Image::TextMode::Reader::AVATAR - Reads AVATAR files


Provides reading capabilities for the AVATAR format.


The reader implements all of the AVT/0 specification as well as the majority of the AVT/0+ specification. The main difference being that AVT/0+ character expansion is not re-interpreted, thus expansions containing further AVT/0 codes will simply be written as characters to the canvas.


  • tabstop - every Nth character will be a tab stop location (default: 8)

  • x - current x (default: 0)

  • y - current y (default: 0)

  • attr - current attribute info (default: 7, gray on black)

  • image - the image we're parsing into

  • insert - insert mode (default: off)

  • linewrap - max width before we wrap to the next line (default: 80)


set_position( [$y, $x] )

Moves the cursor to $x, $y.

move_up( $y )

Moves the cursor up $y lines.

move_down( $y )

Moves the cursor down $y lines.

move_left( $x )

Moves the cursor left $x columns.

move_right( $x )

Moves the cursor right $x columns.

scroll( $dir, $n, $x0, $y0, $x1, $y1 )

Scrolls box bound by ($x0, $y0) and ($x1, $y1) in direction $dir (up or down), by $n lines.

clear_box( $rows, $cols [, $char] )

Clears box bound from current cursor position for $rows rows and $cols columns using $char as the character.

clear_screen( )

Clears all data on the canvas.

clear_line( )

Clears the remainder of the current line.

new_line( )

Simulates a \n character.

tab( )

Simulates a \t character.

store( $char, $x, $y [, $attr] )

Stores $char at position $x, $y with either the supplied attribute or the current attribute setting.


Brian Cassidy <>


Copyright 2008-2015 by Brian Cassidy

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.