Parse::Eyapp - Extensions for Parse::Yapp
use Parse::Eyapp;
use Parse::Eyapp::Treeregexp;
sub TERMINAL::info {
my $grammar = q{
%right '=' # Lowest precedence
%left '-' '+' # + and - have more precedence than = Disambiguate a-b-c as (a-b)-c
%left '*' '/' # * and / have more precedence than + Disambiguate a/b/c as (a/b)/c
%left NEG # Disambiguate -a-b as (-a)-b and not as -(a-b)
%tree # Let us build an abstract syntax tree ...
exp <%name EXPRESSION_LIST + ';'>
{ $_[1] } /* list of expressions separated by ';' */
/* The %name directive defines the name of the class to
which the node being built belongs */
%name NUM
| %name VAR
| %name ASSIGN
VAR '=' exp
| %name PLUS
exp '+' exp
| %name MINUS
exp '-' exp
| %name TIMES
exp '*' exp
| %name DIV
exp '/' exp
| %name UMINUS
'-' exp %prec NEG
| '(' exp ')'
{ $_[2] } /* Let us simplify a bit the tree */
sub _Error { die "Syntax error near ".($_[0]->YYCurval?$_[0]->YYCurval:"end of file")."\n" }
sub _Lexer {
my($parser)=shift; # The parser object
for ($parser->YYData->{INPUT}) { # Topicalize
$_ eq '' and return('',undef);
m{\G([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)}gc and return('NUM',$1);
m{\G([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*)}gc and return('VAR',$1);
m{\G(.)}gcs and return($1,$1);
sub Run {
$self->YYParse( yylex => \&_Lexer, yyerror => \&_Error, );
}; # end grammar
our (@all, $uminus);
Parse::Eyapp->new_grammar( # Create the parser package/class
classname=>'Calc', # The name of the package containing the parser
firstline=>7 # String $grammar starts at line 7 (for error diagnostics)
my $parser = Calc->new(); # Create a parser
$parser->YYData->{INPUT} = "2*-3+b*0;--2\n"; # Set the input
my $t = $parser->Run; # Parse it!
local $Parse::Eyapp::Node::INDENT=2;
print "Syntax Tree:",$t->str;
# Let us transform the tree. Define the tree-regular expressions ..
my $p = Parse::Eyapp::Treeregexp->new( STRING => q{
{ # Example of support code
my %Op = (PLUS=>'+', MINUS => '-', TIMES=>'*', DIV => '/');
constantfold: /TIMES|PLUS|DIV|MINUS/:bin(NUM($x), NUM($y))
=> {
my $op = $Op{ref($bin)};
$x->{attr} = eval "$x->{attr} $op $y->{attr}";
$_[0] = $NUM[0];
uminus: UMINUS(NUM($x)) => { $x->{attr} = -$x->{attr}; $_[0] = $NUM }
zero_times_whatever: TIMES(NUM($x), .) and { $x->{attr} == 0 } => { $_[0] = $NUM }
whatever_times_zero: TIMES(., NUM($x)) and { $x->{attr} == 0 } => { $_[0] = $NUM }
$p->generate(); # Create the tranformations
$t->s($uminus); # Transform UMINUS nodes
$t->s(@all); # constant folding and mult. by zero
local $Parse::Eyapp::Node::INDENT=0;
print "\nSyntax Tree after transformations:\n",$t->str,"\n";
Parse::Eyapp (Extended yapp) is a collection of modules that extends Francois Desarmenien Parse::Yapp 1.05. Eyapp extends yacc/yapp syntax with functionalities like named attributes, EBNF-like expressions, modifiable default action (like Parse::RecDescent autoaction), grammar reuse, automatic abstract syntax tree building, syntax directed data generation, translation schemes, tree regular expressions, tree transformations, scope analysis support, directed acyclic graphs and a few more.
Parse-Eyapp LALR parsing engine provides mechanisms for the dynamic resolution (i.e. at parsing time and not at grammar compilation time) of shift-reduce and reduce-reduce conflicts that can not be satisfactorily solved using static precedences. Parse-Eyapp also provide means to solve the problem of languages where the token's type depends upon contextual information like in the well known PL/I statement:
if then=if then if=then
The documentation is distributed among several files:
To get familiar with
read Parse::Eyapp::eyappintro and Parse::Eyapp::debuggingtut. It assumes a reader familiar with parsing techniques. Familiarity withyacc
or similar tools will help but it is not indispensable.The document Parse::Eyapp::defaultactionsintro describes the use of default actions and how to deal with grammar reuse and factorization.
The document Parse::Eyapp::eyapplanguageref describes the Eyapp language.
Parse::Eyapp can be used to generate data that conforms with a given grammar. The tutorial Parse::Eyapp::datagenerationtut shows how.
The document Parse::Eyapp::translationschemestut describes the use of Translation Schemes inside the Eyapp language.
The Treeregexp language is described in Parse::Eyapp::Treeregexp. Treeregexp is a language to describe transformations of abstract syntax trees.
Read Parse::Eyapp::Scope to know about the functionalities provided for Scope Analysis.
A set of basic miscellaneous support functions are described in Parse::Eyapp::Base. Several of these functions are related to the dynamic use of methods and subroutines.
Don't forget to read the section "BUGS AND LIMITATIONS"
The examples used in this document can be found in the directory examples/Eyapp
accompanying this distribution. As a general rule, each pod/tutorial has an associated subdirectory of examples/Eyapp
. Thus, the examples used in the documentation of Parse::Eyapp::eyappintro can be found in examples/Eyapp/eyappintro
; The examples mentioned in Parse::Eyapp::Node can be found in examples/Eyapp/Node
. There are a few exceptions however. For those exceptions the relative location where the file can be found will be mentioned.
Eyapp Grammar
This section describes the syntax of the Eyapp language using its own notation. The grammar extends yacc and yapp grammars. Semicolons have been omitted to save space. Between C-like comments you can find an (informal) explanation of the language associated with each token.
Parse-Eyapp/lib/Parse/Eyapp$ eyapp -c Parse.yp | cat -n
1 %token ASSOC /* is %(left|right|nonassoc) */
2 %token BEGINCODE /* is %begin { Perl code ... } */
3 %token CODE /* is { Perl code ... } */
4 %token DEFAULTACTION /* is %defaultaction */
5 %token EXPECT /* is %expect */
6 %token HEADCODE /* is %{ Perl code ... %} */
7 %token IDENT /* is [A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]* */
8 %token LITERAL /* is a string literal like 'hello' */
9 %token METATREE /* is %metatree */
10 %token NAME /* is %name */
11 %token NAMINGSCHEME /* is %namingscheme */
12 %token NOCOMPACT /* is %nocompact */
13 %token NUMBER /* is \d+ */
14 %token OPTION /* is (%name\s*([A-Za-z_]\w*)\s*)?\? */
15 %token PLUS /* is (%name\s*([A-Za-z_]\w*)\s*)?\+ */
16 %token PREC /* is %prec */
17 %token PREFIX /* is %prefix\s+([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_:]*::) */
18 %token SEMANTIC /* is %semantic\s+token */
19 %token STAR /* is (%name\s*([A-Za-z_]\w*)\s*)?\* */
20 %token START /* is %start */
21 %token STRICT /* is %strict */
22 %token SYNTACTIC /* is %syntactic\s+token */
23 %token TAILCODE /* is { Perl code ... } */
24 %token TOKEN /* is %token */
25 %token TREE /* is %tree */
26 %token TYPE /* is %type */
27 %token UNION /* is %union */
28 %start eyapp
30 %%
32 # Main rule
33 eyapp:
34 head body tail
35 ;
36 #Common rules:
37 symbol:
39 | ident #default action
40 ;
41 ident:
43 ;
44 # Head section:
45 head:
46 headsec '%%'
47 ;
48 headsec:
49 #empty #default action
50 | decls #default action
51 ;
52 decls:
53 decls decl #default action
54 | decl #default action
55 ;
56 decl:
57 '\n' #default action
58 | SEMANTIC typedecl symlist '\n'
59 | SYNTACTIC typedecl symlist '\n'
60 | TOKEN typedecl symlist '\n'
61 | ASSOC typedecl symlist '\n'
62 | START ident '\n'
63 | PREFIX '\n'
65 | HEADCODE '\n'
66 | UNION CODE '\n' #ignore
68 | TREE '\n'
69 | METATREE '\n'
70 | STRICT '\n'
71 | NOCOMPACT '\n'
72 | TYPE typedecl identlist '\n'
75 | error '\n'
76 ;
77 typedecl:
78 #empty
79 | '<' IDENT '>'
80 ;
81 symlist:
82 symlist symbol
83 | symbol
84 ;
85 identlist:
86 identlist ident
87 | ident
88 ;
89 # Rule section
90 body:
91 rulesec '%%'
92 | '%%'
93 ;
94 rulesec:
95 rulesec rules #default action
96 | startrules #default action
97 ;
98 startrules:
99 IDENT ':' rhss ';'
100 | error ';'
101 ;
102 rules:
103 IDENT ':' rhss ';'
104 | error ';'
105 ;
106 rhss:
107 rhss '|' rule
108 | rule
109 ;
110 rule:
111 optname rhs prec epscode
112 | optname rhs
113 ;
114 rhs:
115 #empty #default action (will return undef)
116 | rhselts #default action
117 ;
118 rhselts:
119 rhselts rhseltwithid
120 | rhseltwithid
121 ;
122 rhseltwithid:
123 rhselt '.' IDENT
124 | '$' rhselt
125 | '$' error
126 | rhselt
127 ;
128 rhselt:
129 symbol
130 | code
131 | '(' optname rhs ')'
132 | rhselt STAR
133 | rhselt '<' STAR symbol '>'
134 | rhselt OPTION
135 | rhselt '<' PLUS symbol '>'
136 | rhselt PLUS
137 ;
138 optname:
139 /* empty */
141 ;
142 prec:
143 PREC symbol
144 ;
145 epscode:
146 | code
147 ;
148 code:
149 CODE
151 ;
152 # Tail section:
153 tail:
154 /*empty*/
156 ;
158 %%
The semantic of Eyapp
agrees with the semantic of yacc
and yapp
for all the common constructions.
Comments are either Perl style, from #
up to the end of line, or C style, enclosed between /*
and */
Syntactic Variables, Symbolic Tokens and String Literals
Two kind of symbols may appear inside a Parse::Eyapp program: Non-terminal symbols or syntactic variables, called also left-hand-side symbols and Terminal symbols, called also Tokens.
Tokens are the symbols the lexical analyzer function returns to the parser. There are two kinds of tokens: symbolic tokens and string literals.
Syntactic variables and symbolic tokens identifiers must conform to the regular expression [A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*
When building the syntax tree (i.e. when running under the %tree
directive) symbolic tokens will be considered semantic tokens (see section "Syntactic and Semantic tokens"). Symbolic tokens yield nodes in the Abstract Syntax Tree.
String literals are enclosed in single quotes and can contain almost anything. They will be received by the parser as double-quoted strings. Any special character as '"'
, '$'
and '@'
is escaped. To have a single quote inside a literal, escape it with '\'.
When building the syntax tree (i.e. when running under the %tree
directive) string literals will be considered syntactic tokens (see section "Syntactic and Semantic tokens"). Syntactic tokens do not produce nodes in the Abstract Syntax Tree.
The examples used along this document can be found in the directory examples/eyapplanguageref
accompanying this distribution.
Parts of an eyapp
An Eyapp program has three parts called head, body and tail:
eyapp: head body tail ;
Each part is separated from the former by the symbol %%
head: headsec '%%'
body: rulesec '%%'
The head section contains a list of declarations
headsec: decl *
There are different kinds of declarations.
This reference does not fully describes all the declarations that are shared with yacc
and yapp.
Example of Head Section
In this and the next sections we will describe the basics of the Eyapp language using the file examples/eyapplanguageref/Calc.eyp
that accompanies this distribution. This file implements a trivial calculator. Here is the header section:
pl@nereida:~/src/perl/YappWithDefaultAction/examples$ sed -ne '1,11p' Calc.eyp | cat -n
1 # examples/eyapplanguageref/Calc.eyp
2 %right '='
3 %left '-' '+'
4 %left '*' '/'
5 %left NEG
6 %right '^'
7 %{
8 my %s; # symbol table
9 %}
11 %%
Declarations and Precedence
Lines 2-5 declare several tokens. The usual way to declare tokens is through the %token
directive. The declarations %nonassoc
, %left
and %right
not only declare the tokens but also associate a priority with them. Tokens declared in the same line have the same precedence. Tokens declared with these directives in lines below have more precedence than those declared above. Thus, in the example above we are saying that "+"
and "-"
have the same precedence but higher precedence than =. The final effect of "-"
having greater precedence than = will be that an expression like:
a = 4 - 5
will be interpreted as
a = (4 - 5)
and not as
(a = 4) - 5
The use of the %left
indicates that - in case of ambiguity and a match between precedences - the parser must build the tree corresponding to a left parenthesizing. Thus, the expression
4 - 5 - 9
will be interpreted as
(4 - 5) - 9
You can refer to the token end-of-input in the header section using the string ''
(for example to give it some priority, see the example in examples/debuggingtut/typicalrrwithprec.eyp
Header Code
Perl code surrounded by %{
and %}
can be inserted in the head section. Such code will be inserted in the module generated by eyapp
near the beginning. Therefore, declarations like the one of the calculator symbol table %s
7 %{
8 my %s; # symbol table
9 %}
will be visible from almost any point in the file.
The Start Symbol of the Grammar
%start program
declares program
as the start symbol of the grammar. When %start
is not used, the first rule in the body section will be used.
The %expect #NUMBER
directive works as in bison
and suppress warnings when the number of Shift/Reduce conflicts is exactly #NUMBER
The directive has been extended to be called with two numbers:
no warnings will be emitted if the number of shift-reduce conflicts is exactly NUMSHIFTRED
and the number of reduce-reduce conflicts is NUMREDRED
Type and Union
C oriented declarations like %type
and %union
are parsed but ignored.
The %strict
By default, identifiers appearing in the rule section will be classified as terminal if they don't appear in the left hand side of any production rules.
The directive %strict
forces the declaration of all tokens. The following eyapp
program issues a warning:
pl@nereida:~/LEyapp/examples/eyapplanguageref$ cat -n bugyapp2.eyp
1 %strict
2 %%
3 expr: NUM;
4 %%
pl@nereida:~/LEyapp/examples/eyapplanguageref$ eyapp bugyapp2.eyp
Warning! Non declared token NUM at line 3 of bugyapp2.eyp
To keep silent the compiler declare all tokens using one of the token declaration directives (%token
, %left
, etc.)
pl@nereida:~/LEyapp/examples/eyapplanguageref$ cat -n bugyapp3.eyp
1 %strict
2 %token NUM
3 %%
4 expr: NUM;
5 %%
pl@nereida:~/LEyapp/examples/eyapplanguageref$ eyapp bugyapp3.eyp
pl@nereida:~/LEyapp/examples/eyapplanguageref$ ls -ltr | tail -1
-rw-r--r-- 1 pl users 2395 2008-10-02 09:41
It is a good practice to use %strict
at the beginning of your grammar.
