetClassName();
float GetEndPhi ();
float GetEndTheta ();
int GetPhiResolution ();
float GetRadius ();
float GetStartPhi ();
float GetStartTheta ();
int GetThetaResolution ();
vtkSphereSource *New ();
void SetCenter (float  , float , float );
void SetEndPhi (float );
void SetEndTheta (float );
void SetPhiResolution (int );
void SetRadius (float );
void SetStartPhi (float );
void SetStartTheta (float );
void SetThetaResolution (int );

vtkSphereSource Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetCenter (float  a[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetCenter( float, float, float)


  • Inherits from Streamer

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
float GetStepLength ();
vtkStreamLine *New ();
void SetStepLength (float );

vtkStreamLine Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from Streamer

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
float GetTimeIncrement ();
vtkStreamPoints *New ();
void SetTimeIncrement (float );

vtkStreamPoints Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from DataSetToPolyDataFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
int GetIntegrationDirection ();
char *GetIntegrationDirectionAsString ();
float GetIntegrationStepLength ();
vtkInitialValueProblemSolver *GetIntegrator ();
float GetMaximumPropagationTime ();
int GetNumberOfThreads ();
float GetSavePointInterval ();
vtkDataSet *GetSource ();
int GetSpeedScalars ();
float *GetStartPosition ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
float GetTerminalSpeed ();
int GetVorticity ();
vtkStreamer *New ();
void SetIntegrationDirection (int );
void SetIntegrationDirectionToBackward ();
void SetIntegrationDirectionToForward ();
void SetIntegrationDirectionToIntegrateBothDirections ();
void SetIntegrationStepLength (float );
void SetIntegrator (vtkInitialValueProblemSolver *);
void SetMaximumPropagationTime (float );
void SetNumberOfThreads (int );
void SetSavePointInterval (float );
void SetSource (vtkDataSet *source);
void SetSpeedScalars (int );
void SetStartLocation (int cellId, int subId, float r, float s, float t);
void SetStartPosition (float x, float y, float z);
void SetTerminalSpeed (float );
void SetVorticity (int );
void SpeedScalarsOff ();
void SpeedScalarsOn ();
void VorticityOff ();
void VorticityOn ();

vtkStreamer Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

int GetStartLocation (int &subId, float pcoords[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

int StartFromint StartCellint StartSubIdfloat StartPCoords[3]float StartPosition[3]vtkStreamArray *Streamersint NumberOfStreamersfloat MaximumPropagationTimeint IntegrationDirectionfloat IntegrationStepLengthint Vorticityfloat TerminalSpeedint SpeedScalarsvtkInitialValueProblemSolver *Integratorfloat SavePointIntervalvoid InitializeThreadedIntegrate ();
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetStartLocation (int cellId, int subId, float pcoords[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void SetStartPosition (float x[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.


  • Inherits from PolyDataToPolyDataFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
int GetMaximumLength ();
vtkStripper *New ();
void SetMaximumLength (int );

vtkStripper Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from StructuredGridToPolyDataFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
int  *GetExtent ();
   (Returns a 6-element Perl list)
vtkStructuredGridGeometryFilter *New ();
void SetExtent (int iMin, int iMax, int jMin, int jMax, int kMin, int kMax);

vtkStructuredGridGeometryFilter Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetExtent (int *extent);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1


  • Inherits from StructuredGridToPolyDataFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkStructuredGridOutlineFilter *New ();


  • Inherits from DataReader

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkStructuredGrid *GetOutput (int idx);
vtkStructuredGrid *GetOutput ();
vtkStructuredGridReader *New ();
void SetOutput (vtkStructuredGrid *output);

vtkStructuredGridReader Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from Source

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkStructuredGrid *GetOutput (int idx);
vtkStructuredGrid *GetOutput ();
vtkStructuredGridSource *New ();
void SetOutput (vtkStructuredGrid *output);


  • Inherits from DataWriter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkStructuredGrid *GetInput ();
vtkStructuredGridWriter *New ();
void SetInput (vtkStructuredGrid *input);

vtkStructuredGridWriter Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from StructuredPointsToPolyDataFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkStructuredPointsGeometryFilter *New ();
void SetExtent (int iMin, int iMax, int jMin, int jMax, int kMin, int kMax);

vtkStructuredPointsGeometryFilter Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

int *GetExtent ();
   Can't Handle 'int *' return type without a hint

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetExtent (int *extent);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1


  • Inherits from Collection

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void AddItem (vtkStructuredPoints *ds);
const char *GetClassName();
vtkStructuredPoints *GetNextItem ();
vtkStructuredPointsCollection *New ();


  • Inherits from DataReader

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkStructuredPoints *GetOutput (int idx);
vtkStructuredPoints *GetOutput ();
vtkStructuredPointsReader *New ();
void SetOutput (vtkStructuredPoints *output);

vtkStructuredPointsReader Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

int ExecuteExtent[6]void ExecuteInformation ();
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from Source

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkStructuredPoints *GetOutput (int idx);
vtkStructuredPoints *GetOutput ();
vtkStructuredPointsSource *New ();
void SetOutput (vtkStructuredPoints *output);

vtkStructuredPointsSource Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

int ExecuteExtent[6]void ExecuteInformation ();
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.


