IPC::Shareable - share Perl variables between processes


use IPC::Shareable;
tie($scalar, IPC::Shareable, $glue, { %options });
tie(%hash, IPC::Shareable, $glue, { %options });


The occurrence of a number in square brackets, as in [N], in the text of this document refers to a numbered note in the "NOTES".


IPC::Shareable allows you to tie a a variable to shared memory making it easy to share the contents of that variable with other Perl processes. Currently either scalars or hashes can be tied; tying of arrays remains a work in progress. However, the variable being tied may contain arbitrarily complex data structures - including references to arrays, hashes of hashes, etc.

The association between variables in distinct processes is provided by $glue. This is an integer number or 4 character string[1] that serves as a common identifier for data across process space. Hence the statement

tie($scalar, IPC::Shareable, 'data');

in program one and the statement

tie($variable, IPC::Shareable, 'data');

in program two will bind $scalar in program one and $variable in program two. There is no pre-set limit to the number of processes that can bind to data; nor is there a pre-set limit to the size or complexity of the underlying data of the tied variables[2].

The bound data structures are all linearized (using Raphael Manfredi's Storable module) before being slurped into shared memory. Upon retrieval, the original format of the data structure is recovered. Semaphore flags are used for versioning and managing a per-process cache, allowing quick retrieval of data when, for instance, operating on a tie()d variable in a tight loop.


Options are specified by passing a reference to a hash as the fourth argument to the tie function that enchants a variable. Alternatively you can pass a reference to a hash as the third argument; IPC::Shareable will then look at the field named 'key' in this hash for the value of $glue. So,

tie($variable, IPC::Shareable, 'data', \%options);

is equivalent to

tie($variable, IPC::Shareable, { 'key' => 'data', ... });

When defining an options hash, values that match the word 'no' in a case-insensitive manner are treated as false. Therefore, setting $options{'create'} = 'No'; is the same as $options{'create'} = 0;.

The following fields are recognized in the options hash.


The 'key' field is used to determine the $glue if $glue was not present in the call to tie(). This argument is then, in turn, used as the KEY argument in subsequent calls to shmget() and semget(). If this field is not provided, a value of IPC_PRIVATE is assumed, meaning that your variables cannot be shared with other processes. (Note that setting $glue to 0 is the same as using IPC_PRIVATE.)


If 'create' is set to a true value, IPC::Shareable will create a new binding associated with $glue if such a binding does not already exist. If 'create' is false, calls to tie() will fail (returning undef) if such a binding does not already exist. This is achieved by ORing IPC_PRIVATE into FLAGS argument of calls to shmget() when create is true.


If 'exclusive' field is set to a true value, calls to tie() will fail (returning undef) if a data binding associated with $glue already exists. This is achieved by ORing IPC_ IPC_EXCL into the FLAGS argument of calls to shmget() when 'exclusive' is true.


The mode argument is an octal number specifying the access permissions when a new data binding is being created. These access permission are the same as file access permissions in that 0666 is world readable, 0600 is readable only by the effective UID of the process creating the shared variable, etc. If not provided, a default of 0666 (world readable and writable) will be assumed.


If set to a true value, the data binding will be destroyed when the process calling tie() exits (gracefully)[3].


In a file called server:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use IPC::Shareable;
$glue = 'data';
%options = (
    'create' => 'yes',
    'exclusive' => 'no',
    'mode' => 0644,
    'destroy' => 'yes',
tie(%colours, IPC::Shareable, $glue, { %options }) or
    die "server: tie failed\n";
%colours = (
    'red' => [
         'fire truck',
         'leaves in the fall',
    'blue' => [
         'police cars',
(print("server: there are 2 colours\n"), sleep 5)
    while scalar keys %colours == 2;
print "server: here are all my colours:\n";
foreach $colour (keys %colours) {
    print "server: these are $colour: ",
        join(', ', @{$colours{$colour}}), "\n";

In a file called client

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use IPC::Shareable;
$glue = 'data';
%options = (
    'key' => 'paint',
    'create' => 'no',
    'exclusive' => 'no',
    'mode' => 0644,
    'destroy' => 'no',
tie(%colours, IPC::Shareable, $glue, { %options }) or
    die "client: tie failed\n";
foreach $colour (keys %colours) {
    print "client: these are $colour: ",
        join(', ', @{$colours{$colour}}), "\n";
delete $colours{'red'};

And here is the output (the sleep commands in the command line prevent the output from being interrupted by shell prompts):

bash$ ( ./server & ) ; sleep 10 ; ./client ; sleep 10
server: there are 2 colours
server: there are 2 colours
server: there are 2 colours
client: these are blue: sky, police cars
client: these are red: fire truck, leaves in the fall
server: here are all my colours:
server: these are blue: sky, police cars


Calls to tie() that try to implement IPC::Shareable will return true if successful, undef otherwise.


When a variable is tie()d, a blessed reference to a SCALAR is created. (This is true even if it is a HASH being tie()d.) The value thereby referred is an integer[4] ID that is used as a key in a hash called %IPC::Shareable::Shm_Info; this hash is created and maintained by IPC::Shareable to manage the variables it has tie()d. When IPC::Shareable needs to perform an operation on a tie()d variable, it dereferences the blessed reference to perform a lookup in %IPC::Shareable::Shm_Info for the information needed to proceed.

