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Form::Tiny::Meta - main class of the Form::Tiny metamodel


my $meta_object = FormClass->form_meta;


This documentation lists attributes and methods of the metamodel class of a Form::Tiny form. For an overview, see Form::Tiny::Manual::Internals.


This section describes the interface added to your class after mixing in the Form::Tiny role.


Each of the attributes can be accessed by calling its name as a function on Form::Tiny::Meta object.


Contains the name of a package this metaobject belongs to. May be empty if the form is anonymous.

Setting the package will automatically install a form_meta method for it, if it doesn't exist already.

predicate: has_package

writer: set_package


Array reference of fields defined for this form. Each field can be either of class Form::Tiny::FieldDefinition (if it is static) or Form::Tiny::FieldDefinitionBuilder (if dynamic).

Don't use this attribute if you want to obtain finished fields for a particular form object - use "resolved_fields" for that instead.

writer: set_fields


Array reference of hooks defined for this form. Each will be an instance of Form::Tiny::Hook.

writer: set_hooks


Boolean flag used to keep track whether the form building has finished. The form is considered finished after setup method was fired.

A finished form is done with inheritance and ready to be customized. This should usually not be a concern since form bootstrapping is done as soon as possible.


A list of roles which have been applied to this metaobject. Children forms will use it to apply the same roles to themselves. It is also used to apply meta_roles from Form::Tiny::Plugin.

writer: set_meta_roles


A list of roles which have been applied to the "package". Since the form packages inherit from one another, this is not inherited from the parent's metaobject. It is used to apply roles from Form::Tiny::Plugin.

writer: set_form_roles


A list of messages used for creating errors in "build_error". The values are usually set with "form_message" in Form::Tiny.


Boolean flag used to keep track whether the form is flat. Form is considered flat if it has no nested or dynamic fields.

writer: set_flat


Boolean flag used to keep track whether the form is dynamic. Form is considered dynamic if it has dynamic fields. Note that a form cannot be flat and dynamic at the same time.

writer: set_dynamic


This section describes standalone methods available in the module - they are not directly connected to any of the attributes.


This is a Moose-flavored constructor for the class. It accepts a hash or hash reference of parameters, which are the attributes specified above.


my $error = $meta->build_error($class => %params);

Builds an error of class "Form::Tiny::Class::$class" and uses %params to contsruct it. If a custom message was defined for this type, it will be used instead of any error passed in %params.


$meta->run_hooks_for($stage => @data);

Runs hooks for a given $stage. @data should contain all a hook type need for running.



Main metaobject initialization routine. It only runs if the model is not yet complete. Performs inheritance and runs "setup" after it's done.



Sets the form as complete and does nothing otherwise. It is meant to be used as a checkpoint for any extensions where they can safely hook in and install their custom behavior, for example:

after 'setup' => sub {
	my ($self) = @_;



my $result_aref = $meta->resolved_fields($form_object);

Returns field objects resolved for given $form_object. The resulting array reference will only contain instances of Form::Tiny::FieldDefinition built for given form.


Adds a new field to the form.


Adds a new field validator to the form's field.


Adds a new hook to the form.


Adds a new error message to the form.



Inherits and applies various roles. If an extension would alter the way roles are treated, this is the place to hook into.



Inherits all the form attributes from $parent. If an extension introduces new fields and you want them to be inherited, you must hook to this method, like:

after 'inherit_from' => sub {
	my ($self, $parent) = @_;

	$self->set_my_field([@{$self->my_field}, @{$parent->my_field}]);



# for dynamic forms or when
# it is not known whether the form in dynamic
$blueprint = $meta->blueprint($form_object, %options);

# for static forms
$blueprint = $meta->blueprint(%options);

For blueprint explanation, see "Form blueprint" in Form::Tiny::Manual::Internals.

For static forms without extra options, the blueprint will be cached and reused on the next call. Otherwise, it has to be generated each time, which will impose a performance hit if it is called frequently.

Additionally, the blueprint method can accept a hash of options. Currently supported options are:

  • recurse => Bool

    If passed 0, subforms will not be turned into their own blueprints, but will end up as a Form::Tiny::FieldDefinition object instead. 1 by default.

  • transform => sub ($field_definition, $default_handler)

    This option enables a way to specify a custom handler which will be used to turn $field_definition into a blueprint value. This subroutine reference is expected to return a scalar value - a new blueprint value.

    In case you want to turn back into the default handler, call $default_handler->($field_definition).


Internal, implementation specific - returns flattened hook runners for runtime optimization.