File::KDBX::Entry - A KDBX database entry


version 0.900


An entry in a KDBX database is a record that can contains strings (also called "fields") and binaries (also called "files" or "attachments"). Every string and binary has a key or name. There is a default set of strings that every entry has:

  • Title

  • UserName

  • Password

  • URL

  • Notes

Beyond this, you can store any number of other strings and any number of binaries that you can use for whatever purpose you want.

There is also some metadata associated with an entry. Each entry in a database is identified uniquely by a UUID. An entry can also have an icon associated with it, and there are various timestamps. Take a look at the attributes to see what's available.

A File::KDBX::Entry is a subclass of File::KDBX::Object.


Entry string and auto-type key sequences can have placeholders or template tags that can be replaced by other values. Placeholders can appear like {PLACEHOLDER}. For example, a URL string might have a value of{USERNAME}. {USERNAME} is a placeholder for the value of the UserName string of the same entry. If the UserName string had a value of "batman", the URL string would expand to

Some placeholders take an argument, where the argument follows the tag after a colon but before the closing brace, like {PLACEHOLDER:ARGUMENT}.

Placeholders are documented in the KeePass Help Center. This software supports many (but not all) of the placeholders documented there.

Entry Placeholders

  • {TITLE} - Title string

  • {USERNAME} - UserName string

  • {PASSWORD} - Password string

  • {NOTES} - Notes string

  • {URL} - URL string





  • {URL:HOST}

  • {URL:PORT}

  • {URL:PATH}




  • {S:Name} - Custom string where Name is the name or key of the string

  • {UUID} - Identifier (32 hexidecimal characters)

  • {HMACOTP} - Generate an HMAC-based one-time password (its counter will be incremented)

  • {TIMEOTP} - Generate a time-based one-time password

  • {GROUP_NOTES} - Notes of the parent group

  • {GROUP_PATH} - Full path of the parent group

  • {GROUP} - Name of the parent group

Field References

File path Placeholders

  • {APPDIR} - Program directory path

  • {FIREFOX} - Path to the Firefox browser executable

  • {GOOGLECHROME} - Path to the Chrome browser executable

  • {INTERNETEXPLORER} - Path to the Firefox browser executable

  • {OPERA} - Path to the Opera browser executable

  • {SAFARI} - Path to the Safari browser executable

  • {DB_PATH} - Full file path of the database

  • {DB_DIR} - Directory path of the database

  • {DB_NAME} - File name (including extension) of the database

  • {DB_BASENAME} - File name (excluding extension) of the database

  • {DB_EXT} - File name extension

  • {ENV_DIRSEP} - Directory separator

  • {ENV_PROGRAMFILES_X86} - One of %ProgramFiles(x86)% or %ProgramFiles%

Date and Time Placeholders

  • {DT_SIMPLE} - Current local date and time as a sortable string

  • {DT_YEAR} - Year component of the current local date

  • {DT_MONTH} - Month component of the current local date

  • {DT_DAY} - Day component of the current local date

  • {DT_HOUR} - Hour component of the current local time

  • {DT_MINUTE} - Minute component of the current local time

  • {DT_SECOND} - Second component of the current local time

  • {DT_UTC_SIMPLE} - Current UTC date and time as a sortable string

  • {DT_UTC_YEAR} - Year component of the current UTC date

  • {DT_UTC_MONTH} - Month component of the current UTC date

  • {DT_UTC_DAY} - Day component of the current UTC date

  • {DT_UTC_HOUR} - Hour component of the current UTC time

  • {DT_UTC_MINUTE} Minute Year component of the current UTC time

  • {DT_UTC_SECOND} - Second component of the current UTC time

If the current date and time is 2012-07-25 17:05:34, the "simple" form would be 20120725170534.

Special Key Placeholders

Certain placeholders for use in auto-type key sequences are not supported for replacement, but they will remain as-is so that an auto-type engine (not included) can parse and replace them with the appropriate virtual key presses. For completeness, here is the list that the KeePass program claims to support:



{F1}, {F2}, {F3}, {F4}, {F5}, {F6}, {F7}, {F8}, {F9}, {F10}, {F11}, {F12}, {F13}, {F14}, {F15}, {F16}


Miscellaneous Placeholders

  • {BASE}











  • {CLIPBOARD-SET:/Text/}


  • {CMD:/CommandLine/Options/}

  • {C:Comment} - Comments are simply replaced by nothing

  • {ENV:} and %ENV% - Environment variables





  • {NEWPASSWORD:/Profile/}



  • {PICKCHARS:Field:Options}


  • {T-CONV:/Text/Type/}

  • {T-REPLACE-RX:/Text/Type/Replace/}

Some of these that remain unimplemented, such as {CLIPBOARD}, cannot be implemented portably. Some of these I haven't implemented (yet) just because they don't seem very useful. You can create your own placeholder to augment the list of default supported placeholders or to replace a built-in placeholder handler. To create a placeholder, just set it in the %File::KDBX::PLACEHOLDERS hash. For example:

    my ($entry) = @_;

If the placeholder is expanded in the context of an entry, $entry is the File::KDBX::Entry object in context. Otherwise it is undef. An entry is in context if, for example, the placeholder is in an entry's strings or auto-type key sequences.

    my ($entry, $arg) = @_;         #    ^ Notice the colon here

If the name of the placeholder ends in a colon, then it is expected to receive an argument. During expansion, everything after the colon and before the end of the placeholder is passed to your placeholder handler subroutine. So if the placeholder is {MY_PLACEHOLDER:whatever}, $arg will have the value whatever.