  • Inherits from DataWriter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkStructuredPoints *GetInput ();
vtkStructuredPointsWriter *New ();
void SetInput (vtkStructuredPoints *input);
void SetInput (vtkImageData *cache);

vtkStructuredPointsWriter Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from PolyDataToPolyDataFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkStructuredPoints *GetGradMaps ();
int GetTargetFlag ();
float GetTargetValue ();
vtkSubPixelPositionEdgels *New ();
void SetGradMaps (vtkStructuredPoints *gm);
void SetTargetFlag (int );
void SetTargetValue (float );
void TargetFlagOff ();
void TargetFlagOn ();

vtkSubPixelPositionEdgels Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void Move (int xdim, int ydim, int zdim, int x, int y, float *img, vtkVectors *inVecs, float *result, int z, float *aspect, float *resultNormal);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 6

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from DataSetToPolyDataFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void ClampScalingOff ();
void ClampScalingOn ();
void ColorGlyphsOff ();
void ColorGlyphsOn ();
void ExtractEigenvaluesOff ();
void ExtractEigenvaluesOn ();
int GetClampScaling ();
const char *GetClassName();
int GetColorGlyphs ();
int GetExtractEigenvalues ();
float GetMaxScaleFactor ();
float GetScaleFactor ();
int GetScaling ();
vtkPolyData *GetSource ();
vtkTensorGlyph *New ();
void ScalingOff ();
void ScalingOn ();
void SetClampScaling (int );
void SetColorGlyphs (int );
void SetExtractEigenvalues (int );
void SetMaxScaleFactor (float );
void SetScaleFactor (float );
void SetScaling (int );
void SetSource (vtkPolyData *source);

vtkTensorGlyph Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from PolyDataSource

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void BackingOff ();
void BackingOn ();
float  *GetBackgroundColor ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
int GetBacking ();
const char *GetClassName();
float  *GetForegroundColor ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
char *GetText ();
vtkTextSource *New ();
void SetBackgroundColor (float  , float , float );
void SetBacking (int );
void SetForegroundColor (float  , float , float );
void SetText (char *);

vtkTextSource Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetBackgroundColor (float  a[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetBackgroundColor( float, float, float)

void SetForegroundColor (float  a[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetForegroundColor( float, float, float)


  • Inherits from Object

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkStructuredPoints *GetInput ();
int GetInterpolate ();
vtkLookupTable *GetLookupTable ();
int GetMapColorScalarsThroughLookupTable ();
vtkScalars *GetMappedScalars ();
int GetQuality ();
int GetRepeat ();
void InterpolateOff ();
void InterpolateOn ();
virtual void Load (vtkRenderer *);
void MapColorScalarsThroughLookupTableOff ();
void MapColorScalarsThroughLookupTableOn ();
vtkTexture *New ();
virtual void ReleaseGraphicsResources (vtkWindow *);
virtual void Render (vtkRenderer *ren);
void RepeatOff ();
void RepeatOn ();
void SetInput (vtkStructuredPoints *);
void SetInput (vtkImageData *cache);
void SetInterpolate (int );
void SetLookupTable (vtkLookupTable *);
void SetMapColorScalarsThroughLookupTable (int );
void SetQuality (int );
void SetQualityTo16Bit ();
void SetQualityTo32Bit ();
void SetQualityToDefault ();
void SetRepeat (int );

vtkTexture Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

unsigned char *MapScalarsToColors (vtkScalars *scalars);
   Can't Handle 'unsigned char *' return type without a hint

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from DataSetToDataSetFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void AutomaticCylinderGenerationOff ();
void AutomaticCylinderGenerationOn ();
int GetAutomaticCylinderGeneration ();
const char *GetClassName();
float  *GetPoint1 ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
float  *GetPoint2 ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
int GetPreventSeam ();
vtkTextureMapToCylinder *New ();
void PreventSeamOff ();
void PreventSeamOn ();
void SetAutomaticCylinderGeneration (int );
void SetPoint1 (float  , float , float );
void SetPoint2 (float  , float , float );
void SetPreventSeam (int );

vtkTextureMapToCylinder Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetPoint1 (float  a[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetPoint1( float, float, float)

void SetPoint2 (float  a[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetPoint2( float, float, float)


  • Inherits from DataSetToDataSetFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void AutomaticPlaneGenerationOff ();
void AutomaticPlaneGenerationOn ();
int GetAutomaticPlaneGeneration ();
const char *GetClassName();
float  *GetNormal ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
float  *GetOrigin ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
float  *GetPoint1 ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
float  *GetPoint2 ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
float  *GetSRange ();
   (Returns a 2-element Perl list)
float  *GetTRange ();
   (Returns a 2-element Perl list)
vtkTextureMapToPlane *New ();
void SetAutomaticPlaneGeneration (int );
void SetNormal (float  , float , float );
void SetOrigin (float  , float , float );
void SetPoint1 (float  , float , float );
void SetPoint2 (float  , float , float );
void SetSRange (float  , float );
void SetTRange (float  , float );

vtkTextureMapToPlane Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetNormal (float  a[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetNormal( float, float, float)

void SetOrigin (float  a[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetOrigin( float, float, float)

void SetPoint1 (float  a[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetPoint1( float, float, float)

void SetPoint2 (float  a[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetPoint2( float, float, float)

void SetSRange (float  a[2]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetSRange( float, float)

void SetTRange (float  a[2]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetTRange( float, float)


  • Inherits from DataSetToDataSetFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void AutomaticSphereGenerationOff ();
void AutomaticSphereGenerationOn ();
int GetAutomaticSphereGeneration ();
float  *GetCenter ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
const char *GetClassName();
int GetPreventSeam ();
vtkTextureMapToSphere *New ();
void PreventSeamOff ();
void PreventSeamOn ();
void SetAutomaticSphereGeneration (int );
void SetCenter (float  , float , float );
void SetPreventSeam (int );

vtkTextureMapToSphere Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetCenter (float  a[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetCenter( float, float, float)