The %prefix
The %prefix
directive is equivalent to the use of the yyprefix
. The node classes are prefixed with the specified prefix
%prefix Some::Prefix::
See the example in examples/eyapplanguageref/
. See also section "Grammar Reuse" in Parse::Eyapp::defaultactionsintro for an example that does not involve the %tree
Default Action Directive
In Parse::Eyapp
you can modify the default action using the %defaultaction { Perl code }
directive. See section "DEFAULT ACTIONS". The examples examples/eyapplanguageref/Postfix.eyp
and examples/eyapplanguageref/Lhs.eyp
illustrate the use of the directive.
Tree Construction Directives
facilitates the construction of concrete syntax trees and abstract syntax trees (abbreviated AST from now on) through the %tree
and %metatree
directives. See sections "ABSTRACT SYNTAX TREES: %tree AND %name" and Parse::Eyapp::translationschemestut.
Tokens and the Abstract Syntax Tree
The new token declaration directives %syntactic token
and %semantic token
can change the way eyapp
builds the abstract syntax tree. See section "Syntactic and Semantic tokens".
The %nocompact
This directive influences the generation of the LALR tables. They will not be compacted and the tokens for the DEFAULT
reduction will be explicitly set. It can be used to produce an .output
file (option -v
) with more information.
The body section contains the rules describing the grammar:
body: rules * '%%'
rules: IDENT ':' rhss ';'
rhss: (optname rhs (prec epscode)?) <+ '|'>
A rule is made of a left-hand-side symbol (the syntactic variable), followed by a ':'
and one or more right-hand-sides (or productions) separated by '|'
and terminated by a ';'
like in:
exp '+' exp
| exp '-' exp
A production (right hand side) may be empty:
/* empty */
| input line
The former two productions can be abbreviated as
line *
The operators *
, +
and ?
are presented in section "LISTS AND OPTIONALS".
A syntactic variable cannot appear more than once as a rule name (This differs from yacc
). So you can't write
thing: foo bar ;
thing: foo baz ;
instead, write:
foo bar
| foo baz
Semantic Values and Semantic Actions
In Parse::Eyapp
a production rule
A -> X_1 X_2 ... X_n
can be followed by a semantic action:
A -> X_1 X_2 ... X_n { Perl Code }
Such semantic action is nothing but Perl code that will be treated as an anonymous subroutine. The semantic action associated with production rule A -> X_1 X_2 ... X_n
is executed after any actions associated with the subtrees of X_1
, X_2
, ..., X_n
. Eyapp
parsers build the syntax tree using a left-right bottom-up traverse of the syntax tree. Each times the Parser visits the node associated with the production A -> X_1 X_2 ... X_n
the associated semantic action is called. Associated with each symbol of a Parse::Eyapp grammar there is a scalar Semantic Value or Attribute. The semantic values of terminals are provided by the lexical analyzer. In the calculator example (see file examples/eyapplanguageref/Calc.yp
in the distribution), the semantic value associated with an expression is its numeric value. Thus in the rule:
exp '+' exp { $_[1] + $_[3] }
refers to the attribute of the first exp
, $_[2]
is the attribute associated with '+'
, which is the second component of the pair provided by the lexical analyzer and $_[3]
refers to the attribute of the second exp
When the semantic action/anonymous subroutine is called, the arguments are as follows:
are the attributes of the symbolsX_1
, ...,X_n
. Just as$1
is the parser object itself. Having$_[0]
being the parser object itself allows you to call parser methods. Mostyacc
macros have been converted into parser methods. See section "METHODS AVAILABLE IN THE GENERATED CLASS" in Parse::Eyapp.
The returned value will be the attribute associated with the left hand side of the production.
Names can be given to the attributes using the dot notation (see file examples/eyapplanguageref/CalcSimple.eyp
exp.left '+' exp.right { $left + $right }
See section "NAMES FOR ATTRIBUTES" for more details about the dot and dollar notations.
If no action is specified and no %defaultaction
is specified the default action
{ $_[1] }
will be executed instead. See section "DEFAULT ACTIONS" to know more.
Actions in Mid-Rule
Actions can be inserted in the middle of a production like in:
block: '{'.bracket { $ids->begin_scope(); } declaration*.decs statement*.sts '}' { ... }
A middle production action is managed by inserting a new rule in the grammar and associating the semantic action with it:
Temp: /* empty */ { $ids->begin_scope(); }
Middle production actions can refer to the attributes on its left. They count as one of the components of the production. Thus the program:
pl@nereida:~/src/perl/YappWithDefaultAction/examples$ sed -ne '1,4p' intermediateaction2.yp
S: 'a' { $_[1]x4 }.mid 'a' { print "$_[2], $mid, $_[3]\n"; }
The auxiliar syntactic variables are named @#position-#order
where #position
is the position of the action in the rhs and order
is an ordinal number. See the .output
file for the former example:
pl@nereida:~/src/perl/YappWithDefaultAction/examples$ eyapp -v intermediateaction2.yp
pl@nereida:~/src/perl/YappWithDefaultAction/examples$ sed -ne '1,5p' intermediateaction2.output
0: $start -> S $end
1: S -> 'a' @1-1 'a'
2: @1-1 -> /* empty */
when given input aa
the execution will produce as output aaaa, aaaa, a
Example of Body Section
Following with the calculator example, the body is:
pl@nereida:~/src/perl/YappWithDefaultAction/examples$ sed -ne '12,48p' Calc.eyp | cat -n
1 start:
2 input { \%s }
3 ;
5 input: line *
6 ;
8 line:
9 '\n' { undef }
10 | exp '\n' { print "$_[1]\n" if defined($_[1]); $_[1] }
11 | error '\n'
12 {
13 $_[0]->YYErrok;
14 undef
15 }
16 ;
18 exp:
19 NUM
20 | $VAR { $s{$VAR} }
21 | $VAR '=' $exp { $s{$VAR} = $exp }
22 | exp.left '+' exp.right { $left + $right }
23 | exp.left '-' exp.right { $left - $right }
24 | exp.left '*' exp.right { $left * $right }
25 | exp.left '/' exp.right
26 {
27 $_[3] and return($_[1] / $_[3]);
28 $_[0]->YYData->{ERRMSG} = "Illegal division by zero.\n";
29 $_[0]->YYError; # Pretend that a syntactic error occurred: _Error will be called
30 undef
31 }
32 | '-' $exp %prec NEG { -$exp }
33 | exp.left '^' exp.right { $left ** $right }
34 | '(' $exp ')' { $exp }
35 ;
37 %%
This example does not uses any of the Eyapp extensions (with the exception of the star list at line 5) and the dot and dollar notations. Please, see the Parse::Yapp pages and elsewhere documentation on yacc
and bison
for more information.
Solving Ambiguities and Conflicts
When Eyapp analyzes a grammar like:
examples/eyapplanguageref$ cat -n ambiguities.eyp
1 %%
2 exp:
4 | exp '-' exp
5 ;
6 %%
it will produce a warning announcing the existence of shift-reduce conflicts:
examples/eyapplanguageref$ eyapp ambiguities.eyp
1 shift/reduce conflict (see .output file)
State 5: reduce by rule 2: exp -> exp '-' exp (default action)
State 5: shifts:
to state 3 with '-'
when eyapp
finds warnings automatically produces a .output
file describing the conflict.
What the warning is saying is that an expression like exp '-' exp
(rule 2) followed by a minus '-'
can be parsed in more than one way. If we have an input like NUM - NUM - NUM
the activity of a LALR(1) parser (the family of parsers to which Eyapp belongs) consists of a sequence of shift and reduce actions. A shift action has as consequence the reading of the next token. A reduce action is finding a production rule that matches and substituting the rhs of the production by the lhs. For input NUM - NUM - NUM
the activity will be as follows (the dot is used to indicate where the next input token is):
.NUM - NUM - NUM # shift
NUM.- NUM - NUM # reduce exp: NUM
exp.- NUM - NUM # shift
exp -.NUM - NUM # shift
exp - NUM.- NUM # reduce exp: NUM
exp - exp.- NUM # shift/reduce conflict
up this point two different decisions can be taken: the next description can be
exp.- NUM # reduce by exp: exp '-' exp (rule 2)
exp - exp -.NUM # shift '-' (to state 3)
that is why it is called a shift-reduce conflict.
That is also the reason for the precedence declarations in the head section. Another kind of conflicts are reduce-reduce conflicts. They arise when more that rhs can be applied for a reduction action.
Eyapp solves the conflicts applying the following rules:
In a shift/reduce conflict, the default is the shift.
In a reduce/reduce conflict, the default is to reduce by the earlier grammar production (in the input sequence).
Precedences and associativities can be given to tokens in the declarations section. This is made by a sequence of lines beginning with one of the directives:
, or%nonassoc
, followed by a list of tokens. All the tokens on the same line have the same precedence and associativity; the lines are listed in order of increasing precedence.A precedence and associativity is associated with each grammar production; it is the precedence and associativity of the last token or literal in the right hand side of the production.
directive can be used when a rhs is involved in a conflict and has no tokens inside or it has but the precedence of the last token leads to an incorrect interpretation. A rhs can be followed by an optional%prec token
directive giving the production the precedence of thetoken
exp: '-' exp %prec NEG { -$_[1] }
If there is a shift/reduce conflict, and both the grammar production and the input token have precedence and associativity associated with them, then the conflict is solved in favor of the action (shift or reduce) associated with the higher precedence. If the precedences are the same, then the associativity is used; left associative implies reduce, right associative implies shift, and non associative implies error. The last is used to describe operators, like the operator
in FORTRAN, that may not associate with themselves. That is, becauseA .LT. B .LT. C
is invalid in FORTRAN,
would be described with the keyword%nonassoc
in eyapp.
To solve a shift-reduce conflict between a production A --> SOMETHING
and a token 'a'
you can follow this procedure:
- 1. Edit the
file - 2. Search for the state where the conflict between the production and the token is. In our example it looks like:
pl@nereida:~/src/perl/YappWithDefaultAction/examples$ sed -ne '56,65p' ambiguities.output State 5: exp -> exp . '-' exp (Rule 2) exp -> exp '-' exp . (Rule 2) '-' shift, and go to state 3 '-' [reduce using rule 2 (exp)] $default reduce using rule 2 (exp)
- 3. Inside the state there has to be a production of the type
(with the dot at the end) indicating that a reduction must take place. There has to be also another production of the formA --> prefix . suffix
, where suffix can start with the involved token'a'
. - 4. Decide what action shift or reduce matches the kind of trees you want. In this example we want
to produce a tree likeMINUS(MINUS(NUM, NUM), NUM)
. We want the conflict inexp - exp.- NUM
to be solved in favor of the reduction byexp: exp '-' exp
. This is achieved by declaring%left '-'
Error Recovery
The token name error
is reserved for error handling. This name can be used in grammar productions; it suggests places where errors are expected, and recovery can take place:
'\n' { undef }
| exp '\n' { print "$_[1]\n" if defined($_[1]); $_[1] }
| error '\n'
The parser pops its stack until it enters a state where the token error
is legal. It then shifts the token error
and proceeds to discard tokens until finding one that is acceptable. In the example all the tokens until finding a '\n'
will be skipped. If no special error productions have been specified, the processing will halt.
In order to prevent a cascade of error messages, the parser, after detecting an error, remains in error state until three tokens have been successfully read and shifted. If an error is detected when the parser is already in error state, no message is given, and the input token is quietly deleted. The method YYErrok
used in the example communicates to the parser that a satisfactory recovery has been reached and that it can safely emit new error messages.
You cannot have a literal 'error' in your grammar as it would confuse the driver with the error token. Use a symbolic token instead.
The tail section contains Perl code. Usually the lexical analyzer and the Error management subroutines go there. A better practice however is to isolate both subroutines in a module and use them in the grammar. An example of this is in files examples/eyapplanguageref/CalcUsingTail.eyp
(the grammar), examples/eyapplanguageref/
(the client program), and examples/eyapplanguageref/
(the module containing the lexical analyzer plus error handling and auxiliary subroutines).
The Lexical Analyzer
The Lexical Analyzer is called each time the parser needs a new token. It is called with only one argument (the parser object) and returns a pair containing the next token and its associated attribute.
The fact that is a method of the parser object means that the parser methods are accessible inside the lexical analyzer. Specially interesting is the $_[0]->YYData
method which provides access to the user data area.
When the lexical analyzer reaches the end of input, it must return the pair ('', undef)
See below how to write a lexical analyzer (file examples/eyapplanguageref/Calc.eyp
1 sub make_lexer {
2 my $input = shift;
4 return sub {
5 my $parser = shift;
7 for ($$input) {
8 m{\G[ \t]*}gc;
9 m{\G([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)}gc and return ('NUM',$1);
10 m{\G([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*)}gc and return ('VAR',$1);
11 m{\G\n}gc and do { $lineno++; return ("\n", "\n") };
12 m{\G(.)}gc and return ($1,$1);
14 return('',undef);
15 }
16 }
17 }
The subroutine make_lexer
creates the lexical analyzer as a closure. The lexer returned by make_lexer
is used by the YYParse
pl@nereida:~/src/perl/YappWithDefaultAction/examples$ sed -ne '90,97p' Calc.eyp | cat -n
1 sub Run {
2 my($self)=shift;
3 my $input = shift or die "No input given\n";
5 return $self->YYParse( yylex => make_lexer($input), yyerror => \&_Error,
6 #yydebug =>0x1F
7 );
8 }
The Error Report Subroutine
The Error Report subroutine is also a parser method, and consequently receives as parameter the parser object.
See the error report subroutine for the example in examples/Calc.eyp
1 %%
3 my $lineno = 1;
5 sub _Error {
6 my $parser = shift;
8 exists $parser->YYData->{ERRMSG}
9 and do {
10 print $parser->YYData->{ERRMSG};
11 delete $parser->YYData->{ERRMSG};
12 return;
13 };
14 my($token)=$parser->YYCurval;
15 my($what)= $token ? "input: '$token'" : "end of input";
16 my @expected = $parser->YYExpect();
17 local $" = ', ';
18 print << "ERRMSG";
20 Syntax error near $what (lin num $lineno).
21 Expected one of these terminals: @expected
23 }
See the Parse::Yapp pages and elsewhere documentation on yacc
and bison
for more information.