An argument is required for placeholders than take one. I.e. The placeholder handler won't be called if there is no argument. If you want a placeholder to support an optional argument, you'll need to set the placeholder both with and without a colon (or they could be different subroutines):

    (undef, my $arg) = @_;
    return defined $arg ? rand($arg) : rand;

You can also remove placeholder handlers. If you want to disable placeholder expansion entirely, just delete all the handlers:


One-time Passwords

An entry can be configured to generate one-time passwords, both HOTP (HMAC-based) and TOTP (time-based). The configuration storage isn't completely standardized, but this module supports two predominant configuration styles:

NOTE: To use this feature, you must install the suggested dependency:

To configure TOTP in the KeePassXC style, there is only one string to set: otp. The value should be any valid otpauth URI. When generating an OTP, all of the relevant OTP properties are parsed from the URI.

To configure TOTP in the KeePass 2 style, set the following strings:

  • TimeOtp-Algorithm - Cryptographic algorithm, one of HMAC-SHA-1 (default), HMAC-SHA-256 and HMAC-SHA-512

  • TimeOtp-Length - Number of digits each one-time password is (default: 6, maximum: 8)

  • TimeOtp-Period - Time-step size in seconds (default: 30)

  • TimeOtp-Secret - Text string secret, OR

  • TimeOtp-Secret-Hex - Hexidecimal-encoded secret, OR

  • TimeOtp-Secret-Base32 - Base32-encoded secret (most common), OR

  • TimeOtp-Secret-Base64 - Base64-encoded secret

To configure HOTP in the KeePass 2 style, set the following strings:

  • HmacOtp-Counter - Counting value in decimal, starts on 0 by default and increments when "hmac_otp" is called

  • HmacOtp-Secret - Text string secret, OR

  • HmacOtp-Secret-Hex - Hexidecimal-encoded secret, OR

  • HmacOtp-Secret-Base32 - Base32-encoded secret (most common), OR

  • HmacOtp-Secret-Base64 - Base64-encoded secret

NOTE: The multiple "Secret" strings are simply a way to store a secret in different formats. Only one of these should actually be set or an error will be thrown.

Here's a basic example:

$entry->string(otp => 'otpauth://totp/Issuer:user?secret=NBSWY3DP&issuer=Issuer');
# OR
$entry->string('TimeOtp-Secret-Base32' => 'NBSWY3DP');

my $otp = $entry->time_otp;



Text color represented as a string of the form #000000.


Background color represented as a string of the form #FFFFFF.




Whether or not the entry is eligible to be matched for auto-typing.


Whether or not to use some kind of obfuscation when sending keystroke sequences to applications.


The default auto-type keystroke sequence.


An array of window title / keystroke sequence associations.

    window              => 'Example Window Title',
    keystroke_sequence  => '{USERNAME}{TAB}{PASSWORD}{ENTER}',

Keystroke sequences can have </Placeholders>, most commonly {USERNAME} and {PASSWORD}.


Boolean indicating whether the entry password should be tested for weakness and show up in reports.


Hash with entry strings, including the standard strings as well as any custom ones.

    # Every entry has these five strings:
    Title    => { value => 'Example Entry' },
    UserName => { value => 'jdoe' },
    Password => { value => 's3cr3t', protect => true },
    URL      => { value => '' }
    Notes    => { value => '' },
    # May also have custom strings:
    MySystem => { value => 'The mainframe' },

There are methods available to provide more convenient access to strings, including "string", "string_value", "expand_string_value" and "string_peek".


Files or attachments. Binaries are similar to strings except they have a value of bytes instead of test characters.

    'myfile.txt'    => {
        value   => '...',
    'mysecrets.txt' => {
        value   => '...',
        protect => true,

There are methods available to provide more convenient access to binaries, including "binary" and "binary_value".


Array of historical entries. Historical entries are prior versions of the same entry so they all share the same UUID with the current entry.


Alias for the Notes string value.


Alias for the Password string value.


Alias for the Title string value.


Alias for the URL string value.


Aliases for the UserName string value.


Shortcut equivalent to ->expand_string_value('Notes').


Shortcut equivalent to ->expand_string_value('Password').


Shortcut equivalent to ->expand_string_value('Title').


Shortcut equivalent to ->expand_string_value('URL').


Shortcut equivalent to ->expand_string_value('UserName').



