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DBIx::EAV - Entity-Attribute-Value data modeling (aka 'open schema') for Perl


#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use DBIx::EAV;

# connect to the database
my $eav = DBIx::EAV->connect("dbi:SQLite:database=:memory:");

# or
# $eav = DBIx::EAV->new( dbh => $dbh, %constructor_params );

# create eav tables

# register entities
    Artist => {
        many_to_many => 'CD',
        has_many     => 'Review',
        attributes   => [qw/ name:varchar description:text rating:int birth_date:datetime /]

    CD => {
        has_many     => ['Track', 'Review'],
        has_one      => ['CoverImage'],
        attributes   => [qw/ title description:text rating:int /]

    Track => {
        attributes   => [qw/ title description:text duration:int /]

    CoverImage => {
        attributes   => [qw/ url /]

    Review => {
        attributes => [qw/ content:text views:int likes:int dislikes:int /]

# insert data (and possibly related data)
my $bob = $eav->resultset('Artist')->insert({
    name => 'Robert',
    description => '...',
    cds => [
        { title => 'CD1', rating => 5 },
        { title => 'CD2', rating => 6 },
        { title => 'CD3', rating => 8 },
        { title => 'CD4', rating => 9 },

# get attributes
print $bob->get('name'); # Robert

# update name
$bob->update({ name => 'Bob' });

# add more cds
$bob->add_related('cds', { title => 'CD5', rating => 7 });

# get Bob's cds via auto-generated 'cds' relationship
print "\nAll Bob CDs:\n";
printf " - %s (rating %d)\n", $_->get('title'), $_->get('rating')
    foreach $bob->get('cds');

print "\nBest Bob CDs:\n";
printf " - %s (rating %d)\n", $_->get('title'), $_->get('rating')
    foreach $bob->get('cds', { rating => { '>' => 7 } });

# ResultSets ...

# retrieve Bob from database
$bob = $eav->resultset('Artist')->find({ name => 'Bob' });

# retrieve Bob's cds directly from CD resultset
# note the use of 'artists' relationship automaticaly created
# from the "Artist many_to_many CD" declaration
my @cds = $eav->resultset('CD')->search({ artists => $bob });

# same as above
@cds = $bob->get('cds');

# or traverse the cds using the resultset cursor
my $cds_rs = $bob->get('cds');

while (my $cd = $cds_rs->next) {
    print $cd->get('title');

# delete all cds

# delete all cds and related data (i.e. tracks)


An implementation of Entity-Attribute-Value data modeling with support for entity relationships, inheritance, custom classes and multi-tenancy. See DBIx::EAV::Manual.


This project is in its infancy, and the main purpose of this stage is to let other developers try it, and help identify any major design flaw before we can stabilize the API. One exception is the ResultSet whose API (and docs :]) I've borrowed from DBIx::Class, so its (API is) already stable.



Arguments: %params

Valid %params keys:

dbh (required)

Existing DBI database handle. See "connect".


Hashref of options used to instantiate our DBIx::EAV::Schema. See "CONSTRUCTOR OPTIONS" in DBIx::EAV::Schema.


Arrayref of namespaces to look for custom entity classes.

# mimic DBIx::Class
entity_namespaces => ['MyApp::Schema::Result']

Class names are created by appending the entity type name to each namespace in the list. The first existing class is used.

Custom entity classes are useful not only provide custom business logic, but also to define your entities, like DBIx::Class result classes. See "CUSTOM CLASS" in DBIx::EAV::Entity.


Arrayref of namespaces to look for custom resultset classes.

# mimic DBIx::Class
resultset_namespaces => ['MyApp::Schema::ResultSet']

Class names are created by appending the entity type name to each namespace in the list. The first existing class is used.


Arguments: $dsn, $user, $pass, $attrs, \%constructor_params

Connects to the database via DBI->connect($dsn, $user, $pass, $attrs) then returns a new instance via new(\%constructor_params).



Arguments: \%schema
Return value: none

Declares entity types specified in \%schema, where each key is the name of the type and the value is a hashref describing its attributes and relationships. Fully described in "ENTITY DEFINITION" in DBIx::EAV::EntityType.

You must declare your entities every time a new instance of DBIx::EAV is created. This method stores the entities schema, and calculates a signature for each. Next time type() is called the relevant entity type will get registerd or updated (if the signature changed)


Arguments: $name
Return value: $rs

Returns a new resultset instance for type $name.

my $rs = $eav->resultset('Artist');


Arguments: $name

Returns the DBIx::EAV::EntityType instance for type $name. If the type instance is not already installed in this DBIx::EAV instance, we try to load the type definition from the database. Dies if type is not registered.

my $types = $eav->type('Artist');



Arguments: $name

Returns true if entity type $name is installed.


Returns the DBIx::EAV::Schema instance representing the physical database tables.


Shortcut for ->schema->table.


Arguments: $stmt, \@bind?
Return Values: ($rv, $sth)

Prepares $stmt and executes with the optional \@bind values. Returns the return value from execute $rv and the actual statement handle $sth object.

Set environment variable DBIX_EAV_TRACE to 1 to get statements printed to STDERR.



Copyright (C) Carlos Fernando Avila Gratz.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


Carlos Fernando Avila Gratz <>