  • Inherits from PolyDataSource

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
float GetPhi ();
int GetPhiResolution ();
float GetRadius ();
float GetTheta ();
int GetThetaResolution ();
vtkTexturedSphereSource *New ();
void SetPhi (float );
void SetPhiResolution (int );
void SetRadius (float );
void SetTheta (float );
void SetThetaResolution (int );

vtkTexturedSphereSource Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from DataSetToUnstructuredGridFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void AllScalarsOff ();
void AllScalarsOn ();
int GetAllScalars ();
int GetAttributeMode ();
char *GetAttributeModeAsString ();
const char *GetClassName();
float GetLowerThreshold ();
float GetUpperThreshold ();
vtkThreshold *New ();
void SetAllScalars (int );
void SetAttributeMode (int );
void SetAttributeModeToDefault ();
void SetAttributeModeToUseCellData ();
void SetAttributeModeToUsePointData ();
void ThresholdBetween (float lower, float upper);
void ThresholdByLower (float lower);
void ThresholdByUpper (float upper);

vtkThreshold Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from DataSetToPolyDataFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
float GetLowerThreshold ();
float GetUpperThreshold ();
vtkThresholdPoints *New ();
void ThresholdBetween (float lower, float upper);
void ThresholdByLower (float lower);
void ThresholdByUpper (float upper);

vtkThresholdPoints Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from DataSetToDataSetFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
float  *GetInTextureCoord ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
float GetLowerThreshold ();
float  *GetOutTextureCoord ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
int GetTextureDimension ();
float GetUpperThreshold ();
vtkThresholdTextureCoords *New ();
void SetInTextureCoord (float  , float , float );
void SetOutTextureCoord (float  , float , float );
void SetTextureDimension (int );
void ThresholdBetween (float lower, float upper);
void ThresholdByLower (float lower);
void ThresholdByUpper (float upper);

vtkThresholdTextureCoords Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

float LowerThresholdfloat UpperThresholdint TextureDimensionfloat InTextureCoord[3]float OutTextureCoord[3]int Lower (float s);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetInTextureCoord (float  a[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetInTextureCoord( float, float, float)

void SetOutTextureCoord (float  a[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetOutTextureCoord( float, float, float)


  • Inherits from PointSetToPointSetFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
unsigned long GetMTime ();
vtkAbstractTransform *GetTransform ();
vtkTransformFilter *New ();
void SetTransform (vtkAbstractTransform *);

vtkTransformFilter Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from PolyDataToPolyDataFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
unsigned long GetMTime ();
vtkAbstractTransform *GetTransform ();
vtkTransformPolyDataFilter *New ();
void SetTransform (vtkAbstractTransform *);

vtkTransformPolyDataFilter Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from DataSetToDataSetFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void AddPosition (float deltaR, float deltaS, float deltaT);
void FlipROff ();
void FlipROn ();
void FlipSOff ();
void FlipSOn ();
void FlipTOff ();
void FlipTOn ();
const char *GetClassName();
int GetFlipR ();
int GetFlipS ();
int GetFlipT ();
float  *GetOrigin ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
float  *GetPosition ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
float  *GetScale ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
vtkTransformTextureCoords *New ();
void SetFlipR (int );
void SetFlipS (int );
void SetFlipT (int );
void SetOrigin (float  , float , float );
void SetPosition (float  , float , float );
void SetScale (float  , float , float );

vtkTransformTextureCoords Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void AddPosition (float deltaPosition[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetOrigin (float  a[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetOrigin( float, float, float)

void SetPosition (float  a[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetPosition( float, float, float)

void SetScale (float  a[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetScale( float, float, float)


  • Inherits from PolyDataToPolyDataFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
int GetPassLines ();
int GetPassVerts ();
vtkTriangleFilter *New ();
void PassLinesOff ();
void PassLinesOn ();
void PassVertsOff ();
void PassVertsOn ();
void SetPassLines (int );
void SetPassVerts (int );

vtkTriangleFilter Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from StructuredPointsSource

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
float GetScaleFactor ();
int GetTexturePattern ();
int GetXSize ();
int GetYSize ();
vtkTriangularTexture *New ();
void SetScaleFactor (float );
void SetTexturePattern (int );
void SetXSize (int );
void SetYSize (int );

vtkTriangularTexture Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from PolyDataToPolyDataFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkTriangularTCoords *New ();

vtkTriangularTCoords Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from PolyDataToPolyDataFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void CappingOff ();
void CappingOn ();
int GetCapping ();
const char *GetClassName();
float  *GetDefaultNormal ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
int GetNumberOfSides ();
int GetOffset ();
int GetOnRatio ();
float GetRadius ();
float GetRadiusFactor ();
int GetUseDefaultNormal ();
int GetVaryRadius ();
char *GetVaryRadiusAsString ();
vtkTubeFilter *New ();
void SetCapping (int );
void SetDefaultNormal (float  , float , float );
void SetNumberOfSides (int );
void SetOffset (int );
void SetOnRatio (int );
void SetRadius (float );
void SetRadiusFactor (float );
void SetUseDefaultNormal (int );
void SetVaryRadius (int );
void SetVaryRadiusToVaryRadiusByScalar ();
void SetVaryRadiusToVaryRadiusByVector ();
void SetVaryRadiusToVaryRadiusOff ();
void UseDefaultNormalOff ();
void UseDefaultNormalOn ();

vtkTubeFilter Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetDefaultNormal (float  a[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetDefaultNormal( float, float, float)


