Test::More::Behaviour - BDD module for Perl
cpan -i Test::More::Behaviour
describe 'Bank Account' => sub {
context 'transferring money' => sub {
it 'withdrawals amount from the source account' => sub {
my $source = BankAccount->new(100);
my $target = BankAccount->new(0);
$source->transfer(50, $target);
is($source->balance, 50);
it 'deposits amount into target account' => sub {
my $source = BankAccount->new(100);
my $target = BankAccount->new(0);
$source->transfer(50, $target);
is($target->balance, 50);
Test::More::Behaviour is a Behaviour-Driven Development module for Perl programmers. It is modeled after Rspec ( the infamous BDD tool for Ruby programmers.
Since Test::More::Behaviour uses Test::More as its 'base', you can treat every Test::More::Behaviour test as if it were Test::More!
This project is built with the philosophy that 'Tests are the Documentation'. For a full set of features, please read through the test scenarios.
- describe
Use to group a set of examples of a particular behaviour of the system that you wish you describe.
- it
An example to run.
- context
Use this to further establish deeper relations for a set of examples. This is best used when several examples have similar interactions with the system but have differring expectations.
- before_all =item before_each =item after_each =item after_all
You can use these to define code which executes before and after each example or only once per example group.
The source code for Test::More::Behaviour can be found at
None, yet. But please, send me an email or send me a github pull request with a broken test (and your fix if you're able to) and I will be more than happy to fix.
Test::More Term::ANSIColor version IO::Capture::Stdout (test only)
Matthew Boston <matthew DOT boston AT gmail DOT com> with special thanks to Dustin Williams.
* I assume no responsibility if this documentation is incorrect or outdated. The tests are fully documenting of this software.
2 POD Errors
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 133:
'=item' outside of any '=over'
- Around line 152:
You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'