\%string = $entry->string($string_key);

$entry->string($string_key, \%string);
$entry->string($string_key, %attributes);
$entry->string($string_key, $value); # same as: value => $value

Get or set a string. Every string has a unique (to the entry) key and flags and so are returned as a hash structure. For example:

$string = {
    value   => 'Password',
    protect => true,    # optional

Every string should have a value (but might be undef due to memory protection) and these optional flags which might exist:

  • protect - Whether or not the string value should be memory-protected.


$string = $entry->string_value($string_key);

Access a string value directly. The arguments are the same as for "string". Returns undef if the string is not set or is currently memory-protected. This is just a shortcut for:

my $string = do {
    my $s = $entry->string(...);
    defined $s ? $s->{value} : undef;


$string = $entry->expand_string_value;

Same as "string_value" but will substitute placeholders and resolve field references. Any placeholders that do not expand to values are left as-is.

See "Placeholders".

Some placeholders (notably field references) require the entry be connected to a database and will throw an error if it is not.


$other = $entry->other_strings;
$other = $entry->other_strings($delimiter);

Get a concatenation of all non-standard string values. The default delimiter is a newline. This is is useful for executing queries to search for entities based on the contents of these other strings (if any).


$string = $entry->string_peek($string_key);

Same as "string_value" but can also retrieve the value from protected-memory if the value is currently protected.



Add a new auto-type association to an entry.


$string = $entry->expand_keystroke_sequence($keystroke_sequence);
$string = $entry->expand_keystroke_sequence(\%association);
$string = $entry->expand_keystroke_sequence;    # use default auto-type sequence

Get a keystroke sequence after placeholder expansion.


\%binary = $entry->binary($binary_key);

$entry->binary($binary_key, \%binary);
$entry->binary($binary_key, %attributes);
$entry->binary($binary_key, $value); # same as: value => $value

Get or set a binary. Every binary has a unique (to the entry) key and flags and so are returned as a hash structure. For example:

$binary = {
    value   => '...',
    protect => true,    # optional

Every binary should have a value (but might be undef due to memory protection) and these optional flags which might exist:

  • protect - Whether or not the binary value should be memory-protected.


$binary = $entry->binary_value($binary_key);

Access a binary value directly. The arguments are the same as for "binary". Returns undef if the binary is not set or is currently memory-protected. This is just a shortcut for:

my $binary = do {
    my $b = $entry->binary(...);
    defined $b ? $b->{value} : undef;


$otp = $entry->hmac_otp(%options);

Generate an HMAC-based one-time password, or undef if HOTP is not configured for the entry. The entry's strings generally must first be unprotected, just like when accessing the password. Valid options are:

  • counter - Specify the counter value

To configure HOTP, see "One-time Passwords".


$otp = $entry->time_otp(%options);

Generate a time-based one-time password, or undef if TOTP is not configured for the entry. The entry's strings generally must first be unprotected, just like when accessing the password. Valid options are:

  • now - Specify the value for determining the time-step counter

To configure TOTP, see "One-time Passwords".



$uri_string = $entry->hmac_otp_uri;
$uri_string = $entry->time_otp_uri;

Get a HOTP or TOTP otpauth URI for the entry, if available.

To configure OTP, see "One-time Passwords".


$size = $entry->size;

Get the size (in bytes) of an entry.

NOTE: This is not an exact figure because there is no canonical serialization of an entry. This size should only be used as a rough estimate for comparison with other entries or to impose data size limitations.


$size = $entry->history_size;

Get the size (in bytes) of all historical entries combined.


@removed_historical_entries = $entry->prune_history(%options);

Remove just as many older historical entries as necessary to get under the database limits. The limits are taken from the connected database (if any) or can be overridden with %options:

  • max_items - Maximum number of historical entries to keep (default: 10, no limit: -1)

  • max_size - Maximum total size (in bytes) of historical entries to keep (default: 6 MiB, no limit: -1)

  • max_age - Maximum age (in days) of historical entries to keep (default: 365, no limit: -1)



Add an entry to the history.



Remove an entry from the history.


$current_entry = $entry->current_entry;

Get an entry's current entry. If the entry itself is current (not historical), itself is returned.


$bool = $entry->is_current;

Get whether or not an entry is considered current (i.e. not historical). An entry is current if it is directly in the parent group's entry list.


$bool = $entry->is_historical;

Get whether or not an entry is considered historical (i.e. not current).

This is just the inverse of "is_current".


$entry = $entry->remove;

Remove an entry from its parent group. If the entry is historical, remove it from the history of the current entry. If the entry is current, this behaves the same as "remove" in File::KDBX::Object.


$bool = $entry->searching_enabled;

Get whether or not an entry may show up in search results. This is determine from the entry's parent group's "effective_enable_searching" in File::KDBX::Group value.

Throws if entry has no parent group or if the entry is not connected to a database.


Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website

When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature.


Charles McGarvey <>


This software is copyright (c) 2022 by Charles McGarvey.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.