  • Inherits from PolyDataSource

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void CreateDefaultLocator ();
const char *GetClassName();
char *GetFileName ();
vtkPointLocator *GetLocator ();
unsigned long GetMTime ();
int GetMerging ();
int GetNumberOfParts ();
short GetPartColorIndex (int partId);
int GetPartNumber ();
void MergingOff ();
void MergingOn ();
vtkUGFacetReader *New ();
void SetFileName (char *);
void SetLocator (vtkPointLocator *locator);
void SetLocator (vtkPointLocator &locator);
void SetMerging (int );
void SetPartNumber (int );

vtkUGFacetReader Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from DataReader

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkUnstructuredGrid *GetOutput (int idx);
vtkUnstructuredGrid *GetOutput ();
vtkUnstructuredGridReader *New ();
void SetOutput (vtkUnstructuredGrid *output);

vtkUnstructuredGridReader Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from Source

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkUnstructuredGrid *GetOutput (int idx);
vtkUnstructuredGrid *GetOutput ();
vtkUnstructuredGridSource *New ();
void SetOutput (vtkUnstructuredGrid *output);


  • Inherits from DataWriter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkUnstructuredGrid *GetInput ();
vtkUnstructuredGridWriter *New ();
void SetInput (vtkUnstructuredGrid *input);

vtkUnstructuredGridWriter Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from Exporter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
char *GetFileName ();
float GetSpeed ();
vtkVRMLExporter *New ();
void SetFileName (char *);
void SetSpeed (float );

vtkVRMLExporter Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

FILE *GetFilePointer ();
   Definition in Header File, but not implemented in source code

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetFilePointer (FILE *);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1

void WriteALight (vtkLight *aLight, FILE *fp);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 2

void WriteAnActor (vtkActor *anActor, FILE *fp);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 2

void WritePointData (vtkPoints *points, vtkNormals *normals, vtkTCoords *tcoords, vtkScalars *colors, FILE *fp);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 5


  • Inherits from DataSetToDataSetFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
float  *GetScalarRange ();
   (Returns a 2-element Perl list)
vtkVectorDot *New ();
void SetScalarRange (float  , float );

vtkVectorDot Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetScalarRange (float  a[2]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetScalarRange( float, float)


  • Inherits from DataSetToDataSetFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

int GetAttributeMode ();
char *GetAttributeModeAsString ();
const char *GetClassName();
int GetNormalize ();
vtkVectorNorm *New ();
void NormalizeOff ();
void NormalizeOn ();
void SetAttributeMode (int );
void SetAttributeModeToDefault ();
void SetAttributeModeToUseCellData ();
void SetAttributeModeToUsePointData ();
void SetNormalize (int );

vtkVectorNorm Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from PolyDataSource

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
char *GetText ();
vtkVectorText *New ();
void SetText (char *);

vtkVectorText Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from Object

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkRenderer *GetRenderer ();
int  *GetSize ();
   (Returns a 2-element Perl list)
vtkViewRays *New ();
void SetRenderer (vtkRenderer *ren);
void SetSize (int  , int );

vtkViewRays Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

vtkRenderer *Rendererint Size[2]unsigned long ViewRaysCamMtimeunsigned long ViewRaysMTimevoid ComputeParallelInfo (int size[2]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

float StartPosition[3]float Increments[2]void ComputePerspectiveInfo (float *vr_ptr, int size[2]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

float *GetParallelIncrements (void );
   Can't Handle 'float *' return type without a hint

float *GetParallelStartPosition (void );
   Can't Handle 'float *' return type without a hint

float *GetPerspectiveViewRays (void );
   Can't Handle 'float *' return type without a hint

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetSize (int  a[2]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetSize( int, int)


  • Inherits from Prop3D

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

float *GetBounds ();
   (Returns a 6-element Perl list)
const char *GetClassName();
unsigned long GetMTime ();
vtkVolumeMapper *GetMapper ();
float GetMaxXBound ();
float GetMaxYBound ();
float GetMaxZBound ();
float GetMinXBound ();
float GetMinYBound ();
float GetMinZBound ();
vtkVolumeProperty *GetProperty ();
unsigned long GetRedrawMTime ();
void GetVolumes (vtkPropCollection *vc);
vtkVolume *New ();
void SetMapper (vtkVolumeMapper *mapper);
void SetProperty (vtkVolumeProperty *property);
void ShallowCopy (vtkProp *prop);
void Update ();

vtkVolume Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

vtkVolumeMapper *MappervtkVolumeProperty *Propertyfloat *RGBArrayvtkTimeStamp RGBArrayMTimefloat *GrayArrayvtkTimeStamp GrayArrayMTimefloat *ScalarOpacityArrayvtkTimeStamp ScalarOpacityArrayMTimefloat *CorrectedScalarOpacityArrayfloat CorrectedStepSizevtkTimeStamp CorrectedScalarOpacityArrayMTimeint ArraySizefloat GradientOpacityArray[256]float GradientOpacityConstantvtkTimeStamp GradientOpacityArrayMTimefloat ComputeScreenCoverage (vtkViewport *vp);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void GetBounds (float bounds[6]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from PropCollection

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void AddItem (vtkVolume *a);
const char *GetClassName();
vtkVolume *GetNextItem ();
vtkVolume *GetNextVolume ();
vtkVolumeCollection *New ();