The following is an example of a program that uses the calculator explained in the two previous sections:
pl@nereida:~/src/perl/YappWithDefaultAction/examples$ cat -n
1 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
2 use strict;
3 use Calc;
5 my $parser = Calc->new();
6 my $input = <<'EOI';
7 a = 2*3
8 d = 5/(a-6)
9 b = (a+1)/7
10 c=a*3+4)-5
11 a = a+1
12 EOI
13 my $t = $parser->Run(\$input);
14 print "========= Symbol Table ==============\n";
15 print "$_ = $t->{$_}\n" for sort keys %$t;
The output for this program is (the input for each output appear as a Perl comment on the right):
pl@nereida:~/src/perl/YappWithDefaultAction/examples$ eyapp Calc.eyp
6 # a = 2*3
Illegal division by zero. # d = 5/(a-6)
1 # b = (a+1)/7
Syntax error near input: ')' (lin num 4). # c=a*3+4)-5
Expected one of these terminals: -, /, ^, *, +,
7 # a = a+1
========= Symbol Table ==============
a = 7
b = 1
c = 22
The elements of the right hand side of a production (abbreviated rhs) can be one of these:
| code
| '(' optname rhs ')'
| rhselt STAR /* STAR is (%name\s*([A-Za-z_]\w*)\s*)?\* */
| rhselt '<' STAR symbol '>'
| rhselt OPTION /* OPTION is (%name\s*([A-Za-z_]\w*)\s*)?\? */
| rhselt '<' PLUS symbol '>'
| rhselt PLUS /* PLUS is (%name\s*([A-Za-z_]\w*)\s*)?\+ */
and PLUS
operators provide a simple mechanism to express lists:
In Eyapp the
operator indicates one or more repetitions of the element to the left of+
, thus a rule like:decls: decl +
is the same as:
decls: decls decl | decl
An additional symbol may be included to indicate lists of elements separated by such symbol. Thus
rhss: rule <+ '|'>
is equivalent to:
rhss: rhss '|' rule | rule
The operators
have their usual meaning: 0 or more for*
and optionality for?
. Is legal to parenthesize arhs
expression as in:optname: (NAME IDENT)?
The +
The grammar:
examples/eyapplanguageref$ head -14 List3.yp | cat -n
1 # List3.yp
2 %semantic token 'c'
3 %{
4 use Data::Dumper;
5 %}
6 %%
7 S: 'c'+ 'd'+
8 {
9 print Dumper($_[1]);
10 print Dumper($_[2]);
11 }
12 ;
14 %%
Is equivalent to:
examples/eyapplanguageref$ eyapp -v List3.yp | head -9 List3.output
0: $start -> S $end
1: PLUS-1 -> PLUS-1 'c'
2: PLUS-1 -> 'c'
3: PLUS-2 -> PLUS-2 'd'
4: PLUS-2 -> 'd'
5: S -> PLUS-1 PLUS-2
By default, the semantic action associated with a C<+> returns the lists of attributes
to which the C<+> applies:
$VAR1 = [
$VAR1 = [
Observe that, in spite of 'd'
being a syntactic token the actions related with the d+
element (i.e. the actions associated with the PLUS-2
productions) create the list of d
The semantic associated with a +
changes when one of the tree creation directives is active (for instance %tree
or %metatree
) or it has been explicitly requested with a call to the YYBuildingTree
Other ways to change the associated semantic are to use the yybuildingtree
option of YYParse
$self->YYParse( yylex => \&_Lexer, yyerror => \&_Error,
yybuildingtree => 1,
# yydebug => 0x1F
In such case the associated semantic action creates a node labelled
whose children are the attributes associated with the items in the plus list. As it happens when using the %tree
directive, syntactic tokens are skipped.
When executing the example above but under the %tree
directive the output changes:
examples/eyapplanguageref$ head -3 List3_tree.yp; eyapp List3_tree.yp
# List3.yp
%semantic token 'c'
examples/eyapplanguageref$ diff List3.yp List3_tree.yp
> %tree
If we now run the client program with input ccdd
we get a couple of syntax trees:
$VAR1 = bless( {
'children' => [
bless( {
'children' => [],
'attr' => 'c',
'token' => 'c'
}, 'TERMINAL' ),
bless( {
'children' => [],
'attr' => 'c',
'token' => 'c'
}, '_PLUS_LIST' );
$VAR1 = bless( {
'children' => []
}, '_PLUS_LIST' );
The node associated with the list of d
s is empty since terminal d
wasn't declared semantic.
When Nodes Disappear from Lists
When under the influence of the %tree
directive the action associated with a list operator is to flat the children in a single list.
In the former example, the d
nodes don't show up since 'd'
is a syntactic token. However, it may happen that changing the status of 'd'
to semantic will not suffice.
When inserting the children, the tree (%tree
) node construction method (YYBuildAST
) omits any attribute that is not a reference. Therefore, when inserting explicit actions, it is necessary to guarantee that the returned value is a reference or a semantic token to assure the presence of the value in the lists of children of the node. Certainly you can use this property to prune parts of the tree. Consider the following example:
examples/eyapplanguageref$ head -19 ListWithRefs1.eyp | cat -n
1 # ListWithRefs1.eyp
2 %semantic token 'c' 'd'
3 %{
4 use Data::Dumper;
5 %}
6 %%
7 S: 'c'+ D+
8 {
9 print Dumper($_[1]);
10 print $_[1]->str."\n";
11 print Dumper($_[2]);
12 print $_[2]->str."\n";
13 }
14 ;
16 D: 'd'
17 ;
19 %%
To activate the tree semantic for lists we use the yybuildingtree
option of YYParse
examples/eyapplanguageref$ tail -7 ListWithRefs1.eyp | cat -n
1 sub Run {
2 my($self)=shift;
3 $self->YYParse( yylex => \&_Lexer, yyerror => \&_Error,
4 yybuildingtree => 1,
5 #, yydebug => 0x1F
6 );
7 }
The execution gives an output like this:
examples/eyapplanguageref$ eyapp ListWithRefs1.eyp;
$VAR1 = bless( {
'children' => [
bless( {
'children' => [],
'attr' => 'c',
'token' => 'c'
}, 'TERMINAL' ),
bless( {
'children' => [],
'attr' => 'c',
'token' => 'c'
}, '_PLUS_LIST' );
$VAR1 = bless( {
'children' => []
}, '_PLUS_LIST' );
Though 'd'
was declared semantic the default action associated with the production D: 'd'
in line 16 returns $_[1]
(that is, the scalar 'd'
). Since it is not a reference it won't be inserted in the list of children of _PLUS_LIST
Recovering the Missing Nodes
The solution is to be sure that the attribute is a reference:
pl@nereida:~/LEyapp/examples$ head -22 ListWithRefs.eyp | cat -n
1 # ListWithRefs.eyp
2 %semantic token 'c'
3 %{
4 use Data::Dumper;
5 %}
6 %%
7 S: 'c'+ D+
8 {
9 print Dumper($_[1]);
10 print $_[1]->str."\n";
11 print Dumper($_[2]);
12 print $_[2]->str."\n";
13 }
14 ;
16 D: 'd'
17 {
18 bless { attr => $_[1], children =>[]}, 'DES';
19 }
20 ;
22 %%
Now the attribute associated with D
is a reference and appears in the list of children of _PLUS_LIST
pl@nereida:~/LEyapp/examples$ eyapp ListWithRefs.eyp;
$VAR1 = bless( {
'children' => [
bless( {
'children' => [],
'attr' => 'c',
'token' => 'c'
}, 'TERMINAL' ),
bless( {
'children' => [],
'attr' => 'c',
'token' => 'c'
}, '_PLUS_LIST_1' );
$VAR1 = bless( {
'children' => [
bless( {
'children' => [],
'attr' => 'd'
}, 'DES' ),
bless( {
'children' => [],
'attr' => 'd'
}, 'DES' )
}, '_PLUS_LIST_2' );
Building a Tree with Parse::Eyapp::Node->new
The former solution consisting on writing by hand the code to build the node may suffice when dealing with a single node. Writing by hand the code to build a node is a cumbersome task. Even worst: though the node built in the former example looks like a Parse::Eyapp
node actually isn't. Parse::Eyapp
nodes always inherit from Parse::Eyapp::Node
and consequently have access to the methods in such package. The following execution using the debugger illustrates the point:
pl@nereida:~/LEyapp/examples$ perl -wd
Loading DB routines from version 1.28
Editor support available.
Enter h or `h h' for help, or `man perldebug' for more help.
main::( $parser = new ListWithRefs();
DB<1> f ListWithRefs.eyp
1 2 #line 3 "ListWithRefs.eyp"
4: use Data::Dumper;
6 #line 7 "ListWithRefs.eyp"
7 #line 8 "ListWithRefs.eyp"
9: print Dumper($_[1]);
10: print $_[1]->str."\n";
through the command f ListWithRefs.eyp
we inform the debugger that subsequent commands will refer to such file. Next we execute the program up to the semantic action associated with the production rule S: 'c'+ D+
(line 9)
DB<2> c 9 # Continue up to line 9 of ListWithRefs.eyp
9: print Dumper($_[1]);
Now we are in condition to look at the contents of the arguments:
DB<3> x $_[2]->str
DB<4> x $_[2]->child(0)
0 DES=HASH(0x85c4568)
'attr' => 'd'
'children' => ARRAY(0x85c458c)
empty array
the str
method works with the object $_[2]
since _PLUS_LIST_2
nodes inherit from Parse::Eyapp::Node
. However, when we try with the DES
node we get an error:
DB<6> x $_[2]->child(0)->str
Can't locate object method "str" via package "DES" at \
(eval 11)[/usr/share/perl/5.8/] line 2, <STDIN> line 1.
More robust than the former solution of building the node by hand is to use the constructor Parse::Eyapp::Node->new
: The method Parse::Eyapp::Node->new
is uset to build forests of syntactic trees.
It receives a list of terms describing the trees and - optionally - a reference to a subroutine used to set up the attributes of the just created nodes. After the creation of the trees the sub is called by Parse::Eyapp::Node->new
with arguments the list of references to the nodes (in the order in which they appear in the terms, from left to right). Parse::Eyapp::Node->new
returns a list of references to the just created nodes. In a scalar context returns a reference to the first of such trees. See an example:
pl@nereida:~/LEyapp/examples$ perl -MParse::Eyapp -MData::Dumper -wde 0
main::(-e:1): 0
DB<1> @t = Parse::Eyapp::Node->new('A(C,D) E(F)', sub { my $i = 0; $_->{n} = $i++ for @_ })
DB<2> $Data::Dumper::Indent = 0
DB<3> print Dumper($_)."\n" for @t
$VAR1 = bless( {'n' => 0,'children' => [bless( {'n' => 1,'children' => []}, 'C' ),
bless( {'n' => 2,'children' => []}, 'D' )
}, 'A' );
$VAR1 = bless( {'n' => 1,'children' => []}, 'C' );
$VAR1 = bless( {'n' => 2,'children' => []}, 'D' );
$VAR1 = bless( {'n' => 3,'children' => [bless( {'n' => 4,'children' => []}, 'F' )]}, 'E' );
$VAR1 = bless( {'n' => 4,'children' => []}, 'F' );
See the following example in which the nodes associated with 'd'
are explicitly constructed:
pl@nereida:~/LEyapp/examples$ head -28 ListWithRefs2.eyp| cat -n
1 # ListWithRefs2.eyp
2 %semantic token 'c'
3 %{
4 use Data::Dumper;
5 %}
6 %%
7 S: 'c'+ D+
8 {
9 print Dumper($_[1]);
10 print $_[1]->str."\n";
11 print Dumper($_[2]);
12 print $_[2]->str."\n";
13 }
14 ;
16 D: 'd'.d
17 {
18 Parse::Eyapp::Node->new(
20 sub {
21 my ($DES, $TERMINAL) = @_;
22 $TERMINAL->{attr} = $d;
23 }
24 );
25 }
26 ;
28 %%
To know more about Parse::Eyapp::Node->new
see the section for Parse::Eyapp::Node->new
When the former eyapp program is executed produces the following output:
pl@nereida:~/LEyapp/examples$ eyapp ListWithRefs2.eyp;
$VAR1 = bless( {
'children' => [
bless( { 'children' => [], 'attr' => 'c', 'token' => 'c' }, 'TERMINAL' ),
bless( { 'children' => [], 'attr' => 'c', 'token' => 'c' }, 'TERMINAL' )
}, '_PLUS_LIST_1' );
$VAR1 = bless( {
'children' => [
bless( {
'children' => [
bless( { 'children' => [], 'attr' => 'd' }, 'TERMINAL' )
}, 'DES' ),
bless( {
'children' => [
bless( { 'children' => [], 'attr' => 'd' }, 'TERMINAL' )
}, 'DES' )
}, '_PLUS_LIST_2' );
The *
Any list operator operates on the factor to its left. A list in the right hand side of a production rule counts as a single symbol.
Both operators *
and +
can be used with the format X <* Separator>
. In such case they describe lists of X
s separated by separator
. See an example:
pl@nereida:~/LEyapp/examples$ head -25 CsBetweenCommansAndD.eyp | cat -n
1 # CsBetweenCommansAndD.eyp
3 %semantic token 'c' 'd'
5 %{
6 sub TERMINAL::info {
7 $_[0]->attr;
8 }
9 %}
10 %tree
11 %%
12 S:
13 ('c' <* ','> 'd')*
14 {
15 print "\nNode\n";
16 print $_[1]->str."\n";
17 print "\nChild 0\n";
18 print $_[1]->child(0)->str."\n";
19 print "\nChild 1\n";
20 print $_[1]->child(1)->str."\n";
21 $_[1]
22 }
23 ;
25 %%
The rule
S: ('c' <* ','> 'd')*
has only two items in its right hand side: the (separated by commas) list of c
s and the list of d
s. The production rule is equivalent to:
pl@nereida:~/LEyapp/examples$ eyapp -v CsBetweenCommansAndD.eyp
pl@nereida:~/LEyapp/examples$ head -11 CsBetweenCommansAndD.output | cat -n
1 Rules:
2 ------
3 0: $start -> S $end
4 1: STAR-1 -> STAR-1 ',' 'c'
5 2: STAR-1 -> 'c'
6 3: STAR-2 -> STAR-1
7 4: STAR-2 -> /* empty */
8 5: PAREN-3 -> STAR-2 'd'
9 6: STAR-4 -> STAR-4 PAREN-3
10 7: STAR-4 -> /* empty */
11 8: S -> STAR-4
The semantic action associated with *
is to return a reference to a list with the attributes of the matching items.
When working -as in the example - under a tree creation directive it returns a node belonging to a class named _STAR_LIST_#number
whose children are the items in the list. The #number
is the ordinal number of the production rule as it appears in the .output
file. The attributes must be references or associated with semantic tokens to be included in the list. Notice -in the execution of the former example that follows - how the node for PAREN-3
has been eliminated from the tree. Parenthesis nodes are - generally - obviated:
Child 0
Child 1
Notice that the comma (since it is a syntactic token) has also been suppressed.
