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xtb - xchar taskbar and char allocator


 xtb [-geometry ...] [-r relief] [-w width] [-p]


Displays a vertical taskbar. That is, a tall thin window containing a list of X clients.

It requires that the window manager support some of the standard extended window manager hints (fvwm does, twm doesn't). Specifically, it requires:


It also uses the always supported hints:


Access to all these is through the module X11::Tops.

Each client's slot in the taskbar shows the client's 'character' followed by its icon name. The characters are assigned to clients via a perl function in the cfgfile $HOME/.xtb. The perl function argument is the client's instance name.

The character is fixed for the life of the client, but for best results the icon name contains information about the current state of the client (eg current directory, current mail folder, file or URL being viewed).

It normally sets its own instance name to 'xtb'. If it finds that a client with this name already exists, then it adds a number. If there's no other such instance, then it chooses xtb1. If there are instances of the form 'xtbN' then it chooses 'xtbM' where M is one more than the largest N.

It normally doesn't show itself in the list, but does if its own name is not xtb.

If .xtb contains a picture specification, then unless -p is given, the list is padded to the screen height by an image determined by a Unix command specified in the picture specification.

The possible relief values are, the 1st being the default:

        raised sunken flat ridge solid groove

The default width is 170.


This is $HOME/.xtb. It is a perl fragment returning a hash reference.

Currently allowed keys & the type their allowed values are:

          char     function
          order    reference to an array of characters
          picture  reference to an array of arrays

The 'char' function maps instance names to sequences of characters. The former is the usual X instance name (eg 'xterm' and 'firefox-bin'). A sequence is allowed because there may be several clients with the same instance name. Things are nicer if these clashes are avoided, such as by using 'xterm -name xterm/c' and mapping xterm/c to 'c'.

The 'order' array specifies the order in which clients are shown.

Each element of the picture array specifies a Unix command followed by its arguments. The command is called by xtb with the specified arguments supplemented by the size of the space available to the picture & the name of the file in which the command should place the image. The size is specified by xtb in the form '-170x400', & the name as /tmp/xtb (or /tmp/xtb1 or such). The command should return the image type on stdout. This can be any of the types handled by perl-tk, currently:



The argument is an instance name.

A simple example is:

    char => sub {
        local $_ = shift;
        m-/(.)$-             ?  $1            :
        /gecko|firefox-bin/  ?  'f'           :
        /acroread/i          ?  'a'           :
        /xtb/                ?  '.'           :
        /./                  ?  ['A' .. 'Z']  :

A more realistic example involves a bit more Perl:

    my @reserved;
    push @reserved, qw(x r s o h);
    push @reserved, qw(a c e f g j k t y z , . - =);
    my %reserved;
    $reserved{$_} = 1 for @reserved;
    my @spare;
    for ('a' .. 'z') { push(@spare, $_) unless $reserved{$_}; }

    char => sub {
      local $_ = shift;
      m-/(.)$-             ?  $1             :
      /acroread/i          ?  ['a', @spare]  :
      /xchat/              ?  ['c', @spare]  :
      /ethereal/           ?  ['e', @spare]  :
      /gecko|firefox-bin/  ?  ['f', @spare]  :
      /gv/i                ?  ['g', @spare]  :
      /sjphone/i           ?  ['j', @spare]  :
      /kaffeine/           ?  ['k', @spare]  :
      /TeXmacs/            ?  ['t', @spare]  :
      /skype/i             ?  ['y', @spare]  :
      /SWT/                ?  ['z', @spare]  : # azureus
      /xtb./               ?  [',', ';' ]    :
      /xtb/                ?  '.'            :
      /^$/                 ?  ['-', '=']     :
      /./                  ?  ['A' .. 'Z']   :



    order => [
      qw(0 . , ; f g t p ), 'a' .. 'e', 1 .. 9, 'x' .. 'z', 'A' .. 'Z'


    picture => [
      [qw(irand -m-^apod/- -y 4d -a)],
      [qw(irand -m-^apod/(galaxy|nebula)- -a)],
      [qw(irand -M-^apod/- -a)],


xtc(1), xup(1), xdn(1), screens(1), xterms(1)

X11::Tops(3), X11::Screens(3), X11::XTerms(3)


 $Source: /home/keck/gen/RCS/xtb,v $
 $Revision: 4.19 $
 $Date: 2007/07/01 14:47:30 $