  • Inherits from Object

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

float GetAmbient ();
const char *GetClassName();
int GetColorChannels ();
float GetDiffuse ();
vtkPiecewiseFunction *GetGradientOpacity ();
vtkPiecewiseFunction *GetGrayTransferFunction ();
int GetInterpolationType ();
char *GetInterpolationTypeAsString (void );
unsigned long GetMTime ();
float GetRGBTextureCoefficient ();
vtkColorTransferFunction *GetRGBTransferFunction ();
vtkPiecewiseFunction *GetScalarOpacity ();
int GetShade ();
float GetSpecular ();
float GetSpecularPower ();
vtkVolumeProperty *New ();
void SetAmbient (float );
void SetColor (vtkPiecewiseFunction *function);
void SetColor (vtkColorTransferFunction *function);
void SetDiffuse (float );
void SetGradientOpacity (vtkPiecewiseFunction *function);
void SetInterpolationType (int );
void SetInterpolationTypeToLinear ();
void SetInterpolationTypeToNearest ();
void SetRGBTextureCoefficient (float );
void SetScalarOpacity (vtkPiecewiseFunction *function);
void SetShade (int );
void SetSpecular (float );
void SetSpecularPower (float );
void ShadeOff ();
void ShadeOn ();

vtkVolumeProperty Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from VolumeRayCastFunction

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
int GetCompositeMethod ();
char *GetCompositeMethodAsString (void );
vtkVolumeRayCastCompositeFunction *New ();
void SetCompositeMethod (int );
void SetCompositeMethodToClassifyFirst ();
void SetCompositeMethodToInterpolateFirst ();

vtkVolumeRayCastCompositeFunction Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent index);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from VolumeRayCastFunction

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
float GetIsoValue ();
float GetZeroOpacityThreshold (vtkVolume *vol);
vtkVolumeRayCastIsosurfaceFunction *New ();
void SetIsoValue (float );

vtkVolumeRayCastIsosurfaceFunction Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent index);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from VolumeMapper

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkEncodedGradientEstimator *GetGradientEstimator ();
vtkEncodedGradientShader *GetGradientShader ();
vtkRayBounder *GetRayBounder ();
float GetSampleDistance ();
vtkVolumeRayCastFunction *GetVolumeRayCastFunction ();
vtkVolumeRayCastMapper *New ();
void SetGradientEstimator (vtkEncodedGradientEstimator *gradest);
void SetRayBounder (vtkRayBounder *);
void SetSampleDistance (float );
void SetVolumeRayCastFunction (vtkVolumeRayCastFunction *);

vtkVolumeRayCastMapper Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

int ClipRayAgainstClippingPlanes (VTKRayCastRayInfo *rayInfo, VTKRayCastVolumeInfo *volumeInfo, vtkPlaneCollection *planes);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1

vtkVolumeRayCastFunction *VolumeRayCastFunctionvtkEncodedGradientEstimator *GradientEstimatorvtkEncodedGradientShader *GradientShaderfloat SampleDistancefloat WorldSampleDistanceint ScalarDataTypevoid *ScalarDataPointerfloat *DepthRangeBufferPointerint ClipRayAgainstVolume (VTKRayCastRayInfo *rayInfo, VTKRayCastVolumeInfo *volumeInfo, float bounds[6]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent index);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from VolumeRayCastFunction

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
int GetMaximizeMethod ();
char *GetMaximizeMethodAsString (void );
float GetZeroOpacityThreshold (vtkVolume *vol);
vtkVolumeRayCastMIPFunction *New ();
void SetMaximizeMethod (int );
void SetMaximizeMethodToOpacity ();
void SetMaximizeMethodToScalarValue ();

vtkVolumeRayCastMIPFunction Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent index);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from VolumeTextureMapper

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
int GetMaximumNumberOfPlanes ();
int  *GetTargetTextureSize ();
   (Returns a 2-element Perl list)
vtkVolumeTextureMapper2D *New ();
void SetMaximumNumberOfPlanes (int );
void SetTargetTextureSize (int  , int );

vtkVolumeTextureMapper2D Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent index);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetTargetTextureSize (int  a[2]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetTargetTextureSize( int, int)


  • Inherits from VolumeReader

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
int GetDataByteOrder ();
char *GetDataByteOrderAsString ();
int  *GetDataDimensions ();
   (Returns a 2-element Perl list)
short unsigned GetDataMask ();
int GetHeaderSize ();
vtkStructuredPoints *GetImage (int ImageNumber);
int GetSwapBytes ();
vtkTransform *GetTransform ();
vtkVolume16Reader *New ();
void SetDataByteOrder (int );
void SetDataByteOrderToBigEndian ();
void SetDataByteOrderToLittleEndian ();
void SetDataDimensions (int  , int );
void SetDataMask (unsigned short );
void SetHeaderSize (int );
void SetSwapBytes (int );
void SetTransform (vtkTransform *);
void SwapBytesOff ();
void SwapBytesOn ();

vtkVolume16Reader Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void AdjustSpacingAndOrigin (int dimensions[3], float Spacing[3], float origin[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void ComputeTransformedBounds (int bounds[6]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void ComputeTransformedDimensions (int dimensions[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void ComputeTransformedOrigin (float origin[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void ComputeTransformedSpacing (float Spacing[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

int Read16BitImage (FILE *fp, unsigned short *pixels, int xsize, int ysize, int skip, int swapBytes);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1

void SetDataDimensions (int  a[2]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetDataDimensions( int, int)

int DataDimensions[2]unsigned short DataMaskint SwapBytesint HeaderSizevtkTransform *Transformvoid TransformSlice (unsigned short *slice, unsigned short *pixels, int k, int dimensions[3], int bounds[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.