Giving Names to Lists
To set the name of the node associated with a list operator the %name
directive must precede the operator as in the following example:
pl@nereida:~/LEyapp/examples$ sed -ne '1,27p' CsBetweenCommansAndDWithNames.eyp | cat -n
1 # CsBetweenCommansAndDWithNames.eyp
3 %semantic token 'c' 'd'
5 %{
6 sub TERMINAL::info {
7 $_[0]->attr;
8 }
9 %}
10 %tree
11 %%
12 Start: S
13 ;
14 S:
15 ('c' <%name Cs * ','> 'd') %name Cs_and_d *
16 {
17 print "\nNode\n";
18 print $_[1]->str."\n";
19 print "\nChild 0\n";
20 print $_[1]->child(0)->str."\n";
21 print "\nChild 1\n";
22 print $_[1]->child(1)->str."\n";
23 $_[1]
24 }
25 ;
27 %%
The execution shows the renamed nodes:
Child 0
Child 1
The X?
operator stands for the presence or omission of X
The grammar:
pl@nereida:~/LEyapp/examples$ head -11 List5.yp | cat -n
1 %semantic token 'c'
2 %tree
3 %%
4 S: 'c' 'c'?
5 {
6 print $_[2]->str."\n";
7 print $_[2]->child(0)->attr."\n" if $_[2]->children;
8 }
9 ;
11 %%
is equivalent to:
pl@nereida:~/LEyapp/examples$ eyapp -v List5
pl@nereida:~/LEyapp/examples$ head -7 List5.output
0: $start -> S $end
1: OPTIONAL-1 -> 'c'
2: OPTIONAL-1 -> /* empty */
3: S -> 'c' OPTIONAL-1
When yybuildingtree
is false the associated attribute is a list that will be empty if CX> does not show up.
Under the %tree
directive the action creates an _OPTIONAL
Any substring on the right hand side of a production rule can be grouped using a parenthesis. The introduction of a parenthesis implies the introduction of an additional syntactic variable whose only production is the sequence of symbols between the parenthesis. Thus the grammar:
pl@nereida:~/LEyapp/examples$ head -6 Parenthesis.eyp | cat -n
1 %%
2 S:
3 ('a' S ) 'b' { shift; [ @_ ] }
4 | 'c'
5 ;
6 %%
is equivalent to:
pl@nereida:~/LEyapp/examples$ eyapp -v Parenthesis.eyp; head -6 Parenthesis.output
0: $start -> S $end
1: PAREN-1 -> 'a' S
2: S -> PAREN-1 'b'
3: S -> 'c'
By default the semantic rule associated with a parenthesis returns an anonymous list with the attributes of the symbols between the parenthesis:
pl@nereida:~/LEyapp/examples$ cat -n
1 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
2 use Parenthesis;
3 use Data::Dumper;
5 $Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
6 $parser = Parenthesis->new();
7 print Dumper($parser->Run);
$VAR1 = [
[ 'a', 'c' ], 'b'
$VAR1 = [
[ [ 'a', 'c' ], 'b' ]
when working under a tree directive or when the attribute buildingtree
is set via the YYBuildingtree
method the semantic action returns a node with children the attributes of the symbols between parenthesis. As usual attributes which aren't references will be skipped from the list of children. See an example:
pl@nereida:~/LEyapp/examples$ head -23 List2.yp | cat -n
1 %{
2 use Data::Dumper;
3 %}
4 %semantic token 'a' 'b' 'c'
5 %tree
6 %%
7 S:
8 (%name AS 'a' S )'b'
9 {
10 print "S -> ('a' S )'b'\n";
11 print "Attribute of the first symbol:\n".Dumper($_[1]);
12 print "Attribute of the second symbol: $_[2]\n";
13 $_[0]->YYBuildAST(@_[1..$#_]);
14 }
15 | 'c'
16 {
17 print "S -> 'c'\n";
18 my $r = Parse::Eyapp::Node->new(qw(C(TERMINAL)), sub { $_[1]->attr('c') }) ;
19 print Dumper($r);
20 $r;
21 }
22 ;
23 %%
The example shows (line 8) how to rename a _PAREN
node. The %name CLASSNAME
goes after the opening parenthesis.
The call to YYBuildAST
at line 13 with argumetns the attributes of the symbols on the right hand side returns the node describing the current production rule. Notice that line 13 can be rewritten as:
goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYBuildAST;
At line 18 the node for the rule is explicitly created using Parse::Eyapp::Node-
new>. The handler passed as second argument is responsible for setting the value of the atribute attr
of the just created TERMINAL
Let us see an execution:
S -> 'c'
$VAR1 = bless( {
'children' => [
bless( {
'children' => [],
'attr' => 'c'
}, 'C' );
the first reduction occurs by the non recursive rule. The execution shows the tree built by the call to Parse::Eyapp::Node-
new> at line 18.
The execution continues with the reduction or reverse derivation by the rule S -> ('a' S )'b'
. The action at lines 9-14 dumps the attribute associated with ('a' S)
- or, in other words, the attribute associated with the variable PAREN-1
. It also dumps the attribute of 'b'
S -> ('a' S )'b'
Attribute of the first symbol:
$VAR1 = bless( {
'children' => [
bless( { 'children' => [], 'attr' => 'a', 'token' => 'a' }, 'TERMINAL' ),
bless( { 'children' => [ bless( { 'children' => [], 'attr' => 'c' }, 'TERMINAL' )
}, 'C' )
}, 'AS' );
Attribute of the second symbol: b
The last reduction shown is by the rule: S -> ('a' S )'b'
S -> ('a' S )'b'
Attribute of the first symbol:
$VAR1 = bless( {
'children' => [
bless( { 'children' => [], 'attr' => 'a', 'token' => 'a' }, 'TERMINAL' ),
bless( {
'children' => [
bless( {
'children' => [
bless( { 'children' => [], 'attr' => 'a', 'token' => 'a' }, 'TERMINAL' ),
bless( {
'children' => [
bless( { 'children' => [], 'attr' => 'c' }, 'TERMINAL' )
}, 'C' )
}, 'AS' ),
bless( { 'children' => [], 'attr' => 'b', 'token' => 'b' }, 'TERMINAL' )
}, 'S_2' )
}, 'AS' );
Attribute of the second symbol: b
Actions Inside Parenthesis
Though is a practice to avoid, since it clutters the code, it is certainly permitted to introduce actions between the parenthesis, as in the example below:
pl@nereida:~/LEyapp/examples$ head -16 ListAndAction.eyp | cat -n
1 # ListAndAction.eyp
2 %{
3 my $num = 0;
4 %}
6 %%
7 S: 'c'
8 {
9 print "S -> c\n"
10 }
11 | ('a' {$num++; print "Seen <$num> 'a's\n"; $_[1] }) S 'b'
12 {
13 print "S -> (a ) S b\n"
14 }
15 ;
16 %%
This is the output when executing this program with input aaacbbb
Seen <1> 'a's
Seen <2> 'a's
Seen <3> 'a's
S -> c
S -> (a ) S b
S -> (a ) S b
S -> (a ) S b
Attributes can be referenced by meaningful names instead of the classic error-prone positional approach using the dot notation:
rhs: rhseltwithid *
rhseltwithid :
rhselt '.' IDENT
| '$' rhselt
| rhselt
for example:
exp : exp.left '-' exp.right { $left - $right }
By qualifying the first appearance of the syntactic variable exp
with the notation exp.left
we can later refer inside the actions to the associated attribute using the lexical variable $left
The dollar notation $A
can be used as an abbreviation of A.A
When no action is specified both yapp
and eyapp
implicitly insert the semantic action { $_[1] }
. In Parse::Eyapp
you can modify such behavior using the %defaultaction { Perl code }
directive. The { Perl code }
clause that follows the %defaultaction
directive is executed when reducing by any production for which no explicit action was specified.
An Example of Default Action: Translator from Infix to Postfix
See an example that translates an infix expression like a=b*-3
into a postfix expression like a b 3 NEG * =
# File Postfix.eyp (See the examples/ directory)
%right '='
%left '-' '+'
%left '*' '/'
%left NEG
%defaultaction { return "$left $right $op"; }
line: $exp { print "$exp\n" }
exp: $NUM { $NUM }
| $VAR { $VAR }
| VAR.left '='.op exp.right
| exp.left '+'.op exp.right
| exp.left '-'.op exp.right
| exp.left '*'.op exp.right
| exp.left '/'.op exp.right
| '-' $exp %prec NEG { "$exp NEG" }
| '(' $exp ')' { $exp }
# Support subroutines as in the Synopsis example
The file containing the Eyapp
program must be compiled with eyapp
nereida:~/src/perl/YappWithDefaultAction/examples> eyapp Postfix.eyp
Next, you have to write a client program:
nereida:~/src/perl/YappWithDefaultAction/examples> cat -n
1 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
2 use strict;
3 use Postfix;
5 my $parser = new Postfix();
6 $parser->Run;
Now we can run the client program:
Write an expression: -(2*a-b*-3)
2 a * b 3 NEG * - NEG
Default Actions, %name
and YYName
In eyapp
each production rule has a name. The name of a rule can be explicitly given by the programmer using the %name
directive. For example, in the piece of code that follows the name ASSIGN
is given to the rule exp: VAR '=' exp
When no explicit name is given the rule has an implicit name. The implicit name of a rule is shaped by concatenating the name of the syntactic variable on its left, an underscore and the ordinal number of the production rule Lhs_#
as it appears in the .output
file. Avoid giving names matching such pattern to production rules. The patterns /${lhs}_\d+$/
where ${lhs}
is the name of the syntactic variable are reserved for internal use by eyapp
pl@nereida:~/LEyapp/examples$ cat -n Lhs.eyp
1 # Lhs.eyp
3 %right '='
4 %left '-' '+'
5 %left '*' '/'
6 %left NEG
8 %defaultaction {
9 my $self = shift;
10 my $name = $self->YYName();
11 bless { children => [ grep {ref($_)} @_] }, $name;
12 }
14 %%
15 input:
16 /* empty */
17 { [] }
18 | input line
19 {
20 push @{$_[1]}, $_[2] if defined($_[2]);
21 $_[1]
22 }
23 ;
25 line: '\n' { }
26 | exp '\n' { $_[1] }
27 ;
29 exp:
30 NUM { $_[1] }
31 | VAR { $_[1] }
32 | %name ASSIGN
33 VAR '=' exp
34 | %name PLUS
35 exp '+' exp
36 | %name MINUS
37 exp '-' exp
38 | %name TIMES
39 exp '*' exp
40 | %name DIV
41 exp '/' exp
42 | %name UMINUS
43 '-' exp %prec NEG
44 | '(' exp ')' { $_[2] }
45 ;
Inside a semantic action the name of the current rule can be recovered using the method YYName
of the parser object.
The default action (lines 8-12) computes as attribute of the left hand side a reference to an object blessed in the name of the rule. The object has an attribute children
which is a reference to the list of children of the node. The call to grep
11 bless { children => [ grep {ref($_)} @_] }, $name;
excludes children that aren't references. Notice that the lexical analyzer only returns references for the NUM
and VAR
59 sub _Lexer {
60 my($parser)=shift;
62 for ($parser->YYData->{INPUT}) {
63 s/^[ \t]+//;
64 return('',undef) unless $_;
65 s/^([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)//
66 and return('NUM', bless { attr => $1}, 'NUM');
67 s/^([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*)//
68 and return('VAR',bless {attr => $1}, 'VAR');
69 s/^(.)//s
70 and return($1, $1);
71 }
72 return('',undef);
73 }
follows the client program:
pl@nereida:~/LEyapp/examples$ cat -n
1 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
2 use Lhs;
3 use Data::Dumper;
5 $parser = new Lhs();
6 my $tree = $parser->Run;
7 $Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
8 if (defined($tree)) { print Dumper($tree); }
9 else { print "Cadena no válida\n"; }
When executed with input a=(2+3)*b
the parser produces the following tree:
See the result of an execution:
$VAR1 = [
bless( {
'children' => [
bless( { 'attr' => 'a' }, 'VAR' ),
bless( {
'children' => [
bless( {
'children' => [
bless( { 'attr' => '2' }, 'NUM' ),
bless( { 'attr' => '3' }, 'NUM' )
}, 'PLUS' ),
bless( { 'attr' => 'b' }, 'VAR' )
}, 'TIMES' )
}, 'ASSIGN' )
The name of a production rule can be changed at execution time. See the following example:
$ sed -n '29,50p' YYNameDynamic.eyp | cat -n
1 exp:
2 NUM { $_[1] }
3 | VAR { $_[1] }
4 | %name ASSIGN
5 VAR '=' exp
6 | %name PLUS
7 exp '+' exp
8 | %name MINUS
9 exp '-' exp
10 {
11 my $self = shift;
12 $self->YYName('SUBTRACT'); # rename it
13 $self->YYBuildAST(@_); # build the node
14 }
15 | %name TIMES
16 exp '*' exp
17 | %name DIV
18 exp '/' exp
19 | %name UMINUS
20 '-' exp %prec NEG
21 | '(' exp ')' { $_[2] }
22 ;
When the client program is executed we can see the presence of the SUBTRACT
$VAR1 = [
bless( {
'children' => [
bless( {
'attr' => '2'
}, 'NUM' ),
bless( {
'attr' => 'b'
}, 'VAR' )
Reusing Grammars Using Inheritance
An method to reuse a grammar is via inheritance. The client inherits the generated parser module and expands it with methods that inherit or overwrite the actions. Here is an example. Initially we have this Eyapp grammar:
pl@europa:~/LEyapp/examples/recycle$ cat -n NoacInh.eyp
1 %left '+'
2 %left '*'
4 %defaultaction {
5 my $self = shift;
7 my $action = $self->YYName;
9 $self->$action(@_);
10 }
12 %%
13 exp: %name NUM
14 NUM
15 | %name PLUS
16 exp '+' exp
17 | %name TIMES
18 exp '*' exp
19 | '(' exp ')'
20 { $_[2] }
21 ;
23 %%
25 sub _Error {
26 my($token)=$_[0]->YYCurval;
27 my($what)= $token ? "input: '$token'" : "end of input";
28 my @expected = $_[0]->YYExpect();
30 local $" = ', ';
31 die "Syntax error near $what. Expected one of these tokens: @expected\n";
32 }
35 my $x = '';
37 sub _Lexer {
38 my($parser)=shift;
40 for ($x) {
41 s/^\s+//;
42 $_ eq '' and return('',undef);
44 s/^([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)// and return('NUM',$1);
45 s/^([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*)// and return('VAR',$1);
46 s/^(.)//s and return($1,$1);
47 }
48 }
50 sub Run {
51 my($self)=shift;
52 $x = shift;
53 my $debug = shift;
55 $self->YYParse(
56 yylex => \&_Lexer,
57 yyerror => \&_Error,
58 yydebug => $debug,
59 );
60 }
The following program defines two classes: CalcActions
that implements the actions for the calculator and package PostActions
that implements the actions for the infix to postfix translation. This way we have an example that reuses the former grammar twice:
pl@europa:~/LEyapp/examples/recycle$ cat -n
1 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
2 package CalcActions;
3 use strict;
4 use base qw{NoacInh};
6 sub NUM {
7 return $_[1];
8 }
10 sub PLUS {
11 $_[1]+$_[3];
12 }
14 sub TIMES {
15 $_[1]*$_[3];
16 }
18 package PostActions;
19 use strict;
20 use base qw{NoacInh};
22 sub NUM {
23 return $_[1];
24 }
26 sub PLUS {
27 "$_[1] $_[3] +";
28 }
30 sub TIMES {
31 "$_[1] $_[3] *";
32 }
34 package main;
35 use strict;
37 my $calcparser = CalcActions->new();
38 print "Write an expression: ";
39 my $x = <STDIN>;
40 my $e = $calcparser->Run($x);
42 print "$e\n";
44 my $postparser = PostActions->new();
45 my $p = $postparser->Run($x);
47 print "$p\n";
The subroutine used as default action in NoacInh.eyp
is so useful that is packed as the Parse::Eyapp::Driver method YYDelegateaction
See files examples/recycle/NoacYYDelegateaction.eyp
and examples/recycle/
for an example of use of YYDelegateaction
Reusing Grammars by Dynamic Substitution of Semantic Actions
The methods YYSetaction
and YYAction
of the parser object provide a way to selectively substitute some actions of a given grammar. Let us consider once more a postfix to infix translator:
pl@europa:~/LEyapp/examples/recycle$ cat -n PostfixWithActions.eyp
1 # File PostfixWithActions.eyp
2 %right '='
3 %left '-' '+'
4 %left '*' '/'
5 %left NEG
7 %%
8 line: $exp { print "$exp\n" }
9 ;
11 exp: $NUM
12 { $NUM }
13 | $VAR
14 { $VAR }
15 | %name ASSIGN
16 VAR.left '='exp.right
17 { "$_[3] &$_[1] ASSIGN"; }
18 | %name PLUS
19 exp.left '+'exp.right
20 { "$_[1] $_[3] PLUS"; }
21 | %name MINUS
22 exp.left '-'exp.right
23 { "$_[1] $_[3] MINUS"; }
24 | %name TIMES
25 exp.left '*'exp.right
26 { "$_[1] $_[3] TIMES"; }
27 | %name DIV
28 exp.left '/'exp.right
29 { "$_[1] $_[3] DIV"; }
30 | %name NEG '-' $exp %prec NEG
31 { "$exp NEG" }
32 | '(' $exp ')'
33 { $exp }
34 ;
36 %%
38 sub _Error {
39 my($token)=$_[0]->YYCurval;
40 my($what)= $token ? "input: '$token'" : "end of input";
41 my @expected = $_[0]->YYExpect();
43 local $" = ', ';
44 die "Syntax error near $what. Expected one of these tokens: @expected\n";
45 }
47 my $x;
49 sub _Lexer {
50 my($parser)=shift;
52 for ($x) {
53 s/^\s+//;
54 $_ eq '' and return('',undef);
56 s/^([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)// and return('NUM',$1);
57 s/^([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*)// and return('VAR',$1);
58 s/^(.)//s and return($1,$1);
59 }
60 }
62 sub Run {
63 my($self)=shift;
64 $x = shift;
65 $self->YYParse( yylex => \&_Lexer, yyerror => \&_Error,
66 #yydebug => 0xFF
67 );
68 }
The program
uses the former grammar to translate infix expressions to postfix expressions. It also implements a calculator reusing the grammar in PostfixWithActions.eyp
. It does so using the YYSetaction
method. The semantic actions for the productions named
are selectively substituted by the appropriate actions, while the other semantic actions remain unchanged:
pl@europa:~/LEyapp/examples/recycle$ cat -n
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
2 use warnings;
3 use PostfixWithActions;
5 my $debug = shift || 0;
6 my $pparser = PostfixWithActions->new();
7 print "Write an expression: ";
8 my $x = <STDIN>;
10 # First, trasnlate to postfix ...
