HPCI::SystemLogger - This role provides an optional system logger


Defines a systemlogger attribute which logs the return status of the group exwecution.

Not provided by default, but it can usefully included with a HPCI::LocalConfig to set a local system logging facility. The saved logs can be examined for such purposes as scanning for recurring errors coming from individual hardware components of the cluster.


  • systemlogger - a code reference

    This code reference (if provided) is called at the completion of group execution. It is called with two parameters: the group object, and the return_status hash.

    The provider of this attribute (usually the HPCI::LocalConfig module) is responsible to providing additional code to determine the location and format of the logged data, although the write_system_log method provided below can be used to write info in a useable format to a provided file handle.

  • write_system_log - method to write a result description to a file handle

    Can be used by the systemlogger to do the actual log writing, after systemlogger has opened a file handle to the proper destination.