  • Inherits from PolyDataToPolyDataFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
int GetMemoryLimitInBytes ();
float  *GetSpacing ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
vtkVoxelContoursToSurfaceFilter *New ();
void SetMemoryLimitInBytes (int );
void SetSpacing (float  , float , float );

vtkVoxelContoursToSurfaceFilter Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

int MemoryLimitInBytesfloat Spacing[3]float *LineListint LineListLengthint LineListSizefloat *SortedXListfloat *SortedYListint SortedListSizeint *WorkingListint WorkingListLengthfloat *IntersectionListint IntersectionListLengthvoid AddLineToLineList (float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void CastLines (float *slice, float gridOrigin[3], int gridSize[3], int type);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void PushDistances (float *ptr, int gridSize[3], int chunkSize);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void SetSpacing (float  a[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetSpacing( float, float, float)


  • Inherits from DataSetToStructuredPointsFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
float GetMaximumDistance ();
float  *GetModelBounds ();
   (Returns a 6-element Perl list)
int  *GetSampleDimensions ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
vtkVoxelModeller *New ();
void SetMaximumDistance (float );
void SetModelBounds (float xmin, float xmax, float ymin, float ymax, float zmin, float zmax);
void SetSampleDimensions (int i, int j, int k);
void Write (char *);

vtkVoxelModeller Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

float ComputeModelBounds (float origin[3], float ar[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetModelBounds (float *bounds);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1

void SetSampleDimensions (int dim[3]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.


  • Inherits from PointSetToPointSetFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

float  *GetCenter ();
   (Returns a 2-element Perl list)
const char *GetClassName();
float GetKappa ();
vtkWarpLens *New ();
void SetCenter (float  , float );
void SetKappa (float );

vtkWarpLens Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetCenter (float  a[2]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetCenter( float, float)


  • Inherits from PointSetToPointSetFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
float  *GetNormal ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
float GetScaleFactor ();
int GetUseNormal ();
int GetXYPlane ();
vtkWarpScalar *New ();
void SetNormal (float  , float , float );
void SetScaleFactor (float );
void SetUseNormal (int );
void SetXYPlane (int );
void UseNormalOff ();
void UseNormalOn ();
void XYPlaneOff ();
void XYPlaneOn ();

vtkWarpScalar Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetNormal (float  a[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetNormal( float, float, float)


  • Inherits from PointSetToPointSetFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void AbsoluteOff ();
void AbsoluteOn ();
int GetAbsolute ();
const char *GetClassName();
float  *GetPosition ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
float GetScaleFactor ();
vtkWarpTo *New ();
void SetAbsolute (int );
void SetPosition (float  , float , float );
void SetScaleFactor (float );

vtkWarpTo Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetPosition (float  a[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetPosition( float, float, float)


  • Inherits from PolyDataToPolyDataFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void BoundarySmoothingOff ();
void BoundarySmoothingOn ();
void FeatureEdgeSmoothingOff ();
void FeatureEdgeSmoothingOn ();
void GenerateErrorScalarsOff ();
void GenerateErrorScalarsOn ();
void GenerateErrorVectorsOff ();
void GenerateErrorVectorsOn ();
int GetBoundarySmoothing ();
const char *GetClassName();
float GetEdgeAngle ();
float GetFeatureAngle ();
int GetFeatureEdgeSmoothing ();
int GetGenerateErrorScalars ();
int GetGenerateErrorVectors ();
int GetNumberOfIterations ();
float GetPassBand ();
vtkWindowedSincPolyDataFilter *New ();
void SetBoundarySmoothing (int );
void SetEdgeAngle (float );
void SetFeatureAngle (float );
void SetFeatureEdgeSmoothing (int );
void SetGenerateErrorScalars (int );
void SetGenerateErrorVectors (int );
void SetNumberOfIterations (int );
void SetPassBand (float );

vtkWindowedSincPolyDataFilter Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from AbstractPicker

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkWorldPointPicker *New ();
int Pick (float selectionX, float selectionY, float selectionZ, vtkRenderer *renderer);

vtkWorldPointPicker Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

int Pick (float selectionPt[3], vtkRenderer *renderer);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from PointSetToPointSetFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
float GetScaleFactor ();
vtkWarpVector *New ();
void SetScaleFactor (float );

vtkWarpVector Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from Actor

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkMesaActor *New ();
void Render (vtkRenderer *ren, vtkMapper *mapper);


  • Inherits from Camera

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkMesaCamera *New ();
void Render (vtkRenderer *ren);


  • Inherits from ImageActor

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
void Load (vtkRenderer *ren);
vtkMesaImageActor *New ();
void ReleaseGraphicsResources (vtkWindow *);

vtkMesaImageActor Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

unsigned char *MakeDataSuitable (int &xsize, int &ysize, int &release);
   Can't Handle 'unsigned char *' return type without a hint


  • Inherits from Light

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkMesaLight *New ();
void Render (vtkRenderer *ren, int light_index);


  • Inherits from PolyDataMapper

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

virtual void Draw (vtkRenderer *ren, vtkActor *a);
const char *GetClassName();
vtkMesaPolyDataMapper *New ();
void ReleaseGraphicsResources (vtkWindow *);
void Render (vtkRenderer *ren, vtkActor *a);


