Changes for version 0.20 - 2013-04-02
- The default authority for the distribution is now cpan:BIOPERLML.
- Included the [MojibakeTests] plugin to check for correct encoding.
- The Git will commit changes to the Changes and dist.ini file as part of the release, and the created tag mentions the distribution name.
- Created a new Pod::Weaver plugin bundle for BioPerl which is used as default by Bioperl's Dist::Zilla pluginbundle.
- [Readme] is now filtered from [@Basic] since most bioperl distributions already have a README or file and if teh first already exists, it conflicts with [Readme].
- Removed the option disable_pod_coverage_tests. The use of [@Filter] is recommended instead.
- Removed disable_trailing_whitespace_tests. Set `trailing_whitespace = 0`
- Removed the repository, repository_type, repository_web, github_user, repository_at, and homepage_url options. Replaced with github.user and homepage from the [AutoMetaResources] plugin.
- Removed the bugtracker_email and bugtracker_url. Replaced by [MetaResources] bugtracker.mailto and bugtracker.web
- Include [Git::Check] and [Git::Commit].
- Option dist is no longer required.
- Fix default and bugtracker.web values.
Build your distributions like Bioperl does
Configure your POD like Bioperl does