Fry::Shell - Flexible shell framework which encourages using loadable libraries of functions.
From the commandline: perl -MFry::Shell -eshell
In a script:
package MyShell;
use 'Fry::Shell';
sub evalIt {
my $o = shift;
my $code = ($o->Flag('strict')) ? 'use strict;' : '';
$code .= "@_";
eval "$code";
sub listStations {
my $o = shift;
my @stations = ( {name=>'high energy trance/techno',ip=>''},
{name=>'macondo salsa',ip=>''},
{name=>'new age',ip=>''},
$o->saveArray(map{$_->{ip}} @stations);
return map {$_->{name}} @stations;
#set shell prompt
my $prompt = "Clever prompt: ";
#initialize shell and load a command and an option
my $sh = Fry::Shell->new(prompt=>$prompt,
load_obj=>{cmds=>{listStations=>{a=>'lS'}},opts=>{strict=>{type=>'flag',a=>'n',default=>0}} });
#begin shell loop
####end of example, start of other possible methods
#run shell once
#Methods which add to shell's functionality
#only loads library
#loads library and runs each library's &_initLib
#Shell API
#retrieve shell component objects by id
my $opt1 = $sh->optObj($opt);
my $cmd1 = $sh->cmdObj($cmd);
my $lib1 = $sh->libObj($lib);
my $var1 = $sh->varObj($var);
This document describes version 0.11.
Due to major design changes, this version is incompatible with the previous. This means the current Fry::Lib::CDBI libraries are incompatible (doh!). Although this code is decently tested and is apparently unbuggy, I consider it alpha until a few design issues have been solved. I will try to keep the public methods (shown above) compatible with future releases.
Oh yeah, some abbreviations I use often in this module, especially in naming subroutines: cmd- command, lib- library,opt- option,var-variable, gen- general, attr- attribute .
Fry::Shell is a simple and flexible way of creating an application for a group of functions (a shell). Unlike other light-weight shells, this module facilitates (un)loading libraries of functions and thus encourages creating shells tailored to several modules. Although the shell is currently only viewable at the commandline, the framework is flexible enough to support other views (especially a web one :). This module is mainly serving(will serve) as the model in an MVC framework.
From a user perspective it helps to know that a shell session consists of mainly four components: libraries (lib), commands (cmd), options (opt) and variables(var). Commands and options are the same as in any shell environment: a command mapping to a function and an option changing the behavior of a command ie changing variables within it or calling functions before the command. Variables store all the configurable data, including data relating to these commands and options. Libraries are containers for a related group of these components.
Here's a quick rundown of Fry::Shell's features:
- Subclassable: almost all functions are defined as class methods making this module easily subclassable
- Loading/unloading shell components at runtime.
- Flexible framework for using shell features via plugins.
You can even set up a bare minimum shell needing no external modules! Currently
plugins exist for dumping data,readline support,reading shell configurations and
viewing shell output.
- Commands and options can be aliased for minimal typing at the commandline.
- Commands can have help and usage defined.
- Commands can have user-defined argument types.
One defines argument types by subroutines or tests that they should pass.
These tests are then applied to a command's defined argument(s).
With defined argument types, one can also define autocompletion
routines for a command's arguments.
- Options can modify variables.
Since variables exist for almost every aspect of the shell, options
can change many core shell functions. A handy example is 'parsesub'
which names the current parse subroutine for the current line.
Changing this var would change how the input after the options is
- Options can have different behaviors defined including the ability to invoke
subroutines when called or to maintain a value for a specified amount of iterations.
- Default options include 'menu' which numbers output and allows the next command to
reference them by number.
- Page output with preferred pager.
- Multiline mode.
- Comes with a decent default library,Fry::Lib::Default, to dump,list or
unload any shell component, run system commands,evaluate perl statements
and execute methods of autoloaded libraries.
