Changes for version 1.169

  • Clusplus example. Start from the documentation. For Luis see file tt2/cplusplus
  • This important bug was fixed: There is s.t. wrong in reuseconflicthandler.eyp and noPackratSolvedExpRGconcept.eyp. why is it that we have to specify a reduction by 'end of input' when there is no conflict for such token?????


A Perl front-end to the Parse::Eyapp module
Tree Matching and Tree substitution: an introduction
Tutorial on Using Parse::Eyapp as a Data Generator for Testing
Solving ambiguities and fixing lexical, syntactic and semantic errors
Introduction to Default Actions and Grammar Reuse
An introduction to Parse::Eyapp
The Eyapp language reference manual
Introduction to Translation Schemes in Eyapp
Compiler for Tree Regular Expressions
Produces a graph for a Eyapp grammar or a tree term


Bottom up parser generator
Miscellaneous support functions for Parse::Eyapp
The LR parser
The nodes of the Syntax Trees
The parser of Eyapp grammars
Support for Scope Analysis
Support for Using Parse::Eyapp as a Data Generator
Tree transformations
Tree transformation objects


in lib/Parse/Eyapp/
in lib/Parse/Eyapp/
in lib/Parse/Eyapp/
in lib/Parse/Eyapp/
in lib/Parse/Eyapp/
in lib/Parse/Eyapp/
in lib/Parse/Eyapp/
in lib/Parse/Eyapp/
