Encoding::HandleUtf8 - Fix the encoding for Perl value store (input) and general output (output) to a console or the web.
version 0.001
use Encoding::HandleUtf8 qw( fix_encoding fix_encoding_return );
# Simple usage - CAUTION: clones the object.
printf "%s\n", fix_encoding_return 'input', 'Here are some German umlauts: äÄüÜöÖßẞ';
# Working with strings.
my $string = 'Here are some German umlauts: äÄüÜöÖßẞ';
# Fix the encoding of a input string to handle them safe within Perl.
fix_encoding 'input', $string;
# Fix the encoding of a Perl variable for output.
fix_encoding 'output', $string;
print "$string\n";
# Working with hashes.
my %hash = ( a => 'äÄ', u => 'üÜ', o => 'öÖ', ss => 'ßẞ' );
# Fix the encoding of a hash to handle them safe within Perl.
fix_encoding 'input', %hash;
# Fix the encoding of a Perl hash for output.
fix_encoding 'output', %hash;
print "$_: $hash{$_}\n" for( keys %hash );
# Working with hash references.
my $hash = { a => 'äÄ', u => 'üÜ', o => 'öÖ', ss => 'ßẞ' };
# Fix the encoding of a hash reference to handle them safe within Perl.
fix_encoding 'input', $hash;
# Fix the encoding of a Perl hash reference for output.
fix_encoding 'output', %hash;
print "$_: $hash->{$_}\n" for( keys %{ $hash } );
# Working with arrays.
my @array = ( 'äÄ', 'üÜ', 'öÖ', 'ßẞ' );
# Fix the encoding of an array to handle them safe within Perl.
fix_encoding 'input', @array;
# Fix the encoding of a Perl array for output.
fix_encoding 'output', @array;
print "$_: $hash{$_}\n" for( @array );
# Working with array references.
my $array = [ 'äÄ', 'üÜ', 'öÖ', 'ßẞ' ];
# Fix the encoding of an array reference to handle them safe within Perl.
fix_encoding 'input', $array;
# Fix the encoding of a Perl array reference for output.
fix_encoding 'output', @array;
print "$_: $hash{$_}\n" for( @{ $array } );
Fix the encoding for Perl value store (input) and general output (output) to e.g. a console or the web.
Takes an direction and a object and fixes the encoding.
- Required parameters
- [0]
The direction in which the object should be fixed. Either
to work safely with inputs (convert to Unicode) oroutput
to output (convert to UTF-8) them to e.g. a console or the web. - [1]
The actual object which should be fixed. Can either be a
(including but not mandentory: references).
- [0]
- Optional parameters
- [2]
Skips Encoding::FixLatin's fix_latin call on scalars when
is set to a true value.
- [2]
Does and takes exactly the same as "fix_encoding" but instead touching the original supplied object it will clone it an return the new encoded object.
This software is Copyright (c) 2014 by BURNERSK <>.
This is free software, licensed under:
The MIT (X11) License