The two main ways to start a shell session are via &shell and &once. The advantage of &once, at least in a commandline environment, is that it is easily shell scriptable since it is noninteractive. To set up &once :
my $sh = Fry::Shell->new(prompt=>$prompt);
To set up &shell:
my $sh = Fry::Shell->new(prompt=>$prompt);
SYNOPSIS Explained
What can you do in your shell? Run any subroutines which you define as commands (or even better commands defined by libraries). Even if your subroutines are not defined they can still be executed by typing the subroutine's name. In SYNOPSIS above, &evalIt is such a subroutine.
Looking at &evalIt's innards, you see that the first argument is $o which is the shell object. This is due to most commands being called as an object method. You also see ' $o->Flag("strict") ' which is a boolean flag to prepend a 'use strict' to the evaluated code. Since we defined an option as type flag when initializing the shell, we change the flag's value when we flip the option from the commandline (ie '-n evalIt $ref = "woah"; $foo = "ref"; print $$foo').
&listStations is a cool example of the menu option. You'll need to have a music player that can be executed via a system call, most likely a *nix environment, and that can play shoutcast radio stations (ie xmms). Without any options, this command simply prints a list of stations. If you use the menu option (ie '-m lS'), the next input line is parsed differently with numbers being substituted with corresponding positions from the variable lines. For example,'! xmms 2', would call xmms with the 2nd radio station in the variable lines. The &saveArray call is what passed the list of ip's to the variable lines.
Using Options
Options come before commands. How they are parsed depends on &parseOptions. By default, an option begins with a '-'. You can specify an option's alias or full name. To set an option's value put a '=' and the option value after it ie '-menu=1'. If no '=' comes after an option name then the option is treated as a flag and set to 1 (ie the previous example can be written '-menu').
Using Libraries
The SYNOPSIS section contains a good example of a shell with a couple of functions. But what happens if you expand on this and develop several more radio-playing commands and other eval-based commands? You would probably break them up into separate shells as the shell gets crowded with too many commands you don't need for a given session. It's at this point that a library comes in handy.
A library is simply a group of related subroutines. At its simplest you can place your functions in a library, load the library and be able to execute any of the functions. You can load library(ies) when initializing a shell via the libs attribute :
or after initialization via &initLibs:
$sh->initLibs([qw/:Lib1, Fry::Lib::Lib2/]);
Notice the shorthand ':Lib1' in both examples. This abbrevations means Fry::Lib::Lib1 and is valid notation for &initLibs and &loadLibs.
Even if no libraries are specified, a shell loads the lib Fry::Lib::Default. Its functions enable you to view and change the core shell components.
Writing Libraries
Libraries are usually placed under Fry::Lib. Other namespaces will work for now but are only recommended if you can't get under the Fry::Lib namespace . To use most shell features, you need to define shell components in your library. Currently this is only done via &_default_data. However, since it only returns a hashref, there are many possible ways of storing configuration data ie databases,xml,dbm, FreezeThaw ...
A good library example is Fry::Lib::Default.
&_default_data returns a hashref that can set library attributes and create any shell component. It consists of any of the following keys:
depend(\@): lists other libraries that this library depends on.
Dependent modules and their configurations are required and read before the current library.
This parameter can also take the abbrevation of &initLibs of a beginning colon meaning 'Fry::Lib::'.
cmds(\%): Defines commands with each id pointing to a defined object. A command object's attributes are explained in Fry::Cmd.
opts(\%): Defines options with each id pointing to a defined object. An option object's attributes are explained in Fry::Opt.
vars(\%): Defines variables with each id pointing to a defined object. A variable object's attributes are explained in Fry::Var.
lib(\%): Defines pseudo-components, in development. Can take following keys:
cmds(\@): Used with &objectAct to treat an autoloaded module's methods as library commands.
This is an optional subroutine that initializes anything within the library after loading
its configuration data. Its explicitly run via &Fry::Lib::runLibInits.
Writing Library Functions
Since libraries functions are treated as shell object methods, the first argument in any command-defined function is a shell object. With a shell object you have many of its features available to you. The section Public Library Interface covers all methods available to a library. I'll briefly emphasize the essential ones: dumper,Flag,setFlag,Var,view,_die and _warn.
