Catalyst::Model::DBIDM - DBIx::DataModel model class
Version 0.03
Create the DBIx::DataModel schema in MyApp/
package MyApp::Schema; use DBIx::DataModel; DBIx::DataModel->Schema('MyApp::DM'); MyApp::DM->Table(qw/ MyApp::DM::Employee employee emp_id /); MyApp::DM->Table(qw/ MyApp::DM::Department department dpt_id /); ...
Notice that the DBIx::DataModel schema is MyApp::DM, not MyApp::Model::DM. It is usable as a standalone schema, without the need for Catalyst. In fact, it does not even need to be in the MyApp namespace.
To expose it to Catalyst as a model, create a DM model in MyApp/Model/
package MyApp::Model::DM; use base qw/ Catalyst::Model::DBIDM /; use MyApp::Schema; # to create the classes MyApp::DM __PACKAGE__->config( schema_class => 'MyApp::DM', connect_info => [ 'dbi:...', 'username', 'password', { RaiseError => 1 }, ], );
Now you have a working model, bound to your DBIx::DataModel schema, that can be accessed the Catalyst way, using $c->model().
my $employee = $c->model('DM::Employee')->fetch(1);
merely returns the string "MyApp::DM", i.e., the name of the DBIx::DataModel schema, but it also ensures that it is connected to the database, as configured in the connect_info
configuration entry.
(or any other table declared in MyApp::Schema) does the same (returns the string "MyApp::DM::Employee", and connects to the database if need be).
- new
Constructor. It creates an
method for theMyApp::Model::DM
class and for pseudo-classes for each of the schema's tables (MyApp::Model::DM::Employee
, etc.)This allows the Catalyst application to invoke
prior to calling$c->model('DM')
and still have the schema initialised properly.The
methods invoke the connect_if_not() method before returning the Schema class name or the Table class name:$c->model('DM'); # "MyApp::DM" $c->model('DM::Employee'); # "MyApp::DM::Employee"
The pseudo-classes name are elaborated as follows:
Take the class name as returned by the Schema's tables() method (
).Remove the Schema class name (
), if possible, which leavesEmployee
.Prepend with the Model class name (
), resulting inMyApp::Model::DM::Employee
, which can be called with$c->model('DM::Employee')
The Table class names need not be in the same namespace as the Schema class: if the substitution at step 2 fails, the Model class name is prepended to the full Table class name.
# In MyApp::Schema DBIx::DataModel->Schema('MyApp::DM'); MyApp::DM->Table(qw/ Employee employee emp_id /); # In MyApp::Model::DM use base qw/ Catalyst::Model::DBIDM /; __PACKAGE__->config( schema_class => 'MyApp::DM', ... ); # In some controller code $c->model('DM::Employee')->fetch(1); # Employee->fetch(1);
- connect_if_not
Initialises the Schema (i.e., connects to the database), if not already done. This method returns immediately if the Schema class already has a dbh() (See DBIx::DataModel). If not, it creates a database handler by invoking
with theconnect_info
parameters from the configuration.This method receives
and the Schema class name as arguments.
Catalyst::Manual, Catalyst::Helper::Model::DBIDM
Cedric Bouvier, <cbouvi at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-catalyst-model-dbidm at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Catalyst::Model::DBIDM
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Praises go to Laurent Dami for writing DBIx::DataModel, and to Brandon L Black, for writing Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema, a great source of inspiration.
Copyright 2007 Cedric Bouvier, all rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.