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Math::Notation::PostfixInfix - Perl extension for Math Postfix and Infix Notation
use Math::Notation::PostfixInfix;
@array = Infix_to_Postfix ( "math infix expression" );
$string = Postfix_to_Infix ( @postfix_array_expression );
$bolean = Postfix_Test ( \@postfix_array_expression,
[ \&external_subrot, [ \@subrot_options ]]
This module was created to:
(a) Convert INFIX expressions to POSTFIX;
(b) Convert POSTFIX expressions to INFIX and;
(c) Perform POSTFIX context validations.
Context validation can be implemented in item selection routines or data context validation, when it is possible to identify data to be selected or ignored in some data analysis process.
See the section "RECIPES" at the bottom of this document for solutions to common usage!
The examples below were created in the hope that it will be useful.
- 1) Converting Infix notation:
use Math::Notation::PostfixInfix; my @array = Math::Notation::PostfixInfix->Infix_to_Postfix ("a && b || c && d");
@array = [ "a", "b", "&", "c", "d", "&", "|" ];
- 2) Convertion Postfix notation:
use Math::Notation::PostfixInfix; my $string = Math::Notation::PostfixInfix->Infix_to_Postfix ( [ "a","b","&","c","d","&","|" ] ); or my $string = Math::Notation::PostfixInfix->Infix_to_Postfix ( \@array );
$string = "a and b or c and d";
- 3) Context Validation, sample 1of2:
use Math::Notation::PostfixInfix; my $mymod = new Math::Notation::PostfixInfix; my %hash = ( A=>1, B=>0, C=>1, D=>0 ); my @array = ( [$mymod->Infix_to_Postfix("A && B && C && D")], [$mymod->Infix_to_Postfix("A && B || C && D")], [$mymod->Infix_to_Postfix("A && B || C && D")], [$mymod->Infix_to_Postfix("A || B && C || D")], [$mymod->Infix_to_Postfix("A || B || C || D")], ); print "test1 = ".$mymod->Postfix_Test($array[0],\&subrot)."\n"; print "test2 = ".$mymod->Postfix_Test($array[1],\&subrot)."\n"; print "test3 = ".$mymod->Postfix_Test($array[2],\&subrot)."\n"; print "test4 = ".$mymod->Postfix_Test($array[3],\&subrot)."\n"; print "test5 = ".$mymod->Postfix_Test($array[4],\&subrot)."\n"; exit; # rule = field information # oper = operator (lt,le,eq,gt,ge,*) ('*' is no operator found) # val1 = left part of field information (for 'oper' not '*') # val2 = right part of field information (for 'oper' not '*') # opts = subroutine options passed on Postfix_Test (3rd args) sub subrot { my $rule = shift; # full field information my $oper = shift; # may be: lt, le, eq, gt, ge, '*' my $val1 = shift; # value is '0' if oper = '*' my $val2 = shift; # value is '0' if oper = '*' my $opts = shift; # subroution options return $hash{$rule}; }
test1 = 0 test2 = 0 test3 = 0 test4 = 1 test5 = 1
- 4) Context Validation, sample 2of2:
#/usr/bin/perl # ##file: /tmp/t use Math::Notation::PostfixInfix; ## testing arguments # die "$0 argv1 is missing" if (!@ARGV); ## convertin args as string e get the postfix rule # my $mymod = new Math::Notation::PostfixInfix; my @rule = $mymod->Infix_to_Postfix(join(" ",@ARGV)); print "rule: [ ",join(", ",@rule)," ]\n\n"; ## test and select the data base the rule # while (my $buf = <DATA>) { $buf =~ s/[\n\r]//g; ## matching formated data # if ($buf =~ /^(.*),(.*),(.*)$/i) { ## initialize the fields to test # my %test = (country=>$1, name=>$2, genre=>$3); ## apply the rules on the fields # ($mymod->Postfix_Test(\@rule,\&subrot,\%test)) ? print "[match]" : print "[unmatch]"; } ## unmatching dat record # else {print "[regexp-error]";} ## append the data record on the status # print " ",$buf,"\n"; } undef($fh); ## my context test # sub subrot { ## get the envs # my $rule = shift; my $oper = shift; my $val1 = shift; my $val2 = shift; my $test = shift; ## return as match if equal/match and data match # return 1 if ($oper eq "eq" && $test->{$val1} eq $val2); ## return as match if notequal/operator and data mismatch # return 1 if ($oper eq "ne" && $test->{$val1} ne $val2); ## otherwise return as umatch # return 0; } exit; __DATA__ usa,peter,male brazil,mary,female france,jean,male france,maria,female
# perl /tmp/t country eq france rule: [ country eq france ] [unmatch] usa,peter,male [unmatch] brazil,mary,female [match] france,jean,male [match] france,maria,female # perl /tmp/t country eq france and name ne jean rule: [ country eq france, name ne jean, & ] [unmatch] usa,peter,male [unmatch] brazil,mary,female [unmatch] france,jean,male [match] france,maria,female
Carlos Celso, <ccelso@cpan.org>
Copyright (C) 2022 by Carlos Celso
This package is free software; can, at your discretion, also be used, modified and redistributed under the terms of the "GPLv3 - GNU Library General Public License".