subroutine ref to check if the current session has the given privilege. Returns true when the session has the privilege or false otherwise. You can pass additional data along in the extra_data hashref and it will be passed to your has_priv
subroutine as-is. =head2 is('role',$extra_data) 'is' will use the supplied is_role
subroutine ref to check if the current session is the given role. Returns true when the session has privilege or false otherwise. You can pass additional data along in the extra_data hashref and it will be passed to your is_role
subroutine as-is. =head2 privileges($extra_data) 'pPrivileges'' will use the supplied user_privs
subroutine ref and return the privileges of the current session. You can pass additional data along in the extra_data hashref and it will be passed to your user_privs
subroutine as-is. The returned data is dependant on the supplied user_privs
subroutine. =head2 role($extra_data) 'role' will use the supplied user_role
subroutine ref and return the role of the current session. You can pass additional data along in the extra_data hashref and it will be passed to your user_role
subroutine as-is. The returned data is dependant on the supplied user_role
subroutine. =head1 CONFIGURATION The following options must be set for the plugin: =over 4 =item has_priv (REQUIRED) A coderef for checking to see if the current session has a privilege (see "HAS PRIV"). =item is_role (REQUIRED) A coderef for checking to see if the current session is a certain role (see "IS ROLE"). =item user_privs (REQUIRED) A coderef for returning the privileges of the current session (see "PRIVILEGES"). =item user_role (REQUIRED) A coderef for retiring the role of the current session (see "ROLE"). =back =head1 HAS PRIV 'has_priv' is used when you need to confirm that the current session has the given privilege. The coderef you pass to the has_priv
configuration key has the following signature: sub { my ($app, $privilege,$extradata) = @_; ... } You must return either 0 for a fail and 1 for a pass. This allows ROUTING VIA CONDITION
to work correctly. =head1 IS 'is' is used when you need to confirm that the current session is set to the given role. The coderef you pass to the is_role
configuration key has the following signature: sub { my ($app, $role, $extradata) = @_; ... return $role; } You must return either 0 for a fail and 1 for a pass. This allows ROUTING VIA CONDITION
to work correctly. =head1 PRIVILEGES 'privileges' is used when you need to get all the privileges of the current session. The coderef you pass to the user_privs
configuration key has the following signature: sub { my ($app,$extradata) = @_; ... return $privileges; } You can return anything you want. It would normally be an arrayref of privileges but you are free to return a scalar, hashref, arrayref, blessed object, or undef. =head1 ROLE 'role' is used when you need to get the role of the current session. The coderef you pass to the user_privs
configuration key has the following signature: sub { my ($app,$extradata) = @_; ... return $role; } You can return anything you want. It would normally be just a scalar but you are free to return a scalar, hashref, arrayref, blessed object, or undef. =head1 EXAMPLES For a code example using this, see the t/01-functional.t test, it uses Mojolicious::Lite and this plugin. =head1 ROUTING VIA CONDITION This plugin also exports a routing condition you can use in order to limit access to certain documents to only sessions that have a privilege. $r->route('/delete_all')->over(has_priv => 'delete_all')->to('mycontroller#delete_all'); my $delete_all_only = $r->route('/members')->over(has_priv => 'delete_all')->to('members#delete_all'); $delete_all_only->route('delete')->to('members#delete_all'); If the session does not have the 'delete_all' privilege, these routes will not be considered by the dispatcher and unless you have set up a catch-all route, a 404 Not Found will be generated instead. Another condition you can use to limit access to certain documents to only those sessions that have a role. $r->route('/view_all')->over(is => 'ADMIN')->to('mycontroller#view_all'); my $view_all_only = $r->route('/members')->over(is => 'view_all')->to('members#view_all'); $view_all_only->route('view')->to('members#view_all'); If the session is not the 'ADMIN' role, these routes will not be considered by the dispatcher and unless you have set up a catch-all route, a 404 Not Found will be generated instead. This behavior is similar to the "has" condition. =head1 ROUTING VIA CALLBACK It is not recommended to route un-authorized requests to anything but a 404 page. If you do route to some sort of 'You are not allowed page' you are telling a hacker that the URL was correct while the 404 tells them nothing. This is just my opinion. =head1 SEE ALSO Mojolicious::Sessions, Mojocast 3: Authorization =head1 AUTHOR John Scoles, <byterock at hotmail.com>
=head1 BUGS / CONTRIBUTING Please report any bugs or feature requests through the web interface at https://github.com/byterock/mojolicious-plugin-authorization/issues. =head1 SUPPORT You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc Mojolicious::Plugin::Authorization You can also look for information at: =over 4 =item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation http://annocpan.org/dist/Mojolicious-Plugin-Authorization =item * CPAN Ratings http://cpanratings.perl.org/d/Mojolicious-Plugin-Authorization =item * Search CPAN http://search.cpan.org/dist/Mojolicious-Plugin-Authorization/ =back =head1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Ben van Staveren (madcat) - For 'Mojolicious::Plugin::Authentication' which I used as a guide in writing up this one. Chuck Finley - For staring me off on this. Abhijit Menon-Sen - For the routing suggestions Roland Lammel - For some other good suggestions =head1 LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright 2012 John Scoles. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License. See http://dev.perl.org/licenses/ for more information.