Number::Range::Regex - create regular expressions that check for integers in a given range
use Number::Range::Regex;
my $lt_20 = range( 0, 19 );
print "foo($foo) contains an integer < 20" if $foo =~ /$lt_20/;
print "foo($foo) is an integer < 20" if $foo =~ /^$lt_20$/;
if( $line =~ /^\S+\s+($lt_20)\s/ ) {
print "the second field ($1) is an integer < 20";
my $nice_numbers = rangespec( "42,175..192" );
my $my_values = $lt_20->union( $nice_numbers );
if( $line =~ /^\S+\s+($my_values)\s/ ) {
print "the second field has one of my values ($1)";
my $lt_10 = rangespec( "0..9" );
my $primes_lt_30 = rangespec( "2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29" );
my $primes_lt_10 = $lt_10->intersection( $primes_lt_30 );
my $nonprimes_lt_10 = $lt_10->minus( $primes_lt_30 );
print "nonprimes under 10 contains: ".join",", $nonprimes_lt_10->to_string;
if( $something =~ /^$nonprimes_lt_10$/ ) {
print "something($something) is a nonprime less than 10";
if( $nonprimes_lt_10->contains( $something ) ) {
print "something($something) is a nonprime less than 10";
my $octet = range(0, 255);
my $ip4_match = qr/^$octet\.$octet\.$octet\.$octet$/;
my $range_96_to_127 = range(96, 127);
my $my_slash26_match = qr/^192\.168\.42\.$range_96_to_127$/;
my $my_slash19_match = qr/^192\.168\.$range_96_to_127\.$octet$/;
my $in_a_or_in_b_but_not_both = $a->xor($b);
my $it = $range->iterator();
do { print $it->fetch } while ($it->next);
do { print $it->fetch } while ($it->prev);
Number::Range::Regex lets you manage sets of integers and generate regular expressions matching them. For example, here is one way to match number ranges in a regular expression:
$date =~ m/^0*(?:[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])\/0*(?:[0-9]|1[012])$/;
here is another:
my $day_range = range(1, 31);
my $month_range = range(1, 12);
$date =~ m/^$day_range\/$month_range$/;
which is more legible? (bonus points if you spotted the bug)
- range
$range = range( MIN, MAX );
Create a range between the first argument and the last. For example, the range above will correspond to 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12. This method is exported by default.
- rangespec
$range = rangespec( '8..12,14,19..22' );
Create a "compound" range given the range specification passed. For example, the range above would consist of 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 19, 20, 21, and 22. This method is exported by default.
- to_string
Return a compact representation of the range suitable for consumption by a human, perl(1), or rangespec(). For example:
$range = range( 6, 22 ); print $range->to_string;
will output: "6..22", which can be parsed by perl(1) or rangespec().
- regex
Return a regular expression matching members of this range. For example:
$range = range( 6, 22 ); print $range->regex;
will output something equivalent to:
which, on my machine with perl v5.14.2 and a development version of Number::Range::Regex between v0.12 and v0.13, is:
(?^:(?# begin Number::Range::Regex::SimpleRange[6..22] )[+]?0*(?:(?^:[6-9])|(?^:1\d)|(?^:2[0-2]))(?# end Number::Range::Regex::SimpleRange[6..22] ))
Please note that range objects are overloaded so that in regex context, $range will be equivalent to $range->regex(). This works in all versions of perl >= v5.6.0. When it is further possible to distinguish regex context from string context (as in overload v1.10 or higher, available in perl >= v5.12.0), range objects will display in string context as the terser $range->to_string() instead.
given $range2 = rangespec( '0,2,4,6,8' ) and $range3 = rangespec( '0,3,6,9' )
$range = $range2->union( $range3 );
Return the union of one range with another. In the example above, $range would consist of: 0, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, and 9.
$range = $range2->intersect( $range3 );
Return the intersection of one range with another. In the example above, $range would consist of: 0 and 6. This method is also available via the alias intersection.
$range = $range->xor( $another_range );
Return the symmetric difference of $range2 and $range3. In the example above, $range would consist of 2, 3, 4, 8, and 9.
$range = $range2->subtract( $range3 );
Return the relative complement of $range2 in $range3. In the example above, $range would consist of: 2, 4, and 8. Note carefully that this method is not symmetric - $range3->subtract( $range2 ) would be a different range consisting of 3 and 9. This method is also available via the aliases subtraction and minus.
- regex_range [ DEPRECATED ]
$regex = regex_range( MIN, MAX );
This is a shortcut for range( MIN, MAX )->regex(). Useful for one-off use when does not support regex context. This method is deprecated, and may disappear with the next release of Number::Range::Regex. This method is not exported by default.
Non-negative integers only for now.
It's usually better to check for number-ness only in the regular expression and verify the range of the number separately, eg: $line =~ /^\S+\s+(\d+)/ && $1 > 15 && $1 < 32; but it's not always practical to refactor in that way.
If you like one-liners, something like the following may suit you... m{^${\( range(1, 31) )}\/${\( range(1, 12) )}$} but, for readability's sake, please don't do that!
Please report any bugs or feature requests through the web interface at
Brian Szymanski <> -- be sure to put Number::Range::Regex in the subject line if you want me to read your message.
perl(1), Number::Range, etc.
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 255:
You can't have =items (as at line 260) unless the first thing after the =over is an =item