  • Inherits from Property

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void BackfaceRender (vtkActor *a, vtkRenderer *ren);
const char *GetClassName();
vtkMesaProperty *New ();
void Render (vtkActor *a, vtkRenderer *ren);


  • Inherits from ProjectedPolyDataRayBounder

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkMesaProjectedPolyDataRayBounder *New ();
void ReleaseGraphicsResources (vtkWindow *);

vtkMesaProjectedPolyDataRayBounder Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

float *Draw (vtkRenderer *ren, vtkMatrix4x4 *matrix);
   Can't Handle 'float *' return type without a hint

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from XRenderWindow

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

virtual void Frame (void );
const char *GetClassName();
int GetDepthBufferSize ();
virtual int GetDesiredDepth ();
virtual void *GetGenericContext ();
virtual void *GetGenericWindowId ();
virtual void Initialize (void );
void MakeCurrent ();
vtkMesaRenderWindow *New ();
virtual void PrefFullScreen (void );
void RegisterTextureResource (GLuint id);
virtual void SetFullScreen (int );
virtual void SetOffScreenRendering (int i);
virtual void SetSize (int , int );
virtual void SetStereoCapableWindow (int capable);
virtual void Start (void );
virtual void StereoUpdate ();
virtual void WindowConfigure (void );
virtual void WindowInitialize (void );
virtual void WindowRemap (void );

vtkMesaRenderWindow Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

virtual Colormap GetDesiredColormap ();
   Can't Handle ColorMap return type yet

virtual Visual *GetDesiredVisual ();
   Can't Handle Visual return type yet

virtual XVisualInfo *GetDesiredVisualInfo ();
   Can't Handle 'XVisualInfo *' return type yet

virtual unsigned char *GetPixelData (int x, int y, int x2, int y2, int front);
   Can't Handle 'unsigned char *' return type without a hint

virtual unsigned char *GetRGBACharPixelData (int x, int y, int x2, int y2, int front);
   Can't Handle 'unsigned char *' return type without a hint

virtual float *GetRGBAPixelData (int x, int y, int x2, int y2, int front);
   Can't Handle 'float *' return type without a hint

virtual float *GetZbufferData (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
   Can't Handle 'float *' return type without a hint

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

virtual void SetPixelData (int x, int y, int x2, int y2, unsigned char *, int front);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 5

virtual void SetRGBACharPixelData (int x, int y, int x2, int y2, unsigned char *, int front, int blend);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 5

virtual void SetRGBAPixelData (int x, int y, int x2, int y2, float *, int front, int blend);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 5

virtual void SetSize (int a[2]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

virtual void SetZbufferData (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, float *buffer);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 5


  • Inherits from Renderer

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void Clear (void );
void ClearLights (void );
void DeviceRender (void );
const char *GetClassName();
vtkMesaRenderer *New ();
int UpdateLights (void );

vtkMesaRenderer Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from Texture

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
void Load (vtkRenderer *ren);
vtkMesaTexture *New ();
void ReleaseGraphicsResources (vtkWindow *);

vtkMesaTexture Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

unsigned char *ResampleToPowerOfTwo (int &xsize, int &ysize, unsigned char *dptr, int bpp);
   Can't Handle 'unsigned char *' return type without a hint


  • Inherits from VolumeTextureMapper2D

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkMesaVolumeTextureMapper2D *New ();

vtkMesaVolumeTextureMapper2D Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent index);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from Actor

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkOpenGLActor *New ();
void Render (vtkRenderer *ren, vtkMapper *mapper);


  • Inherits from Camera

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkOpenGLCamera *New ();
void Render (vtkRenderer *ren);


  • Inherits from ImageActor

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
void Load (vtkRenderer *ren);
vtkOpenGLImageActor *New ();
void ReleaseGraphicsResources (vtkWindow *);

vtkOpenGLImageActor Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

unsigned char *MakeDataSuitable (int &xsize, int &ysize, int &release);
   Can't Handle 'unsigned char *' return type without a hint


  • Inherits from Light

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkOpenGLLight *New ();
void Render (vtkRenderer *ren, int light_index);


  • Inherits from PolyDataMapper

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

virtual void Draw (vtkRenderer *ren, vtkActor *a);
const char *GetClassName();
vtkOpenGLPolyDataMapper *New ();
void ReleaseGraphicsResources (vtkWindow *);
void Render (vtkRenderer *ren, vtkActor *a);


  • Inherits from ProjectedPolyDataRayBounder

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkOpenGLProjectedPolyDataRayBounder *New ();
void ReleaseGraphicsResources (vtkWindow *);

vtkOpenGLProjectedPolyDataRayBounder Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

float *Draw (vtkRenderer *ren, vtkMatrix4x4 *matrix);
   Can't Handle 'float *' return type without a hint

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from Property

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void BackfaceRender (vtkActor *a, vtkRenderer *ren);
const char *GetClassName();
vtkOpenGLProperty *New ();
void Render (vtkActor *a, vtkRenderer *ren);


  • Inherits from Renderer

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void Clear (void );
void ClearLights (void );
void DeviceRender (void );
const char *GetClassName();
vtkOpenGLRenderer *New ();
int UpdateLights (void );

vtkOpenGLRenderer Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from Texture