11 $pparser->Run($x, $debug);
13 # And then selectively substitute
14 # some semantic actions
15 # to obtain an infix calculator ...
16 my %s; # symbol table
17 $pparser->YYSetaction(
18 ASSIGN => sub { $s{$_[1]} = $_[3] },
19 PLUS => sub { $_[1] + $_[3] },
20 TIMES => sub { $_[1] * $_[3] },
21 DIV => sub { $_[1] / $_[3] },
22 NEG => sub { -$_[2] },
23 );
25 $pparser->Run($x, $debug);
When running this program the output is:
pl@europa:~/LEyapp/examples/recycle$ ./
Write an expression: 2*3+4
AND %name
Default Names
facilitates the construction of concrete syntax trees and abstract syntax trees (abbreviated AST from now on) through the %tree
directive. Actually, the %tree
directive is equivalent to a call to the YYBuildAST
method of the parser object.
Any production production rule A->XYZ
can be named using a directive %name someclass
When reducing by a production rule A->XYZ
the %tree
directive (i.e., the YYBuildAST
method) builds an anonymous hash blessed in someclass
. The hash has an attribute children
containing the references to the AST trees associated with the symbols in the right hand side X
, C>Y>, etc.
If no explicit name was given to the production rule, YYBuildAST
blesses the node in the class name resulting from the concatenation of the left hand side and the production number. The production number is the ordinal number of the production as they appear in the associated .output
file (see option -v
of eyapp). For example, given the grammar:
pl@europa:~/LEyapp/examples/eyapplanguageref$ sed -ne '8,27p'
my $grammar = q{
%right '=' # Lowest precedence
%left '-' '+' # + and - have more precedence than = Disambiguate a-b-c as (a-b)-c
%left '*' '/' # * and / have more precedence than + Disambiguate a/b/c as (a/b)/c
%left NEG # Disambiguate -a-b as (-a)-b and not as -(a-b)
%tree # Let us build an abstract syntax tree ...
line: exp <+ ';'> { $_[1] } /* list of expressions separated by ';' */
NUM | VAR | VAR '=' exp
| exp '+' exp | exp '-' exp | exp '*' exp
| exp '/' exp
| '-' exp %prec NEG
| '(' exp ')' { $_[2] }
The tree produced by the parser when feed with input a=2*b
pl@europa:~/LEyapp/examples/eyapplanguageref$ ./
If we want to see the correspondence between names and rules we can generate and check the corresponding file .output
setting the outputfile
of Parse::Eyapp
Parse::Eyapp->new_grammar( # Create the parser package/class
classname=>'Calc', # The name of the package containing the parser
firstline=>9, # String $grammar starts at line 9 (for error diagnostics)
The grammar with the expanded rules appears in the .output
lusasoft@LusaSoft:~/src/perl/Eyapp/examples/eyapplanguageref$ sed -ne '28,42p' treewithoutnames.output
0: $start -> line $end
1: PLUS-1 -> PLUS-1 ';' exp
2: PLUS-1 -> exp
3: line -> PLUS-1
4: exp -> NUM
5: exp -> VAR
6: exp -> VAR '=' exp
7: exp -> exp '+' exp
8: exp -> exp '-' exp
9: exp -> exp '*' exp
10: exp -> exp '/' exp
11: exp -> '-' exp
12: exp -> '(' exp ')'
We can see now that the node exp_9
corresponds to the production exp -> exp '*' exp
. Observe also that the Eyapp production:
line: exp <+ ';'>
actually produces the productions:
1: PLUS-1 -> PLUS-1 ';' exp
2: PLUS-1 -> exp
and that the name of the class associated with the non empty list is _PLUS_LIST
Giving Explicit Names
A production rule can be named using the %name IDENTIFIER
directive. For each production rule a namespace/package is created. The IDENTIFIER
is the name of the associated package. Therefore, by modifying the former grammar with additional %name
lusasoft@LusaSoft:~/src/perl/Eyapp/examples/eyapplanguageref$ sed -ne '8,26p'
my $grammar = q{
%right '=' # Lowest precedence
%left '-' '+' # + and - have more precedence than = Disambiguate a-b-c as (a-b)-c
%left '*' '/' # * and / have more precedence than + Disambiguate a/b/c as (a/b)/c
%left NEG # Disambiguate -a-b as (-a)-b and not as -(a-b)
%tree # Let us build an abstract syntax tree ...
line: exp <%name EXPS + ';'> { $_[1] } /* list of expressions separated by ';' */
%name NUM NUM | %name VAR VAR | %name ASSIGN VAR '=' exp
| %name PLUS exp '+' exp | %name MINUS exp '-' exp | %name TIMES exp '*' exp
| %name DIV exp '/' exp
| %name UMINUS '-' exp %prec NEG
| '(' exp ')' { $_[2] }
we are explicitly naming the productions. Thus, all the node instances corresponding to the production exp: VAR '=' exp
will belong to the class ASSIGN
. Now the tree for a=2*b
lusasoft@LusaSoft:~/src/perl/Eyapp/examples/eyapplanguageref$ ./
Observe how the list has been named EXPS
. The %name
directive prefixes the list operator ([+*?]
Nodes named TERMINAL
are built from the tokens provided by the lexical analyzer. Parse::Eyapp
follows the same protocol than Parse::Yapp for communication between the parser and the lexical analyzer: A couple ($token, $attribute)
is returned by the lexical analyzer. These values are stored under the keys token
and attr
nodes as all Parse::Eyapp::Node
nodes also have the attribute children
but is - almost always - empty.
Explicit Actions Inside %tree
Explicit actions can be specified by the programmer like in this line from the Parse::Eyapp SYNOPSIS example:
| '(' exp ')' { $_[2] } /* Let us simplify a bit the tree */
Explicit actions receive as arguments the references to the children nodes already built. The programmer can influence the shape of the tree by inserting these explicit actions. In this example the programmer has decided to simplify the syntax tree: the nodes associated with the parenthesis are discarded and the reference to the subtree containing the proper expression is returned. Such manoeuvre is called bypassing. See section "The bypass clause and the %no bypass directive" to know more about automatic bypassing
Explicitly Building Nodes With YYBuildAST
Sometimes the best time to decorate a node with some attributes is just after being built. In such cases the programmer can take manual control building the node with YYBuildAST
to inmediately proceed to decorate it.
The following example illustrates the situation (see file lib/Simple/Types.eyp
inside examples/typechecking/Simple-Types-XXX.tar.gz
$ sed -n '397,408p' lib/Simple/Types.eyp
%name VAR
| %name VARARRAY
$ID ('[' binary ']') <%name INDEXSPEC +>
my $self = shift;
my $node = $self->YYBuildAST(@_);
$node->{line} = $ID->[1];# $_[1]->[1]
return $node;
This production rule defines the expression to access an array element as an identifier followed by a non empty list of binary expressions Variable: ID ('[' binary ']')+
. Furthermore, the node corresponding to the list of indices has been named INDEXSPEC
When no explicit action is inserted a binary node will be built having as first child the node corresponding to the identifier $ID
and as second child the reference to the list of binary expressions. The children corresponding to '['
and ']'
are discarded since they are -by default- syntactic tokens (see section "Syntactic and Semantic tokens"). However, the programmer wants to decorate the node being built with a line
attribute holding the line number in the source code where the identifier being used appears. The call to the Parse::Eyapp::Driver
method YYBuildAST
does the job of building the node. After that the node can be decorated and returned.
Actually, the %tree
directive is semantically equivalent to:
%default action { goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYBuildAST }
Returning non References Under %tree
When a explicit user action returns s.t. that is not a reference no node will be inserted. This fact can be used to suppress nodes in the AST being built. See the following example (file examples/returnnonode.yp
$ sed -ne '1,17p' returnnonode.yp | cat -n
1 %tree
2 %semantic token 'a' 'b'
3 %%
4 S: %name EMPTY
5 /* empty */
6 | %name AES
7 S A
8 | %name BES
9 S B
10 ;
11 A : %name A
12 'a'
13 ;
14 B : %name B
15 'b' { }
16 ;
17 %%
since the action at line 15 returns undef
the B : 'b'
subtree will not be inserted in the AST:
Observe the absence of B
s and 'b'
Intermediate actions and %tree
Intermediate actions can be used to change the shape of the AST (prune it, decorate it, etc.) but the value returned by them is ignored. The grammar below has two intermediate actions. They modify the attributes of the node to its left and return a reference $f
to such node (lines 5 and 6):
$ sed -ne '1,15p' intermediateactiontree.yp | cat -n
1 %semantic token 'a' 'b'
2 %tree bypass
3 %%
4 S: %name EMPTY
5 /* empty */
6 | %name SA
7 S A.f { $f->{attr} = "A"; $f; } A
8 | %name SB
9 S B.f { $f->{attr} = "B"; $f; } B
10 ;
11 A : %name A 'a'
12 ;
13 B : %name B 'b'
14 ;
15 %%
See the client program:
nereida:~/src/perl/YappWithDefaultAction/examples> cat -n
1 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
2 use strict;
3 use Parse::Eyapp;
4 use intermediateactiontree;
6 { no warnings;
7 *A::info = *B::info = sub { $_[0]{attr} };
8 }
10 my $parser = intermediateactiontree->new();
11 my $t = $parser->Run;
12 print $t->str,"\n";
When it runs produces this output:
The attributes of left A
s have been effectively changed by the intermediate actions from 'a'
to 'A'
. However no further children have been inserted.
Syntactic and Semantic tokens
differences between syntactic tokens
and semantic tokens
. By default all tokens declared using string notation (i.e. between quotes like '+'
, '='
) are considered syntactic tokens. Tokens declared by an identifier (like NUM
or VAR
) are by default considered semantic tokens. Syntactic tokens do not yield to nodes in the syntactic tree. Thus, the first print in the section Parse::Eyapp SYNOPSIS example:
$ cat -n
1 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
2 use strict;
3 use Parse::Eyapp;
4 use Parse::Eyapp::Treeregexp;
6 sub TERMINAL::info {
7 $_[0]{attr}
8 }
10 my $grammar = q{
11 %right '=' # Lowest precedence
12 %left '-' '+' # + and - have more precedence than = Disambiguate a-b-c as (a-b)-c
13 %left '*' '/' # * and / have more precedence than + Disambiguate a/b/c as (a/b)/c
14 %left NEG # Disambiguate -a-b as (-a)-b and not as -(a-b)
15 %tree # Let us build an abstract syntax tree ...