%IPC::Shareable::Shm_Info has the following structure:

 %IPC::Shareable::Shm_Info = (

     # - The id of an enchanted variable
     $id => {

         # -  A literal indicating the variable type
         'type' => 'SCALAR' || 'HASH',

         # - Shm segment IDs for this variable
         'frag_id' => {
             '0' => $id_1, # - ID of first shm segment
             '1' => $id_2, # - ID of next shm segment
             ... # - etc

         # - ID of associated semaphores
         'sem_id' => $semid,

         # - The I<$glue> used when tie() was called
         'key' => $glue,

         # - The value of FLAGS for shmget() calls.
         'flags' => $flags,

         # - Destroy shm segements on exit?
         'destroy' => $destroy,

         # - Data cache
         'DATA' => \$data || \%data,

         # - The version number of the cached data
         'version' => $version,

Perhaps the most important thing to note the existence of the 'DATA' and 'version' fields: data for all tie()d variables is stored locally in a per-process cache. When storing data, the values of the semaphores referred to by $Shm_Info{$id}{'sem_id'} are changed to indicate to the world a new version of the data is available. When retrieving data for a tie()d variables, the values of these semaphores are examined to see if another process has created a more recent version than the cached version. If a more recent version is available, it will be retrieved from shared memory and used. If no more recent version has been created, the cached version is used[5].

Another important thing to know is that IPC::Shareable allocates shared memory of a constant size SHM_BUFSIZ, where SHM_BUFSIZ is defined in this module. If the amount of (serialized) data exceeds this value, it will be fragmented into multiple segments during a write operation and reassembled during a read operation.


Benjamin Sugars <>


Footnotes from the above sections

  1. If $glue is longer than 4 characters, only the 4 most significant characters are used. These characters are turned into integers by unpack()ing them. If $glue is less than 4 characters, it is space padded.

  2. IPC::Shareable provides no pre-set limits, but the system does. Namely, there are limits on the number of shared memory segments that can be allocated and the total amount of memory usable by shared memory.

  3. If the process has been smoked by an untrapped signal, the binding will remain in shared memory. If you're cautious, you might try

    $SIG{INT} = \&catch_int;
    sub catch_int {
    tie($variable, IPC::Shareable, 'data', { 'destroy' => 'Yes!' });

    which will at least clean up after your user hits CTRL-C because IPC::Shareable's DESTROY method will be called. Or, maybe you'd like to leave the binding in shared memory, so subsequent process can recover the data...

  4. The integer happens to be the shared memory ID of the first shared memory segment used to store the variable's data.

  5. The exception to this is when the FIRSTKEY and NEXTKEY methods are implemented, presumably because of a call to each() or keys(). In this case, the cached value is ALWAYS used until the end of the cached hash has been reached. Then the cache is refreshed with the public version (if the public version is more recent).

    The reason for this is that if a (changed) public version is retrieved in the middle of a loop implemented via each() or keys(), chaos could result if another process added or removed a key from the hash being iterated over. To guard against this, the cached version is always used during such cases.

General Notes


As mentioned in "INTERNALS", shared memory segments are acquired with sizes of SHM_BUFSIZ. SHM_BUFSIZ's largest possible value is nominally SHMMAX, which is highly system-dependent. Indeed, for some systems it may be defined at boot time. If you can't seem to tie() any variables, it may be that SHM_BUFSIZ is set a value that exceeds SHMMAX on your system. Try reducing the size of this constant and recompiling the module.


The class contains a translation of the constants defined in the <sys/ipc.h>, <sys/shm.h>, and <sys/sem.h> header files. These constants are used internally by the class and cannot be imported into a calling environment. To do that, use IPC::SysV instead. Indeed, I would have used IPC::SysV myself, but I haven't been able to get it to compile on any system I have access to :-(.


There is a program called ipcs(1/8) that is available on at least Solaris and Linux that might be useful for cleaning moribund shared memory segments or semaphore sets produced by bugs in either IPC::Shareable or applications using it.


Set the variable $IPC::Shareable::Debug to a true value to produce *many* verbose debugging messages on the standard error (I don't use the Perl debugger as much as I should... )


Certainly; this is alpha software.

The first bug is that I do not know what all the bugs are. If you discover an anomaly, send me an email at

Variables that have been declared local with my() and subsequently tie()d can act in a bizarre fashion if you store references in them. You can try not not using my() in these cases, or go through extra pain when dereferencing them, like this:

use IPC::Shareable;
my $scalar;
tie($scalar, IPC::Shareable, { 'destroy' => 'yes' });
$scalar = [ 0 .. 9 ];
@array = @$scalar;
for (0 .. 9) {
    print "$array[$_]\n"; # $$scalar won't work after 'my $scalar;'

I suspect the reason for this is highly mystical and requires a wizard to explain.


perl(1), perltie(1), Storable(3), shmget(2) and other SysV IPC man pages.