Tcl::pTk::ttkTixNoteBook - Tix NoteBook compatible wrapper for ttkNotebook
use Tcl::pTk;
use Tcl::pTk::ttkTixNoteBook;
# Create widget implemented by ttkNotebook that is compatible with the
# Tcl::pTk::NoteBook widget (i.e. the tix-implemented NoteBook widget)
$n = $top->ttkTixNoteBook(-ipadx => 6, -ipady => 6);
# Add Address tab and return the frame for the tab
my $address_p = $n->add("address", -label => "Address", -underline => 0);
Tcl::pTk::ttkTixNoteBook is a wrapper around the Tile widget ttkNotebook that is compatible with Tcl::pTk::Notebook. It is provided for a quick upgrade of existing code to use the newer Notebook widget with a upgraded look/feel.
The following lists the options from the original Tk::Notebook and how they are implemented with this widget. See the original Tk::Notebook docs for the detailed description of these options.
- -dynamicgeometry
This option is not implemented. It can be set and queried, but is ignored.
- -ipadx
This option is supported using the padding option of the ttkNotebook widget.
- -ipady
This option is supported using the padding option of the ttkNotebook widget.
- -backpagecolor
This option is not implemented. It can be set and queried, but is ignored.
- -disabledforeground
This option is not implemented. It can be set and queried, but is ignored.
- -focuscolor
This option is not implemented. It can be set and queried, but is ignored.
- -font
This option is not implemented. It can be set and queried, but is ignored.
- -inactivebackground
This option is not implemented. It can be set and queried, but is ignored.
- -tabpadx
This option is not implemented. It can be set and queried, but is ignored.
- -tabpady
This option is not implemented. It can be set and queried, but is ignored.
The following lists the methods from the original Tk::Notebook widget and how they are implemented with this widget. See the original Tk::Notebook docs for the detailed description of these methods.
- add
Implemented with the ttkNotebook add method, with wrapper code to return the tab frame to be compatible with the tix notebook widget.
Options implemented for the add method are:
- -anchor
Not implemented. Ignored if supplied.
- -bitmap
Not implemented. Ignored if supplied.
- -label
Implemented with the ttkNotebook -text option.
- -justify
Not implemented. Ignored if supplied.
- -createdcmd
Not implemented. Ignored if supplied.
- -raisecmd
Not implemented. Ignored if supplied.
- -state
Implemented with the ttkNotebook -state option.
- -underline
Implemented with the ttkNotebook -underline option.
- -wraplength
Not implemented. Ignored if supplied.
- delete
Implemented with the ttkNotebook forget method.
- pagecget
Implemented with the ttkNotebook tab method.
- pageconfigure
Implemented with the ttkNotebook tab method.
- pages
Implemented with the ttkNotebook tab method with a internal name-to-widget lookup hash.
- page_widget
Implemented with the internal name-to-widget lookup hash.
- raise
Implemented with the ttkNotebook select method.
- raised
Implemented with the ttkNotebook select method.
- geometryinfo
Not implemented
- identify
Implemented with the ttkNotebook identify tab method.
- info("pages")
Implemented with the ttkNotebook tab method with a internal name-to-widget lookup hash.
- info("focus")
Implemented with the ttkNotebook select method.
- info("focusnext")
Implemented with the ttkNotebook select method and returns the next tab in the order.
- info("focusnext")
Implemented with the ttkNotebook select method and returns the previous tab in the order.
- info("active")
Implemented with the ttkNotebook select method.