Since Fry::Shell is written with a flexible view in mind, it is recommended to pass all your output to &view. By doing this, your functions' output can be displayed by any plugin under Fry::View. However, if you want to write libraries that are as portable as possible, you'll avoid embedding view methods. So how will you display your command's output? Return the data structure you want displayed in your functions. See Fry::Lib::Default for examples. &autoView then displays the command's output. &autoView supports the following data structures: array, arrayref,hashref and scalar. Anything more complicated should be dumped.
For error throwing I recommend using &_die and &_warn, which are configurable via variables diesub and warnsub. For now they are mainly a means of centralizing errors. For retrieving variables, use &Var for one variable and &varMany for many. For dumping data structures,I recommend using &dumper which calls a dump plugin's main method. Being a plugin, it provides multiple ways to dump a data structure. The final methods that should be emphasized are &Flag and &setFlag which retrieve and set flag values.
A dilemma you mave come across when developing more complex libraries is portability. Perhaps you want to reuse a library's functions in other applications. Your library will fail in other applications that don't define shell object methods. The obvious solution is minimizing the use of shell object methods throughout your code. Although some methods are hard to work around (ie &_warn and &_die which you either use or don't), you can work around the variable and flag-related methods. Define global hashes for Fry::Shell flags and variables. Then write a wrapper around the command setting the needed variables and flags:
my (%flag,%var);
sub commandMammoth {
my $o = shift;
#set variables
for my $v (qw/Pi fodder goatcheese/) {
$var{$v} = $o->Var($v)
#set flags
for my $f (qw/complex simple fakeit/) {
$flag{$f} = $o->Flag($f)
#original command
#use %flag and %var in mammothAlgorithm
Fry::Shell plugins provide flexibility for often used shell features both in functionality and in module dependency. In making Fry::Shell as portable as possible, the default plugins do not require any external modules. If Data::Dumper and Term::ReadLine::Gnu are detected,their plugins are autoupgraded. When a plugin is loaded it is required and then initialized via &setup. Plugins do not currently have their own shell components like libraries. There are currently four plugins: View, ReadLine,Dump and Config.
View handles the view of the shell. Currently only a commandline view exists. A view outputs to the filehandle specified by the var 'fh' and should have special output formats for an array and a hash. A view's methods can be accessed via the accessor View ie $o->View->list(@output).
ReadLine plugins are usually interfaces to Term::ReadLine::* modules. Its main method is &prompt which reads input and returns it. These plugins are still in a state of flux and will delve into run-time configurable autocompletions as well as command history logging. Fry::Shell comes with three of these plugins:
Fry::ReadLine::Default- only reads and returns, no features
Fry::ReadLine::Basic- basic interface to Term::ReadLine
Fry::ReadLine::Gnu- uses Term::ReadLine::Gnu and provides auto completion of
options,commands and a command's arguments (if defined).
Dump renders complicated data structures viewable. As there are at least a handful of dumper modules I thought it would be handy to offer this flexibility. A dump's methods can be accessed via the accessor Dump ie $o->Dump->dump(@stuff).
Config plugins read configuration data (as if you didn't know). Currently only
file configurations exist. Configurations are read when initializing the shell. There are two
configurations,a core one and a global one. The core one is read after loading data in this module's
&_default_data. Part of the core data contains plugin classes so redefine them here. Since the core
config is read before you can specify your preferred config plugin, it will always be read by
Fry::Config::Default which requires a hashref named $conf. The global config is the place to
redefine any shell components from loaded libraries. Loading a configuration is done via a plugin's
Configurations can also be loaded at the script level via &loadFile.
Config Data Structure Format
A configuration defines a hashref similar to a library's &_default_data, no suprise since
they're both defining shell components. It consists of any of the following keys:
cmds(\%): Defines commands with each id pointing to a defined object. A command object's attributes are explained in Fry::Cmd.
opts(\%): Defines options with each id pointing to a defined object. An option object's attributes are explained in Fry::Opt.
vars(\%): Defines variables with each id pointing to a defined object. A variable object's attributes are explained in Fry::Var.