17 %%
18 line:
19 exp <%name EXPRESSION_LIST + ';'>
20 { $_[1] } /* list of expressions separated by ';' */
21 ;
23 /* The %name directive defines the name of the class */
24 exp:
25 %name NUM
26 NUM
27 | %name VAR
28 VAR
29 | %name ASSIGN
30 VAR '=' exp
31 | %name PLUS
32 exp '+' exp
33 | %name MINUS
34 exp '-' exp
35 | %name TIMES
36 exp '*' exp
37 | %name DIV
38 exp '/' exp
39 | %name UMINUS
40 '-' exp %prec NEG
41 | '(' exp ')'
42 { $_[2] } /* Let us simplify a bit the tree */
43 ;
45 %%
46 sub _Error { die "Syntax error near ".($_[0]->YYCurval?$_[0]->YYCurval:"end of file")."\n" }
48 sub _Lexer {
49 my($parser)=shift; # The parser object
51 for ($parser->YYData->{INPUT}) { # Topicalize
52 m{\G\s+}gc;
53 $_ eq '' and return('',undef);
54 m{\G([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)}gc and return('NUM',$1);
55 m{\G([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*)}gc and return('VAR',$1);
56 m{\G(.)}gcs and return($1,$1);
57 }
58 return('',undef);
59 }
61 sub Run {
62 my($self)=shift;
63 $self->YYParse( yylex => \&_Lexer, yyerror => \&_Error, );
64 }
65 }; # end grammar
67 our (@all, $uminus);
69 Parse::Eyapp->new_grammar( # Create the parser package/class
70 input=>$grammar,
71 classname=>'Calc', # The name of the package containing the parser
72 firstline=>7 # String $grammar starts at line 7 (for error diagnostics)
73 );
74 my $parser = Calc->new(); # Create a parser
75 $parser->YYData->{INPUT} = "2*-3+b*0;--2\n"; # Set the input
76 my $t = $parser->Run; # Parse it!
77 local $Parse::Eyapp::Node::INDENT=2;
78 print "Syntax Tree:",$t->str;
80 # Let us transform the tree. Define the tree-regular expressions ..
81 my $p = Parse::Eyapp::Treeregexp->new( STRING => q{
82 { # Example of support code
83 my %Op = (PLUS=>'+', MINUS => '-', TIMES=>'*', DIV => '/');
84 }
85 constantfold: /TIMES|PLUS|DIV|MINUS/:bin(NUM($x), NUM($y))
86 => {
87 my $op = $Op{ref($bin)};
88 $x->{attr} = eval "$x->{attr} $op $y->{attr}";
89 $_[0] = $NUM[0];
90 }
91 uminus: UMINUS(NUM($x)) => { $x->{attr} = -$x->{attr}; $_[0] = $NUM }
92 zero_times_whatever: TIMES(NUM($x), .) and { $x->{attr} == 0 } => { $_[0] = $NUM }
93 whatever_times_zero: TIMES(., NUM($x)) and { $x->{attr} == 0 } => { $_[0] = $NUM }
94 },
96 );
97 $p->generate(); # Create the tranformations
99 $t->s($uminus); # Transform UMINUS nodes
100 $t->s(@all); # constant folding and mult. by zero
102 local $Parse::Eyapp::Node::INDENT=0;
103 print "\nSyntax Tree after transformations:\n",$t->str,"\n";
gives as result the following output:
Syntax Tree:
) # TIMES,
) # PLUS,
nodes corresponding to tokens that were defined by strings like '='
, '-'
, '+'
, '/'
, '*'
, '('
and ')'
do not appear in the tree. TERMINAL
nodes corresponding to tokens that were defined using an identifier, like NUM
or VAR
are, by default, semantic tokens and appear in the AST.
Changing the Status of a Token
The new token declaration directives %syntactic token
and %semantic token
can change the status of a token. For example (file
in the examples/
directory), given the grammar:
%syntactic token b
%semantic token 'a' 'c'
S: %name ABC
| %name BC
A: %name A
B: %name B
C: %name C
the tree build for input abc
will be ABC(A(TERMINAL[a]),B,C(TERMINAL[c]))
Saving the Information of Syntactic Tokens in their Father
The reason for the adjective %syntactic
applied to a token is to state that the token influences the shape of the syntax tree but carries no other information. When the syntax tree is built the node corresponding to the token is discarded.
Sometimes the difference between syntactic and semantic tokens is blurred. For example the line number associated with an instance of the syntactic token '+'
can be used later -say during type checking- to emit a more accurate error diagnostic. But if the node was discarded the information about that line number is no longer available. When building the syntax tree Parse::Eyapp
(namely the method Parse::Eyapp::YYBuildAST
) checks if the method TERMINAL::save_attributes
exists and if so it will be called when dealing with a syntactic token. The method receives as argument - additionally to the reference to the attribute of the token as it is returned by the lexical analyzer - a reference to the node associated with the left hand side of the production. Here is an example (file lib/Simple/Types.eyp
in examples/typechecking/Simple-Types-XXX.tar.gz
) of use:
sub TERMINAL::save_attributes {
# $_[0] is a syntactic terminal
# $_[1] is the father.
push @{$_[1]->{lines}}, $_[0]->[1]; # save the line number
The bypass
clause and the %no bypass
The shape of the tree can be also modified using some %tree
clauses as %tree bypass
which will produce an automatic bypass of any node with only one child at tree-construction-time.
A bypass operation consists in returning the only child of the node being visited to the father of the node and re-typing (re-blessing) the node in the name of the production (if a name was provided).
A node may have only one child at tree-construction-time for one of two reasons.
The first occurs when the right hand side of the production was already unary like in:
exp: %name NUM NUM
Here - if the
clause is used - theNUM
node will be bypassed and the childTERMINAL
built from the information provided by the lexical analyzer will be renamed/reblessed asNUM
.Another reason for a node to be bypassed is the fact that though the right hand side of the production may have more than one symbol, only one of them is not a syntactic token like in:
exp: '(' exp ')'
A consequence of the global scope application of %tree bypass
is that undesired bypasses may occur like in
exp : %name UMINUS
'-' $exp %prec NEG
though the right hand side has two symbols, token '-'
is a syntactic token and therefore only exp
is left. The bypass operation will be applied when building this node. This bypass can be avoided applying the no bypass ID
directive to the corresponding production:
exp : %no bypass UMINUS
'-' $exp %prec NEG
The following example (file examples/
) is the equivalent of the Parse::Eyapp SYNOPSIS example but using the bypass
clause instead:
use Parse::Eyapp;
use Parse::Eyapp::Treeregexp;
sub TERMINAL::info { $_[0]{attr} }
{ no warnings; *VAR::info = *NUM::info = \&TERMINAL::info; }
my $grammar = q{
%right '=' # Lowest precedence
%left '-' '+'
%left '*' '/'
%left NEG # Disambiguate -a-b as (-a)-b and not as -(a-b)
%tree bypass # Let us build an abstract syntax tree ...
line: exp <%name EXPRESSION_LIST + ';'> { $_[1] }
%name NUM NUM | %name VAR VAR | %name ASSIGN VAR '=' exp
| %name PLUS exp '+' exp | %name MINUS exp '-' exp | %name TIMES exp '*' exp
| %name DIV exp '/' exp
| %no bypass UMINUS
'-' $exp %prec NEG
| '(' exp ')'
# sub _Error, _Lexer and Run like in the synopsis example
# ...
}; # end grammar
our (@all, $uminus);
Parse::Eyapp->new_grammar( # Create the parser package/class
classname=>'Calc', # The name of the package containing the parser
firstline=>7 # String $grammar starts at line 7 (for error diagnostics)
my $parser = Calc->new(); # Create a parser
$parser->YYData->{INPUT} = "a=2*-3+b*0\n"; # Set the input
my $t = $parser->Run; # Parse it!
print "\n************\n".$t->str."\n************\n";
# Let us transform the tree. Define the tree-regular expressions ..
my $p = Parse::Eyapp::Treeregexp->new( STRING => q{
{ # Example of support code
my %Op = (PLUS=>'+', MINUS => '-', TIMES=>'*', DIV => '/');
constantfold: /TIMES|PLUS|DIV|MINUS/:bin(NUM, NUM)
=> {
my $op = $Op{ref($_[0])};
$NUM[0]->{attr} = eval "$NUM[0]->{attr} $op $NUM[1]->{attr}";
$_[0] = $NUM[0];
zero_times_whatever: TIMES(NUM, .) and { $NUM->{attr} == 0 } => { $_[0] = $NUM }
whatever_times_zero: TIMES(., NUM) and { $NUM->{attr} == 0 } => { $_[0] = $NUM }
uminus: UMINUS(NUM) => { $NUM->{attr} = -$NUM->{attr}; $_[0] = $NUM }
$p->generate(); # Create the tranformations
$t->s(@all); # constant folding and mult. by zero
print $t->str,"\n";
when running this example with input "a=2*-3+b*0\n"
we obtain the following output:
As you can see the trees are more compact when using the bypass
The alias
clause of the %tree
Access to children in Parse::Eyapp is made through the child
and children
methods. There are occasions however where access by name to the children may be preferable. The use of the alias
clause with the %tree
directive creates accessors to the children with names specified by the programmer. The dot and dollar notations are used for this. When dealing with a production like:
%name A_Node
Node B.bum N.pum $Chip
methods bum
, pum
and Chip
will be created for the class A_Node
. Those methods will provide access to the respective child (first, second and third in the example). The methods are build at compile-time and therefore later transformations of the AST modifying the order of the children may invalidate the use of these getter-setters.
The %prefix
directive used in line 7 of the following example is equivalent to the use of the yyprefix
. The node classes are prefixed with the specified prefix: R::S::
in this example.
cat -n
1 #!/usr/local/bin/perl
2 use warnings;
3 use strict;
4 use Parse::Eyapp;
6 my $grammar = q{
7 %prefix R::S::
9 %right '='
10 %left '-' '+'
11 %left '*' '/'
12 %left NEG
13 %tree bypass alias
15 %%
16 line: $exp { $_[1] }
17 ;
19 exp:
20 %name NUM
21 $NUM
22 | %name VAR
23 $VAR
24 | %name ASSIGN
25 $VAR '=' $exp
26 | %name PLUS
27 exp.left '+' exp.right
28 | %name MINUS
29 exp.left '-' exp.right
30 | %name TIMES
31 exp.left '*' exp.right
32 | %name DIV
33 exp.left '/' exp.right
34 | %no bypass UMINUS
35 '-' $exp %prec NEG
36 | '(' exp ')' { $_[2] } /* Let us simplify a bit the tree */
37 ;
39 %%
.. ....
76 }; # end grammar
79 Parse::Eyapp->new_grammar(
80 input=>$grammar,
81 classname=>'Alias',
82 firstline =>7,
83 outputfile => 'main',
84 );
85 my $parser = Alias->new();
86 $parser->YYData->{INPUT} = "a = -(2*3+5-1)\n";
87 my $t = $parser->Run;
88 $Parse::Eyapp::Node::INDENT=0;
89 print $t->VAR->str."\n"; # a
90 print "***************\n";
91 print $t->exp->exp->left->str."\n"; # 2*3+5
92 print "***************\n";
93 print $t->exp->exp->right->str."\n"; # 1
The tree $t
for the expression "a = -(2*3+5-1)\n"
class has methods VAR
(see line 89 above) and exp
(see lines 91 and 93) to refer to its two children. The result of the execution is:
As a second example of the use of %alias
, the CPAN module Language::AttributeGrammar provides AST decorators from an attribute grammar specification of the AST. To work Language::AttributeGrammar requires named access to the children of the AST nodes. Follows an example (file examples/
) of a small calculator:
pl@nereida:~/LEyapp/examples$ cat -n
1 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
2 use strict;
3 use Parse::Eyapp;
4 use Data::Dumper;
5 use Language::AttributeGrammar;
7 my $grammar = q{
8 %{
9 # use Data::Dumper;
10 %}
11 %right '='
12 %left '-' '+'
13 %left '*' '/'
14 %left NEG
15 %tree bypass alias
17 %%
18 line: $exp { $_[1] }
19 ;
21 exp:
22 %name NUM
23 $NUM
24 | %name VAR
25 $VAR
26 | %name ASSIGN
27 $VAR '=' $exp
28 | %name PLUS
29 exp.left '+' exp.right
30 | %name MINUS
31 exp.left '-' exp.right
32 | %name TIMES
33 exp.left '*' exp.right
34 | %name DIV
35 exp.left '/' exp.right
36 | %no bypass UMINUS
37 '-' $exp %prec NEG
38 | '(' $exp ')' { $_[2] } /* Let us simplify a bit the tree */
39 ;
41 %%
43 sub _Error {
44 exists $_[0]->YYData->{ERRMSG}
45 and do {
46 print $_[0]->YYData->{ERRMSG};
47 delete $_[0]->YYData->{ERRMSG};
48 return;
49 };
50 print "Syntax error.\n";
51 }
53 sub _Lexer {
54 my($parser)=shift;
56 $parser->YYData->{INPUT}
57 or $parser->YYData->{INPUT} = <STDIN>
58 or return('',undef);
60 $parser->YYData->{INPUT}=~s/^\s+//;
62 for ($parser->YYData->{INPUT}) {
63 s/^([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)//
64 and return('NUM',$1);
65 s/^([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*)//
66 and return('VAR',$1);
67 s/^(.)//s
68 and return($1,$1);
69 }
70 }
72 sub Run {
73 my($self)=shift;
74 $self->YYParse( yylex => \&_Lexer, yyerror => \&_Error,
75 #yydebug =>0xFF
76 );
77 }
78 }; # end grammar
81 $Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
82 Parse::Eyapp->new_grammar(
83 input=>$grammar,
84 classname=>'Rule6',
85 firstline =>7,
86 outputfile => '',
87 );
88 my $parser = Rule6->new();
89 $parser->YYData->{INPUT} = "a = -(2*3+5-1)\n";
90 my $t = $parser->Run;
91 print "\n***** Before ******\n";
92 print Dumper($t);
94 my $attgram = new Language::AttributeGrammar <<'EOG';
96 # Compute the expression
97 NUM: $/.val = { $<attr> }
98 TIMES: $/.val = { $<left>.val * $<right>.val }
99 PLUS: $/.val = { $<left>.val + $<right>.val }
100 MINUS: $/.val = { $<left>.val - $<right>.val }
101 UMINUS: $/.val = { -$<exp>.val }
102 ASSIGN: $/.val = { $<exp>.val }
103 EOG
105 my $res = $attgram->apply($t, 'val');
107 $Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
108 print "\n***** After ******\n";
109 print Dumper($t);
110 print Dumper($res);
The program computes the tree for expression for expression a = -(2*3+5-1)
which is:
The children of the binary nodes can be accessed through the left
and right
About the Encapsulation of Nodes
There is no encapsulation of nodes. The user/client knows that they are hashes that can be decorated with new keys/attributes. All nodes in the AST created by %tree
are Parse::Eyapp::Node
nodes. The only reserved field is children
which is a reference to the array of children. You can always create a Node
class by hand by inheriting from Parse::Eyapp::Node
Yacc-like parser generators provide ways to solve shift-reduce mechanims based on token precedence. No mechanisms are provided for the resolution of reduce-reduce conflicts. The solution for such kind of conflicts is to modify the grammar. The strategy I present here provides a way to broach conflicts that can't be solved using static precedences.
Introduction: The C++ Ambiguity
The C++ syntax does not disambiguate between expression statements and declaration statements. The ambiguity arises when an expression statement has a function-style cast as its left-most subexpression. (Since C does not support function-style casts, this ambiguity does not occur in C programs.)
