Process::SubProcess - Library to manage Sub Processes as Objects


Process::SubProcess implements a Class to manage a Sub Process and read its Output and Errors

The Idea of this API is to launch Sub Processes and keep track of all Output on STDOUT, STDERR, the EXIT CODE and possible System Errors at Launch Time in an object oriented manner. This allows an easy aggregation and thus the creation of Sub Process Groups and Sub Process Pools for simultaneous execution of multiple Sub Processes while keeping the execution logs separated.



runSubProcess ( [ COMMAND | OPTIONS ] )

This creates adhoc an <Process::SubProcess> Object and runs the command given as string.

COMMAND a single scalar parameter will be interpreted as command to execute without any additional options.

OPTIONS are passed in a hash like fashion, using key and value pairs. Combining the command with additional OPTIONS also requires the COMMAND to be part of the hash.



This is the constructor for a new SubProcess.

CONFIGURATIONS are passed in a hash like fashion, using key and value pairs.

Administration Methods

setArrProcess ( CONFIGURATIONS )

This Method will asign Values to physically Data Fields.

CONFIGURATIONS is a list are passed in a hash like fashion, using key and value pairs.