IRC::Bot - Channel Maintenance IRC bot.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use IRC::Bot;
# Initialize new object
my $bot = IRC::Bot->new( Debug => 0,
Nick => 'MyBot',
Server => '',
Pass => 'myircpassword',
Port => '6667',
Username => 'MyBot',
Ircname => 'MyBot',
Admin => 'admin',
Apass => 'iamgod',
Channels => [ '#mychan', '#test' ],
LogPath => '/home/myhome/bot/log/',
# Daemonize process
# Run the bot
A complete bot, similar to eggdrop using POE::Component::IRC. Allows access to all channel user management modes. Provides !seen functions, a complete help system, logging, dcc chat interface, and it runs as a daemon process. IRC::Bot utilizes Cache::FileCache for seen functions, and for session handling.
- new()
new() Initializes the object, takes bunches of parameters to make things work, see SYNOPSIS for usage.
Debug Tells P::C::I to output the messaging between client/server. Outputs to error.log.
Nick The nick you want your bot to go by.
Server The server you want to connect the bot to.
Pass ~Optional~ Sets the password for a password protected server.
Port Port to connect on server.
Username Username for display in /whois .
Ircname Also for /whois display.
Admin Admin name for bot access.
Apass Password for admin access.
Channels List of channels to join, takes as many as you want to fit.
LogPath ~Optional~ The absolute path of where to open log files. If set to 'null', nothing is logged, and error.log will be put in your $ENV{'HOME'} directory.
- daemon()
daemon() Sets process as a daemon.
- run()
run() Starts bot up, registers events, and tons of other neat stuff.
Thanks to for education/support/ideas. Thanks to Danyeal for being patient with me, and loving me.
Benjamin Smith (DeFyance)
POE::Component::IRC Cache::FileCache
2 POD Errors
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 782:
You forgot a '=back' before '=head2'
- Around line 822:
'=item' outside of any '=over'