For example,
int (x) = y+z;
parses as either an expr
or a stmt
If the statement can be interpreted both as a declaration and as an expression, the statement is interpreted as a declaration statement.
The following expressions disambiguate into expression statements because the declarator is followed by an operator different from the assignment operator.
type_spec(i)++; // expression statement
type_spec(i,3)<<d; // expression statement
type_spec(i)->l=24; // expression statement
Where type_spec
stands for a type specifier.
In the following examples, the interpretation as declaration works, and consequently the statements are interpreted as declarations:
type_spec(*i)(int); // declaration
type_spec(j)[5]; // declaration
type_spec(m) = { 1, 2 }; // declaration
type_spec(a); // declaration
type_spec(*b)(); // declaration
type_spec(c)=23; // declaration
type_spec(d),e,f,g=0; // declaration
type_spec(h)(e,3); // declaration
An Ambiguous Grammar
The simple grammar in examples/debuggingtut/SimplifiedCplusplusAmbiguity.eyp
illustrates the problem of parsing C++:
examples/debuggingtut$ eyapp -c SimplifiedCplusplusAmbiguity.eyp
%token ID INT NUM
%right '='
%left '+'
/* empty */
| prog stmt
expr ';'
| decl
| INT '(' expr ')' /* typecast */
| expr '+' expr
| expr '=' expr
INT declarator ';'
| INT declarator '=' expr ';'
| '(' declarator ')'
The grammar is ambiguous since an input like:
int (x) = 4;
can be interpreted as a decl
or an expr
The eyapp
compiler warn us of the presence of reduce/reduce conflict:
examples/debuggingtut$ eyapp -v SimplifiedCplusplusAmbiguity.eyp
1 reduce/reduce conflict
when we look at the .output
file we see that the reduce-reduce conflict is at state 18:
examples/debuggingtut$ head -12 SimplifiedCplusplusAmbiguity.output
1 reduce/reduce conflict
Conflict in state 15 between rule 8 and token '+' resolved as reduce.
Conflict in state 15 between rule 8 and token '=' resolved as reduce.
Conflict in state 17 between rule 9 and token '+' resolved as shift.
Conflict in state 17 between rule 9 and token '=' resolved as shift.
State 18 contains 1 reduce/reduce conflict
When we look at the description of the involved state, we see the reasons for the conflict:
examples/debuggingtut$ sed -ne '/^State 18:/,/^State/p' SimplifiedCplusplusAmbiguity.output
State 18:
expr -> ID . (Rule 5)
declarator -> ID . (Rule 12)
')' [reduce using rule 12 (declarator)]
$default reduce using rule 5 (expr)
State 19:
The conflict means that once the parser has seen the ID
and is in the presence of the closing parenthesis ')'
, it is incapable to decide whether to reduce by rule 12 or rule 5.
As we said, the C++ disambiguation rule is: take it as a declaration if it looks as a declaration, otherwise is an expression. But we see that interpretation as decl
will succeed if declarator is followed - after the sequence of closing parenthesis - by one of the two tokens a ;
or =
. That can be traced during parsing time. Parse::Eyapp provides the mechanisms to change the parsing actions at parsing time.
The Postponed Conflict Resolution Strategy
The postponed conflict strategy presented here can be used whenever there is a shift-reduce or reduce-reduce conflict that can not be solved using static precedences but that can be solved using information obtained at parsing time.
Postponed Conflict Resolution: Reduce-Reduce Conflicts
Let us assume we have a reduce-reduce conflict between to productions
A -> alpha .
B -> beta .
for some token @
. Let also assume that production
A -> alpha
has name ruleA
and production
B -> beta
has name ruleB
The postponed conflict resolution strategy consists in modifying the conflictive grammar by adding at the points of conflict, in this case at then end of the involved productions a new syntactic variable IsAorB
A -> alpha IsAorB .
B -> beta IsAorB .
The reduce-reduce conflict is now postponed after IsAorB
is seen. The new syntactic variable IsAorB
will be called the conflict name. The new introduced syntactic variable has only one empty production:
IsAorB -> /* empty */
The programmer associates with that production a semantic action whose mission is to solve the conflict by dynamically changing the parsing table like this:
IsAorB -> /* empty */
my $self = shift;
if (looks_like_A($self)) {
$self->YYSetReduce('@', 'ruleA' );
else {
$self->YYSetReduce('@', 'ruleB' );
The semantic action associated with the conflict name receives the name of conflict handler.
An Example of Dynamic Conflict Resolution
The Eyapp program examples/debuggingtut/Cplusplus.eyp
solves the conflicts in examples/debuggingtut/SimplifiedCplusplusAmbiguity.eyp
by using the Postponed Conflict Resolution strategy:
examples/debuggingtut$ head -67 Cplusplus.eyp | cat -n
1 # See
2 %strict
3 %token ID INT NUM
5 %right '='
6 %left '+'
8 %tree bypass
10 %expect 0 1 # 0 shift-reduce conflicts, 1 reduce-reduce conflict
12 %%
13 prog:
14 %name EMPTY
15 /* empty */
16 | %name PROG
17 prog stmt
18 ;
20 stmt:
21 %name EXP
22 expr ';'
23 | %name DECL
24 decl
25 ;
27 expr:
28 %name EXPID
29 ID decexpconflict
30 | %name NUM
31 NUM
32 | %name TYPECAST
33 INT '(' expr ')' /* typecast */
34 | %name PLUS
35 expr '+' expr
36 | %name ASSIGN
37 expr '=' expr
38 ;
40 decl:
42 INT declarator ';'
44 INT declarator '=' expr ';'
45 ;
47 declarator:
48 %name DECID
49 ID decexpconflict
50 | '(' declarator ')'
51 ;
53 decexpconflict:
54 /* empty. Just to solve the reduce-reduce conflict */
55 {
56 my $self = shift;
58 if ($self->{INPUT} =~ m{^[)\s]*[;=]\s*}) {
59 $self->YYSetReduce(')', 'DECID' );
60 }
61 else {
62 $self->YYSetReduce(')', 'EXPID' );
63 }
64 }
65 ;
67 %%
The aforementioned conflict in examples/debuggingtut/SimplifiedCplusplusAmbiguity.eyp
examples/debuggingtut$ sed -ne '/^State 18:/,/^State/p' SimplifiedCplusplusAmbiguity.output
State 18:
expr -> ID . (Rule 5)
declarator -> ID . (Rule 12)
')' [reduce using rule 12 (declarator)]
$default reduce using rule 5 (expr)
State 19:
is now delayed just after seen decexpconflict
examples/debuggingtut$ eyapp -vb '' Cplusplus.eyp
1 reduce/reduce conflict
examples/debuggingtut$ sed -ne '/^State 27:/,/^State/p' Cplusplus.output
State 27:
expr -> ID decexpconflict . (Rule 5)
declarator -> ID decexpconflict . (Rule 12)
')' [reduce using rule 12 (declarator)]
$default reduce using rule 5 (expr)
State 28:
The call
$self->YYSetReduce(')', 'DECID' );
inside the semantic action associated with decexpconflict
sets the parsing action to reduce by the production with name DECID
, i.e.
declarator -> ID
when the incoming input is followed by a semicolon or an equal. Otherwise the action taken is to reduce by
expr -> ID
The program now successfully solves the ambiguity:
Using YYSetLRAction
and YYNextState
The modulino glrexpressions.eyp
illustrates an alternative way to apply the postponed conflict resolution strategy to the aforementioned problem:
examples/debuggingtut$ head -69 glrexpressions.eyp | cat -n
1 # See
2 %strict
3 %token ID INT NUM
5 %right '='
6 %left '+'
8 %{
9 my $input;
10 %}
12 %tree bypass
13 %%
14 prog:
15 %name EMPTY
16 /* empty */
17 | %name PROG
18 prog stmt
19 ;
21 stmt:
22 %name EXP
23 expr ';'
24 | %name DECL
25 decl
26 ;
28 expr:
29 %name EXPID
30 ID decexpconflict
31 | %name NUM
32 NUM
33 | %name TYPECAST
34 INT '(' expr ')' /* typecast */
35 | %name PLUS
36 expr '+' expr
37 | %name ASSIGN
38 expr '=' expr
39 ;
41 decl:
43 INT declarator ';'
45 INT declarator '=' expr ';'
46 ;
48 declarator:
49 %name DECID
50 ID decexpconflict
51 | '(' declarator ')'
52 ;
54 decexpconflict:
55 /* empty. Just for hacking the LALR tables */
56 {
57 my $self = shift;
59 my $conflictstate = $self->YYNextState();
60 if ($input =~ m{^[)\s]*[;=]\s*}) {
61 $self->YYSetLRAction($conflictstate, ')', 'DECID' );
62 }
63 else {
64 $self->YYSetLRAction($conflictstate, ')', 'EXPID' );
65 }
66 }
67 ;
69 %%
Line 59 uses the method YYNextState
to compute the state after the reduction for the production rule
decexpconflict -> /* empty */
which is precisely the conflict state. If the incoming input is a sequence of parenthesis followed by either a semicolon or an equal we call to the method YYSetLRAction
to set a reduction by the rule
declarator -> ID
for that state and token ')'
, otherwise we indicate a reduction by the rule:
expr -> ID
Postponed Conflict Resolution: Shift-Reduce Conflicts
The program in examples/debuggingtut/DynamicallyChangingTheParser2.eyp
illustrates how the postponed conflict strategy is used for shift-reduce conflicts. This is an extension of the grammar in examples/debuggingtut/Debug.eyp
. The generated language is constituted by sequences like:
{ D; D; S; S; S; } {D; S} { S }
As you remember the conflict was:
examples/debuggingtut$ sed -ne '/^State 13:/,/^State/p' DynamicallyChangingTheParser2.output
State 13:
ds -> D conflict . ';' ds (Rule 6)
ds -> D conflict . (Rule 7)
';' shift, and go to state 16
';' [reduce using rule 7 (ds)]
State 14:
The conflict handler (lines 50-56 below) sets the LR action to reduce by the production with name LAST_D
ds -> D
in the presence of token ';'
if indeed is the last 'D'
. The semantic action associated with the production LAST_D
(lines 34-37) restores the former shift action and proceeds to call Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYBuildAST
in order to continue with the building of the abstract syntax tree:
examples/debuggingtut$ cat -n DynamicallyChangingTheParser2.eyp
1 # See section 'Hacking the Parsing Tables: ACTION and GOTOs' in
2 #
3 #
4 # See also: Debug.eyp Debug1.eyp Debug2.eyp LookForward.eyp
5 # DynamicallyChangingTheParser.eyp This example illustrates how to dynamically
6 # change the behavior of the parser
8 %token D S
10 %{
11 our $VERSION = '0.01';
12 %}
14 %tree bypass
16 %%
17 p: %name PROG
18 block +
19 ;
21 block:
22 %name BLOCK
23 '{' ds ';' ss '}'
24 | %name SS
25 '{' ss '}'
26 ;
28 ds:
29 %name MORE_Ds
30 D conflict ';' ds
31 | %name LAST_D
32 D conflict
33 {
34 # Recover former LALR action
35 $_[0]->YYRestoreLRAction('conflict', ';');
36 # Do whatever you want
37 goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYBuildAST;
38 }
39 ;
41 ss:
42 %name SS
43 S ';' ss
44 | %name S
45 S
46 ;
48 conflict:
49 /* empty. Just for dynamic precedence */
50 {
51 my $self = shift;
53 $self->YYSetReduce(';', 'LAST_D' ) if ($self->{INPUT} =~ m{^;\s*S});
55 undef; # skip this node in the AST
56 }
57 ;
59 %%
61 sub _Error {
62 my $parser = shift;
64 my ($token) = $parser->YYCurval;
65 my ($what) = $token ? "input: '$token'" : "end of input";
66 warn "Syntax error near $what\n";
67 }
69 sub _Lexer {
70 my $self = shift;
72 for ($self->{INPUT}) {
73 s{^(\s*)}{};
75 return ('',undef) unless $_;
77 return ($1,$1) if s/^(.)//;
78 }
79 return ('',undef);
80 }
82 sub Run {
83 my $debug = shift || 0;
84 $debug = 0x1F if $debug;
86 my $self = __PACKAGE__->new();
87 $self->{INPUT} = <STDIN>;
89 print
90 $self->YYParse(
91 yylex => \&_Lexer,
92 yyerror => \&_Error,
93 yydebug => $debug,
94 )->str."\n";
95 }
97 Run(@ARGV) unless caller;
Explicit names can be given to grammar productions via the %name
directive. An alternative to explicitly gave names to rules is to define a naming scheme via the Eyapp directive %namingscheme
. This can be helpful when you inherit a large grammar and want to quickly build a parser. The ANSI C parser in examples/languages/C/ansic.eyp
is a good example. Another example is the Pascal parser in examples/languages/pascal/pascal.eyp
The Eyapp directive %namingscheme
is followed by some Perl code. Such Perl code must return a reference to a subroutine that will be called each time a new production right hand side is parsed. The subroutine returns the name for the production.
The Perl code defining the handler receives a Parse::Eyapp
object that describes the grammar. The code after the %namingscheme
directive is evaluated during the early phases of the compilation of the input grammar. As an example of how to set a naming scheme, see lines 22-38 below (you can find this example and others in the directory examples/naming
of the accompanying distribution):
lusasoft@LusaSoft:~/src/perl/Eyapp/examples/naming$ cat -n GiveNamesToCalc.eyp
1 # GiveNamesToCalc.eyp
2 %right '='
3 %left '-' '+'
4 %left '*' '/'
5 %left NEG
6 %right '^'
8 %tree bypass
10 %{
11 use base q{Tail};
13 sub exp_is_NUM::info {
14 my $self = shift;
16 $self->{attr}[0];
17 }
19 *exp_is_VAR::info = *var_is_VAR::info = \&exp_is_NUM::info;
20 %}
22 %namingscheme {
23 #Receives a Parse::Eyapp object describing the grammar
24 my $self = shift;
26 $self->tokennames(
27 '=' => 'ASSIGN',
28 '+' => 'PLUS',
29 '*' => 'TIMES',
30 '-' => 'MINUS',
31 '/' => 'DIV',
32 '^' => 'EXP',
33 );
35 # returns the handler that will give names
36 # to the right hand sides
37 \&give_token_name;
38 }
39 %%
41 line:
42 exp
43 ;
45 exp:
46 NUM
47 | VAR
48 | var '=' exp
49 | exp '+' exp
50 | exp '-' exp
51 | exp '*' exp
52 | exp '/' exp
53 | %no bypass exp_is_NEG
54 '-' exp %prec NEG
55 | exp '^' exp
56 | '(' exp ')'
57 ;
59 var:
60 VAR
61 ;
62 %%
64 unless (caller) {
65 my $t = __PACKAGE__->main(@ARGV);
66 print $t->str."\n";
67 }
The example uses a naming scheme that is provided by Parse::Eyapp
: Parse::Eyapp::Grammar::give_token_name
. The current provided naming schemes handlers are:
: The name of the production is the name of the Left Hand Side of the Production Rule concatenated with an underscore and the index of the productiongive_lhs_name
: The name of the production is the name of the Left Hand Side of the Production Rule (this is the naming scheme used by the%tree
directive when no explicit name was given)give_token_name
: The name of the production is the Left Hand Side of the Production Rule followed by the word_is_
followed by the concatenation of the names of the tokens in the right and side (separated by underscores).