Configuring Core Variables
When configuring core shell components (defined in this module's &_default data), you'll usually modify variable values. Here's a quick overview of core variables and what they do (note,variables take a scalar value unless indicated otherwise):
defaultlib: default library loaded instead of Fry::Lib::Default
base_class: name of class which inherits autoloaded classes
cmd_class: name of class which inherits loaded libraries
plugin_config: config plugin
plugin_readline: readline plugin
plugin_dump: dump plugin
plugin_view: view plugin
defaultlibs(\@): default libraries to load
alias_parse(\%): mapping commandline aliases to parse subroutine names
parsesub: current parse subroutine
warnsub: subroutine called by &Fry::Error::_war
diesub: subroutine called by &Fry::Error::_die
fh: current filehandle for output
view_options(\%): contains options to be passed at
eval_splitter: used by &parseEval to delimit where normal parsing ends and where eval parsing begins
field_delimiter: delimits fields used by Fry::View::* modules
fh_file: used with fh_file option to specify filename
pager: name of preferred pager
mline_char: regular expression indicating end of a multiline command
pipe_char: regular expression used to delimit piping between command names on commandline
prompt: shell prompt
core_config: name of core config file
global_config:name of global config file
lines: used by the menu option
loaded_libs(\@): currently loaded libraries
Loading Order of Shell Components
When considering where and how to overwrite shell component values, it helps to understand in what order they are loaded. Here it is: config of Fry::Shell library, core config, config of all other libraries, global config,load_obj option of &new and options setting variable values.
Useful Options
Fry::Shell comes with a few handy options (defined in &_default_data):
parsesub: sets the current parsing subroutine, handy when needing to pass a command a
complex data structure and want to use your own parsing syntax
menu: sets parsesub to parseMenu thus putting the user in a menu mode
where each output line is aliased to a number for the following
command, explained in SYNOPSIS Explained section
fh_file: sends command's output to specified file name
pager: sends command's output to preferred pager
autoview: flag which turns on/off autoview and a command's subroutine outputs for itself
skiparg: flag which turns on/off skipping command argument checking
Defining Parsers
You can define your own parse subroutines to parse the input after options. A parse subroutine receives its input as a string and returns the command and its arguments in an array.
sub parseMyWay {
my ($o,$input) = @_;
return (split(/ |,/$input))
Good examples of parse subroutines are any parse* methods. You can define your own parse subroutines by putting them in any library to be loaded. To alias the subroutine, add an entry to the variable alias_parse. I would recommend doing this in a global config file. Don't forget to also place the defaults key-value pairs of alias_parse in the redefinition.
Multiline Mode
To start a multiline session you flip the multiline option (ie '-M'). The multiline mode lasts as long as it doesn't encounter the variable mline_char, default being ';'. Multiple lines of input are joined by a whitespace.
Using Autoloaded Libraries
This is a sweeet feature implented via &classAct and &objectAct that allow you to load a normal module and act on its object and/or class methods. See Fry::Lib::Default for details.
Class Methods
Public class methods have been divided into script and library interface categories. These categories are only recommendations and a shell object's script method could be called in a library and vice versa. A method's arguments are described via data structure symbols @,$,% and a descriptive name. Optional arguments are described in perl regular expression format.
Public Script Interface
Public methods that are recommended for usage in a script which runs a shell session.
new(%options): Creates a shell object and creates its shell components ie load
libraries and initialize core data. It can take any variable
name and value pairs as well as the following keys:
load_obj(\%): Creates shell components via &setAllObj,see it for data
structure format
libs(\@): Loads libraries after having loaded all libraries specified in
lib($): Uses a lib class other than Fry::Lib.
cmd($): Uses a cmd class other than Fry::Cmd.
opt($): Uses an opt class other than Fry::Opt.
var($): Uses a var class other than Fry::Var.
