Games::Euchre::Player - Player class for Euchre card game
The four Player objects are used to interact with the humand and computer players, as well as to keep the state of the players hand, whether he bid and whether he went alone.
- getGame
Return the Euchre game instance to which this player belongs.
- setTeam TEAM
Record the Team instance that this player belongs to.
- getTeam
Return the Team instance to which this player belongs.
- setAI AI
Record the AI instance for this player.
- getAI
Return the AI instance for this player.
- setAlone
Indicate that this player has chosen to go alone in the current hand.
- setAlone
Indicate that this player has chosen to choose trump in the current hand.
- wentAlone
Returns a boolean indicating whether this player chose to go alone on a bid.
- isBidder
Returns a boolean indicating whether this player called the trump suit during bidding.
- getName
Return this player's name
- getNumber
Return this player's number, between 1 and 4
- getHand
Return the Games::Cards::Hand object representing this player's current hand.
- getCards
Return an array of the Games::Cards::Card objects held in the player's hand.
- resetGame
Clear all of the state for the current game and get ready for the next one.
- resetHand
Clear all of the state for the current hand and get ready for the next one.
- bid TURN
Allow the player to choose trump or pass. Returns one of: H, C, D, S, N, HA, CA, DA, SA, NA, or undef. If the player has an AI instance set, that is invoked. Otherwise a pathetically simple AI decides the bid.
- pickItUp
Allow the player, as dealer, to select which card to trade for the turned up card. This method performs the actual trade. If the player has an AI instance set, that is invoked. Otherwise a pathetically simple AI chooses the card.
- playCard TRICK
Allow the player to select which card to play on the current trick. This method performs the actual play. If the player has an AI instance set, that is invoked. Otherwise a pathetically simple AI chooses the card.
Given a bid, return a boolean indicating the validity of that bid. The bid is tested for structure (one of H, C, D, S, N, HA, CA, DA, SA, NA, or undef), tested against the bidding round (only the turned-up card suit can be called in round 1 , and may not be called in round 2), against the game options (hang-the-dealer, no-trump).
This is called from the bid() method.
GNU Public License, version 2
Chris Dolan,