perl-version-bump - Bump the declared Perl version of some Perl code


perl-version-bump [options] <file> ...


--version <version>      Update to a specific Perl version

--min-version <version>  When going down the version trying to find one
                         that compiles, stop at the given version

--no-safe                Skip trying to compile the bumped code,
                         and just bump the version

--env VAR=VALUE          Set the given environment variable to the
                         given value, and pass it to the compilation

--env VAR                Pass-through the given environment variable
                         to the compilation setup

--help                   Show the option summary and exit

--manual                 Show the full documentation


perl-version-bump updates the Perl version declaration in the given files to the requested one.

The Perl language version the code expects to run against is declared with use VERSION in the code itself.

By default, perl-version-bump updates the source code and then tries to compile it. If compilation fails, it tries again with an earlier version, all the way back to the currently declared version in the file, the value of the --min-version option, or v5.10, whichever is the more recent.

The environment in which the files are compiled can be setup using one or more --env options.