Note: For further description of core variables look at the above section
Configure Core Variables. You can pass a core variable as an option just like any
other variable.
shell(@input?): Starts the shell's main loop. Optional argument is input to first loop iteration.
once(@input?): One iteration of loop. If optional argument isn't given, prompts for input.
runCmd(@args): Executes given command and arguments.
initLibs(@libs): Loads libraries and calls library initialization subroutines.
loadLibs(@libs): Only loads libraries.
loadFile($file): Reads config file via config plugin.
loadPlugins(@vars): Loads plugins by their variable name ie plugin_config.
setVarObj(%id_to_obj): Creates Variable objects, expected hash maps ids of
objects to objects.
setOptObj(%id_to_obj): Creates Option objects in same way as &setVarObj.
setCmdObj(%id_to_obj): Creates Command objects in same way as &setVarObj.
setLibObj(%id_to_obj): Creates Library objects in same way as &setVarObj.
setAllObj(%id_to_obj): Creates objects for a library's shell components with the following keys:
cmds(\%): passes argument to &setCmdObj
opts(\%): passes argument to &setOptObj
vars(\%): passes argument to &setVarObj
Public Library Interface
Public methods that are recommended for usage in a library.
saveArray(@args): Sets the lines variable for use with the menu option.
Var($var): Returns a variable value.
varMany(@var): Returns several variable values.
setVar(%var_to_value): Sets variable values with hash mapping variables to values.
List($shell_component): Returns list of object ids for given shell component
class; valid arguments are lib,var,opt,cmd.
listAll($shell_component): Returns list of object ids and their aliases for given shell component
view(@arg): Calls the view plugin's &view. This is the recommended subroutine
to print out most data.
dumper(@arg): Calls the dump plugin's &dump for dumping a data structure.
Note that dumping doesn't output the data structure but returns a string
dump. To print out a dump you could do this:
Flag($flag): Returns a flag's value.
setFlag($flag,$value): Sets a flag's value, which should be 1 or 0.
Accessors for shell component classes:
lib: library class
cmd: command class
var: variable class
opt: option class
Accessors for plugin classes: Returns a plugins' class name. Used to call a plugins' methods ie
Dump: dump plugin
View: view plugin
Rline: readline plugin
Config: config plugin
Class Methods to Redefine
Methods recommended to redefine when creating your own Fry::Shell subclass.
preLoop(): This subroutine executes at the beginning of every shell loop.
postLoop(): This subroutine executes at the end of every shell loop.
loopDefault($cmd,@arg): This subroutine executes if no valid command is given. By default this sub
returns an error message of an invalid entry. It is passed an array containg the command and
its arguments.
See Also
Class::Data::Global for global class data questions.
For similar light shells, see Term::Shell,Shell::Base and Term::GDBUI.
For big-mama shells look at Zoidberg and PSh.
There are a jazillion things I would like to do with this module. Top priorities are writing a Devel tutorial to better explain Fry::Shell's innards and to rewrite the Class::DBI libraries so that they are compatible with this version. Then ...
priority 1
autoload modules
develop framework around &objectAct
be able to load:
OO methods ie List::Compare
class methods ie Class::DBI
functions ie Date::Manip
view plugin: cgi view
develop configuration format for autoloaded modules and plugins
menu or option-based choosing of a class's global settings
menu or option-based choosing of a module's functions
error framework
edit cmd in file
save history between sessions
save cmds to file to edit + reexecute
save currently done cmds,quit and redo w/ a command
map commands to keys
cmdline options in how + what to autocomplete
priority 2
make parser object to be used by option parsesub
autoset w/ cmds
check that var exists for opt of type var
define pre+post subs
autoaliasing arguments
define a return attribute- this could allow autocompleting
commands that can be piped another command's input
autousage from arg
Me. Gabriel that is. I welcome feedback and bug reports to cldwalker AT chwhat DOT com . If you like using perl,linux,vim and databases to make your life easier (not lazier ;) check out my website at
Although I've written up decent tests there are some combinations of configurations I have not tried. If you see any bugs tell me so I can make this module rock solid.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.