textmode2png - Convert text mode files to png


% textmode2png [OPTIONS] file.ext [file2.ext, ...]

Available options:
-o, --output            output filename (- for STDOUT); ignored when
                        more than one file is specified)
-if, --inputformat      force a textmode format
-of, --outputformat     specify the output format (default: png)
-t, --thumbnail         generate a thumbnail
--font                  specify a particular font (e.g. 8x8)
--pal                   specify a particular palette (e.g. ANSI)
--readopt key=val       set read options
--renderopt key=val     set rendering options
-h, -?, --help          this message

Read options:
width       force image with to this many columns

Render options:
crop        limit the display to this many rows (default: no limit)
blink_mode  when false, use the 8th bit of an attribute byte as part of the
            background color (aka iCEColor) (default: differs by format)
truecolor   enable true color image output (default: false)
9th_bit     enable a ninth column in the font (default: false)
ced         CED mode (black text on gray background) (default: false)
format      set the output format (default: png)


This is a simple command-line tool to help you convert text mode (ansi, bin, etc) files to png images. Use the -t switch to create a thumbnail.


Brian Cassidy <>


Copyright 2008-2015 by Brian Cassidy

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.