Number::Range::Regex - create regular expressions that check for integers in a given range


use Number::Range::Regex;
my $range = regex_range( 15, 3210 );
if( $jibberish =~ /$range/ ) {
  print "your jibberish contains an integer between 15 and 3210";
if( $num =~ /^$range$/ ) {
  print "$num is an integer between 15 and 3210";
if( $line =~ /^\S+\s+$range\s/ ) {
  print "the second field is an integer between 15 and 3210";
my $octet = regex_range(0, 255);
my $ip4_match = qr/^$octet\.$octet\.$octet\.$octet$/;
my $range_96_to_127 = regex_range(96, 127);
my $my_slash26_match = qr/^192\.168\.42\.$range_96_to_127$/;
my $my_slash19_match = qr/^192\.168\.$range_96_to_127\.$octet$/;


which is more legible - this?

$date =~ m/^0*(?:[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])\/0*(?:[0-9]|1[012])$/;

or this?

my $day_range = regex_range(1, 31);
my $month_range = regex_range(1, 12);
$date =~ m/^$day_range\/$month_range$/;

(bonus points if you spotted the bug)


It's usually better to check for number-ness only in the regular expression and verify the range of the number separately, eg: $line =~ /^\S+\s+(\d+)/ && $1 > 15 && $1 < 32; but it's not always practical to refactor in that way.

If you like one-liners, something like the following may suit you... m{^${\( regex_range(1, 31) )}\/${\( regex_range(1, 12) )}$} but i certainly don't recommend it!


Non-negative integers only for now.


Brian Szymanski <> -- be sure to put Number::Range::Regex in the subject line if you want me to read your message.


perl(1), etc.