All of these handlers are implemented inside the class Parse::Eyapp::Grammar
. There is no need at line 37 to explicit the class name prefix since the naming scheme code is evaluated inside such class:
22 %namingscheme {
23 #Receives a Parse::Eyapp object describing the grammar
24 my $self = shift;
26 $self->tokennames(
27 '=' => 'ASSIGN',
28 '+' => 'PLUS',
29 '*' => 'TIMES',
30 '-' => 'MINUS',
31 '/' => 'DIV',
32 '^' => 'EXP',
33 );
35 # returns the handler that will give names
36 # to the right hand sides
37 \&give_token_name;
38 }
As it is illustrated in this example, the method tokennames
of Parse::Eyapp
objects provide a way to give identifier names to tokens that are defined by strings. When we execute the former module/program (modulino) with input a=2*-3
we got the following output:
lusasoft@LusaSoft:~/src/perl/Eyapp/examples/naming$ eyapp -b '' GiveNamesToCalc.eyp
lusasoft@LusaSoft:~/src/perl/Eyapp/examples/naming$ ./
Expressions. Press CTRL-D (Unix) or CTRL-Z (Windows) to finish:
For each production rule the handler is called with arguments:
object,the production index (inside the grammar),
the left hand side symbol and a reference to a list with the symbols in the right hand side.
The following code of some version of give_token_name
exemplifies how a naming scheme handler can be written:
lusasoft@LusaSoft:~/src/perl/Eyapp$ sed -ne '101,132p' lib/Parse/Eyapp/ | cat -n
1 sub give_token_name {
2 my ($self, $index, $lhs, $rhs) = @_;
4 my @rhs = @$rhs;
5 $rhs = '';
7 unless (@rhs) { # Empty RHS
8 return $lhs.'_is_empty';
9 }
11 my $names = $self->{GRAMMAR}{TOKENNAMES} || {};
12 for (@rhs) {
13 if ($self->is_token($_)) {
14 s/^'(.*)'$/$1/;
15 my $name = $names->{$_} || '';
16 unless ($name) {
17 $name = $_ if /^\w+$/;
18 }
19 $rhs .= "_$name" if $name;
20 }
21 }
23 unless ($rhs) { # no 'word' tokens in the RHS
24 for (@rhs) {
25 $rhs .= "_$_" if /^\w+$/;
26 }
27 }
29 # check if another production with such name exists?
30 my $name = $lhs.'_is'.$rhs;
31 return $name;
32 }
A Parse::Eyapp
object holds the information about the Eyapp
input grammar: parsing tables, conflicts, semantic actions, etc.
To translate an Eyapp grammar you must use either the eyapp script or call the class constructor new_grammar
. The Parse::Eyapp
method Parse::Eyapp->new_grammar(input=>$grammar)
creates a package containing the code that implements a LALR parser for the input grammar:
my $p = Parse::Eyapp->new_grammar(
firstline => 6,
outputfile => 'main'
die $p->Warnings if $p->Warnings;
my $new_parser_for_grammar = Grammar->new();
The method returns a Parse::Eyapp
You can check the object to see if there were problems during the construction of the parser for your grammar:
die $p->qtables() if $p->Warnings;
The method Warnings
returns the warnings produced during the parsing. The absence of warnings indicates the correctness of the input program.
The call to Parse::Eyapp->new_grammar
generates a class/package containing the parser for your input grammar. Such package lives in the namespace determined by the classname
argument of new_grammar
. To create a parser for the grammar you call the constructor new
of the just created class:
my $new_parser_for_grammar = Grammar->new();
The meaning of the arguments of Parse::Eyapp->new_grammar
- - input
The string containing the input
- - classname
The name of the package that will held the code for the LALR parser. The package of the caller will be used as default if none is specified.
- - firstline
For error diagnostics. The line where the definition of the Eyapp grammar starts.
- - linenumbers
Include/not include
# line directives
in the generated code - - outputfile
If defined the generated code fill be dumped in the specified filename (with extension .pm) and the LALR information ambiguities and conflicts) in the specified filename with extension .output.
Returns a string containing information on warnings, ambiguities, conflicts, rules and the generated DFA tables. Is the same information in file.output
when using the command eyapp -v file.eyp
my $p = Parse::Eyapp->new_grammar(
outputfile => '',
print $p->qtables() if $p->Warnings;
It receives two arguments
$eyapp->outputtables($path, $base)
Similar to qtables
but prints the information on warnings, conflicts and rules to the specified $path/$base
Returns the warnings resulting from compiling the grammar:
my $p = Parse::Eyapp->new_grammar(
firstline => 6,
outputfile => 'main'
die $p->Warnings if $p->Warnings;
Returns the empty string if there were no conflicts.
Returns a string with the information about the LALR generated DFA.
Returns a string with summary information about the compilation of the grammar. No arguments.
Returns a string with summary information about the conflicts that arose when compiling the grammar. No arguments.
Returns a string with the parsing tables
Used when defining a naming scheme to associate identifiers with (usually string) tokens. See section NAMING SCHEMES of Parse::Eyapp
See the documentation for Parse::Eyapp::Driver
The parser for the Eyapp
language was written and generated using Parse::Eyapp
and the eyapp
compiler (actually the first version was bootstrapped using the yapp compiler). The Eyapp program parsing the Eyapp
language is in the file Parse/Eyapp/Parse.yp
in the Parse::Eyapp
distribution. Therefore Parse::Eyapp::Parse
objects have all the methods in Parse::Eyapp::Driver
A Parse::Eyapp::Parse
is nothing but a particular kind of Parse::Eyapp
parser: the one that parses Eyapp
See the documentation for Parse::Eyapp::translationschemestut
See the documentation for Parse::Eyapp::Treeregexp
See the documentation for Parse::Eyapp::Node
See the documentation for Parse::Eyapp::YATW
AND treereg
A Treeregexp program can be isolated in a file an compiled with the program treereg
. The default extension is .trg
. See the following example:
pl@nereida:~/src/perl/YappWithDefaultAction/examples/Eyapp$ cat -n Shift.trg
1 # File: Shift.trg
2 {
3 sub log2 {
4 my $n = shift;
5 return log($n)/log(2);
6 }
8 my $power;
9 }
10 mult2shift: TIMES($e, NUM($m))
11 and { $power = log2($m->{attr}); (1 << $power) == $m->{attr} } => {
12 $_[0]->delete(1);
13 $_[0]->{shift} = $power;
14 $_[0]->type('SHIFTLEFT');
15 }
Note that auxiliary support code can be inserted at any point between transformations (lines 2-9). The code will be inserted (without the defining curly brackets) at that point. Note also that the lexical variable $power
is visible inside the definition of the mult2shift
A treeregexp like $e
matches any node (line 10). A reference to the node is saved in the lexical variable $e
. The scope of the variable $e
is the current tree transformation, i.e. mult2shift
. Such kind of treeregexps are called scalar treeregexps.
The call to the delete
method at line 12 deletes the second child of the node being visited (i.e. NUM($m)
The call to type
at line 14 retypes the node as a SHIFTLEFT
The program is compiled using the script treereg
pl@nereida:~/src/perl/YappWithDefaultAction/examples/Eyapp$ eyapp Rule5
pl@nereida:~/src/perl/YappWithDefaultAction/examples/Eyapp$ treereg Shift
pl@nereida:~/src/perl/YappWithDefaultAction/examples/Eyapp$ ls -ltr | tail -2
-rw-r--r-- 1 pl users 6439 2008-09-02 08:59
-rw-r--r-- 1 pl users 1424 2008-09-02 08:59
The Grammar Rule5.yp
is similar to the one in the "SYNOPSIS" section. Module
contains the parser. The module
contains the code implementing the tree transformations.
The client program follows:
pl@nereida:~/src/perl/YappWithDefaultAction/examples/Eyapp$ cat -n
1 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
2 use strict;
3 use Rule5;
4 use Parse::Eyapp::Base qw(insert_function);
5 use Shift;
7 sub SHIFTLEFT::info { $_[0]{shift} }
8 insert_function('TERMINAL::info', \&TERMINAL::attr);
10 my $parser = new Rule5();
11 my $t = $parser->Run;
12 print "***********\n",$t->str,"\n";
13 $t->s(@Shift::all);
14 print "***********\n",$t->str,"\n";
Lines 7 and 8 provide the node classes TERMINAL
of info
methods to be used during the calls to the str
method (lines 12 and 14).
Multiplications by a power of two are substituted by the corresponding shifts:
Compiling: More Options
See files Rule9.yp
, Transform4.trg
in the examples directory for a more detailed vision of this example. File Rule9.yp
is very much like the grammar in the "SYNOPSIS" example. To compile the grammar Rule9.yp
and the treeregexp file Transform4.trg
use the commands:
eyapp -m 'Calc' Rule9.yp
That will produce a file
containing a package Calc
that implements the LALR parser. Then the command:
treereg -o -p 'R::' -m T Transform4
produces a file
containing a package T
that implements the tree transformation program. The -p
option announces that node classes are prefixed by 'R::'
With such parameters the client program uses the generated modules as follows:
nereida:~/src/perl/YappWithDefaultAction/examples> cat -n
1 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
2 # File: Compile it with
3 # eyapp -m 'Calc' Rule9.yp; treereg -o -p 'R::' -m T Transform4
4 use strict;
5 use Calc;
6 use T;
8 sub R::TERMINAL::info { $_[0]{attr} }
9 my $parser = new Calc(yyprefix => "R::");
10 my $t = $parser->YYParse( yylex => \&Calc::Lexer, yyerror => \&Calc::Error);
11 print "\n***** Before ******\n";
12 print $t->str."\n";
13 $t->s(@T::all);
14 print "\n***** After ******\n";
15 print $t->str."\n";
running the program produces the following output:
***** Before ******
***** After ******
See the documentation for Parse::Eyapp::Scope
See the documentation in Parse::Eyapp::Base
Remember to set the environment variable PERL5LIB
if you decide to install Parse::Eyapp
at a location other than the standard. For example, on a bash or sh:
export PERL5LIB=/home/user/wherever_it_is/lib/:$PERL5LIB
on a csh
or tcsh
setenv PERL5LIB /home/user/wherever_it_is/lib/:$PERL5LIB
Be sure the scripts eyapp
and treereg
are in the execution PATH.
This distribution depends on the following modules:
It seems that List::Util is in the core of Perl distributions since version 5.73:
> perl -MModule::CoreList -e 'print Module::CoreList->first_release("List::Util")'
and Data::Dumper is also in the core since 5.5:
> perl -MModule::CoreList -e 'print Module::CoreList->first_release("Data::Dumper")'
and Pod::Usage is also in the core since 5.6:
> perl -MModule::CoreList -e 'print Module::CoreList->first_release("Pod::Usage")'
I also recommend the following modules:
The dependence on Test::Warn, Test::Pod and Test::Exception is merely for the execution of tests. If the modules aren't installed the tests depending on them will be skipped.
To install it, follow the traditional mantra:
perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install
Make a local copy of the
directory in this distribution. They contain the examples used in the tutorials
The way Parse::Eyapp parses Perl code is verbatim the way it does Parse::Yapp 1.05. Quoting Francois Desarmenien Parse::Yapp documentation:
"Be aware that matching braces in Perl is much more difficult than in C: inside strings they don't need to match. While in C it is very easy to detect the beginning of a string construct, or a single character, it is much more difficult in Perl, as there are so many ways of writing such literals. So there is no check for that today. If you need a brace in a double-quoted string, just quote it (
). For single-quoted strings, you will need to make a comment matching it in the right order. Sorry for the inconvenience.{ "{ My string block }". "\{ My other string block \}". qq/ My unmatched brace \} /. # Force the match: { q/ for my closing brace } / q/ My opening brace { / # must be closed: } }
All of these constructs should work."
Alternative exact solutions were tried but resulted in much slower code. Therefore, until something faster is found, I rather prefer for Parse::Eyapp to live with this limitation.
The same limitation may appear inside header code (code between
The project home is at Use a subversion client to anonymously check out the latest project source code:
svn checkout parse-eyapp-read-only
Parse::Eyapp, Parse::Eyapp::eyapplanguageref, Parse::Eyapp::debuggingtut, Parse::Eyapp::defaultactionsintro, Parse::Eyapp::translationschemestut, Parse::Eyapp::Driver, Parse::Eyapp::Node, Parse::Eyapp::YATW, Parse::Eyapp::Treeregexp, Parse::Eyapp::Scope, Parse::Eyapp::Base, Parse::Eyapp::datagenerationtut
The pdf file in
The pdf file in
The pdf file in
The pdf file in
The pdf file in
The pdf file in
The pdf file in
The pdf file in
The pdf file in
The pdf file in
The tutorial Parsing Strings and Trees with
(An Introduction to Compiler Construction in seven pages) in eyapp,
perldoc treereg,
perldoc vgg,
The Syntax Highlight file for vim at and
Analisis Lexico y Sintactico, (Notes for a course in compiler construction) by Casiano Rodriguez-Leon. Available at Is the more complete and reliable source for Parse::Eyapp. However is in Spanish.
Man pages of yacc(1) and bison(1),
ocamlyacc tutorial at
The classic Dragon's book Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools by Alfred V. Aho, Ravi Sethi and Jeffrey D. Ullman (Addison-Wesley 1986)
CS2121: The Implementation and Power of Programming Languages (See, and by Pete Jinks
Hal Finkel
G. Williams
Thomas L. Shinnick
Casiano Rodriguez-Leon (
This work has been supported by CEE (FEDER) and the Spanish Ministry of Educacion y Ciencia through Plan Nacional I+D+I number TIN2005-08818-C04-04 (ULL::OPLINK project Support from Gobierno de Canarias was through GC02210601 (Grupos Consolidados). The University of La Laguna has also supported my work in many ways and for many years.
A large percentage of code is verbatim taken from Parse::Yapp 1.05. The author of Parse::Yapp is Francois Desarmenien.
I wish to thank Francois Desarmenien for his Parse::Yapp module, to my students at La Laguna and to the Perl Community. Thanks to the people who have contributed to improve the module (see "CONTRIBUTORS" in Parse::Eyapp). Thanks to Larry Wall for giving us Perl. Special thanks to Juana.
Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Casiano Rodriguez-Leon ( All rights reserved.
Parse::Yapp copyright is of Francois Desarmenien, all rights reserved. 1998-2001
These modules are free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See perlartistic.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 2181:
Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'válida\n";'. Assuming CP1252