WebService::Solr - Module to interface with the Solr (Lucene) webservice


my $solr = WebService::Solr->new;
$solr->add( @docs );
my $response = $solr->search( $query );
for my $doc ( $response->docs ) {
    print $doc->value_for( $id );


WebService::Solr is a client library for Apache Lucene's Solr; an enterprise-grade indexing and searching platform.


  • url - the webservice base url

  • agent - a user agent object

  • autocommit - a boolean value for automatic commit() after add/update/delete (default: enabled)

  • default_params - a hashref of parameters to send on every request

  • last_response - stores a WebService::Solr::Response for the last request


Enabling HTTP Keep-Alive is as simple as passing your custom user-agent to the constructor.

my $solr = WebService::Solr->new( $url,
    { agent => LWP::UserAgent->new( keep_alive => 1 ) }

Visit LWP::UserAgent's documentation for more information and available options.


new( $url, \%options )

Creates a new WebService::Solr instance. If $url is omitted, then http://localhost:8983/solr is used as a default. Available options are listed in the ACCESSORS section.

BUILDARGS( @args )

A Moose override to allow our custom constructor.

add( $doc|\@docs, \%options )

Adds a number of documents to the index. Returns true on success, false otherwise. A document can be a WebService::Solr::Document object or a structure that can be passed to WebService::Solr::Document->new. Available options as of Solr 1.4 are:

  • overwrite (default: true) - Replace previously added documents with the same uniqueKey

  • commitWithin (in milliseconds) - The document will be added within the specified time

update( $doc|\@docs, \%options )

Alias for add().

delete( \%options )

Deletes documents matching the options provided. The delete operation currently accepts query and id parameters. Multiple values can be specified as array references.

# delete documents matching "title:bar" or uniqueId 13 or 42
$solr->delete( {
    query => 'title:bar',
    id    => [ 13, 42 ],
} );

delete_by_id( $id )

Deletes all documents matching the id specified. Returns true on success, false otherwise.

delete_by_query( $query )

Deletes documents matching $query. Returns true on success, false otherwise.

search( $query, \%options )

Searches the index given a $query. Returns a WebService::Solr::Response object. All key-value pairs supplied in \%options are serialzied in the request URL.

auto_suggest( \%options )

Get suggestions from a list of terms for a given field. The Solr wiki has more details about the available options (

commit( \%options )

Sends a commit command. Returns true on success, false otherwise. You must do a commit after an add, update or delete. By default, autocommit is enabled. You may disable autocommit to allow you to issue commit commands manually:

my $solr = WebService::Solr->new( undef, { autocommit => 0 } );
$solr->add( $doc ); # will not automatically call commit()

Options as of Solr 1.4 include:

  • maxSegments (default: 1) - Optimizes down to at most this number of segments

  • waitFlush (default: true) - Block until index changes are flushed to disk

  • waitSearcher (default: true) - Block until a new searcher is opened

  • expungeDeletes (default: false) - Merge segments with deletes away

rollback( )

This method will rollback any additions/deletions since the last commit.

optimize( \%options )

Sends an optimize command. Returns true on success, false otherwise.

Options as of Solr 1.4 are the same as commit().

ping( )

Sends a basic ping request. Returns true on success, false otherwise.

generic_solr_request( $path, \%query )

Performs a simple GET request appending $path to the base URL and using key-value pairs from \%query to generate the query string. This should allow you to access parts of the Solr API that don't yet have their own correspodingly named function (e.g. dataimport ).



  • Solr - an alternate library


Brian Cassidy <>

Kirk Beers


Copyright 2008-2012 National Adult Literacy Database

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.