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
void Load (vtkRenderer *ren);
vtkOpenGLTexture *New ();
void ReleaseGraphicsResources (vtkWindow *);

vtkOpenGLTexture Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

unsigned char *ResampleToPowerOfTwo (int &xsize, int &ysize, unsigned char *dptr, int bpp);
   Can't Handle 'unsigned char *' return type without a hint


  • Inherits from VolumeTextureMapper2D

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName();
vtkOpenGLVolumeTextureMapper2D *New ();

vtkOpenGLVolumeTextureMapper2D Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent index);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from RenderWindowInteractor

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void BreakLoopFlagOff ();
void BreakLoopFlagOn ();
int CreateTimer (int timertype);
int DestroyTimer (void );
virtual void Disable ();
virtual void Enable ();
int GetBreakLoopFlag ();
const char *GetClassName();
virtual void Initialize ();
vtkXRenderWindowInteractor *New ();
void SetBreakLoopFlag (int );
virtual void Start ();
void TerminateApp (void );

vtkXRenderWindowInteractor Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

Display *DisplayIdWindow WindowIdWidget topWidget oldTopXtAppContext Appint PositionBeforeStereo[2]Widget TopLevelShellint BreakLoopFlagXtIntervalId AddTimeOut (XtAppContext app_context, unsigned long erval, XtTimerCallbackProc proc, XtPointer client_data);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void Callback (Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XEvent *event, Boolean *ctd);
   Arg types of 'Widget' not supported yet
XtAppContext GetApp ();
   Can't Handle XtAppContext return type yet

virtual void GetMousePosition (int *x, int *y);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1

Widget GetTopLevelShell ();
   Can't Handle Widget return type yet

Widget GetWidget ();
   Can't Handle Widget return type yet

virtual void Initialize (XtAppContext app);
   Arg types of 'XtAppContext' not supported yet
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

virtual void SetTopLevelShell (Widget );
   Arg types of 'Widget' not supported yet
virtual void SetWidget (Widget );
   Arg types of 'Widget' not supported yet
void Timer (XtPointer client_data, XtIntervalId *id);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 2

void vtkXRenderWindowInteractorCallback (Widget , XtPointer , XEvent *, Boolean *);
   Arg types of 'Widget' not supported yet
void vtkXRenderWindowInteractorTimer (XtPointer , XtIntervalId *);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 2


  • Inherits from RenderWindow

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void Clean ();
void Frame (void );
const char *GetClassName();
int GetDepthBufferSize ();
virtual int GetEventPending ();
int GetMultiSamples ();
void HideCursor ();
virtual void Initialize (void );
void MakeCurrent ();
vtkWin32OpenGLRenderWindow *New ();
virtual void OpenGLInit ();
virtual void PrefFullScreen (void );
void RegisterTextureResource (GLuint id);
void ResumeScreenRendering ();
virtual void SetFullScreen (int );
void SetMultiSamples (int );
virtual void SetPosition (int , int );
virtual void SetSize (int , int );
virtual void SetStereoCapableWindow (int capable);
void SetWindowInfo (char *);
virtual void SetWindowName (char *);
void SetupMemoryRendering (int x, int y, HDC prn);
virtual void SetupPalette (HDC hDC);
virtual void SetupPixelFormat (HDC hDC, DWORD dwFlags, int debug, int bpp, int zbpp);
void ShowCursor ();
void Start (void );
virtual void StereoUpdate ();
virtual void WindowConfigure (void );
virtual void WindowInitialize (void );
virtual void WindowRemap (void );

vtkWin32OpenGLRenderWindow Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

HDC GetMemoryDC ();
   Can't Handle HDC return type yet

unsigned char *GetMemoryData ();
   Can't Handle 'unsigned char *' return type without a hint

virtual unsigned char *GetPixelData (int x, int y, int x2, int y2, int front);
   Can't Handle 'unsigned char *' return type without a hint

virtual int *GetPosition ();
   Can't Handle 'int *' return type without a hint

virtual unsigned char *GetRGBACharPixelData (int x, int y, int x2, int y2, int front);
   Can't Handle 'unsigned char *' return type without a hint

virtual float *GetRGBAPixelData (int x, int y, int x2, int y2, int front);
   Can't Handle 'float *' return type without a hint

virtual int *GetScreenSize ();
   Can't Handle 'int *' return type without a hint

virtual int *GetSize ();
   Can't Handle 'int *' return type without a hint

virtual float *GetZbufferData (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
   Can't Handle 'float *' return type without a hint

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

virtual void ReleaseRGBAPixelData (float *data);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1

virtual void SetPixelData (int x, int y, int x2, int y2, unsigned char *, int front);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 5

virtual void SetRGBACharPixelData (int x, int y, int x2, int y2, unsigned char *, int front, int blend);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 5

virtual void SetRGBAPixelData (int x, int y, int x2, int y2, float *, int front, int blend);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 5

virtual void SetZbufferData (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, float *buffer);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 5


  • Inherits from RenderWindowInteractor

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

int CreateTimer (int timertype);
int DestroyTimer (void );
virtual void Disable ();
virtual void Enable ();
virtual void ExitCallback ();
const char *GetClassName();
int GetInstallMessageProc ();
virtual void Initialize ();
void InstallMessageProcOff ();
void InstallMessageProcOn ();
vtkWin32RenderWindowInteractor *New ();
void SetClassExitMethod (void (*func)(void *) , void *arg);
void SetInstallMessageProc (int );
virtual void Start ();
void TerminateApp (void );

vtkWin32RenderWindowInteractor Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetClassExitMethodArgDelete (void (*func)(void *) );
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.