dbicx-backend-move - Cmdline tool around DBICx::Backend::Move
This is the command line tool for DBICx::Backend::Move
. DBICx::Backend::Move
allows you to to move your database from one backend to another. Imagine you have add your data in a MySQL database and want to continue with a PostgreSQL database. Here is the tool for you.
$ dbicx-backend-move --schema 'MyApp::Schema' --from_dsn dbi:mysql:dbname=mydb --from_user user --from_pass pass --to_dsn dbi::pg::dbname=mydb --to_user user --to_pass pass --verbose
Lets look at the options in detail:
- --schema
Required option. Name of the DBIx::Class based schema description of the source database. Therefore, it also will be the schema for the destination database.
- --from_dsn
Required option. This argument is the DSN to connect to the source database. It will be passed to DBIx::Class::Schema->connect. For more information see "connect_info" in DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI.
- --to_dsn
Required option. This argument is the DSN to connect to the destination database. It will be passed to DBIx::Class::Schema->connect. For more information see "connect_info" in DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI.
- --from_user
Optional option. This is the user name needed to connect to the source database. If the option is not given, dbicx-backend-move will try to determine it from the actual user. dbicx-backend-move without any options will show you a usage message that contains the user name it determined.
- --to_user
Optional option. This is the user name needed to connect to the destination database. If the option is not given, dbicx-backend-move will try to determine it from the actual user. dbicx-backend-move without any options will show you a usage message that contains the user name it determined.
- --from_pass
Optional option. This is the password needed to connect to the source database. If this argument is not given dbicx-backend-move will assume no password is needed.
- --to_pass
Optional option. This is the password needed to connect to the destination database. If this argument is not given dbicx-backend-move will assume no password is needed.
- verbose
Optional option. Print the name of the table the tool is currently working on and a dot for every row.
Maik Hentsche, <Caldrin at cpan dot org>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-dbicx-migration at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc DBICx::Backend::Move
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RT: CPAN's request tracker (report bugs here)
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Thanks to
renormalist for discussinh design decisions
mst for explaining transaction handling in DBIC and DBI
Copyright 2012 Maik Hentsche.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.
See for more information.